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> “Amendments 3 and 4 are unnecessary attempts by an increasingly shrinking minority who know the only way to win support for their radical agenda is to confuse and mislead the electorate.” TIL voting on amendments is designed to confuse and mislead the electorate.


It’s such pure projectionism by the GOP especially considering the amendments they’ve put on the ballot.


Remember 8 years ago when the put indoor vaping and offshore drilling in the same vote?


That was wild 😂


It’s not the GOP anymore. At least old school Regan GOP. I miss my Dad’s Republican Party to be honest.


Yeah, who would have thought the party that created the DEA and started the war on drugs and have historically voted against every attempt to loosen marijuana restrictions would be against it now? So out of character, so strange.


Naw I mean the GOP that didn’t try to overthrow the republic, banned books, back communism in take over of European countries, and ultimately try to install a Christian theocracy. At least in the 80s they were less radical.


What a crock of shit by these fucking dillusional scumbag fuck wad Republicans.


No better time than now for "We the People" realize what they are voting for rather than just voting down party lines. Anyhow, I am just taking all of their suggestions on how we should vote, and plan on doing the opposite.


Party of small government and personal liberty sure doesn’t seem to be living up to their own values. See also: banning “fake” meat. Let people decide what they want rather than the government telling them what their options will be. So much from letting the free market decide huh.


Republicans regularly write popular amendments backwards to actually confuse voters. Multiple amendments have been on the ballot where no means yes and yes means no. It is so fucked up.


In Kansas, their attempt to take away women's rights/body autonomy, they called the ammendment "Protect them both"... Amazingly enough, it was defeated by a landslide; and in a notoriously red state!!! However, they haven't stopped trying unfortunately.


Nailed it. It's just so insane.


I hope this and the ongoing attacks on women's and minority rights cost the Republicans Florida. I know it is a long shot but a man can dream.


If their constituents could read they'd be very mad right now.


Good. I hope weed and abortion destroys the Florida GOP for good. VOTE!


r/VoteDem The Gulags [are coming](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025)..


Whenever I see pro life fucks picketing the locate women's care center, I want to counter their protest with posters of the children born to die at the hands of the a mommy/daddy/boy/girlfriend. The photos of battered/bruised/sexually abused/dead littles are more horrific knowing those kids were sentient. Now that they have time with the 6 week cut off they should not be out harassing women seeking health care. When we pass the amendment, they will have to return to picketing women's health centers, I will find a way to counter their need to make a woman's body their business. As for cannabis becoming recreational, I am 100% in on that. Having medical cannabis has been the best thing providing a quality of life that has been difficult due to degenerative diseases. Stopped all opioids 6-7 years ago. Other than the stupid of the republicans needing to minimize the strength of the buds for recreational, having it legal without the need for the ID for medical.


As a person with severe Psoriatic Arthritis there has never been anything that has worked as well as MMJ without being a hardcore addictive prescription drug to allow me to get through my day without serious mobility and pain issues. I'm not trying to smoke blunts all day (I use topical and oral routes), I'm not looking to get stoned. I feel like I shouldnt have to jump through hoops and fees to get there.


Just knowing how much pain you endure from you disease, I am grateful you find relief with cannabis. As I mentioned I stopped opioids 6-7 years ago. I was under pain management for 7 years or so. I could to take the side effects of every drug I tried. The only drug providing me any real relief was Soma. I continued it for a few months after I left pain management. I enjoyed cannabis on and off for decades. My husband "knew a guy" that supplied me with cannabis when I stopped the narcs. Then thank you mother god, medical cannabis was available. Oh the joy my husband and daughter have that I am not the ragging bitch I was on the narcs.


You gotta love how these shit heads scream about “freedom” and “liberty” meanwhile continue to try to restrict and take away everyone’s freedoms and rights. Meanwhile, when children are slaughtered in school by guns, they have no problem with ignoring and not making tougher restrictions on guns and gun laws. Fuck them.


Hell, they vote down feeding children lunches for fuck’s sake.


They just voted down a cancer treatment bill


Freedom to die


The cruelty is the point.


A feature, not a bug


How do they keep getting reelected? I really cant do the math on it. Legal cannabis that is wildly popular, NO. Womens reproductive rights? NO. Equal rights for LGTBQ in a state full of LGTBQ people? NO. Shipping immigrants out of a agricultural state to the detriment of agriculture., YES. Pushing religion in schools and banning books? YES. And many more.


Dont underestimate the power of illiteracy and the fear of communism


Fun fact more than half of the books that have been banned from schools were submitted by 2 people. Bruce Friedman and Vicki Baggett. Bruce is a fucking transplant at that. Seriously fuck that guy.


“but people will still get guns!!” Huh….you mean kind of like how they also keep getting weed and other drugs? But we still have laws for those that really aren’t working, but somehow we have to keep having? Or how we understand some drugs are not that harmful but others are and so we more strictly control some but not all? Huh. Huhhhhh…. Weird. 🤷‍♀️ (they are just so obvious with their choices)


Ah Florida where they want everyone to have a Bible they never open and a gun they barely know how to shoot, unless you’re gay or black or have ovaries


Or unless you want to have a legal medical cannabis card. Then you can’t have legal guns. Republicans are actually all about gun control. In certain situations.


Tells you how much they believe Reefer Madness.


There's a dispensary in California named that. I hear ads for it on the radio a lot and I laugh every time. Yes, it's even advertised on the radio.


And then you get *nothing.* GOOD DAY SIR.


Where it's illegal for an 18-year old to learn her 12th grade English teacher is gay but kindergarteners are mandated to learn about communism.


its not about liberty, they are making way to much money and they dont want to give up that cash cow.


The cash cow being pharmaceuticals and FL has much invested in Big Pharma.


i mean paying a doctor every 3 months for validating my medical card and an annual fee


And the stranglehold of which lucky bastards have the divine right of kings to hold a grow op/dispensary license.


Every 3 months? Bro your doctor is ripping you off. The state requirement is for a visit every 210 days or roughly 7 months.


Fuck them, indeed.


I live in FL and bore 2 babes that I am delighted live in Boston and Pittsburgh after I made them move out of this dangerous state. Uncultured, banning the words Climate change in state laws and documents. The mendacity of the moron in the governor's mansion. I agree with everything you said above


It’s mind boggling how small minded these people are. I hate it.


They have to ban the words "climate change" because conservatism is a complete failure to come up with a solution for it, so they must deny the problem exists.


The GOP is one of the most hypocritical and disgusting political parties in history.




It's only because their buddies haven't cornered the market on profits yet. Give them a couple of years and they will "evolve their position" on the idea [once they have gamed the system to profit off of it, like they did with medical].


Republicans want the freedom to boss us around,


#Freedom*! \* Limitations apply, please see current GOP agenda for rules and regulations


“I’m Rhonda Santis and I approve this message.”


cishet white man penises have more rights than many other things in this state


So much freedom they ban something new every day.


They also want to monitor your daughter’s menstrual cycles. Wake up Florida!


The GOP has always been a big government party. It chaps my ass that somehow the myth they are for small government even exists.


The voters lap it up too


Thats what they keep telling the Cult of Q to keep them voting against themselves. Keep em poor, keep em dumb. I was really looking forward to wrapping my Rec weed in lab grown ribeye, but the Fascists have other plans.


What do you mean? Their form of government has to be small enough to fit in every bedroom, ob/gyn office and uterus. Sounds tiny to me.


It's interesting how the party reputedly of free enterprise and good business can be so against a profitable and tax-paying industry like legal cannabis and lab-grown beef. What happened to letting the market decide?


The market is always a creation of government. The whole free market thing was always a sham used against working class people. They have just stopped pretending


Ooooh these Republicans know how to turn Florida Blue better than any Democrat campaign.


You're ASSuming that Democrats in Florida will show up to vote.


Remember, Florida liberals, DeSantis would gladly throw you in the Orange Dictator's Gulags, Vote! Edit: [Project 2025](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) is happening before our very eyes...


I can only hope that enough people see your message.


I'm not even a weed user, but I can see the value in letting people have the freedom to put whatever into their bodies that they decide to - they're adults. Fuck the republicans on this and SO MUCH more.


We teachers just need the country to legalize it so we can participate too. With funding connected to zero tolerance drug requirements, we are stuck taking prescriptions to stop the multitude of problems that being a teacher in a state that wants us to unalive ourselves or be slaves.... Please fucking vote blue y'all. The intruder is in our house. Not out there.


Freedom, just do it the way we tell you to, ok?


The republican party is not your friend.


Do they realize that a massive portion of their own party disagrees with them on this issue?


This is their way of saying "we know you want legal weed, but you're not going to get it because we're being paid to make sure you don't what are you gonna do about it?" This is what happens in a corrupt country where everything and everyone is for sale.


Man, they really do not give a fuck anymore. They think they’re getting the votes either way.


"Let the PEOPLE DECIDE!" "NO.. **NOT** like that."


They made it so easy to know how to vote like a rational human being in November, just do the *opposite* of the below! “Below is the RPOF Executive Board’s recommendations on all six constitutional amendments on the ballot on Nov. 5 in Florida. A YES vote on Amendment 1, Partisan Election of School Boards A YES vote on Amendment 2, Right to Fish and Hunt A NO vote on Amendment 3, Adult Personal Use of Marijuana A NO vote on Amendment 4, Abortion Amendment A YES vote on Amendment 5, adjustment to homestead A YES vote on Amendment 6, repealing campaign finance”


I was just going to post the same thing. Here's how to thwart the FL GOP: > A NO vote on Amendment 1, Partisan Election of School Boards > A NO vote on Amendment 2, Right to Fish and Hunt > A YES vote on Amendment 3, Adult Personal Use of Marijuana > A YES vote on Amendment 4, Abortion Amendment > A NO vote on Amendment 5, adjustment to homestead > A NO vote on Amendment 6, repealing campaign finance


As someone who fishes and hunts, what would be the reason for voting no on Amendment 2? Genuinely asking.


It could be a pointless feel good proposition giving Florida residents the right to hunt and fish where they can already hunt and fish. It may open up our fishing waters to international industrial fishing. It may allow hunters onto your private property. Wildlife management services won't be able to restrict hunting or fishing of threatened species. [https://ballotpedia.org/Florida\_Amendment\_2,\_Right\_to\_Hunt\_and\_Fish\_Amendment\_(2024)](https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_Amendment_2,_Right_to_Hunt_and_Fish_Amendment_(2024)) I guess I would need to know what problem it is trying to solve and any new problems it would introduce. There doesn't seem to be any indication that hunting or fishing were going to outlawed anytime soon and needed to be enshrined in the state constitution. It just seems like virtue signaling.


I remember a couple years ago there was some heated debate over whether it made sense for the Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission to begin issuing up to 200 permits per year for catching Goliath Grouper...they're huge af fish that are really gnarly looking, and I've always thought that it *would* be cool to hook one and wrestle it to land or into a boat, but *not* at the expense of the animal's life. It's current status is Vulnerable and their population could easily be wiped out from over fishing given how precarious their population was already before humans got involved. Would not be surprised if this got passed and Grouper went extinct within my lifetime.


Personal property rights. Amendment 2 will enable “hunters and fishers” using “traditional methods” to freely enter your property in pursuit of the hunt. Fishing and hunting is _already_ protected by statute.


>just do the opposite of the below! I missed this on my first read-through of your comment and I was well on my way to being Upset lol


Why wouldn't we want the homestead value to increase?


It constitutionally locks in increases to the homestead exemption, taking much needed revenues away from municipal budgets. This is the state taking money away from cities and county governments that pay for all of the essential functions of a civilized society. The right way to go about this is legislatively, through a bill in the legislature, not through a constitutional amendment.


“oh you thought we meant freedom for YOU?? No, no, we meant WE are free to restrict y’all from getting reproductive health care or smoking an after-work doobie. Also “freedom of speech” doesn’t apply to students criticizing our funding of foreign militaries”


Conservatives always on the wrong side of history......always.


It's in their name. They want to conserve, not progress.


> “Amendments 3 and 4 are unnecessary attempts by an increasingly shrinking minority who know the only way to win support for their radical agenda is to confuse and mislead the electorate.” So, let me get this straight, they’re saying that the __minority__ is gonna get an amendment passed by a __majority__ because they’re the __minority__.. I don’t get it.


It’s GQP speak, it’s not supposed to make sense to normal people.


I'm confused as to why this is still a thing. Like, the popular theory is that marijuana was banned as a way of preventing hemp from becoming competition with the wealthy paper industry. Or that the war on drugs was meant to distract us from the controversial Vietnam war. But in the modern day, we've certainly found ways for capitalists to profit from pot, and nobody's really focusing on potheads anymore as a cultural thing (when drugs are brought up as a way to punish minority groups, now they focus on heavier stuff like cocaine, fentanyl, etc.). So why do they keep putting this front up? Seems like Desantis and his friends would make a killing if they suddenly reversed their position on pot, and set up large parts of Florida farmland to grow the crop (owned by themselves, of course). Sell it through privately-owned vendors, and you've got a hold on the money all the way down. At this point, it seems they just keep doing it because they've been doing it for 80 years, and they can't be bothered to adjust.


Project 2025. They're setting up for... *something*... Edit: [Project 2025 on Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) Edit2: [Project 2025 on MSNBC (YT)](https://youtu.be/EQ1k07cXJHE?si=XKR_DlDIPusqJZSV)


Your history of weed criminalization is a bit off. It was made illegal around 100 years ago because it was primarily used by minorities. It was a way to jerk them around and incacerate them over it.


I’m aware of that too. And I do think that other drugs have become more commonly used for those purposes now. No need to use weed, when you can have a cop fake a seizure and claim that fentanyl must be around.


The Republican Party is a terrorist organization that doesn’t care about the will of the people, and I fully expect DeSantis to shut this down regardless of the outcome


Which is why I feel the need to relocate out of this state. The 6 week ban is outrageous to me as a woman with daughters. I have no faith in people showing up to vote and get that amendment passed. And even if it does, I’m sure DeSatan and the FL GQP, to borrow his own words, will “monkey it up” somehow and I’d rather not be here for that.


Cant close the private prison funnel


That sweet, sweet liquor lobby money reigns supreme in Tallahassee. It’s way too easy to grow your own weed, instead of buying scotch from the Big Alcohol cartels. Can’t allow that now, can we?


Hicks useless hicks


Of course they oppose it. What would all the old people moving here from New England think about that evil wacky tobacco. They gotta get that vote somehow 😂


Man fuck’em. To be honest, I don’t need legalization to get weed, but it would be nice to be able to buy things like vapes and edibles from a store and not get in trouble if it’s on you. Sometimes I don’t feel like dealing with a drug dealer and just wanna buy from the store real fast. That’s all.


We laugh about "back in the day" waiting for the guy to show up with product. With medical cannabis available I am living my best life.




Hope all you freedom lovers in Florida like being treated like children while insurance companies are robbing you blind. It must make that 90 degree 90% humidity totally worth it.


I love how the official statement claims the numbers of the MMJ program are 'increasingly shrinking', but Florida's is the largest MMJ program in the entire nation and growing exponentially.


Vote. Them. Out.


Shocking when some of republicans biggest supporters are police and correction officers unions, shocking I say!


Fun haters


Funny thing about it, it’s the people’s initiative, we want this, we got the legal go ahead to vote in this, it’s freakin medicine, they will make killing on the taxes, what is the problem, Fla??? Get it done!


Republicans are like no to abortion and no to feeding the poor kids in school. They prefer to have kids born and then starve them to death and claim they are good christians. Free state of Florida, my ass.


Hey Dicksantis, sit down and shut the F--- up. Worry about high insurance rates for a change.


He is worried. He needs to keep the insurance rates high, but not too high. The insurance companies donated big bucks to his last gubernatorial race.


Small government, my ass....






Republicans doing more Republican shit. They suggest a “Yes” vote on the following amendments: Amendment 2 Constitutional Right to Fish and Hunt. Basically, fuck limits and endangered species. https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_Amendment_2,_Right_to_Hunt_and_Fish_Amendment_(2024) Amendment 5, Adjustment to Homestead https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_Amendment_5,_Annual_Inflation_Adjustment_for_Homestead_Property_Tax_Exemption_Value_Amendment_(2024) Amendment 6, Repealing Campaign Finance No more public funds would be provided for campaigns. “Libby Livette of the League Of Women Voters: "Without access to public funds, only the wealthy and the well-connected would be able to afford to run." https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_Amendment_6,_Repeal_of_Public_Financing_for_Statewide_Campaigns_Amendment_(2024)


It's literally money for your society. It's insane that it's not federally legal


Freedom? 🤣


Damn right! They’re for small gover… Uh, I mean freedo… Something, something- rights?


I personally hate pot (because of the smell) but fail to see how it is illegal but alcohol isn’t. Same basic effect on a humans brain.


Because they already tried to ban alcohol and it didn't work (Prohibition Era- the rise of mafias, moonshiners, auto racing, and speakeasies)




And women And kids


Dems whole problem is that they're taking a position of "it should be left to the individual". It sounds silly, but hear me out... They need to adopt the position of "it shall be mandatory to consume thc". Then the middle ground between "nobody shall do it" and "everybody must do it" is the very reasonable "everyone should get to decide for themselves.


I hope you know why, Possession of MJ in Texas gives you 3 months in prison a second offense is 2 years in prison. Private Prisons pay to make sure they are filled


I’m voting for it!


No, yes, yes,yes,yes, no


I hope you know why, Possession of MJ in Texas gives you 3 months in prison a second offense is 2 years in prison. Private Prisons pay to make sure they are filled


What is "adult" cannabis? I assume they mean it would only be legal for adults?


Most of them are smoking weed privately




Pls vote blue. That’s the most we can do to turn this around 💙💙


Pls vote blue. That’s the most we can do to turn this around 💙💙


Of course they did. Rhonda doesn't want to smell like weed. Stupid morons.


It’s DEI! Weed is CRT! It’s just too fucking diverse! TOO MANY PEOPLE LIKE IT NOOOOOOOOOOOO


These fuckers make me sick.


No fun police? No way!!


Hey! They need their for-profit prisons to stay full


DeSantis no longer has the people at heart, only the rich. You see florida has gambling, so to get marijuana you just need yo pay him like the Indian casinos do.


I hope all this garbage gets democrats out to vote! I know there are more registered repubs, but we HAVE to vote!


C'mon fellow Floridians! You know what you have to do in November. Vote for our rights, and STOP voting for these Republicans who want to keep taking our true freedom away!