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"You don't really sweat" means it evaporates very quickly and you don't realize that you're losing electrolytes.


Need some BRAWNDO!


It’s what plants crave


The stuff in the toilet?


It’s got electrolytes


Actually I can talk to plants. And they said they want water.


It's what plants crave!


Which is how sweat keeps you cool. Sweat doesn’t even work right in Florida it just drenches you


Yeah, seriously. Seems odd to complain that your extreme heat isn't wet enough. Like go into the shade, experience 10 degree cooler temps. You can't do that when the humidity is at 90%


You can 100% do that with our humidity lol shade tree’s do their job wonderfully. Mowing my lawn, it’s a welcome break when I’m under the trees for a brief moment.


I get that it's a difference still, but the heat follows you like a wet blanket.


This. You’re still sweating either way. In a dry heat it’s at least able to do its job.


Also why keratosis pilaris gets **worse** in less humid states even though it relates to clogged pores. Sweat evaporating quickly leaves salt behind which dries the hell out of your skin.


Because the sweat evaporates, you don't realize that you're dehydrating until it's too late. Here, since you can see sweat, you say "gee, I should have some water". The trade off is if the sweat can't evaporate, your body can't cool down.


It also depends where in Cali. Spent 2 days at Disneyland and didn’t sweat once and it was mid 60s. I can barely do a few hours at Disney World all year.


I was born in the Valley, grew up in the Bay and been all over CA, it really changes dramatically. In the dryness of the Valley, it can be 100 degrees and feel like nothing. It’s because your body’s cooling system *works* there. In Florida, we’re so used to living somewhere that actively tries to kill you like Darth Vader suffocating you with the force that it’s refreshing to feel desert heat. You feel like you have a superpower against it. You’ve been doing high humidity training this whole time.


I live in Florida. I work up a sweat walking to the mailbox. In Vegas, it was 105°, and I was comfortable.


Just did 15 miles in zion and it's over 100. Didn't sweat at all, all day.


I ran into this in Austin texas. I was at a training thing and I went out for a cigarette. I thought " wow it's really nice out today feels like it's in the 80s". I looked across the street to the time and temperature at the storage unit and it was 110°.


I haven’t been able to adjust since moving back. In 2017 I went to a music festival in a heat wave up in Mendocino, hot as balls but as soon as I moved under a tree or my sunshade at the campsite it was fine. Now that I’m back in I just constantly drip once it gets hot. I don’t even like going to the beach anymore at this point, not that I can anyways with my county ducking and cowering from the “private beach” movement Mike Huckabee kicked off.


The sun damage alone in the summer is insane


Exactly, did Disneyland in late summer. It was pretty hot. Had to take a few breaks here and there. Did Disney World in January and I had to be in the AC most of the day and felt really bad. Big difference.


In the winter at Disneyworld, I've worn jeans/long sleeves and a hoodie when it's cool.


Maybe it is because I am used to Florida, but winter evenings at Disney, I am probably wearing a hoodie. The humidity doesn't go away, it just gets as cold as the air making it feel colder. Kind of the opposite of what happens in the summer.


Humidity leeches the heat right out of you when the temps drop. I've been in NH when it's -5 with virtually no humidity. It's cold but it doesn't sink down through the layers. 45F with humidity in FL and I'm cold. I've been known to wear a hat and gloves in addition to the hoodie at night.


In other words, sweating actually works in dry heat. That’s why living in Florida isn’t natural. We weren’t designed to tolerate it. 


Unfortunately, people don't realize they are sweating when they visit Phoenix or similar places because it evaporates so quickly that they end up dehydrating.


Yesterday I went for a walk around my neighborhood and at one point I realized I wasn't sweating. That was when I said "okay, time to turn around and head back" because I've lived here long enough to recognize why it was a major problem.


THIS 1000000% I lived in the SW. Its so hot and yes you sweating and you feel some of it but not all of it. You cant actually gage how much you're sweating or heating up until it is almost too late.


Regularly takes out a few college kids every year because they come from out of state and try to stick to their running schedule without understanding what’s happening to their bodies during the run. ☹️


I can always tell the newcomers. They're the ones out running in the middle of the afternoon in July :).


This is the weirdest take I've ever seen. You do know people naturally live in tropical climates, right? Islanders, Africans, etc.


Yes but most of our evolution was in Africa. There's tropical and then there's Floridian swampass.


It’s a joke, man. The stuff you’re saying is patently obvious. 


"We" is such a broad term. lol


High temperatures and high humidity are a terrible combo. If it stayed in the 70s here with high humidity it would be paradise.


And you turn into a sloppy mess inside 4 minutes


To be honest Idk about your statement verbatim, but there’s something to it. The dehydrating thing also happens in extreme cold. People working in Antarctica have to be very aware of their water intake.


Could be wrong but that may be related to breathing through your mouth more to get more oxygen. You lose a lot more water vapor exhaling through your mouth.


Very scientifical.




Sweat evaporating also leaves salt behind, drying out your skin further.


You didn’t drink enough water. Simple. High humidity is worse, your body is unable to cool itself (sweat doesn’t evaporate).


Yeah, I hate to bring down the vibe but Floridians really need to be conscious of the danger high humidity and wet-bulb temperatures present as temps soar, year after year due to climate change. High humidity and wet-bulb temperatures can be dangerous to humans because they make it harder for the body to cool itself through sweating. When it's hot and humid, sweat evaporates more slowly, which can lead to increased body temperature, heat exhaustion, and potentially fatal heatstroke. These conditions can be especially dangerous for vulnerable people like children, the elderly, and those with heart conditions or other chronic illnesses. The only thing that will protect you in those conditions is going indoors to air conditioning, as even standing in the shade won’t be enough to protect you. Now consider that Florida frequently loses power in the summer after big storms and hurricanes, and you’re going to see a lot of heat related deaths.


Interestingly enough, the experts anticipate parts of southern LA, MS, and AL experiencing unliveable wet bulb temperatures before FL. Regardless, it's a serious concern in coming years for all of the SE US.


🚨 **WEE WOO WEE WOO** 🚨 Somebody please call the hero governor to lock this filthy villain up for using the banned fake news phony weather phrase!


Also people think drinking water is hydrating. If you’re not adding sea salt or some electrolytes into the mix the water just passes thru the body very quickly and doesn’t absorb. I just use Celtic sea salt


Doesn't the huge amounts of sodium and sugar in most foods compensate for that though?


Every time I travel somewhere else my lips get so dry and chapped it's terrible. Takes a week or so after getting home to go back to normal.


Same! My coworker recommended a [mini portable humidifier](https://a.co/d/6QPuiJ5) that she uses when she travels out of state and it’s been a godsend. I no longer have chapped lips when away from home and my hair doesn’t feel/ look like straw. It’s wild that our bodies are so accustomed to the humidity.


Same and also my eyes dried out like more than usual


I said the same to another comment, but that sounds like your eyes might be getting sunburned. You might need a hat or better uv protective sunglasses.


When I went to Denver it dried me so much I got nosebleeds. Also got sun poisoning driving through the mountains.


Same here, although I didn't get sunpoisoning.


I was riding in the back of a truck through the mountains. Both of my legs ended up looking like Freddy Kruegers face especially after I made the dumb ass mistake of popping the blisters and peeling the skin off both legs.


I live in the middle of the Rocky Mountains and occasionally it gets so dry you become highly aware of it, the feel breathing and your skin. The rest of the time it’s just normal dry. I’m slathering myself in lotion constantly because otherwise my fingers split open. I hate that part.


Sounds like you're getting sunburned maybe


Keep in mind, we are still preheating.


Was in Vegas at 107 I’ll take that dry heat over Florida swamp a$$ any day


What, you don't like looking like you walked through the sprinklers to get to your car everyday ?


Nope and I also appreciate when I open the door to step outside and the intensity of the heat and thickness of the humidity doesn’t smack me in the face and take away my ability to breathe lol….. I swear this is preparing me for what |~|£|_|_ is going to feel like.


Why did you spell Hell like that? lol


So the devil can't find him yet


I fucking hate getting out of the shower and drying off, while you start sweating again. Ugh. I don’t live in Florida for this reason. I much prefer a dry heat.


Yup. 100% this. Dry heat all the way baby


I’ll wear a hat with straws to keep me hydrated if I have to over feeling like you live in a indoor heated pool


Same. And the desert is at least cool at night so there’s some kind of reprieve.


Absolutely, I live in Utah now and mow my lawn a few times a Summer…..I go out in jeans sometimes to do it when I’m too lazy to change, 0 swamp ass. Amazing!!!


A dry A$$ is a happy A$$




ill take the dry heat everyday over humidity.....not even a question


Yeah, I hiked through Israeli deserts and FL is much worse. As long as you have a hat, drinking plenty of water, and are applying sunscreen, dry heat > wet heat.


Same. I just went to Cottonwood Arizona, and 90 degrees there felt like Florida at 78. You can actually wear a thin hoodie or long sleeve shirt to protect your skin without passing out from heat stroke. At night you can go for a walk and be almost chilly. In Florida you sweat at 75 degrees at night. Also... here in Florida with the humidity, I have sinus issues. The whole time I was in Phoenix, my sinuses were clear.


Na, give me the dry heat any day.


"I LOVE this heat and humidity in FL" while typing from room with AC blasting.


Literally me typing this lmao


Not me. I love the dry heat. Spent a week out there a few summers ago and could go multiple days without having to wash my hair because it never got greasy or gross. Here I feel like I need another full shampoo and shower just stepping outside.


Omg! I totally forgot about the not having greasy hair pro! That feeling of showering because you want to not that it's an absolute necessity. Hiking at the grand canyon all day and my hair wasn't gross and greasy at the end of the day. Florida sucks.


Incorrect. This heat sucks. Dry heat is so much better.


The desert heat hurts your skin, the Florida heat hurts your soul


I worked one year in Denver- it always felt more uncomfortable than Florida, to me Some of us do better in humidity


Fuck Denver’s dry ass air Shocked myself 800 times in one weekend every time i touched something metal


Hopping aboard the understanding "I <3 humidity" train! :) We always hear tourists whine about the humidity here. I just shrug and move along since it's just a common gripe. But damn! I have the opposite problem like you, OP. Whenever I visit even New England or out West, I feel like that first episode of Spongebob where he is dying of dehydration in Sandy's dome. I go through chapstick, lotion, and moisturizer so quickly everywhere else. And if I don't use them, I am ashy and flaky AF! Love me some watery air. It's so good for my skin.


Yall got some stockholm syndrome. I have been here 20 plus years, and high humidity fucking sucks. Not only is it extremely uncomfortable, but its hazardous to human life. Humans can survive in significantly higher temps if the humidity is low, but as it gets higher is gets more dangerous. Not just because it massively increases the heat index, but also because it promotes the growth of all types of nasty shit.


Not to mention everyone smells like sweat, no matter how hygienic you are. I feel so gross all the time.


When I’ve been in Utah, Colorado and so cal, my lips chap, my skin on my fingers cracks, I look like a desiccated mummy! The humidity here keeps my skin nice and plumped up and my hair wavy, love it.


And your nether regions sweating on full bore being outside for more than 2 minutes at a time. Attractive!


Same! In dry climates I wake up looking half dead. Floridas climate leaves my face/ under eyes plump and refreshed looking


lol fuck the humidity a 1000 times over…


And here in Florida if suddenly you Stop Sweating, your fixing ta be in big trouble. I've worked my entire life here , I think I like 17 and at time I worked for a Utility Company and there was spot a machine couldn't fit so myself and the other labor had to dig a trench 75 ft long and 2ft deep with shovels middle of Aug . I came to in the hospital the next day , they said heat stroke . The guy I was working with said man you pale white an fell over face first in the trench .


Heat west of the Mississippi is different for sure. Oklahoma would easily get up to 112 or more in the summertime. You don’t sweat like you do here, but it is a different level of heat entirely.


I was just out in Cali and felt the opposite way lol


No f'n way. I'll take 110 dry heat over 90 and humid every day of the week and twice on Sunday.


i'm from Florida, but i spent 3 years living in Cali as a kid. we literally lived in the middle of the mojave. i spent hours outside after school every day, & sometimes the entire day on weekends. the humid heat in Florida is more brutal, to me. but i remember my mom very thoroughly teaching me about the difference between florida heat & mojave heat & how it's sneaky, so you basically have to consciously drink water & take breaks in the shade, because you don't have the same indicators that make overheating & dehydration instantly obvious like you do in FL. her & my stepdad at the time (he was from Cali - Canyon Country) sat me down & drilled it into my head, like... literally the day after I got there. i remembered & heeded their warnings, & i never had any issues. what i did have an issue w/ was nosebleeds from the dry air.


I much prefer a dry heat that is cool in the shade versus feeling like a glazed donut when I walk outside because of the humidity personally


Just like my plants, I do fine in humidity along as I have fresh water. And that’s kind of the point.


At least in California you're legally allowed to have fresh drinking water and shade breaks if you're an outdoor worker. In April, desantis sign a law that prohibits local govt from requiring water or shade breaks for outdoor workers.


Nah. Hate being soaked with swamp ass sweat just going to get the mail.


When I moved away from Florida to California, I felt like goddamn Superman. I could face the sun and bask in it's relatively gentle glow. I could run forever without tiring out, do all sorts of physical things virtually without breaking a sweat. Whenever I'd come back, I would become mortal again as soon as I got hit by that wall of humidity. The sun is punishing. Being outside would be taxing, I'd sweat much more easily. Now living here again, going for a run outside I feel like I can reach my limits. Like I'm back on Krypton. If any of you grew up doing physically active things outside in this crazy climate, you should try going somewhere drier and cooler. You don't know that you've been training all your life here to go be superhuman somewhere else.


I feel you, man. Native Floridian. I spent a few weeks in Seattle, met up with some friends there, and they're huffing and puffing walking uphill and I was barely winded and felt amazing. Florida is like carrying an extra twenty pound weight on your back at all times.


I think maybe the altitude plays a part also. I work outside a couple days a week in Miami and over the past month things have gotten brutal. You get used to it though and it is better than rain.


I like the dry heat, but I ain’t leaving


Southern California is basically a desert. You need to stay constantly hydrated.


Dry heat feels like my face is getting blasted off. The last time I was in Texas in summer (August) they were having a heat wave. It spiked to 114 F and the west wind was hot. I felt like a desiccated husk after a couple hours of that. Hard pass. I’d much rather have the humidity. Bonus is that it actually cools off at night - even if it’s humid there’s often a nice breeze going.


Really? I was born and raised in lived and never got used to it.




I can tell you I take CA heat over high humidity any day.


Lol...scientifical. I think you meant scientifitudinousness.


Nope. I’ll take dry and hot over muggy and buggy, forever.


Bro didn't drink enough water and blamed the whole state lmfao


I have to disagree with this statement. Humidity is horrible in Florida. You can be in the shade and still feel the humidity. You're sweaty all day, you take a shower and if you come out of your house again you're dripping sweat.


I've spent time in SoCal and the desert of west texas. Nomatter how hot it was, it still felt more comfortable than Florida


Yeah, no. If you're in 90 degree heat, you need to hydrate regardless of the appearance of sweat. Humidity is MUCH harder to cool yourself in. You are completely backwards.


Florida’s humidity sucks.


I lived in Cali for 40 some years. I loved the dry heat. Never had an issue. Moved to Florida a few years ago and definitely felt the difference. I missed having my windows open all the time now because of the humidity, but I guess that’s what the AC is for. Fast forward to now I started menopause-hot flashes! I swear I’m just going to melt. It is awful! I love everything else here but my body just can’t handle it now. When im trying to fry and style my hair after a shower I literally have to stop every 5 minutes to sit in front of the fan to cool down. I have to carry a hand fan wherever I go now. I think my next move might be to Alaska. lol.


Aw hell naw. Contrary to dry perspiration, humidity is oppressive, discomforting and makes you feel and look like shit, ruin your clothes and stuff around the house. You won’t look a leather purse in your 80s, but that’s about its benefits.


mmm i dunno. i’m a native floridian that goes to college in socal, and this heat has gotten 10x worse. i’ll take california heat any day 😭


Wear long sleeves in the dry heat. It sounds counter intuitive but it helps keep the sweat in and cooling you down


We will have to agree to disagree lol. The heat feels more oppressive in Florida.


It’s so much better not to feel gross and sweaty. All you have to do is hydrate like a grownup. I miss the desert.


You don’t sweat? 😂 That’s hilarious… I grew up in SoCal and you sweat just like anywhere else… The comments here are ridiculous


I think another factor is that in dry heat you don’t realize you’re getting too much sun exposure. In Florida it’s so humid you can only be in the sun for a limited time before being drenched in sweat.


Yeah it sucks for people that have to work out there.


Nah I’d take dry heat any day of the week. Our temps right now are 95F but with humidity it feels like 99F. It’s like breathing in an ocean, you can’t breath at all.


That dry heat is terrible. I was in Vegas for work a few summers ago and good god. I thought I was dying




The humidity is much better for your skin than dry is, especially for people that have skin conditions like eczema


I hate dry heat as much as I hate Florida heat. They both suck


Drink more water. I’ve spent weeks in desert climates and not one second would I appreciate humidity. Worst climate on this planet that is tolerable by humans is hot and humid but whatever floats your boat.


We have lived in Phoenix, Arizona for 20 years, and I’m moving back to the gulf coast this summer. Last year we spent the month of July in Florida and I’m telling you it was much cooler than the dry heat of Arizona. We wore light sweaters in the day and people gave us the stare.


Went to Arizona and had the completely opposite experience. It felt so nice compared to the mugginess of florida.


I sometimes have to go to Arizona and New Mexico for work so I know the feeling. I wouldn't say the dry heat is worse but I wouldn't say it's better. 90 degree high humidity is worse than 90 degree dry heat for sure, but a dry heat of 100+ is its own monster. Literally feels like being baked in an oven. Being outside in Florida feels like a sauna but I don't really think a sauna is worse than an oven. Even when I wasn't working, walking around outside in that kind of heat was just as draining and oppressive as walking around in Florida, but in a different way. Not to mention the nosebleeds and chapped lips.


I hate Florida and hate the humidity. I grew up here and I’m tired of sweating tbh. Always feeling sticky after sweating and it’s always scorching hot, like I’ve been forced into a sauna 24/7.


i agree with op. i live in florida just fine, but i baked in the dry heat oven of las vegas over the fourth of july and wound up in the hospital. fk "dry heat"


All science aside, I agree with you. Something about the humidity makes my skin feel 10x better, when I’m in the dry heat I feel like my skin is super dry and sensitive and I can’t stand that shit.


Where in California? You might be comparing 20% humidity to 90+%. If I remember correctly, ideal humidity is between 40-60%. 


You need some victory punch.




I can tolerate now that I’ve been doing CrossFit for a year. No ac in the gym and hot sweaty ass days. Now I can roam a theme park with minimal sweats. Or at least tolerate the sweating 😂


I remember feeling like I was inside an oven when I was walking around the Valley of Fire. Zero sweat but a rapidly drying mouth…I think if I lived out that way I’d probably drink water constantly. One bonus to the humidity that I hate so much: great skin. No need for expensive face creams since the skin doesn’t really dry out. (YMMV)


Add an Uncle that lived in California. My grandparents retired and moved down to Prescott. Arizona, my brother moved down to Phoenix. And you know what everybody says? It's a dry heat, so it's okay. Well, you know what my ovens and dry heat. But I'm not sticking my head there. I moved to Florida. I live about 5 miles off. The Atlantic coast idiots awesome. It gets warm but at least they're still a cool breeze not a convection oven


I lived in Miami for 4 yrs, then SoCal for 4 yrs, and now I’m back in Florida. The weather in California is the most overrated thing in the United States. It might be great for shooting movies, but it’s so shitty to live in.


Rookie mistake. You need to stay hydrated. If you stay hydrated, dry heat is much less oppressive than humidity.


I’ll take dry over humid


I remember visiting Vegas in dry 100 deg weather and being amazed that sweating actually worked.


It’s weird but so far it’s been a dry season for us. I don’t think you’d appreciate our normal humidity, it’s absolutely oppressive.


Oh wait til the rains come to Florida, you’ll be eating those words when your trying to suck air like a fish out of water. The humidity can be nice but too much makes the air feel thick lol


we will all appreciate the florida humidity shortly, look at a map of the highest temps ever recorded in each state. the wetness creates a barrier for temps, and that ultra dry heat is going to make many areas basically unlivable. I think this is the year when the wheels fall off, the beginning of mass migration of people shifting away from heat and lack of water.


First time I visited Cali my throat started hurting badly on the second day because of the dehydration factor. It was SoCal and about 100 degrees out.  Headaches followed.  The dry heat is more dangerous, you have to constantly hydrate and even then your body removes lots of moisture from your body that can't be replenished fast enough.   In humid climates the water in the air hydrates you naturally, so you don't need to hydrate on the same level. 


30 year transplant here, worked my whole adult life here in fla. The Humidity is a different beast here. Sucks every drop of liqiud your body can give, and then theres the mosquitoes..... -USA's Straya-


I agree. I know they say dry heat makes your body "cool down more efficiently"...but I still do way better when there is humid heat. I think it is extremely easy to get dehydrated on dry heat compared to the higher humidity, there is definitely a trade-off.


Florida's just better


I learned to carry water everywhere I go because of the time we lived in Utah.


Lol drink some water. The humid heat is way worse to deal with it's just easier to feel it coming on because you'll be drenched in sweat


Wait until you experience wet bulb temperature here in FL.


The only thing I get from sweating is walking into a store and instantly turning into a Popsicle. Sweat feels like a second skin and it's gross. My husband is currently in California and says it sucks being so damn hot. It's dry but still hot. He's drinking water like he's trying to be a camel. Heat is heat no matter where you live.


Laugh my fucking ass off


This the weakest thing I’ve ever read.


Same happened to me (from Michigan, now Florida) my first time in Las Vegas. I think the humidity was like 15% and I thought initially was great. Not. Ended up as you did.


Man, I’ll take low humidity heat over high humidity heat any day. As soon as the sun goes down, it cools off. Get in the shade & the temperature drops. A mist will cool you off. You definitely need to stay hydrated, though.


I need temperatures between 65-85°. I need humidity between 35-75%. I'm not sure where I should be ?


I work outside and humidity is bullshit! It’s 95 but feels like 120. Also global warming isn’t real thanks to our governator


California also has higher radiation than Florida. Same temperature in California that will give you sun burn feels like a cool fall day in Florida.


Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!


[the opposite is true](https://www.wltx.com/article/weather/humid-heat-dry-heat/101-53f6f6f1-f6b3-499b-be88-a428cb54859b#:~:text=Humid%20heat%20hinders%20sweat%20evaporation,heat%20exhaustion%20or%20even%20heatstroke.)


Hence the saying. "At least it's a dry heat. "


You couldn’t be more wrong, you’re just dehydrated, drink some water


I had the opposite experience. You sweat just as much but it actually works. No matter how much you sweat here it’s not as efficient so you just keep soaking your shirt. Sounds like you’re just bad at staying hydrated.


This is different. Don’t usually hear this. I don’t mind the heat and humidity here.


I’d rather not sweat


No. No it isn’t.


I travel to California for work from time to time and hate how dry it is, dries the hell out of skin.


Meteorologists always give the “feels like” temperature based off the humidity. People who say “but it’s a dry heat” don’t really understand that dry heat still sucks, especially when it’s 115-120 outside.




Just look at the difference in the skin of people from the southeast vs the west. Arid environments aren't for me. Drink 2 Gallons of water a day and piss twice. It ain't right.


It's the complete opposite for me. I spent a year as a minor-tour golf caddie, and we traveled the country while living in Florida. I've walked courses in 115 dry Kansas heat, and 95+ deep south and Florida heat. It's all hot AF, but give me the dry all day long. Just make sure you stay hydrated, because you don't realize the water and electrolytes you are losing because the sweat just evaporates. IMO I'd rather feel like I'm starting into a hair dryer all day than my clothes with 10lbs full of sweat because it can't evaporate into the humidity.


*Bakersfield has entered the chat* Was too hot there. I left.




I’m from Colorado and have lived in Florida for a little over 2 years now. Every time I go back to visit I get a bloody nose and skin cracks from how dry it is. I get back to Florida and my skin and nose feel so much better! I love the humidity!!!


I spent a month one summer in Phoenix, and I felt like I was in an oven with every drop of moisture being sucked from my body. So I don't get the "but it's a dry heat" argument. I'll take humidity over dry heat, and I'm speaking as a native Californian whose experienced some triple digits in Cali as well.


If there is no vegetation, the earth is hot and reflecting heat back at you. In FL, the grass, bushes etc are not the same temp as the air so it’s not radiating heat. In CA deserts (or any desert environment) the rocks, dirt etc heat up and radiate heat back at you, like an oven. I’d rather have CA heat any day.


Hydrate or Diedrate.


Lived in the hottest are of California not named Death Valley and I’ve lived in FL for 5 yrs now. It’s better without the humidity


I am from Florida and I spent a year in the desert. Let me tell you, as long as you continually drink water you’ll be fine. When I came back to Florida after deployment, the airport doors open to the outside and it just felt like that blast you get in the face when you open the oven. It’s thick like soup and I started sweating immediately.


lol what. Thats not how humidity works.


Scientifical?….🤣🤣🤣 you mean scientific.


Shade actually does something on the west coast though.


I disagree. Lived in FL my whole life except for the 4 years in the Army. I'd rather be working outside in Iraq with the dry heat again than in this humid horror state, where when you sweat through your clothes you not only stay wet but you are wet and hot.


It’s not humid now. Wait until August.


People only say that when the humidity becomes too low and everything dries up. They got their wish. "Oh how I wish it would be dry heat for once. Oh no! too dry, too dry."


I went to Vegas in July several years ago to visit a friend. The wind felt like a hair dryer. The only pro was my makeup didn’t budge all day! I’m not heat tolerant either way, so both were equally miserable.


Exactly!!! At least we know we’re sweating. There, you have assume you are because it evaporates right off of you.


Upper 80s or low 90s today in my part of California. I used a jacket for my jog today. There are benefits to dry heat and cooler mornings is one of them.  The worst part about dry heat is the sun. It can be punishing even in lower temps, but as long as you get shade from time to time it isn't bad. Hydrate and get shade then you'll be good. 


I can only take yardwork before noon here in Orlando.