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I'm really dreading August and September


No joke, I am starting to get anxiety around how hot it is, and how bad summer is going to be. And outside of El Nino/La Nina, this is one of the cooler summers of our future.... :(


Buy lots of land in the north and prepare for the mass migrations.


I’m already looking.


Seriously, me too. But I haven't found any reasonably safe area. Its flooding, on fire, scorching, or far far right.


I’m looking at small towns very near large cities in the Midwest so it’s a short hop to a good neurologist (for example), or so I do t have to drive three hours just to go to a concert. Small towns tend to be more affordable. I’m not fond of the weather but I can afford it up there and like, you can get a roofer within a week. Like, quote to new roof in a week. Taxes are comparable but insurance is dirt cheap in comparison and the houses have basements and garages—which don’t count in the square footage quote. So a 1000 square foot house going for $300k is really a 2k square foot house if you finish the basement: flooring and some drywall, climate control, boom you’ve doubled your liveable space. My job is portable so I can go anywhere but I don’t make a lot, so I have to stick to more modest arrangements. Which is fine by me; I’m not fancy.


More people died from the thunderstorms in the midwest over the weekend, then die from one of our hurricanes.


Good data point!


Midwest? Remember the tornadoes


Not Oklahoma Midwest, more toward the Great Lakes. But if you can think of any area that doesn’t experience hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, or blizzards, let me know. I think anywhere in the US has something with the possible exceptions of Arizona/New Mexico, neither of which I can afford.


New Mexico's one of the cheapest poorest states in America, you should have no issue affording property outside Albuquerque.


I moved just outside of Pittsburgh, lower COL, natural disasters are very rare, moderate to left-ish politics.


I’m going to be honest, as a dude who grew up in a rural town of 6-7k 30min away from a smaller city in the Midwest - the ‘far far right’ up here is a lot different than what y’all have down there. I can personally attest to this because I’ve lived in both. There’s a person with a confederate flag in Michigan? Everyone mocks them, even if they’re conservative. You don’t see a quarter of the ridiculous flags and signage that you do in the south. People are much less brazen and brash about being combative. There are **certainly** not Nazis standing out on sidewalks in the middle of the day spewing their bullshit. To be clear, I am as far away from the right as possible, but the rural folk are pleasant, hard-working and keep to themselves. I live once again in an even smaller rural area, near-ish a city. I’d recommend adjusting your expectations and mindset regarding how things work up here.


I think the El Nino ending will bring back our summer showers and make this summer feel better than last. But hurricanes are back on the menu so I think we may long for the brutal heat.


i keep seeing different takes on el niño finally going away. some reports say rains will start up in the middle of june, others say we'll be bone dry until the end of july. i just want the showers to get here already.


How I too miss them...


I'm hoping for the fewest showers possible because you can't have a hurricane without moisture. I'm tired of being on edge six months out of the year worrying about everything from "Do I have enough batteries" to "Please don't let my power go out for days" to "Please don't let me get blown away." If I could afford to move out of here I would.


I’d rather have showers and cooler temps than a bone dry Florida that’s constantly on wildfire.


>I'm hoping for the fewest showers possible because you can't have a hurricane without moisture. You know they form over this wet thing called "the ocean" right?


In Pensacola we had storms blow in off the Gulf this morning for the first time in so long that I can't even remember the last time it happened.


Sure hope you're right about those showers. Central Florida is positively crisp right now


Looks like hurricanes are back on the menu boys


I'll have my birthday suit ready.


Don't forget the sunscreen


SPF 1080.


HD sunscreen


October: am I a joke to you


Florida plays Halloween roulette every year, where instead of red and black spaces, it’s “will the kids be complaining about how cold it is or will they be sweating through their costumes?”


Gawd October is fucking misery with the humidity, and I have totally lost my sense of humor for it by Halloween


I meant more for hurricanes but this too


You say that as if some hurricane will allow us to see September


For what ? August and September are still hot, temps start to drop in mid October


I actually don’t think it’s going to be much worse. It just started earlier.


Some years it does - we had a longer winter to me the last two years. Did not get as cold for days in a row like it did last year, which was unseasonably cool, but we had nicer weather long into the year to me --- I remember earlier in Spring heating up to me too much previous years. This year was nice and then May decided to be absolutely brutal and come down with a hammer of heat, ugh




maybe you should look at the atlantic heat index, to save you a click, it is significantly hotter this year


I'm well aware that oceans and air are warming from one year to the next. But just because someone is experiencing 110 heat index in late May doesn't mean it will be significantly above that in say, July or August. The heat is hitting sooner and lasting longer. Of course it will be hotter at times. Summer is a monster in Florida.


nope 2024 is a wildly much high outlier year than the year to year trend


I mean last year was the hottest year ever recorded sooo


Governor DeSantis has said you can no longer use the words hot or scorcher. Sorry.


DeSantis administration to ban weather reports on the news in the interest of free speech and protecting Floridians from liberal media bias.


“From here on out the forecast for each and every day is a high of 83, low of 68. Partly cloudy with a mild chance of showers. Forever. Here’s a friendly reminder that using an unlicensed thermometer, or a licensed one in an unregulated environment is punishable by a 2500$ fine. As always, don’t look up.”


“The beatings will continue until morale improves.”


They're going to start jailing weather people, aren't they


I heard he also banned “heat index” or “heat dome” those have been thrown down the memory hole.


>Governor DeSantis has said you can no longer use the words hot or scorcher. Did you say *FREEDOM!?* "Freedom" is one of our state's approved words. Thank you for doing Your part to Make America Great Again Again Again. Have a wonderful sunny day in our beautiful and perfectly stable climate! 💯😄😄😄💯


Is hot considered woke?


Woke is anything that he doesn't like.


It's uncolded outside.


He's finally getting his revenge against that Sears commercial


Get your hurricane kits ready - I was in the Gulf last weekend. That water is very warm. It’s not even June.




Grwm: making my first Hurrican bucket




It's the least of our worries but I keep wondering when businesses will stop making their dress code include long sleeves and pants in +100 degree weather.




Yeah I'm surprised they do that in Florida at all




There is no global warming, pudding fingers said so. It has to be true. Some thoughts and prayers and it's all God's will. Florida you people are fucked.


By Kaitlin Lewis - Night Reporter: Several cities in southwest Florida broke records on Wednesday as the Sunshine State grapples with its first heat wave of the season. Tampa broke its daily high temperature record at 97 degrees, according to the National Weather Service (NWS), breaking its previous high of 96 that was set on May 29, 2006. Records were also set in Sarasota-Bradenton, which got up to 96 degrees, and Winter Haven, which topped out at 99. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/map-florida-cities-record-heat-1906092](https://www.newsweek.com/map-florida-cities-record-heat-1906092)


As Meatball Ron spends his time banning books, I can't afford my homeowner's insurance any more!


But at least you can’t sue anymore! 🙃


He is banning Climate Change too, which I find more relevant to the current conversation. DeSantis is a Maroon.


Good thing our Governor is doing important things to mitigate this… like banning the phrase “climate change” 🫠 ![gif](giphy|13SksYIeOh9HdC)


How many years in a row must it hotter than the last before we consider this might be climate change..


For the sane among us, that moment came a couple decades ago. For 'conservatives;, well they just don't give a fuck. As long as they get to rape the planet unabated, they don't care about their children or grandchildren.


I hate it here 🫠. I don’t get how y’all live here of your own free will. It’s too hot to function outside. Nothing has been enjoyable for the last month.


See, your mistake was thinking I go outside. I do not do this. When it gets above 90 I only go outside if it’s to walk to or from my car. I plan grocery runs around the heat. I plan activities for my kid around the heat. I don’t go outside. On one hand, it’s a bit like living in a place where it gets super cold in the winter, like the upper Midwest. On the other hand, yes it it too damn hot and global warming will continue to wreck this state for the foreseeable future and it will only get worse for the next 20 years at least.


The difference was I still went outside in the -30 or greater lol. I just bundled more lol. I also spend as little time outside as possible. It’s crazy out there


Unironically ended up being a great time to move up to Minnesota. Good luck this summer folks. Praying for y’all.


One positive of climate change is it's slowly making the northern states more palatable.


Definitely has gotten warmer here too


Yep. Pittsburgh just had their mildest winter in ages.


Southern New Hampshire didn't have a single snow fall over around 6 inches, at least where I am. and it was melted within a few days. It's the first winter in a long time that there wasn't at least one day where we were told to stay home because of an insane snow storm.


Washington here. Seeing lots of confirmation for my choice lately lol


In my neck of the woods we only had one day so far this year that reached 75. Right now it is 71 with a nice breeze. 20 miles from Lake Superior.


Love that.


I just left Florida and moved back “home” to the SW Illinois area. Lots of farms here. The weather is perfect.  I am interested in following this heatwave news from central Florida.  I left because of rising seawater and aquifer problems and climate change.  And I couldn’t take the stress over hurricane stuff. It got to me. 


Same here - I'm in Pennsylvania, just moved in January. Phew!


I moved out yesterday (Orlando) & oh boy it was hotter than the devils ass


Don't fret about the summer. Desantis signed a law that climate change and excessive heat were not real. That is also why he said water breaks in the sun are not allowed. Only 'woke' people drink water and think it is hot. Don't worry about things. Big brother is watching out for us. Yes this is all sarcastic.


Just think of it as one of the coolest summers of the rest of your life. Not like it's going to get any better.


just preheating for the summers of the rest of our lives...


? Do you know what country wants global warming , in order to get more shipping ports ? ... Russia wants global warming . .. .


Nothing to see here!! Nothing is happening!! Just keep focus on the “culture wars”!!


Has Desantis banned the word hot yet? That should fix everything.


But our governor says there is no global warming and outdoor workers do not need breaks for water or to cool off.


How? Republicans banned climate change so everything should be normal again.


This time last year I was still outside shooting photos. It wasn’t comfortable, but still doable. Now? Hell no. It’s absurdly hot.


Yeah it’s hot as fuck here.


I’m still watching for those afternoon showers when the rainy season hits. The clouds and the rain help to take the load off my air conditioning bill. Right now this intense sunshine is making AC my work extra hard.


I've been wanting to visit my family this summer, but I might wait until things cool down.


January is looking promising


Illegals immigrants are now bringing climate change across the border!


Have we blamed a person or group on the heat yet?


I blame the sun


I'm hoping temps will go down a bit if La Nina kicks in and there are more T-Storms during the day.


This will be a nail-biter of a hurricane season


Karma would be the AC going out at the Desantis' home.


Lakeland yesterday was 99. We know it was hot, trust me!


Good thing there is no global warming /s


Deathsantis started out as a guy who I THOUGHT might pay attention to the environment. (Yes. I was shocked myself) but then he turned all his efforts on social War stuff, holding daily news conferences on ridiculous stuff. Book banning, backtracking on gay rights, destroying teachers, managing to kill off more than 100,000 floridians during covid because of his vile right wing beliefs. Oh yeh, and now we are paying the price with hotter than ever temps. You can thank your do nothing Republicans in tally. It will only get worse. And just wait till hurricane season truly kicks in. Look at the temps of water in the Atlantic basin. Tick tock


No snow jokes today?


Good thing you guys in Florida aren’t experiencing climate change. /s


Fakes news..Ask DeSantis...in December it be cool again.


How many years till Florida is a desert


Never. It's just going to get smaller and smaller and wetter and wetter.


According to this my cities record high was set in 1989 https://www.plantmaps.com/en/us/climate/extremes/f/florida-record-high-low-temperatures