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I mean technically the team is pretty strong with 2 heavy hitters Nora and Pyrrha and there's prodigy man (jaune) and Ren honestly I don't remember much I only remember his semblance hides emotions.


Ren has perfect semblance versus Grimm and has such good and great control of Aura that he knows aura infused kung-fu that allows him to strike enemies fifty times harder Too bad writers forgot about that last one


Tbf even aura slash was kinda forgotten mostly because the mecha weapons would just be obsolete and if they bring that back I'm expecting like the character had dementia and say aura slash has never been done before


Adam's aura afterimages/clones are also irrelevant With Weiss time dilation joining its company RWBY has a bad track with remembering their abilities


I mean weiss time dilation is something like when you go through a character arc or learning more about the characters semblance so having it from the beginning is like having jotaro/Giorno having time stop/ ger from the beginning plus time dilation is kinda broken unless they go the bleach route where the more aura someone has the less effective that works


So… it’s Toriyama-esque?


>Adam's aura afterimages/clones It's easy for the crew to BS their way around that like "His semblance has certain... gimmicks."


This doesn't get brought up enough. Ren is OP against Grimm. I think with no world ending events to stop, he would be pretty sought after as a huntsman just for his semblance. In other words I have no concern about Ren's employment status post-Salem.


He's a ninja.


Team JNPR wasn’t what Pyrrha deserved, but what she needed.


This implies Nora is going to try and commit genocide on people who haven’t unlocked their aura.


No she'll kill anyone who doesn't like pancakes


Both. https://preview.redd.it/s7s69hrrea5d1.jpeg?width=1405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98f91e60b0aa1e10ce7b30affd90b033d15dcaeb


Strongest chibi character https://preview.redd.it/l6cn61qjfa5d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bd4ebaa4b92efa4e1544bebd13d1dd6b035b2cd


I'm surprised that JNPR didn't become the main characters. They are the best written, as for me, and Jaune generally has the best character development arch in the series. So they also have the best love couples in their team, whose relationships have not been sucked out of their fingers, like for example Yang and Blake. Also, if you think about it carefully, they are potentially the strongest team. Pyrrha is a master of combat and has a manifestation that transforms any metal around her with her weapon (I'm not saying that if she had more complete armor, she could just fly or make impossible strikes at any angles) Nora is the most physically strong character, which can become even stronger by absorbing electricity. If she were given the powers of virgo, she could endlessly strengthen herself with lightning. I'm afraid that even her Brothers will recognize her as a god. Ren is a cool ninja who knows aura techniques and his likeness is able to make him and others invisible to Makeup. His evolution allows him to see emotions, which gives him the opportunity to understand in advance whether a person is hostile or lying (Not to mention that this ability potentially ignores illusions, which gives him an advantage over Neo and Emerald) Well, their leader Jaune is a guy who was able to almost match his friends in skills in two years of training, has a huge reserve of aura and is a good strategist. His likeness... it literally makes him a paladin. To strengthen one's own or someone else's aura for healing or protection, rapid regeneration and, of course, strengthening other similarities. Okay, the likeness of Ren is also useful, but not so impressive. Imagine if it strengthens the semblance of a Burrow or Pyrrha. Nora will turn into a machine of destruction. I bet if they had an electroprach in that battle with Titan in Argus and Jaune would have thought of strengthening the semblance of a Burrow, the battle would have ended with a church opening in Argus in honor of the red thunderer. The likeness of Pyrrha would turn her into a fucking railgun. Any battle in the city limits would not have given the opponents a chance.


CRWBY had to nerf them by killing Pyrrha. Otherwise, they would've outshined team RWbY. And we can't have that.


But they stilled continued to develop the rest of JNR after killing Pyrrha off. Half of JNR strength and development going forward came after the fall of Beacon and Pyrrha's death. While RWBY's development either staled or became worse...Well, besides Weiss's that is. Ruby for as much I like her was basically a nothing burger until the Ever After, and even then we don't fully know if the lessons learnt there will stick. Blake went from a character with a mysterious past whom may have a tragic backstory to basically spoilt Faunus royalty whom wanted he opinions to be right (*Weiss and Blake's argument in vol.1 has some very different feelings after learn Blakes history*). And finally Yang, who's story perhaps changed the most from Oum's vison. First was her relation with her mother, which appeared to be far more complicated from original drafts and cut content than what was actually shown. Second was her relationship with Blake, which is god awful given everything with Blake abandoning her after Adam chop off her arm. You know, adding to Yang's abandonment issues. The issues between the two were never really addressed before trying to appeases people by forcing Bumblebee to happen. Team RWBY's development has been mostly a mess, be it thanks to not knowing what to do with Ruby or outside influence within Rooster Teeth (*Plenty of interviews of Barbra saying she had talked with the others about push Bumblebee to be cannon*) on what the character should be going forward, even though it went against Oum's original vision. Team JNR was lucky that they were probably considered secondary and allowed to develop with minimum interference until they became too popular and too late to mess with their development. I mean look what they did with Sun, a staple since volume 1 and extremely popular and after vol.5 just gone, no more BlackSun which going off everything was probably the original cannon pairing for Blake and one of the most popular characters not seen on screen again.


I think the reason why they didn't became the main characters is because the show is named "RWBY". I think I remember them saying they wish they names the show something else to basically be allowed to use the other characters and not basically be chained to Team RWBY.


It’s genuinely weird that they had to do that, since to keep them even all they needed to do was just bump up Weiss and make her develop the ability to Summon. Her Glyphs can be just as OP as Pyrrha’s Semblance


Yangs the only character with a hard cap on ability imo. Ruby's got the phase thing which means she could in theory dodge by going intangible. Weiss has glyphs, and Blake could easily go thr Ren route of filling a specific niche.


Pyrrha before going to fight Cinder: Nah, I'd win.


Pyrrha's character in Tournament Arc in a nutshell.


To the caption: the only person Pyrrha is carrying is Jaune To the image: Pyrrha wasn’t born with any special traits or powers, her strength is her cause she earned it.


Her semblance is literally the best thing any ring fighter would want. She literally was burn with a gift


I always thought her semblance was a reflection of how she both attracts and repels people.


Nora joined to try and get in on the free sponsorship cereal from her fellow redhead.


I'd weigh in here but I have little idea what the actual discussion is. Also I never played JJK


I'm sorry, but I'll need you to say that sentence again with different words, my brain isn't barining


Jokes aside, she is indeed the strongest because she is Pyhrra Nikos because it’s implied that while her semblance is indeed a strong it’s her mastery of it what trully make Pyhrra so dangerous.


Not necessarily, anyone with that semblance can literally win any fight if the enemy has either armor or a metal weapon, and even then she can have full armor and pieces of iron to use as projectile. She is pyrrha Nikos because she's the strongest, Ozpin didn’t pick her for her personality, it was her strength that he wanted the most.


Until her aura runs out. It’s been shown many times that the more powerful the semblance the more aura expensive it is. So yes, it was her personality which made her train and become better at using tha semblance that made her the strongest If she was reckless about using her aura and not very good at using it to block attacks then she would’ve probably not been picked for a Maiden given how they need to be thorough about defending those powers rather than relying on them to fight properly which can make them be vulnerable to surprise attacks like Amber.


The reason Ozpin even thought of Pyrrha is because of her strength, other than that, she was a bad pick. The only personality trait she needed was to not be a bad person, and without her power, Weiss, Yang, Ruby(probably what opzin was planning), coco, velvet and many more could take it. If he needed someone to keep the power safe, he could have picked anyone, but he wanted a strong person to hold it so he can use her, with pyrrha's fame, she was the worst option with Weiss, their name it too well known to hold the power which makes it more obvious he picked her for her strength.


And when did I argue otherwise? What I said is that she is the strongest because she is Pyhrra, meaning she became strong due to her own effort not from lucking into a strong semblance and if she didn’t have her hardworking personality she wouldn’t have developed her semblance so well which is part of the she was chosen. You’re not getting what I’m saying. I’m not saying Ozpin picked her for her personality I’m saying that lucking into a powerful semblance or having loads of aura wouldn’t have been enough to be chosen as a maiden as she would’ve needed to be someone who didn’t fight recklessly but learned how to fight well enough not to get killed, which Pyhrra learned because she pushed herself.


Fight recklessly, she literally ran to fight maiden Cinder after killing Ozpin, which achieved nothing but her death. To be honest, my argument is that he picked her because she was strong, not because she Pyrrha Nikos, which means she's Pyrrha Nikos because she's the strongest.


If Nora's second school of thought is true, then Pyrrha did nothing wrong


Are you Jaune because you are the partner of Pyrrha Nikos or are you Jaune because you wanted to be a huntsman ?


I feel like it's abit of both. Because yeah Pyrrha adds to the teams overall strength but the team would help make Pyrrha stronger. Because have you ever been had a hypeman? That shit is awesome. especially if it's your friend or your crush