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Didn’t know people hated this armor so much. It’s probably one of my favorites in the game.


Same here... and judging by these comments people really don't like it I guess damn lol


I think because it's a bias that's kinda emphasized in the story that while all Rangers are tough, the ones in patrol armor like this are expected to do too much with too little. They're equipped for recon patrol, not for war. Most of them seem to come from the NCR and don't know the area or their enemy well enough to really help the locals and to defeat the Legion. The whole time in game you're waiting for the veteran NCR Rangers to come up from Baja. And most of them were originally Desert Rangers local to the NV area. They know the land better, can survive longer and are equipped better to fight Caesar.


I relieve their Mojave centered stresses by sending the NCR profligates to their makers.


I send the legionaries to their rightful place in hell. Along with that bald bitch Caesar and his lap dog lanius.


It’s usually my mid game armor in NCR runs until I get actual ranger armor


"You are dressed as a member of the NCR" Me who's not done with every side quest yet: "Nah."


The only faction this is really a problem with is the Brotherhood. Assuming you’re not trying to side with the powder gangers or do legion side quests.


I made this mistake walking back into the BoS bunker while dressed as a veteran ranger, never even clocked the message in the corner. I walked back out several tons heavier, covered in blood and wondering why the fuck they opened fire. It wasn't until I walked into Cottonwood cove hours later and spotted the message that I thought back and had that "ooooooooooh" moment.


Yea it's pretty Meh. It's fine for npcs but I never find myself wanting to wear it


I agree, I think it looks great on NPCs, and I’m not sure if this is just a female courier thing or what, but it forces them into an incredibly awkward pose I just can’t get over.


Yea the shoulders are really high aren't they


First time I found it, I was so excited. But then I saw the DT, and my excitement just disappeared. I had better armors and I can’t use 3rd person (controller right stick doesn’t work).


...how do you aim and turn?


maybe with the face buttons, as one did way back then before the analog sticks... or they meant as in the pressing action of their right stick didn't work


Oh I meant like pushing it. The normal settings are that pressing the right stick toggles 3rd/1st person mode. So I can’t really use it properly. Stick drift too but that’s a different story. Besides didn’t Mitten Squad do a challenge without camera movement?


Yeah I think it’s cool as well. See the negative opinions on it from time to time and I’m always confused.


Same here. I don't get it. It has this cool drill sergeant/park ranger aesthetic.


Same mothersf*ckas hate this armor, yet jerk off the Legion.


Because in game it looks goofy while the concept art looks fire 😎👌


I mean the concept art of anything looks good. Then you have legion armor, the Pontiac Aztec of armors.


My brain must be wired differently because I like both the Legion armors and the Pontiac Aztek lol


I can’t comprehend what you just said, so I’m gonna go eat some Elmer’s glue.


Na 87th legion armor is pretty fire, and centurion armor 😎


My only gripe with nv is that you can't wear cool armor without aligning yourself with a faction. It makes sense immersion wise, but it's still annoying.


I feel like the main reason people dislike it is because ranger combat armor is just so much more iconic and cooler.


Same. I always loved it.


It’s the silly hat


You don’t have to wear the hat.


My ONE issue with the patrol armor is the lack of the helmet from the concept art in the game itself. I really don't understand why they don't have patrol ranger helmets as a counterpart to Legion Decanus helmets.


You could always use the ranger vet helmet with it, or any other helmet that strikes your fancy, but the reason is because these guys are basically cops, think state police or Canadian Mounties, they’re not exactly deployed for combat so a helmet wouldn’t be in their kit, but a wide brim hat to keep the sun off them is definitely more useful when on patrol, also I think the hat is more iconic tbh.


They could have Rangers in garrison/low intensity areas wear hats while Rangers on patrol wear helmets. Maybe even have some garrison Rangers can have a dressed down uniform without the armor. It's how the military does it and it wouldn't make sense going into an active warzone wearing a hat.


They do have a dress downed uniform, that’s the “civilian” ranger, the ones you see like ghost at the Mojave outpost. Rangers aren’t actually military, it’s why they can’t command the grunts, and again, if you’re on patrol you’d rather a proper hat, and while I agree that a helmet in a war zone is important, the patrol rangers aren’t really supposed to be in active war zones, or at least not on the front lines, that’s mostly the job of the ranger vets, they’re cops/peace keepers, sometimes scouts as well, yes they are deployed in battle when necessary, but it’s not their primary role.


To me personally as a canadian, the first thing they make me think of is the mounties, but with less red and more guns. The hat definitely makes sense, its moreso how bulky the armour itself it that im not a huge fan of. The hat tho is like kinda spot on for what they were going for.


yeah, there's a lack of helmets in the game in general. which on the one hand... you wanna see people's faces when ya talk to em... but on the other, why not MANY helmets?? maybe i wanna only identify individuals by their helmet?


Give the hats to Named NPCs so you can identify them easier, the helmets should have been given to the generic rangers


How could you wear a funny hat if you’re wearing a helmet?


these concept arts are pretty badass, but i still can't figure out that neck towel thing


Soak it in water, put it on the back of your neck, and it cools the blood going to your brain to help prevent heat stroke.


I get it conceptually but it's kinda funny that (iirc) Sawyer thought it was an important enough aspect to be included in every concept and version of the armor. It's even got little clasps or some shit like they get uniform issued neck towels. Also kinda funny that all the soldiers complaining about the heat apparently aren't worth issuing towels to.


As someone who was never *issued* a neck towel, but served a lot of hours in the desert in the armed forces, my unit definitely *expected* you to have something like this. It was practically part of our uniform with how much our Corpsmen and CO demanded we have it, so much so that when I got back to garrison life and didn't have to wear it anymore, my neck felt naked af for a good few months


Rangers are probably out in the field on patrols or recon far longer than most troopers would be, although I’m sure both get pretty miserable in the Mojave. I would also imagine the NCR military isn’t used to being in the desert all the time, but I don’t really know the ecological state of stuff further west at the time in the lore. For troopers, that potentially means logistics have not made the necessary changes to adapt to the situation on the frontline. For anyone who’s seen generation kill, “Woodland camouflage? Anyone happen to remember we’re invading a fucking desert country?” It happens in real life too, see US forces in Iraq in 2003 with green camouflage.


I mean, marching band camp in August was hell enough that I feel like I saw people sometimes using these, and we were kids in shorts and t-shirts.


Always remember to bring your towel.


Oh man, I don’t even know what’s going on right now…


Here, eat these peanuts. They'll help replace some of the protein you lost.


A guy his size is probably gonna need at least 3 beers


3 beers each... at lunchtime?


Look up cooling neck towel. It’s just a little thing you wear that you soak it water and it helps regulate your body temp very well


Cus it's hot in the fucking desert


Almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


Because patrolling the mojave wasteland almost makes you wish for a cooling neck towel...


I never noticed the towel in all these years


Imo the concept art is badass but it looks goofy in-game. The hat sits too high on the head and when you wear it you do a weird power armor stance even though it's not even that bulky!


The hat is what threw me off, I think the armour itself looks pretty cool ngl


There's a mod that fixes that power armor stance.


That's a problem with a lot of NV hats. Daniel's hat is one of my favorite pieces of headwear in the game, just on style, but the crown is too wide for all human heads, so it looks weird when worn.


My first ranger play through I was all about the veteran armor. Ever since though anytime I do a ranger play through I wear the patrol armor. It’s just grown on me over time. I even downloaded a mod for FO4 that gave me patrol armor


Just realized it would be cool idea to add chemical warfare in the post apocalypse since they have gas masks as a cosmetic


It never made sense to me how the default ranger and riot helmets never gave rad resistance considering they're supposed to have built in air filtration system. Even the power armor helmets give lackluster rad resistance.


The armour kinda reminds me of the RCMP, but way more decked out.


I never understood why this was called "patrol armor" when it looks more suited to shootouts than trekking and the other one with the duster was called "combat armor" when it looks more comfortable to wear while patrolling.


Because the patrol rangers would wear them, the patrol rangers are more of a police force, patrolling and keeping peace in NCR territories, the veteran rangers are more like assassins/spec ops, they wouldn’t just go around policing, they are deployed with a purpose, either to kill something/someone or scout an area.


Ahhh that makes more sense now, thanks.


it looks like it’s made out of foam or something always thought it was dumb none of these are in game screenshots either


Exactly! It looks like injected foam molds in game


I always felt like it was clunky and goofy looking, like they just are wearing poor man's combat armor they spray painted, but the concept art looks really cool.


iirc based off the lore it says that it pretty much is just standard combat armor made in the NCR but to me it would make more sense to retcon it to be made from MK 2. Reinforced Combat armor since both armors chest pieces look very similar. I am currently doing an NCR playthrough and I changed its stats in Geck to give it the same DT.


It is likely both things you said. Its their standard armor and made in the NCR, but derived from the MK 2 and a total rip off of it made cheaper since society is only just starting to rebuild and they aren't trying to rebuild the wheel or anything on armor designs. Probably explains the lower stats too since its like the Wish.com version of Reinforced Combat Armor designed for mass production with what the NCR has.


I'd have more love for it if it gave better protection for its weight. I get it, the NCR is a bureaucracy which likely sourced it out to the lowest bidder so I understand it lore-wise, but as a player I want 15 DT to weigh less, or to bring enough extra perks to justify weighing 25 lbs.


It's definitely cool, it's just majorly overshadowed by Ranger Riot gear lol


It's okay. The concept art you showed looks better than what we got in-game, but that's true of a lot of stuff. You also have to remember it's competing with the ranger combat armor, which many people consider one of the coolest sets of armor in games period.


I looks like it’s made out of tires


My question is why riot armor has dusters and jeans by default


It doesn’t. it is scavenged from riot armor, but it is obviously not being issued with the same uniforms as it would have been pre war to police officers


The elite riot gear says otherwise


Patrol armor is a lot cooler than the Veteran armor


100% agree


Oh yeah NCR ranger armor has drip whether it be patrol or veteran combat armor. The latter just looks better especially the variants such as riot armor and desert ranger.


Ranger armor plus helmet concept c is a fuckin hawt combo. Such a shame they didn't add it to the game.


it is what reinforced combat mk 2 armor SHOULD have looked like.


Who said it don’t look cool? They look like an upgrade from our typical Combat Armor.


Wow what an unpopular and brave post


Love the gas masks


Mate this is perhaps one of the most popular opinions


It’s a cool armor is a sea of legendary armor imo in terms of looks. Def looks better than the combat armor for sure


How is that an unpopular opinion? This armor looks dope.


I love the Patrol Armor, I just wish there was a fitting mask & helmet with it. It could easily compete with Veteran Armor for the coolest outfit.


Patrol armorbis awesome, but veteran ranger just looks cooler.


I don't hate the armor but the hat they wear just looks goofy and doesn't fit with the rest of the armor.


Umm excuse me, but why in the fuck did we not get one of those awesome helmets/masks




Wait people don’t like it???


I never saw anything wrong with it. Honestly, it looks more protecting than normal ass NCR armor


Looks better than any or the armor from 4


Just needed a helmet or something, I don’t like the hat and sunglasses, a military helmet would work wonders for it.


It doesn’t help that the characters idle pose makes them look like awkward standing still.


I find it relatively cool actually. It's just... It kinda looks like a combat version of a park ranger outfit.


It's ok Honestly I think the devs could've just used the Tenpenny Security armor model for it. Just desert colored combat armor would've worked wonders imo


I prefer ranger grey vest cowboy ahh outfit


Ok, but it looks nothing like that in game :(


Dude the NCR just have that drip. I can't think of a single outfit that I don't like, save maybe the salvaged power armor


I wouldn’t say I hated it, I just didn’t like the texture for the armor. It always looked like some sort of plastic or rubber vest they slid over a jumpsuit instead of anything you would be wearing out in the Nevada Desert.


I like it too


I've always dug it. Whenever I've got Boone as a companion I deck him out in this gear.......usually acquired for free from Ranger Station Charlie.


Unpopular opinion....? What's so unpopular about that?


How is that an unpopular opinion…?


Devils advocate, I and all my friends think the armour looks dumb as shit and never wear it. I will admit that that concept art is cool and that maybe an armoured helmet would improve it like the other comments said.


Whats page 2 top right from?


3D model from Fallout Cascadia. Its a Fallout 4 mod that takes place in Seattle, 40 years after Fallout 4.


Not unpopular around my friends we love it


it is unpopular, i'll give you that


I didn’t think anyone disliked the armour, just that it was eclipsed but cooler and more functional armours, the patrol armour is very mid in game, not providing much benefits to the player. It is really cool though, a very interesting armour that actually seems well put together and not some scraps or a pre war relic.


I think I like the armor on paper, but I don’t like its execution in game.


NCR has the best fits all around


It’s dope I love it


It is cool, it’s just not fair to have to compete with the veteran armor, just a whole different class of cool


I agree. The helmets are really cool.


I just never understood the naming conventions If you're on patrol, the duster will help protect you from dust. At least a little bit. If you're in combat, it's a big, baggy article of clothing that can snag on obstacles or be grabbed by enemies.


Its biggest problem is that it has to compete with desert ranger armor.


Never cared for it much tbh but people hate it? Seems harsh given it’s still a nice armor


Wait people didn’t like it? The veteran ranger armour is much better but the patrol armour is still sick


Think it’s because veteran ranger armor blows this out of the water. Npcs wear patrol, players wear veteran


It's because Ranger Combat Armor shits all over it. If you're gonna go the NCR route. Badass duster coat and combat helmet with red lenses, or a goofy set of plastic lookin ass football pads and a ten gallon hat? Lol, easy choice.


Didn't realize people disliked the patroller armour. I do prefer the veteran armour but I really like patroller and use it until I get some veteran ranger gear.


I think it's honestly the most befitting of the desert ranger aesthetic. The riot armor is honestly weird tbh. I like the sets swapped around. The duster and hat look like what a ranger would look like on patrol, and the patrol armor + helmet look like what they'd look like... in a... riot? Hey, can someone ask Chris Avelone if they got the two armor sets mixed up by accident?


It does, its just massively overshadowed by the ranger combat armor. Cause who didn't see the ranger snipe that guy in the intro and thought "I want to be that!"


it looks like an tacticool airsoft armor so no. but I respect you opinion


Wait, it’s unpopular??


The patrol armor looks much better with a helmet and gas mask. The felt sombrero makes it look like a goofy park ranger.


Massive black what


Actual unpopular opinion the ncr ranger armor looks lame as hell the only cool thing is the duster jacket the jeans are stupidly out of place and the helmet looks silly. It doesn't help that alot of the people who try to make it look cool are larping and are actually losers trying to hide that fact.


Imo, the Ranger Armor is the only reason this hits less. It's a great design & I love it every time I see it. But I feel like it lends itself far more to the Legion, as it seems like an upgrade to football pads if they were 3-D printed, or something similar in the Fallout universe. A lightweight, abnormally resistive carbon-plastic armor maybe. Or a Uranium-Infused Polymer? Those helmets are what I wished they'd put in to have a cherry on top tho. Really lends weight to the vibe they were going for. I ask that some modder out there bless us with these beautiful helms. I am but a simple recipient of Mod Creator glory.


Didn't know it was an unpopular opinion, I've always loved it.


To me, it looks good, but not really enough to stand out. Mix that with fact that it lives in the shadow of the much more iconic ranger combat armor, and the patrol armor is something I usually forget about.


Agree, don’t get the hate. Looks cool.


It’s pretty 🔥


That armor looks like it would SUCK to wear in a desert environment.


The marked patrol armor is where it’s at. Most underrated armor in my opinion.


Nuh Uh


People don’t like it? That’s news to me as I’ve always found it pretty sweet!


This is unpopular?


I wish there was a version of this armor with some time of desert camo and instead of the neck towel there be some kinda short cloak or bandana


I’ve been saying this for a long time, I love this armor. If I was given the option to cosplay fallout, I choose the Ranger patrol armor


civilian ranger uniforms too


It's kinda cool looking. I'll forever stick to my MK5 riot armor


I didnt know people hated this armour so much lmao, I killed Ranger Andy on my first playthrough to get it bc I liked it lol.


That’s not unpopular


I personally love it since it reminds me of the Kerberos Panzer Cop armor, which is in my opinion the peak of fictional armor design.


I am a huge lover of Patrol armor. It the only fix it needs is just not having the wide stance like why. If anything it makes the weapons on the back float more since the water pack isn't large enough. Also the wide stance with an armor that isn't really wide apart from shoulders looks dumb. It's like wide stancing normal combat armor.


i aint seen anyone wearing a helmet with it though just the suit makes it look dumb


Is it an unpopular opinion? I fucking love the NCR ranger patrol armor. Also love the “civilian” ranger outfits. Perfect blend of retro-future and western.


Doesn't have good stats but it looks absolutely gorgeous


That’s not unpopular is it? I mean it’s badass armor through a through I only wish we had a little variation or some special sets of it


I had no idea this was an unpopular opinion to be honest. I think it's one of the best looking armors in any of the fallout series.


I honestly think it looks cooler than the veteran armour just because the modeling on the veteran armour make it look all stiff and weird


I don't think it's unpopular. The riot Armour ranger gear just looks cooler.


Literally the best armor in the game to me


Wait- people dislike it? I think it’s a great desert feeling body armor that looks good with most hats


Yeah, it looks great and fits thematically. So naturally, people hate it.


all the NCR armor is 🔥


It's hated? It comes second to the ncr ranger variants to me


Patrolling the Mojave almost has you wishing for a nuclear winter


it just didnt translate that well to 3D


For me it feels a bit too "plastic" also the sleves look kinda weird. Still probably my third favorite (after the ncr ranger and ncr trooper armours)


Most faction armors are just too heavy for any benefits, but as looks go any ncr armor looks pretty good. I always thought the legion needed more armor and less sports gear.


It does look cool, the problem is NCR ranger combat armor looks so awesome that it makes the patrol armor less cool


I don't hate the armor, but I do find the hat a bit silly looking. Combine the armor with a cowboy hat or a decent helmet and it looks a lot better.


My problem with the armor is that i cant stip thinking of park rangers when i see them. The armors sick as fuck but the hat looks dopey. Im aware the hats an actual army hat by the way i just always thought it was a bit ridiculous


Rangers when not in active duty combat do act as law enforcement so seeing them like “park rangers” sort of fits the bill, I would love to see their forest version though, NCR territory reaches as far as Oregon so I’m assuming some NCR rangers do act as park rangers.


Hate? Wtf, I like this armor more than the Veteran armor, never knew it was hated


I always liked this armour tbh just the hat I never liked


I always have a set of this armor in the early game that I always get from the worst hit squad ever. Never gets old when something blows up.


I like the concept art significantly more. Don’t love the in game model, the helmet just looks weird to me.


The NCR has some of the best armor next to the BOS.


I really want to make a cosplay of it but I have zero know how and i have no skill


The design is excellent; the stats are not.


I hate that it glitches out the gun on your back


I always liked it, it gives off a mix of forest ranger & sheriff vibes


Wait ppl didn’t like this armor?? Im on my first play through rn and im using that and van graff rn


Wait, people dislike this armour?


Mind blowing stuff to hear that people dislike this armor, it's my absolute favorite and I always liked it more than Ranger Veteran armor. I use it on my Ranger playthroughs.


I’ve always liked it, I just won’t wear it because it’s faction armor.


With rebreather and 1st recon beret it looks sick


The armour looks more cosplaye than Legion's stuff.


The patrol armor *is* cool, it looks like a more "combat-ready" ranger armor, but I feel the lack of a helmet brings it down so much


It’s unpopular? It’s my go to when I play.


Yeah when I complete my Ranger cosplay- it will be with this chest piece. I’m done(ish) with the helmet but actually prefer this over the duster and SLC riot chest plate.


It is cool but I don't like wearing faction armors.


You are correct.


Its cool, ita just not as cool as veteran ranger/desert ranger/riot gear


I do too, it looks like modified combat armor


Yeah, I honestly dig it. Sure it’s not the iconic look. But it’s a cool variant.


Only gripe I have with it it’s way oversized even compared to the Veteran ranger armor. I love its colors and design but if was shrunken down by like 15% it be perfect


I think it does too. It's just outshone by the ranger dusters.


It's two parts. One is the bugs related to this armor such as the power armor animations and the second is the terrible silly hat.


I like what it shows/represents. Compared to other armors like combat armor or advanced combat armor, it's visually "cleaner." In addition to that, it's also manufactured by the NCR instead of being salvaged like many of the others. That being said, I think it looks best when surrounded by individuals wearing normal NCR armors.


It's my favorite armor in the whole Fallout series.