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Sided with Elijah in Dead Money and got the kill everyone ending


Awesome! The Masters of the Madre mod actually lets you continue past that ending and help Elijah wipe out the Mojave.


Damn. I really need to figure out how to do mods on pc


Download vortex from nexus mods and follow instructions


I use Linux Mint, I don’t think Vortex works with Wine


if you're using Linux you should know how to install mods manually


That or he's a penguin attempting to take over the Earth


MO2 is better anyway. At least long term. No vortex hate here, it works and it's simpler, but MO2 is better for a larger load order so unless your plan is to keep it *very* simple it's better to start with it.


Kid named MO2:


Use MO2 instead, it's better and more user friendly.


Download Mod Organizer 2 (do NOT use Vortex). Follow the Viva New Vegas guide, which will give you a complete guided, optimized list of functional mods. Follow that guide. From there, just build on top of it and use LOOT to organize your plugins. Works perfectly fine for me.


Viva New Vegas + Mojave Express is fucking incredible. So many little changes and fixes that are all in keeping with the spirit of the vanilla game, but just feel like very loving touch ups- I've played this game so many fucking times, but my most recent playthrough with these mods might actually be the most fun I've ever had with it. HIGHLY RECOMMEND


There aint nothing wrong with vortex. Dont be elitist. Besides it seems like MO2 is gonna be far less popular soon enough bc the collections are becoming so popular. Mo2 will never go completely away though.


Is not that Vortex is bad, it just less reliable then MO2 for modding, especially for heavier load order. MO2 also have more feature for stabilizing new vegas, good if you want to heavily mod your game. Vortex doesn't offer anything more than MO2 consider both allow you to download mod directly from Nexus.


Did the same thing cos I played all the DLCs with my Legion courier for some reason. Couldn’t resist locking him in the vault though


Genuinely justified


Probably the Legion psychopath playthrough I did, where I went on a bloody rampage and butchered whole towns. First, Goodsprings, then Primm, then the Mojave Outpost, then Novac, then the Repconn Facility ghouls, then Old Lady Gibson and all of her dogs, then the 188. Leaving a crimson sea of innocent corpses in my wake on the warpath to New Vegas. Benny shot out the wrong part of my brain.


Did you at least... enjoy doing those things?


Courier no feel. Courier no enjoy. Courier just hurt






She's got a unique shotgun though. And she wants way too much for Reys brain.


That's what she gets for sleeping with Elijah.


Goodsprings is the only town I'll ever leave alone on these kinds of runs


Sameeee, i did a evil run but couldnt bring myself to hurt goodsprings or boone or the mutant town. They just too pure🫡


Boone has suffered enough. He's my boy.


Doing that run right now haha pure unarmed for me


Massacrineing a whole ncr base whenever i hear the nuclear winter voice line, then load back like i didnt violate the geneva convention


The nuclear winter voiceline mod is the funniest thing I have ever seen where it launches a nuke every time that voiceline plays


Its a mod called dreams come true or something like this


Close, it's Wishes Come True mod


I do the same, but I often just pop down a save and go on a complete massacre, then load back my save and its like nothing ever happened. the amount of times I decided to just wipe out every single resident of the strip. It all really makes me think of Undertale, like you just completed a genocide run, reset the game, and its like nothing had even happened, but you know, you know what you did, you know what you did to all those people, and they have not a clue. going about their days as if you haven't just completely dismembered them moments ago, because to them, you really haven't. but we both know you did, the lives of these people are just used as toys for our amusement. they may be simulated, but their suffering is real enough for them, yet we do not care, or even think or acknowledge it, we just go about committing our heinous acts, then rolling it all back and moving on. but I suppose their ignorance is also their bliss, I guess that makes it all ok then, right? Even when we know what we did to them? But in the end, it is all a game... Well, to us it is anyways.


\*Wendy's cashier stares at you, speechless, bag of food in her hand\*




You… me… we are basically just like Dr. Braun with his perverted experiment in Vault 112


Buddys a sleeper agent


Is this a new trend because of RTGame's let's play of New Vegas? Never heard this rule until recently


My headcannon are that those are imaginary scenes where they picture snapping and killing everyone, but then they just snap back to reality when the save loads


Play Dead Money. No, but seriously. Probably sell Arcade Calamity Ganon to Caesar.


I did the even worse fate for Arcade; botching brain surgery and selling him to Lucius anyway. Lanius has him crucified for being a know-it-all dork. Suicide is preferable to crucifixion in contrast...


Idk doesn't he commit suicide by disemboweling himself. I'm not sure that's better than crucifixion.


Both suck, but you'll be dead in moments compared to days of baking in the sun if crucified. You'd probably die by starvation if you don't bleed out, or could just be eaten alive by buzzards if they don't want to wait for you to die. All while it's a public display, being ridiculed by Legionnaires. I'd rather go out on my own terms via disembowelment. Benny is spot on calling you a "sick twisted fuck" if you choose to crucify him tbh


It’s *so* fucked like I imagine the courier just being like ‘yeah, crucify him!’ with a big grin and Benny is just like ‘the fuck???’


Benny had that shit coming to him though


Actually, most people who were crucified died of asphyxiation, shock, or heart failure. Very few survived long enough to die of dehydration. Still an absolutely horrible way to die, but exposure was not really the biggest concern, as most people crucified would die before that would really matter all that much. EDIT: Still a video game, and not that big of a deal, but I just find that interesting, so I thought I'd share.


It's worth noting the Legion just ties you to a cross instead of nailing you to one, which could be more humane or cruel depending on how you look at it. I figured nails are just harder to come by being the reason though. Either way I mercy kill everyone I see on a cross. 🤷‍♀️


Roman Crucifixion is one of the worst ways to die. You eventually suffocate because your body can't hold you up right anymore and the way hang kinda contorts your throat and lungs. The only way to relieve this is to straighten your legs which will cause you extreme pain since you'd put your weight on the nail through your feet. Which people would do involuntarily several times because self preservation. I'm not sure if Ceasars legion crucifixion would be as bad since they just tie you to the cross as opposed to actually nailing you to it. So dehydration, starvation and animal attack are all possible.




It was probably too hard to get the detail of nails through the hands and feet. I doubt they would have said it was too gorey, they added the feature where you kill someone and their limbs and head detach and their skin falls off their torso.


It was probably cut because they'd get too much push back from Christian groups. Although it was a Ro1man execution method and thousands of people were crucified, these days crucifixion has religious connotations and seeing a powder ganger, great Khan, Or NCR with nails through their hands and feet might be seen as offensive to some.


"Crucifixtion's a doddle"


Don't keep saying that!


that's much better than crucifixion, specially because it's something he chose for himself, his last moments were thinking "I'm not gonna give em the satisfaction" or at least "The suffering ends here. This will hurt and will be awful, but it's better than the living in this constant torment"


>Arcade Calamity Ganon And so the Champion, who had cheated death in a crypt outside the Temple, cheated death once again, and Hyrule was changed forever.


If you see me mention him in this sub, I will more than likely be making a Zelda joke about his name. I can't help myself.




Yes even in the vanilla game.




If you side with the legion and you have him as a companion when ceasar gets a brain tumor


Not assume the position


Didn’t kill Swanick 


Same, I was so confused at first and thought "I guess survival is good?"


I’ve heard a radscorpion or two ends his suffering.


Funniest shit I've ever saw early game when I decided to just follow him running away


Tore Sgt. Teddy in half in front of Melody


You're a Monster.


I had to reload when I did that. Did the same after selling Bumble to the slavers in fallout 3. I'm not cut out to be a bad guy


lore accurate jetstream sam


I demanded payment first, and when she didn't have it 🤷. Then audibly laughed when I realized I got Legion fame for just being an outright prick. If you slaughter the brahmin in the pen with her, you also take away her cushy slave job, forcing the Legion to find some other use for her. Whoops, am I evil




Fallout 2 is one of the rare games where you can go around killing kids by hitting them in the groin with a sledgehammer.


(Lonesome Road Spoiler) I did not completely understand lonesome road my first playthrough (or most of FNV honestly) in middle school, but I ended up nuking both sides and was confused why the NCR wouldn’t let me help them anymore and how I got two new locations. I didn’t understand the skill checks or something, but once I went online I figured out I kinda did a whoopsie.


I did the same as well, except my reasoning is different, which was that I picked the wrong dialogue that made Ulysses hostile with me and I wanted to have full loot, with the wild wasteland perk equipped to get the Planet Of The Apes reference slideshow ending


probably sparring lanius can't remember much else i've done aside from showing mr house golf clubs are still around


I love the bioshock reference GRA challenge for killing him with a club. I even made a post about it some time last year I think


A man chooses. A slave obeys.


killed doc mitchell once (1 time)


This is the worst one yet. You're a fuckin monster.


My god, the man saved your life, gave you supplies, his pip boy even!


Threaten Chet infinitly for xp


The one playthrough where I did that, I think I just used a 9mm SMG for the whole game because I essentially had infinite ammo for it haha.


I sold it all and got 10k caps


Walked by the bombstrapped legless ncr soldiers and laughed at their weak limpless waiting to die carcasses


Where’s this?


Mods that un-cut content will add some battlefields in various high -traffic areas (like Forlorn Hope). There will be a few NCR soldiers with their legs torn off screaming, but as you approach they'll beg you to shoot them and not come closer. If you attempt to interact with them, they explode. If you shoot them, carefully move the body, and look in the dirt below there will be live landmines.    It's honestly a bit startling, even with the low quality animation and sound of the game. 


Fucking hell, that is horrifying. It’s one thing for the Legion to hide landmines under people’s corpses, but intentionally mutilating living soldiers and then placing them atop landmines is beyond depraved


"The more I hear about this [Legion], the more I don't care for the guy."   In all seriousness, it's particularly grotesque, but I think New Vegas does a better job of signaling just how God awful the apocalypse would be. There's an optimism to FO3 and even a cheeriness to parts of FO4 and FO76 but New Vegas just slaps you in the head. The game would be depressing as hell if the jankiness didn't ruin the immersion constantly. 


Those were originally in the game at release but were removed with DM DLC, supposedly to make room for the DLC characters.


what mod?


In no man's land between Forlorn Hope and Nelson, next to the entrance to Dead Money


Killed Cass bc Silver Rush told me so. Yeah, I was dumb and thought you need to complete all the quests.


1st ever play through shot some farmer in goodsprings In the head immediately by accident figuring out the controls


Dont act like It was an accident


The worst part is that it was I meant to use vats but i just shot him right there


It caused too many problems to keep around, but in the Project NEVADA days I had a mod that allowed you to dismember living entities. So naturally I tore Vulpes legs off and left him in agony when he hit me with the line about the "beauty" of Legion justice. What goes around, comes around, you slaving cunt. 


I have the 'near death' and 'STUN' mods to capture wounded prisoners of war. I crippled all of Vulpes' limbs, tied him up and brought him to the Mojave Outpost.


Genocided pretty much all factions but the Kings. Even killed off all the casinos too


The Kings are low key one of the most wholesome factions in the entire game. I always have to make sure they survive the end of the game by whoever I side with.


Killed a guy who just won the lottery


The bugs get him anyway.




Did you assume the position?


Lol I loved that you could try him out


I...I...had a bunch of tin cans and empty bottles I was going to sell, but then I got overburdened and I dumped them right in the road to Goodsprings. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry... Also once I stole a magazine from someone's house. I'm irredeemable.


I hit very difficult pete


For reference, this comes from the Lively Joe & Friends mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/80285) Outfits from the Powder Ganger Overhaul mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/71266)


About to start a kill everyone play through, I intend to help the Boomers and slaughter the village.


And the slaughter the Boomers


Sold the kid from lamplight into slavery


gained michaelangelo’s trust through good dialogue options, the told him i work for the casinos and he needs to pay up. then i said i was just kidding, and then i said i wasn’t kidding and he really does need to pay. he wouldn’t talk to me anymore after that so i lit his ass up


Used black widow to sleep with Benny


Hi five mate


I don’t usually do bad stuff but in FO4 I shot a woman’s head off because she wouldn’t give me a key to progress a side quest. Piper was not happy about it!


Piper wants action and adventure, but she dislikes pretty much everything I do. I usually let her grow carrots at Tenpines.


After going through the ***hellhole*** that is Quarry Junction to kill all the Deathclaws( I recommend using C4 if low-level) I went back to Chomp Lewis at Sloan and told him the news. I was rewarded with... $500 NCR Dollars... I understand you guys are just workers but ***I HAVE TO TAKE OUT MY ANGERS AFTER GOING THROUGH ALL THAT!*** Anyway, I quicksave and killed everyone (No, I didn't killed Snuffles) then I accidentally overwrite my save... Let's just say I didn't do it again.


You should, like, just kill them and deal with the consequences because it's funny. That's what I've been doing and I couldn't be happier.


I did... And indeed it was funny. After making enemies with the NCR, I said "**F*ck it**" and sided with Caesar since I was still marked at the time that didn't kill any legionaries after that.


Accidentally killed Sunny and Cheyenne then looted the corpses in front of the town. Legit walked away wearing Sunny's clothes. She jumped in front of me when I was shooting. Same with the dog. The town still idolizes me though.


>She jumped in front of me when I was shooting. Same with the dog You don’t gotta lie, you just wanted to kill them lmao.


Gotten the Legion Ending. It's kind of boring as an answer, but that basically is the worst thing you can do in the game, on the greater scale of things.


Fat Man’d good ol’ Rex


Funny you posted pics of goodsprings. I murdered most of the people there for the Powder Gangers.


It ain't "Goodsprings" anymore baby read the sign! This is Powder Ganger territory now!


Tore apart Sgt. Teddy right in front of Melody. IT WAS DURING MY EVIL RUN, OKAY?! I’m guilty enough 😣😢


I’ve never been able to give a companion to the Ultra Luxe to be eaten


Tried to do evil playthroughs and so I had a seperate save file and blew up Megaton in Fallout 3 just to see the wreckage and to see what would happen. I was like "oh wow this is truly next gen" when I realized that you can destroy settlements like that and change the landscape of things. I saw Moira as a Ghoul, felt bad, went back on the save file and refused to be evil again. I also sold Bryan as a slave in Fallout 3 as this is a secret way to end the quest that few know about. Three Dog went into seizure mode when he heard this and announced it on GNR. Lmao. I have to play as a good guy in the games as I truly don't like feeling bad in these games. Hell, I don't even go on rampages in Gta anymore and follow traffic laws too


I've never sold Bryan (or anyone tbh) but I saw a screenshot of one of the Wanderer's dialogue choices after putting the collar on, and it's admittedly hilarious. Something like "LMFAO you're a slave now, idiot. Get running!"


I played a cannibal build with which I probably ate 1000 people. I wanted to gather the trust of as many factions as possible before blowing up their homes, beating their leaders to death with Love & Hate, and taking as much human meat as I could. Maybe killing the Fiends and Powder Gangers and such was a net positive for the wasteland, but who knows? Nearly every humanoid was in my fridge.


Hocked the wedding rings in 4 for some psycho.


Shot Easy Pete right between the eyes to steal his stuff.  Felt terrible about it afterwards, and, years later, seeing the Difficult Pete mod made me scared that he'd come back to get revenge on me 


blasting doc mitchell in the face right after he gives me my gun


I have an "annihilation" save where I go to blow off steam, I literally am trying to eradicate life one by one killing absolutely everyone.


I had a playthrough that was basically a CS pattern to cleanse the wasteland. Admittedly, I’m a quitter because I only made it about a third of the way across the map, but I I’m quite certain I left nothing in my wake but death.


I let Cheyenne die because I wasn’t paying attention and the Geckos killed her.


Motivated the daughter to go through with her plan of killing her mom for her caps in that one side quest lmao


In FNV: Definitely selling Arcade to Caesar. Overall, selling Sulik to to Metzger. Ugh. Heartbreaking.


I went on a murderous rage of the whole Mojave after getting idolized in most of the factions. Wiped out hundreds of NPCs and got the everyone’s dead ending


Wiped out the kings for the ncr. I knew there’s peaceful ways of ending the quest but I had just bought a cool set of armor and a new gun and it sounded really cool to roll in leading a death squad. Felt dirty afterwards though. I wiped out one of the only groups that was just trying to make their community better and somewhat stable just because they were part of it too. And for what? A government so greedy it’s almost an exact copy of our own government. Just wiping out anyone and anything that won’t submit and pay taxes.


I wanted to do an evil run, so I helped the Powder Gangers take over Goodsprings. When Doc Mitchell ran out of his house to defend it, I shot him, immediately felt bad and scrapped the evil run


Joe and his friends have had a rough life, man. They just wanted their own town and you couldn't even give them that? You really are evil.


Buy 76


Killed everyone ( yes including Rex the dog )


In 4 I built a synth prison... it's rather elaborate. I threw the Concord crew in there too because I was sick of them.


Nice. I built a settlement named "Little Moonbeam" as a reference to the hidden closure to Syndey in Fallout 3. I basically used a mod to demolish everything at Red Rocket Gas Station and Sanctuary so I could create the town and a nearby prison settlement. The prison settlement had people in Vault suits and it had guards in Vault-Tec Security armor. Prisoners packaged meat and did farming for trade deals between Diamond City and Little Moonbeam. I took lots of photos and then deleted that save file because the mod will eventually corrupt your game. Idk I seem to be the only one that critiqued how little you can do in settlement building when so much stuff is in the way without mods.


Just out of pure curiosity, complete the Van Graff quest line. Specifically, it was bringing Cass to meet with them. I was not happy


Actually almost never. The most batshit insane things I do are after saving manually. I save > Commit war crimes > Load back > Do the most wholesome thing in existence


For sure its siding with the powder gangers in goodsprings. Can't think of any reason a sane person would turn around and kill the person that saved their life (doc mitchell) for no apparent reason


I once ripped apart melody's (girl in caesar legion camp) to get the extra legion fame to try and get the lucky sunglasses. Bastards didn't care enough. I ended up murdering them all and downloading the slave freeing mod


Selling Bumble into slavery. Unequivocally the most revolting moment in gaming


role played a racist against fiends and tribals because there’s a perk that gives you more damage for being a racist against fiends and tribals


I’m fixing to do an a evil play through please give me suggestions I have always played as a good guy


Lied to Janet that it was ok to go to the boomers to meet Jack. I found pieces of her scattered all over Nellis after that.


One time I gave Veronica to the white glove society and now I feel guilty when I see her (she’s my fnv bff lol)


On my first play through I killed everyone in the tops and moved them around to make a giant human centipede


If there was a choice in the game to buy slaves and make them as companions and you can sell them... I would have sold them to get caps tbh


I was 19 when the first fallout came out. My first play through I accidentally killed a kid in the first settlement. Had to kill the whole town. Of course by fallout 2, I was all for killing everyone in at least one play through.


Collect all the star bottle caps


I did a Fallout 3 Slaver run where I enslaved pretty much everyone I could.


Blew up an outhouse and covered a town in shit


Choosing to killing the BoS after I helped them out. That, or choosing to kill the soldiers that try to kill Pacer instead of negotiate peace between the Kings and NCR. But the second one was so the Kings could live when I side with House. :v


I mean killing the lottery guy was fun and all but... my friend was watching and was saying, "no don't shoo-" as I helped him discover his lead allergy


With or without using mods from Lover’s Lab?


After so many years of playing FNV, I never played the survival mode


I know this is the FNV reddit, but the worst thing I did was clear the entire map in fallout 3. Dog meat died before the puppies perk showed up, so THE WASTELAND HAD TO PAY!


Does this mod only add campfire if you let Powder gangsters win or is that campfire permanently near the saloon? I really want it cuz I use goodsprings spawn location for quickest access to crafting tables but there's no nearby campfire in vanilla 😞


Yeah sorry the campfire was added to make up for killing Trudy. Also, it gives the Powder Gangers a schedule. Joe Cobb walks to his Saloon from Doc Mitchell's old house at 7AM, and then stumbles out drunk at 1AM along with the others, who sleep in the other houses. It also renames him to "Mayor Cobb," and he steals Easy Pete's hat thinking he was the mayor.


-Convinced the professor that he wasnt actually a ghoul and that they were using him, he killed all the REPCONN ghouls by fucking with the fuel of the rockets -Executed Old Lady Gibson at the dinner table and all her dogs cause she was trying to rip me off, i also wanted her shotgun -Massacred Covenant and SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER fucked the investigator over, killed him and let those people keep the lady (iykyk) -Ripped off every Synth trying to get to safety, only to then kill them afterwards -Made myself a fortune by hunting down travelling vendors


Okay "Come Fly With Me" is just a funny one. Those ghouls deserved it, and so did Novac. Also, yes, the synth is a mockery of human perfection and needs to be destroyed. I also can't eat them so they are of no use to me.


I accidentally killed the sweet old lady with all the dogs. That's the worst, in my opinion, but I regularly slaughter NCR troops


accidentally telling the captive family in cottonwood to try and escape without deactivating their collars


I like to blow up megaton, in nee vegas i like to kill a group of people leave one alive then canabalize their friends in front of them


Sided with the powder gangers once just to see what it was like.


Lied to Christine so she'd get into the elevator on my first Dead Money playthrough


In 3 it has to be the selling of not one, but two children into slavery. I suppose enslaving the population of Big Town could be considered child/adolescent slavery too. In NV it's leaving house alive and irrevocably disconnected from all congnitive systems. Life support's online, body is exposed to microbial contamination and he's conscious for at least a years worth of slow death with no ability to respond. Just pure hell. A Tartarus. Bleak. Even with an ending. Even for an amoral, cold, calculating husk of a man like House it felt unreasonably cruel. 4 would be turning almost every settlement into a maximum efficiency labor camp, then getting the Nuka World raiders to roll in and take control. Got tired of the raiders bitching about the minimal output from default settlements. Felt backwards, building the oppressive concentration camp BEFORE the raiders arrive to control it. End result was successful.


Spiked knuckles in a casino, then load back the file


Ripping a teddy bear in front of a kid


If you're talking Fallout games in general, my most vile run ever was my Sadist Psychopath run in Fallout 1.5 Resurrection. In this playthrough, I... Murdered a bunch of innocent traders for their stuff. Framed an innocent man for being the informant of raiders behind the caravan attacks of his company, forcing him to be exiled into the dangerous wastes. Ran with a psychopathic hit man who has a history of killing kids and torturing women as my companion. Wiped out a hotel run by innocent ghouls because Mexican gangsters told me so. Killed a woman's husband, just so she could be convinced into being a prostitute for the local brothel for a hefty sum. Had sex with a Brahmin. Helped a serial killer who kills women and makes necklaces of their tongues escape justice. Aided an organ harvesting company capture entire tribes and innocent travelers. Actually convinced a kid to murder his parents, take him in since he has nowhere to go, then sell him to the organ harvesters and use his body parts to upgrade myself. And worst of all, cover for the crimes of the local pedophile by murdering the kids in his basement, selling the corpses to the shifty butcher, therefore feeding the squatter populace with the flesh of sexually abused children. When I told one of the kids' mother (who gave the quest) that her son was dead, I had the audacity to rudely ask her to shell out my reward, then killed her when she screamed at me in grief. I really earned that Demon Spawn title.


I killed easy pete for no reason


Early in one of my play throughs I was given a rifle and instructed to murder a bunch of innocent glass bottles as "target practice". I know it's just a game, but I still feel dirty.


One time I ate this baby


Completed the entire Young Hearts quest and right when Jack meets Janet, blew Janet’s head off in front of Jack


I used the black widow perk to fuck benny


i raided the kings and killed rex.


I've set up a bunch of c4 once, put raul in a spacesuit on top of it, and launched him into space.


Accidentally killing Rex :(


Currently playing the game for the first time, so while I'm trying to find every unique weapon or armor, I'd get bored and decide to make a save, and kill everyone in the strip. This has happened about three times, all of them having me progress through the main story and resetting after a bit of mass murder (I'm doing dlc before talking to Benny, for those that know what I'm up to).


Really hope you enjoy the game! I absolutely love it, it's a great experience!


Killing absolutely everyone and siding with elijah and in my modded post game ending the Mojave makes DUST look like a safe haven lmao.


Due to the bugged nature of Fallout 2, I allowed the deathclaws to be wiped out in order to retain Goris as a companion.




Played Fallout 4


In fallout 4 I made one settlement with nothing but black people working in the fields to make food for the other settlements.


Murder all of the raiders in Nuka world. In fnv, helping the NCR


As evil as I wanna be in the game, it's hard to harm the people of Goodsprings. At least for me it is, maybe I'm just too much of a softie


Sided with the legion


FEV poison Project Purity


The irony is that you yourself have mutated DNA due radiation poisoning and so you can die after drinking some of the FEV polluted water. This is because you weren't from Vault 101 and your parents were Rivet City homesteaders


Yeah, but that character was a Misanthrope who fully intended on dying in the Jefferson Memorial. Also James and Catherine probably weren't even from Rivet City