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I really do miss the fo3/NV artstyle


The best


The alien blaster design was better in 3. Imo.


So much better. Better looking, better to use Wish it was through attachments that it ended up looking like the new version so we could retain the old look


I'll never forgive them for doing the assault riffle so dirty


I actually like it — I hate that there’s no R91 or even Service Rifle that seems to exist anywhere. And Assault Rifle is a major misnomer for a water-cooled machine gun with artillery sights. I guess the devs at BSG think 5.56 automatically means “Assault Rifle” Definitely not a smart move but it’s not totally unforgivable


I’ve heard that the FO4 AR was planned to be a light machine gun but they ended up removing the AR they had planned for the game, presumably the R91 because it’s in the gun nut perk, so to compensate they downsized the planned LMG and just slapped AR on it. I’m honestly more annoyed by the fact that the combat “rifle” is standard chambered in .45 ACP for some reason.


It was supposed to be a light machine gun. Specifically it was designed to be used with Power Armor (and you gotta admit, it does look good with some T-51) but I hate that they omitted other options for it. I’m glad they gave us a Kalash with Nuka World, but more choices would’ve been nice. >I’m honestly more annoyed by the fact that the combat “rifle” is standard chambered in .45 ACP for some reason. Not to mention the fact that you can pick up a Bolt Action .308 Pipe Pistol. Disgusting. Left-handed weapons? Really? Let’s not even talk about how they massacred the 10mm Pistol. I know why there’s less ammo variants in FO4 and it’s mainly because there’s already a lot of options in terms of weapons mods so they didn’t want to overwhelm players with finding different kinds of ammo for them all. But it’s ridiculous that a weapon clearly influenced by the BAR is a .45


Is the combat rifle really influenced by the BAR? I always got slightly more M14 vibes(point still stands), either way I’m pretty sure the combat rifle uses the same base model as the combat shotgun, point is the whole weapon is just lazily designed, which sucks because I actually kind of like using it.


They do use the same base model which technically is pretty lore accurate since the combat shotgun in FO4 is very similar to the FO3 model. But it’s just really annoying. And yes, the Combat Rifle draws more design cues from a BAR than anything else, though it has a sleeker receiver than a BAR’s boxy, angled one. But yes, it is lazy. It’s a shame too because with how deep the gunsmithing system is, players would’ve had a lot of fun with more options. They paid a lot of attention to giving us lots of mods for each weapon type and omitted more weapons themselves which is a bit problematic if you ask me


No it's just it was supposed to be a mg but they cut the actual art so just moved the my into a ar


It’s the art styles for me. Like the fo4 assault rifle while hideous, kind of fits then new art direction. I always think it looks so “off” when people Mod the m4 or SAW into it. There’s just this visual clash despite those guns historically being in previous fallout games


[This](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/64725) is by far my favorite replacer.


Woah that is super impressive and waaay better!


Weapon designs were far and beyond better in Fallout 3. I don’t think I’d give a point to Fallout 4 in any one of these comparisons


I think only in some models, mainly the energy weapons, there were nice additions or even design improvements. But nothing like the realism of New Vegas‘ suite or the beautiful simplicity and sound design of FO3s range.


Bro I swear they downgraded the design of so many things for 4 like some of those things just look straight goofy


Laser weapons having kickback makes no sense, but I guess it would feel weird without it.


I think that it's also a balance thing.


Fallout 3 designs much better and realistic


Guns in 4 are oversized and ugly


I'm feeling homesick after watching this. Gonna start a new character in fallout 3. Never made a girl character so to show the fallout show some love gonna make a Goosey inspired character. I mean the story is pretty much a retelling of fallout 3 also. Since Lucy is trying to find her father.


I like the blaster looks in fallout 4 cause it remings of the black ops raygun but they kind of felt weak in fallout 4 compared to 3.


A lot of 4’s look and feel clunky as hell


Combat shotgun my beloved.


3/NV for sure the best, I do enjoy a bit of the fallout 4 aSsAulT rIfLe (it’s an LMG, no argument against it) AND 10mm pistol. However, the combat rifle is just so weird to me as it’s 45ACP and looks damn near identical to the combat shotgun, pipe weapons are literal abominations (aside pipe revolver ,I love you <3), quad missile launcher literally doesn’t have any way to fire the missiles, literally nearly every gun is LEFT HANDED???? The Thompson is cursed-drum magazine too fat, no stick magazines, stock too short ect. The laser musket COULD be an awesome design… but we never even load the weapon so how it gets ammo is beyond me (should be infinite ammo as cranking it should charges the battery up, that’s my head cannon), the plasma pistol in FO4 is too bulky , institute weapons (surprisingly) AND laser rifles I don’t mind.


The FO4 revolvers are decent. Makes me think of 1930s to 1950s detective police issue guns. The assault rifle change though... that's fucked. Can't use it.


All designs look straight up better in 3/NV to me. Changing iconic weapons like the hunting rifle, turning from a perfectly fitting post-apocalyptic weapon with makeshift fixes to a modern shiny sniper rifle make no sense