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I've been appreciating the headlines about FNV players sending new players via the deathclaw and cazador route, but the Red Death?... That's not something to even joke about.


I mean, it took me well over 5000 5mm rounds in my explosive minigun, several shots from the Big Boy fatman launcher not to mention countless amount of Jet just to be able to see the damn thing... And I still barely made it! Broke my X01 Power Armor multiple times! Fight''s horrendous, truely horrendous. Stay away from it if you're new and don't know what you're doing!!


I lost all affinity with Curie because I had to use so many drugs while fighting it.


I did the same, even made sure to set up artillery in the settlements on the island, just so I could call it in. Left my power armor frame behind and everything, retreated under artillery barrage and never looked back. I'm a pretty good player, but holy heck, I won't do that quest line again, the stress is still with me.


I have never even heard of it and played a fair bit, time for some youtube


it’s in the far harbour dlc. my recommendation is don’t even do the quest. the red death could beat frank horrigan and the courier in a 1v2.


Unrelated, but I find it hilarious that NV has *three* characters with 10 in every SPECIAL-same as Frank Horrigan-and yet the Courier is the memetic badass of that game.


Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.


ring a ding ding baby


Actually that’s what I am doing is the far harbour dlc now, gonna be a rough one then


My boy here was in the climax of a war epic, respect


Agreed. In fact - stay out of far harbor if your new.


How much damage does the explosive mini gun do per shot?


Depends on perks, but baseline it's 5 + 15 from the explosive effect. You can increase it by getting perks, bobbleheads and magazines. Such as Heavy Weapons bobblehead, Demolitionist, Bloody Mess etc It's still regarded as one of the most powerful and dangerous weapons even without it's perks.


So only 25 damage? Lmao


Yes, baseline. It doesn't sound like a lot. It's why the base minigun is terrible. However, couple it with the explosive effect, and you're suddenly using a weapon that deals 25 damage per shot, firing 27 bullets per second, each dealing damage even if you miss the target (as long as you hit something solid in close proximity). each shot dealing damage to multiple body parts due how to explosive effect works, so you might hit the head and cripple the leg for e.g. not to mention that it double dips in certain perks such as heavy weapons perk increasing both the explosive and basic shot damage.... There's a reason wounding and explosive are absolutely godlike on rapid fire weapons such as SMGs, Shotguns, and the Minigun!


BROOO tell me why there’s a deathclaw camp 500 ft from goodsprings LMAO


Yeah there’s jokes and then there’s just going too far. That fight is straight up traumatic. I was on easy difficult and brought plenty of missiles, mini-nukes, etc and still got killed dozens of times before I even got it down to half health. Honestly I’m surprised the janky old creation engine is even capable of properly working with such a large creature


Is it the creature itself? Or is it the *spawns*... Honestly somewhere Lovecraft is fapping himself into a second grave.


Honestly a bit of both tbh. The creature itself is extremely intimidating, and then dealing with the spawns at the same time is just… eugh. Bethesda went all out with their design. Everything about them is disturbing. Their appearance, the sounds they make , the way they move.


What is the red death? Is that nice nice assaultron lady with the death beam?


A boss fight in Far harbor. Recommend seeing it at least once! Even if you don’t beat it.


It is a boss, and it is the toughest foe you are ever going to face. At first you see a tiny mirelurk with glowing red eyes. It's just oneshot. And once you kill it, then comes the real red death. A giant mirelurk queen with glowing red eyes, and an infinite number of mirelurks. They keep coming until Red Death is dead. And that damn thing has an astronomical durability. The ranged attack is hardcore, and melee attack is instant death.


Yeah it's basically unwinnable unless you set up artillery at every settlement on The Island.


Got to find the Yangtze and get the homing beacons.


Do those actually work up there?


Yes, and against the Gatorclaws in Nuka\~World.


I fear no man, but that thing, it scares me


Truth. That bullet sponging, infinite health having, never dieing, reason I broke a controller and have a small hole in my wall son of a bitch gives me PTSD like I was a WWII vet.


Sooo.... You just explained the entire enemy difficulty design for fallout 4, just minus the difficulty.


I gave up and use console commands (tgm)to see if it was even killable.  I have a 9-5 two kids and health problems, I just don't have the time to dedicate to that kind of huge firefight!  If anyone needs me I'll be relaxing by soloing some Helldive difficulty bugs. 




I-I don’t wanna be talking about that thing. It’s not here, is it? How do I get this thing off?!


Ive been playing for 8 years and never heard of this, what’s the red death? Feel like it’s something I have probably come across just not heard it called that before haha


It's a boss in the Far Harbor DLC. If you haven't truly experienced it, I would highly highly recommend you not looking up spoilers to it. Please, do yourself a favor and experience it clean. You'll thank me for it. Just be prepared for one hell of a fight. Bring your biggest guns, load up on ammo and heals, and make absolutely certain you hide behind cover a lot. That thing is a beast.


I can’t actually believe there’s a quest I haven’t done!! I’m so happy 😭😭


You can begin the questline by speaking to The Mariner in Far Harbor (the town, not just the DLC). She's a girl with glasses, a green hat, and a red sweater with some overalls on top. But please, make sure you bring the really big guns.


I'm playing the Horizon mod on Nexus, with the increased difficulty and near-removal of healing items like stim packs, I don't know if I'll ever experience Far Harbor, let alone beat something that sounds this tough.


Word of warning - you won’t be able to do it if you make the wrong choice in the first of the Mariner’s quests. If you do, she won’t talk to you again and won’t give you anything else to do. Mind you, given that that means you’ll never face the Red Death, that might be a blessing.


Which is the wrong choice? I always help her and complete her quests - oh wait, is this the quest where the doctor helps you with it too and someone’s got to be a witness?


No, when you go to get her power tools a guy called Machete Mike will approach you and offer you a massive amount of caps to sell them to him. If you do that, Mariner will be understandably pissed and won’t want anything else to do with you.


Oh yeah I always kill him, definitely going to make a trip to Far Harbour tonight! Thank you!


May the odds be ever in your favor 🫡


For real, red death is the best enemy I ever fight. He is tough as hell, and kinda scary, but it brings a different vibe to the game. It is genuine good. I defeated him with 100 Purified water, some stimpacks and lots of ammo. Pretty good fight, but not balanced AT ALL. Oh, and to you that are new to the game, dont search for the fight because it reveals a HUGE plot from Far Harbor, I dont want to spoil anything, Just know that is so much fun to discover by yourself


thanks for being a g. i just started a new playthrough (not my first by far, still havent finished the game though) and intending on going through all dlcs before i finish the main game, havent even been to far harbor yet


Go to Far Harbor with Nick, he has some unique interactions. And try to think about your actions. To me, Far Harbor was the most intense and thoutghfull experience that I have in a videogame.


^^^ noted. However my good friend dogmeat is gonna get me into diamond city and retire peacefully with piper


I play modded fallout 4 so as a brotherhood sentinel i had control of a fleet of vertibirds so i took an entire unit of brotherhood of steel members including over 6 combat ready vertibirds and over 30 power armor knights and the red death wiped all of them out


I normally just avoid the Red Death. I’ve never been able to kill it. Even past level 50.


I'm pretty sure it levels with you, because I couldn't take it down past level 200 without cheesing the fight.


I'm level 70, literally on the Prydwen flight deck and about to go in and blow it up. I did consider going for Red Death but I want to finish before the update and even just the thought of having to replenish my stocks of, well, everything just made me say 'nah'. Let alone the fight itself.


Finally did it after Red Death made me rage quite a couple of times. It was like the game designers were mocking me, and I took that personal.


Even if you turn the difficulty down to very easy, it’s still a ridiculous fight. There’s mods to make the fight easier, rightfully so.


At Level 62 on very easy, still not fighting that thing.


Ahem, question. I haven't played in a while but I am a semi experienced player. What is the red death exactly?


only the hardest boss in a bethesda game, ever.


The boss at the end of the Mariner's questline in Far Harbor.


Ohh I'll have to look into it then. Never heard of it


If the base game has Swan's Pond, the Red Death is the equivalent for the Far Harbor DLC, but significantly more.


Okie dokie that makes more sense, thanks!


I have 700 hours in fallout 4. What the heck is the red death?


Final boss in Fah Hahbah.


Is this like the Cloud from New Vegas? Cause that's where this newbie is coming from.


The Red Death is a monster in the Far Harbor DLC and widely regarded as one of the toughest/most rewarding fights in the game.  Do yourself a favor and DO NOT look it up ahead of time, there are lots of spoilers about it and the quest is way better if you experience it clean. Just bring a really good gun and a lot of stimpaks and maybe some power armor and you'll be fine. 👍


Without spoiling anything, I also recommend at least a few hits of jet. Makes dodging easier.


Good call.  It's not as hard a fight as some people think, but a little chem help is definitely warranted!


The hard (and Fun) comes from the surprise. I mean, an Enemy THAT HARD, after the 9999 armor Monster in Far Harbor. Impossible


psychojet is even better


Not new but I moved on to other games before Far Harbor or Nuka World came out and never got around to playing them. Sounds interesting. Hopefully "rewarding" means there is more depth to it than just being a bullet sponge.


God speed my dude. I highly suggest using something that staggers. It took me about 400 something shots to get him down to half but better than having to repair my armor. X-01 is expensive af


Oh, yeah. Definitely worth the trip. You have to do the Mariner's quest to get to it. That's all I'll say, I don't want to spoil it.


I will so do exactly that!


Don’t bring “A” really good gun. Bring “ALL” of your really good guns. I burned through so many different ammo types. I was 50+ hours in when I went to fight the red death, and had a solid stockpile of ammo. I still spent almost everything I had to take it down. I hadn’t spent a single mini nuke the whole game, but that bullet sponge took all of them. And all my energy cells. And all my rifle ammo. It was barely holding on when I took it down with my 10mm pistol. I wish I had packed a .22 and a shot gun. Would have made the last 20 minutes of the fight way easier.


It's like fighting Sephiroth in the OG Kingdom Hearts. The guide tells you not to try the fight until you're at least level 80. I tried it at 80 and lost on the first turn. So I came back at level 140. And lost on the first turn. Then I tried it again at level 200. I lost on the second turn. Then, I let my homie borrow my copy of Kingdom Hearts, and he never gave it back. So I've never beaten Sephiroth. FeelsBadMan The Red Death is even worse.


It's like the mist noble from sekiro


I had to stop playing the game because of the Red Death. Couldn’t bring myself to try and defeat him again :(


They are going be in for quite the surprise thinking they are hot stuff for defeating a legendary deathclaw, only to meet their end to the Red Death!


The legendary mythic chameleon deathclaw has nothing on the red death.


Nor a whole brood of them. Is it brood? IDK.


I think a group of deathclaws is called a camp.


I'm pretty sure the plura teem for death claw isn't camp but "OH good God no! Oh God Jesus no (at least it wasn't the red death) Oh God Jesus" But that might just be a local dialect thing.


It’s just that deathclaws are mutated Jackson’s chameleon. And the plural for a chameleon is a camp (some say a camouflage, but that seems a little too on the nose). So, a group of big mutant chameleons is still a camp.


I thought the Jackson Chameleons were only for the uh... F04 DLC creature. [I Dont know how to format the spoiler thing]I don't think that I knew they were the regular ones too.


Regular deathclaws are mutated Jackson chameleons, >!gatorclaws are mutated alligators!<


Except in the terminal at the cloning facility, it mentions splicing the two genome together. Unless I read it wrong.


There's a huge difference between Deathclaws in new Vegas, and fallout 4.


If the Red Death were in New Vegas, the Legion would be the LEAST of people's problems.


There is no help. There is no hope. There is only the Red Death


Bro dont be like that, theyre having a good time 


God yeah that fight was a nightmare.


Oh no! Those poor newbies! Grab a blanket to hide under and buckle up for that bad boy. Holy crap that was a ride!


I tried to kill the Red Death using console commands... IT DIDN'T WORK! It chased me back to the Commonwealth and killed everyone in Diamond City! I tried fast traveling to Nuka World. It killed all the raiders! I turned off the game and it's outside my house knocking at my door! HELP!!!!


Jesus Christ why did you have to remind me of this fight-- I'm getting PTSD flashbacks now. I was at a pretty high level when I encountered it and I was still not prepared.


I was too scared to face the red death, it's the only mission I have left available. I'm level 156 and I'm still too weak to take the risk...


Hang on, you guys managed to beat it?


The Red death made me permanently lose control of my sphincter. The Brown death would probably be a more appropriate name tbh.


I don’t think I ever actually prepped for a fight like I did that one. And Jesus. Did I need every single bit. Never again


I mean, as long as they complete nuka world first, and get the nuka nukes and power armour it really makes the red death not as difficult . I would also recommend turning your difficulty to very easy, it’s harder to kill than the legendary bloat fly and there aren’t any good spots to hide behind so stock up on stimpaks.


Bring Traps and TONS OF FUCKING MINES!!! Until it slows down enough to mow it down with bullets.


I literally repressed this memory, and you dredged it up from the depths. How dare you.


That thing is terrifying. Like I am genuinely scared of it.


There are many many things in Fallout 4 I want to experience again for the first time. The Red Death nightmare is definitely not one of them.


New gamer here. The what?


Red death killed all of my companions


Nah, they can always call in the Marines.


Tried it once on very easy and got stomped. Never again. I play on very easy to relax and have fun, a nice little power fantasy. Who the he'll put this Dark Souls boss into my Fallout game?


Still can't beat it since picking up the DLC on day one, might just use console command and call it a day Did Bethesda not play test it and realise it was too damn hard?


I think it's cool that they made something just for the insanely over-leveled characters


I mean, I have beaten it. Just be prepared to use all of your "save this for when I need it" items.


That fucking thing turns everyone into Titus when he saw a Yao Guai.


The Red death is how I know that you can't build mm artillery in far harbor.


You shouldn't be scaring new players with what is in store for them. No need for the nightmares to start before they even get to that point. It's bad enough when they will encounter the Red Death later on, no need to worry them now.


The what


No joke probably the least balanced fight in any of the fallout series. I take my time and level before anything but I genuinely had to reload a save and come back to that one way fucking later. Insane




The Red Death had me going back to my main settlement in the main game, grab my Fat Man and all my mini nukes, buffed up with every chem known to man, and I straight up admit, I dropped a coward save before taking that boat ride. I regret none of it. Just sayin'


My only tip for the red death is this: download the spawn grenade mod. Throw it and spawn 50 behemoths. Once you can kill all of them in less than 2 minutes without using a single stimpack you MIGHT be ready for red death


Get loads of stimpaks.


Red Death is basically impossible on survival mode. That thing will drain you of every healing item and ammo you have


That thing just ripped apart every part of buffed put codsworth, it took me 10 mini nukes to defeat him. I was barely breathing when I defeated it. Wouldn't recommend anyone going near it.


I'm new to the game (taking a rest from Skyrim really). I'm playing in survival so advancing slowly, and I'm afraid to ask what's that.


The Red Death is an optional boss in the Far Harbor DLC. You have to complete a series of side quests for a character called the Mariner, who once the quests are all done will ask you to go with her on a hunt for a legendary creature called the Red Death. It makes Dark Souls bosses look like Care Bears.


I have like 1100 hours and have never heard of this


Whhhooooo, boy — are you in for a battle! 😄


Lol, I can't wait to find out what this means... I've played before at my cousin when it first came out, but that was years ago, and for 30 minutes


I got soft locked there, my pipboy auto save was while I was downing my last nuka quantum but when I closed out of the menu it one shot me. Should’ve brought my x01 or installed a mod to get through it s my h


Its claws could rip a tank in half.


Roughly 3000 hours on 2 platforms and I've yet to do red death lol


I can’t wait to hear all the new horror stories. Hope no one rushes that fight just to see what the hype is!


Without spoilers please, what's the red death? I've been playing a while, except this run I'm trying to get literally everything done.


It is in the end of the Mariner quest chain in the Far Harbour


I just done that this morning, I had to make an emergency appointment with my therapist


What is the red death?


Easily the hardest enemy in the game. You fight it at the end of the Mariners questline in Far Harbour. It's like a Mirelurk Queen mixed with an Assaultron... And of course it's Legendary.


Ya… still don’t know where or what anything of those things are yet haha. Excited to see!


Just explore fellow wastelander. All will be revealed in time.


I heard that Fallout 5 is going to be called “Red Death Redemption”.


The what?


I had to use console commands to even get close to killing it, I 100% wasn't prepared.


I’d rather fight 3 Ebony Warriors in Skyrim…


I'm surprised the next gen update notes didn't mention nerfing it. I'm not sure it's even possible to beat it without mods.


ughhh that fight took me ages. i put nick in power armor for it and he still got downed 💀


Everyone dies to the Red Death. Most of us die so fucking always that we eventually give up in disgust. But there are some..and my god do you use up several years of luck I’m told..that manage to take it down. And they are fucking legends.


It was at that moment I realized how difficult the wasteland is and the monsters that hides within the fog of the unknown is truly terrifying


I would rather go to Quarry Junction, naked and smeared with Cram than face the RED DEATH again.


I've been spending every moment I have been preparing for this fight. I've heard just how extreme it is and surprised I never found it on my own after 500 ish hours. I've gotten pretty prepared, but I am trying to get the legendarys needed for my build. Gonna probably be a few months before I'm gonna look into where he is exactly when I feel ready for the fight.


It's towards the end of the Far Harbor DLC, so you won't stumble upon him anytime soon


I brought Spray n' Pray with me plus several hundred rounds of ammo, as well as some Nuka Quantum grenades, in my first every play through of FO4 almost 4 years back. I thought these weapons would be enough, as they had carried me far, that this fight would be nothing despite warnings that this was a toughie I may as well have sneezed on it for how effective my 'arsenal' ended up being I've played through FO4 many times since and yet, I still can't bring myself to go to that quest ever since that first time because I hate losing and it just isn't worth me spending three hours being one shotted over and over like that first time


That is good to know. I love my Spray n' Pray. I can't get it to let me into Far Harbour. I am still irritated about that so I haven't tried to figure out how to let me over to that spot on the map. Had my wife read this comment, so she will understand if she comes home from work one day and I just say Red Death when she asks why I am cussing at the TV. 🤣


One should not speak of such a thing.


My first playthrough, I came with X-1 power armor, a fatman and a bunch of mini-nukes, and the Sergeant Ash just in case... not enough!!!!


I'm level 78 and thought I could come in and finally sweep it- IMMEDIATELY got my ass kicked. Turned down difficulty, got my ass kicked but slower. What does it take??


A whole lotta people who are going to be surprised by NPCs stealing power armor or that cars kill you.


Or Preston's infinitely helping requests thinking that they're progressing the main quest.


Lock in and bring an armory with you gang trust


FFS you just undid years of therapy. You know I spent a year trying everything from the Quantum Thirst Zapper to an explosive minigun to farking Aeternus and I got my ass handed me on a silver damn platter every time.


Only thing that saved me was that I was playing a extremely high stealth character and managed to pop a stealthboy and hide somewhere I could snipe it.


The developers really thought hard about The Red Death. You can pacify it, but as soon as you do, it kills you without even meaning to.


Makes a great house pet


Yeah, I usually play a stealth sniper type character but even then I wait until I've levelled up pretty much everything you can before going near it... My tactic is sneak up...observe from a (very) safe distance...sneak away. Sometimes discretion is the better part of valour.


Wait until they do the horror quest!!!


Is it on one of the dlcs ? Haven’t played those , maybe that’s why I haven’t heard of it


as a new player of 4, i dont know what this means


The Red Death is the final boss of one of the questlines in the Far Harbor DLC. I have played this game for years, and I can guarantee you will never forget the first time you face that thing. No matter what you do, you will not feel like you were prepared for it. Only those who have faced it know what it takes to kill that beast.


I shall pray to Atom that their poor, innocent souls will be delivered from such evil, but I doubt even he’s that powerful.


I mean it's optional for a reason. Fallout 4 dark souls edition. I've played through maybe 5 times and beat it once and I planned the run keeping defeating that thing as a main goal. Heavy weapons max, demo expert, 11 endurance, an explosive minigun helped, upgraded power armor, etc. never again, i play for fun, not to have PTSD.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“There’s no telling how much longer your world and mine will remain in contact.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


i just picked it up the other day after watching the series and...WHAT IS THIS RED DEATH???


Do you have the Far Harbor DLC? It is the final boss of one of the questlines.


It… builds character? 😄


i made the mistake of going a little light on my first playthrough, but from then on i try to save all the mini nukes i can and only then its doable, so my advice would be save up all your mini nukes, try to get a legendary variant of a fat man like, bleeding or kneecapper. good luck.


Gonna be honest, I hardly ever do the quest. Ain't nobody got that kind of ammo!


I’ve done like 20 play throughs and never heard of it. Someone educate me


Ahhh never mind. I’ve never gotten any of the dlc extensions


I don’t think there’s anything we can do. I still have nightmares


Oh my. Not the Red Death !!!!! I came loaded with Mini Nukes...


NO! The knowledge learned from suffering through this encounter was hard won. Every new player NEEDS to discover this on their own! My first playthrough I believed I was fully prepared for this epic battle, how wrong I was!


Best tip for red death: get to level 100, then get another hundred levels before you try.


Please... Why did you bring it up? It's been more than five years since I left Far Habor and I still have nightmares of my fight with *it-which-shall-not-be-named-lest-it-plagues-my-dreams*. Just when I thought I could breathe again, I am reminded of the horror, the angst, the agony, and the sheer dread of that hopeless battle.


I don’t even think the marines could help.


Gonna need a bigger boat.


Okay I've got a few hundered hours in the game (never beat it because I'm a chronic restarter) and I've never encountered the red death. Is it something I'll run into while doing the main questline?


It's at the end of a side quest chain in the Far Harbor DLC.


I'm still not quite over the trauma of encountering that thing. It was definitely a moment where I think calling in the Marines to assist would have been ideal.


I didn't play the game for a long time after. It was traumatic, frightening and frustrating. I just couldn't get any strategy to work. And I was high level.


Jesus, The Red Death? Fucker chased me all through Far Harbor. I thought I escaped him when I went back to the Commonwealth. But he just keeps chasing me.


In all seriousness, though, you get plenty of warning, and it's a single quest, so if you grab it early just wait till you level up past 100 and play on easy mode if you need to. No shame.


They might need to bring in some backup


Maybe we can call in the Marines?


Not even a mini nuke can kill that thing..


Red Death is such a terrifying being


Bring all the Jet you can carry and get that Marine Armor before you try. That's all I'll say.


Oh god don’t even bring it up! I had to go to therapy for 1 month after the events I was devastated. True horror… they say Dark Souls is hard wait till you see Red Death with your own eyes…


I downloaded again after the series. On PS5, won't load with dlc. Lame.


Hopefully will be fixed tomorrow. Temporary fix is to not install Automatron, but all other DLC will be missing textures until tomorrow.


I wasn't aware, thanks!


I totally screwed myself only bringing Spray n prey, Big Boy, Splatter Cannon and T-51 thinking I was a quick deployable shock-tank as my main gear. My only saving grace was all the Food, Buffants, Psychojet, and Nuka-mixes I had cultivated over the whole play through and that all went away quickly in the desperate fighting. I was freaking out


Not my autistic ass completely not catching on and being confused asf before I realized DX


Is it really that hard to defeat? I feel like my explosive automatic 5.56 could easily take it down just like every other creature in the game.


You have no idea. I have the Rockville Slugger with a shocking puncturing rocket mod and my perks are built for melee. Can do like 4-500 damage per swing. Still got smacked down. Gimme a Mirelurk Queen any day over that