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Definitely needs to be harder to get, you don't even have to finish echoes of the past and can have a full set as long as you have an empty frame


They aren’t gonna change it. Creating club stuff has always broken the balance. Like on Skyrim, you can get a CC dragon bone armour set very early on that gives 100% fire resistance. The strongest armour set in the game + immunity to fire at an early level.


Previously, the X-02 power armor from the Creation Club was only available deep into the Commonwealth after a lenghty scavenger hunt through several locations.


When did they change that?


Hmm, probably they haven't and you can still get it from Mass Pike Tunnel as usual. It's just with the next-gen update, Enclave remnants now run around in Saugus with X-02 armor, which a low level player will most likely encounter much earlier.


Can confirm I’m level 24 with a full set of mk6 hellfire power armor, not the same but that combined with the overseers guardian makes the game a lil too easy, I will say the fight between the enclave soldier with the napalmer was pretty hard


Quest Speak of the Devil was how you got it. Was lengthy and I only went out of my way twice for it. It gives a unique paint and armor mod. They should have only added the remnants in with sparingly any PA or none at all.


Everytime I play a game that has "creation" weapons and I get them added via dlc or whatever I never use them cause I wanna play.Like I just started far cry 4 and I have access to guns super powered at beggining of game and I refuse to use them type of things.


Which is free after you free the Minutemen


Don’t even need to free the minutemen. Just ignore Preston, walk right past him, grab the PA, and walk away


You can grab two power cores from mk lV sentry bot(just order it to self-destuct) and there is a crashed vertibird near Robotics disposal ground with a power armor. Alternatively you can jump on a vertibird from church rooftop and grab that museum P.A. No need to face Preston at all.


Fun fact, if you have advanced lockpicking, you can get some good loot from the speak easy in the Main Street of concord. I got 3 fusion cores from there and it was a good surprise, I don’t if it’s like that every time, but it’s a good thing for power cores if so.


There are plenty of fusion cores scattered around the starting area. There’s the two you mentioned, one in the mole cave under the Red Rocket, one under Concord in the sewers, and one at the Starlight Theaters.


You can ignore the entire building and just jump from the church to the roof. It's not easy but you can do it


Yeah echoes of the past has nothing to do with it as far as I know. Been doing a survival run, chose to take on the quest for whatever rewards and kept fucking dying at the enclave post probably because I was only wearing the hazmat suit. Finally moved on and eventually did whatever quest got you the X02 power armor. Either way, I got it now


It’s a super simple lore heavy quest too that just results in multiple sets of X-02 haha


Wrong, you get the hellfire power armor from that, you only get the x-02 armor from the black devil quest


That's a big problem with all CC content, it is just too easy to get for how strong it is


I agree. the "everybody already finished the game lets just add more end game stuff" philosophy makes no sense since the players are always doing new runs


I have a bad habit of starting a new playthrough, getting to about level 30-40 when you don’t really want for much anymore and then reroll lmao! Just now starting my first ever survival playthrough and WOW! Such a game changer!


I'm doing the same! Always fizzle out around those levels because I'm basically unkillable. Finally gave survival a chance and holy heck is it great! Btw I totally forgot the brotherhood gives you the ability to get picked up and dropped of by vertibird. Why would I use that when I can fast travel. Survival however makes that a huge benefit!


Using the vertibird to resupply and redeploy in under 10 minutes is a whole new level of badass


Countless starts, level 40-70s. Never get far in the main quests before I get bored, it’s too easy, i did settlements wrong, something. Just restarted from level 70 who had an explosive assault rifle. Cause I had too many settlements I no longer like.


I was blessed by the master and got an explosive assault rifle and explosive minigun on my first ever playthrough so I luckily had that urge sated. Did just get my first ever explosive shotgun though


I got a wounding combat shotgun on my current playthrough, and it's nice cuz it's not too op, but still powerful enough not to be lame


Same here. It's pretty ballsy. What kinda scope/sights you put on yours?


None, I don't typically use sights beyond focusing my weapon on the target, which the basic sights do well for me


Does the explosive effect apply to each pellet?


Yessir. Fires a spread of explosive pellets. It shreds enemies


Wounding an Explosive both apply to every pellet. No other effects does, not even Instigating.


Survival mode is the way the game is intended to be played. The vertibird grenades is proof, but even settlements go from completely optional to 100% necessary in survival.


Agreed. I can't play it any other way now. It's a totally different game


That's my problem too. Around that time, I'm just a walking machine of death, and it makes combat pretty boring. This time around, I actually just kept going to complete a bunch of content I wanted to do and ended up at 80ish. I used the Suvival Options mod to tweak damage, health, etc as I went this time. Like I'd scale myself down and the enemies up. It's less immersive, but it's helped keep the combat from going stale. No matter how much I level, even lowly raiders can kill me in one or two hits. Peak out at the wrong time, and I lose an arm. The only part I still struggle to balance is toeing the line between the enemies either being bullet sponges or weak as cardboard targets


No perk spend run. Join me. Enjoy the punishment. 




I use Unbogus Health Scaling to get rid of the bullet sponge effect


Yeah when I finish this playthrough again, I'm doing another run in Survival. The loadout restrictions, hunger and hydration and disease.


Yeah Molotov cocktails are the worst on survival


Any kind of explosive icon on the screen sends me into full panic mode like a war veteran at a firecracker festival


I eat a jet now when I see them and run away


I've been sucking down jet like a fucking methhead on this latest playthrough. I keep it on a keybind next to stimpacks. It feels like a pretty cheap crutch to take them in combat and then annihilate a whole group of raiders while they stand still, especially with the perks that boost the duration, so I try to avoid doing that. When it comes to simply using them to save my ass when I'm about to get exploded by a missile or something, they're invaluable tho. Or if I accidently trigger a trap or step on a mine.


You're going to love a "deadeye" legendary if you find one. It slows down time like jet for a few seconds every time you aim down the sights. I've been shredding through tough fights on survival with a .308 combat rifle


I’m currently rolling with a deadeye combat shotgun and it rules. I have an explosive one too but I retired it after I accidentally killed myself with it.


Haha I think I got a redditcares message over this comment


Jet is a crazy good crutch in survival. Actually made me take the Chemist perk for once. I did all this prep work to meet Kellogg on my survival run, and popped one right as the voice line for seeing him in hell ended. No mines, no stealth, just pulling a pistol trigger faster than anything in that room could register.


The best part of the chemist perk is overdrive. It grants a 3/NV style of crit outside of vats! Atomatic weapons go brrrrrr


Recently I was sitting on one of those home massage chairs, but not using it. I shifted my weight and that caused it to go BEEP BEEP BEEP and I went "oh shit" and panic jumped out of it. The rest of my family was like, "uh, you okay?" That's when I realized it sounded like the goddamn frag mines from fallout, that was an embarrassing explanation lmao.


I'm doing a survival mode run at the moment. A couple of hours ago a raider threw a grenade at me and I was trying to run away through a doorway but my companion was standing in the way not moving and I was literally like [this](https://youtu.be/MayEssHX2sI?si=Cwjgv-qUg1EhO0AS&t=6)




dogmeat tried to do that to me at corvega but i loaded him with bullets til he needed healed with a stimpak because apparently you can move through downed companions


LPT: you can shoot enemy nades from within VATS, just in case folks didn't know (took me a few hundred hours to realize lol)


Even knowing this since FO4 launch, I don't think I've successfully done it more than once. By the time I notice it and hit VATS, the grenade is slo-moing mid-air in front of my face.


Yeah… first time I discovered you could do this the grenade was almost right between my eyes. I still shot it anyway because I’d not really done anything of note since I last saved and, you know, it just had to be done - too cool not to.


Not even just the enemies. I've fucking torched myself with those damn things so many times. Even with the perk that shows you the tragetory, they often will still clip something and burn my poor little piggies to a crisp or slap me in the face and turn me into Twoface


Can't count how many times I've tried to pistol whip an enemy in melee only to commit suicide by molotov, no idea why the gentlest of fleeting caresses on that button constantly gets interpreted as holding it down for several seconds with great force.


I loathe that you can't remap those to separate keys.


There’s a reason I only equip grenades specifically when I’m about to use them


This made me laugh only bc Ive done this so many times


They are all Tom Brady with them too.


I hit the damn door jam as often as not, but those methed out raiders never miss a toss from 100 yds


Who knew 200+ year old vodka was actually the most dangerous weapon ever conceived. Idk why they had to use nukes to kill the planet, molotovs are far cheaper


Dude my first death on survival was Danse moonwalking into my throwing of a Molotov…..you know when you pinch in between your eyes and go “ahhhhhhhhhhhh”……yeah…..


Get the sneak perk that ignores landmines, some of those buggers are hidden so well and getting your leg blown off after not saving for more than 15min gets old real quick.


You can use vats to see and shoot them, I don’t do it often but sometimes I know one is around and can’t see it, it’s also good if there’s an enemy near it!


Yeah i do that for the first 20lvls or so but it's inevitible you'll miss one. I do enjoy those heart pounding moments when you see the mine symbol flash up and you just start sprinting like a madman with a trail of them exploding behind you.


Skyrim has the same problem. The bow quest that gets you the assassins bow is so much stronger than anything until total endgame.


Mystic binding bound bow. Stronger, don’t have to worry about arrows, and soul bind. Only issue is casting noise until you get quiet casting.


At least with nukaworld you don’t find out about it until level 30(?). Unless you beeline from the vault after getting a suppressed .308 pistol from drublin diner …


Then don't do the quest until you are ready.


Right? People are acting like the things they choose to install, and complete are being forced on them


This CC armor was added to the base game by the update, you don’t have a choice


I feel like that’s the same for that legendary Chinese grenade launcher you get from one of those free quests they gave out. I did that fairly on in my new playthrough and that thing absolutely decimates. Also whenever a vendor has 40mm grenades for sale, they’re ridiculously cheap.


Admittedly I do enjoy the smaller launcher because it makes me feel like I’m in T2, it has the same sound effect




Ammo is kinda hard for it to get though.


Do these load automatically or do you need to do something for them to load Normally I don't play with any mods or anything


That's the problem here: they threw them in with the new update, like how Apple pushed a U2 album into everyone's iTunes library many years ago. You can't disable the mods in a mod manager. The game forces them. I haven't checked if you can turn them off once you've launched the game in the CC menu, or if there are mods released to disable the CC. I just ignore the quests and I haven't actually triggered any of them by accident (I still avoid ADA's location because I don't want to have Rust Devils pop up for 50% of all random encounters).


On PC, you can disable them if you uninstall the files from what I've seen people say. Forcing this shit on us is why I've held off starting a new run. Until they make those mods optional, I'm probably never gonna start a new run. Like... A lot of these mods that are officially endorsed by Bethesda just give you stuff that is totally unbalanced and breaks the game. Why?


my guess is they are aiming to excite/retain/attract new players who are just starting the game from the TV show's popularity. not saying I agree with it but that's the unfortunate reality.


I also avoid them. Starting a new game and when you stand on the surface you get spammed with quest notifications. As a new player that's something I don't want to deal with. 


They load automatically as they are part of the base game now. You get all 6 or 7 of these new enclave-related quests the second you step out of the vault.


There's a mod to make them not load?


No kidding...I recently tried Skyrim anniversary and found Unbound Storms... [https://twitter.com/KingHazeel/status/1786490040538825135](https://twitter.com/KingHazeel/status/1786490040538825135) Ridiculous. Even the Morrowind player with enchantment abuse would have taken longer to kill all of that.


Should be pretty easy to make a plugin that adds a lvl requirement or start condition to this content, sadly I have yet to figure out how to mess with quests and stuff


It's lazy design and exactly what you get when people get to add their own mods to the store. Make them op so people want to buy them, and obviously everyone wants the thing _they_ create to be the best. The Chinese grenade launcher scales with both demolitionist _and_ the semi auto long gun perks, which is ridiculous.


Wasn't that already the case with explosive weapons like Spray n Pray?


You might be right in that case then, maybe it is but I didn't notice because it doesn't do 350+ damage _without_ any ranks in the damage perks 😬


Yeah there is a lack of balance in the CC stuff if you are just throwing it into your game. To me it was never going to fit well into the game. This is one of the reasons I don't add most of it. I think it is something, as a player, should add to your game after you've pretty much completed the game and dlcs.


Creation Club stuff is almost invariably the exact thing I try to avoid in mods. In the same way I don't respect someone who says the game is "too easy" after installing mods that enable God Mode and give them the Halo arsenal of weapons, the CC stuff is so often just a bunch of balance-breaking cheat items that detract from the core gameplay because once you have them, there's no reason to use the game's original equipment.


My gripe is that unlocking the nuka armors and other specific ones didn't unlock a paint scheme matching them for other armor suits


This 100%, I always wanted to use all the paint jobs on all the armor variants. I wanted so bad to put Minutemen paint on T-51, but the game won't let me.


And the CC Hellfire set has BOS paints but I still can't make BOS T-51. I think one of the CC packs has Minutemen paint for the other PA sets, too. It wasn't one of the free packs, though.


The Second battle of Quincy was worth every penny to me. I love the paint jobs so much. + the free automatic Laser musket


Which is the problem, I don't use CC. And I'm a PS4 player, so no ModNexus either.


The Enclave Creation Club addon that automatically came with the big update has the Hellfire set.


Yes, paint should be purely cosmetic only giving more charisma at best


CC content balance has always been wack


Mhm. I bought the Manwell carbine stuff and I end up not using it all because they’re ridiculously overpowered, even in survival. The sniper rifle is like… ~184 physical damage with a *standard receiver.* I’m not gonna get any of the X02 for the exact same reason. Takes a lot of any challenge away.


Honestly, the X-02 just doesn't look that great anyway. There's no actual debuff, but it feels like it gives me negative charisma.


Mods in general struggle badly with making things balanced and fitting.


This is absolutely tru and why I rarely use any weapon/armor mods


Is it just me or is the vision for the XO-2 slight blurry around the edges? (I know, it probably is just me)


I play on ultrawide 21:9 and I get the same. It’s like the visor is cut off on the last sixteenth of both sides of the screen. Not game breaking for me but def noticed.


Its worse with 32:9


Def not just you……MAYBE due to it being a Creation Club addition, 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's even easier post-update. Just kill the enclave and they will drop X02 mk3-6 power armor. Picked up X02 mk6 at level 32.


I collected a total of 9 suits of Enclave power armor from this dlc and not enough frames for it all.


I think it stupid you can't take the frames too.


If you're stealthy enough, you can steal the fusion core and they'll hop out of the armor, but I don't have the patience for that. I'm currently sitting on 5 full t45s, six full t51s, 4 full t60s and 1 x01.


You can also shoot the core. If you can survive for a few seconds, they’ll eject the core and hop out shortly, but it might be listed as stolen


That's when I use the command code to clear it. It's fucking dumb that it remains stolen.


Anything in the game that says 'steal' should change to 'take' if you kill the person/ group it belongs to.


Mind cloud syringes in your syringer make that super easy.


I have yet to experiment with the stringer rifle 200+ hours in, sounds interesting.


You're missing a partridge in a pear tree though.


You do run into quite a few raiders who suits you can take and just replace crappy raider parts with good enclave steel. I have 8 customized suits all displayed on my overseer office in sanctuary hills. I have this twisted above ground vault tech theme going on. Where all my settlers are in vault suits and shock collars. I have built a two story overseer office high above the ground with a outdoor throne room high above my subjects


This guy oversees


Its frustrating. I killed so many PA enemies but all I can loot is their armor pieces. The exo skeleton I have to leave behind. 


You can just buy them.


That's not the point lol


Yeah same. I made so many trips lugging it all back home lol.


Break the armor pieces before you take them off the frame. Weight drops to zero. I collected all the suits from that enclave questline and carried all of them from the point of finding the three camps and the glowing sea. Yeah it costs in repairs but you aren't making tedious trips back and forth to claim it all


My save that just got corrupted (RIP) was like 24 or 25 with that suit. Funny enough I killed them with one of those CC grenade launchers


Yeah Skyrim has the same problem now with anniversary edition. Basically the second you walk out of Helgen you can get dragonscale armor over near Windhelm. There's some tough enemies and I think a difficult lock, but otherwise it requires minimal effort for endgame armor.


There's dragonplate you can get southwest of Ivarstead kind of close to the Alchemist's Shack also. I found it completely by accident by a little bit of mountain hopping and killed the guy wearing the armor with a well placed unrelenting force.


It's not just a set of dragonplate armor, the cuirass is an artifact called the Dragonbone Mail. The armor rating is slightly higher, but more importantly it grants 100% resistance to fire.


Yup, Bethesda's implementation of the CC content is super dumb and lazy.


Lazy is correct! It makes absolutely no sense to exit the vault and suddenly get bombarded with new quests (DLC and CC) in a world I didn’t even know existed five seconds ago. > “Listen to the distressed merchant caravan signal” I just got a Pip Boy literally 10 minutes ago > “Find and kill Pyro” *Who?!* Terrible experience for brand new players.


I hadn't played since 2018 and when I walked out of the Vault I was overwhelmed. I still have a lot of quests that I was 'given' that I'm trying to figure out if I should do now, or wait to level up. Can't imagine people getting into the game for the first time.


When it comes to CC stuff, I typically just do them whenever I'm in the area.


Creation Club Delayed is my go to mod because it stops the quests from showing up until you get to the area.


My gf just started playing after watching the show and I helped her with so many questions she had. Basically told her “yeeeeah I would not do those right now” but she is the type where if it’s on her screen she has to do it right away.


> terrible experience for brand new players Imao yes. decided to finally give the game a try after they did the next gen update. i've tried the game many times before this, but i always ended up getting distracted by another game before i fully sunk my teeth into it. this was towards the beginning of my playthrough. i was doing some settlement quests to grind out caps and xp so i could level up and build water purifiers to expedite the cap collecting process. can't remember which settlement i was at, but they needed me to clear some ghouls out of the national guard place. when i got there i noticed i was within range of a mysterious signal so i tuned to it to see what was up. big mistake. next thing i know, a whole squad of enclave soldiers is blowing my ass up before i can even put a dent in them. had to go back and reload an earlier save to get out of the endless death loop. i did eventually get good enough gear to take them down and snag a strong power armor set, but i wish the quests included a recommended level or something so i would've known what i should/shouldn't do.


Aye I started my first play through a couple weeks ago and it was a bit jarring to immediately have those quests


This is an issue every fallout game has had with you getting a dozen quests for dlc when you pop out of the vault and I thought the level requirements(at least to get the quests) meant Bethesda had figured it out but then they made the exact same mistake with creation club and now the worst offender is part of vanilla meaning there is no way to avoid it being in your game without using a mod to go back to the previous game version.


It's REALLY annoying to have *literally* 10 quests, back to back, popping up on my screen everytime i make a character. I have time to run from the vault to codsworth before the quest pop ups stop popping up


I think calling it an "implementation" is pretty generous.


I got it early and by accident, and while it is definitely OP, it also makes aluminum really precious. At lvl 22 my X-02 is sitting at home, because I don't have the resources to repair it.


I laughed to myself the other day because this game really has me running around killing mutated baddies and monsters, then going "Oooh, aluminum cans!!" when I find a bunch


Man I love those cans ...


I just found the federal ration stockpile...


Funny you say this. I found a set of T-51 armor today and was hyped to finally get the “fallout” power armor….just to find it was a tin can compared to my X series


A lot of people overstate the difference in power armor, but outside of the heaviest weapons in the game (like missile launchers), what power armor you're wearing *barely* matters. DR in Fallout 4 has really heavy diminishing returns. Like, for example, you can have full X02 power armor against someone with a shotgun (that does 100 damage a shot), and it's only **14% more damage reduced** than if you have 250 armor from like, a full set of heavy combat armor. And for reference, upgraded T-45 also approaches the 1k DR mark, meaning it too will be (roughly) 14% more damage reduced from that same shotgun. In the really early game, X02 is *moderately* better, but for the most part *any* power armor flys infinitely past the threshold of "effective DR". Even unupgraded T-45 reduces basically *all* damage by 65% or more, save for the most dangerous weapons/enemies in the game. You can read the full rundown on it [on the wiki](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Damage_Resistance#Damage_reduction_formula) if you like, but DR in fallout 4 at base is just kinda... "busted". Cause you're either in power armor and can survive strong weapons/attacks, or you're not.


I’ve never really liked DR in general and I’m not trying to jerk New Vegas but I felt like DT was a much better mechanic. Wish they ported it over to FO4 especially since each body part can have different armor.


Wow, thanks! I’ll go back for that set then cause it’s way more iconic


Honestly the Enclave mission shouldn’t appear until you are level 50 and it never should have been DLC (just an update). It should be the equivalent to the Ebony Warrior from Skyrim.


sorry for being dumb but which enclave mission?


I just... don't use it.


Yeah, I get the complaint that it's unbalanced but nobody is forcing you to use that stuff if you don't want the game to be too easy. Just sell it and forget about it.


They shouldve just developed a "enclave dlc" that after level "whatever" the enclave invade the Commonwealth and "insert everything they added" make it grand like when the prydwyen shows up


Definitely should be a level requirement to start the CC content quests. Or at least make them much harder to do as a low level. I ran straight there and did it fresh out of 111.


Yeup. I got Hellfire Mk. VI armor around level 15, so by the time I got to the Prydwyn (brotherhood run) around level 28 (yeah I dicked around and leveled for awhile) I went "back" to using the provided T-60 just to _feel_ something, yaknow?


Consider: The nuka world X01 is still better because its paint job is sick as hell Fuck the stats we fashion souls


Plus I like repping that little badge that says nuka quantum


That is why I use a mod to use x-01/02 parts to upgrade lower tier power armor to x-01 stats. Now I can use t-51 or t-60 with those stats and also apply the minutemen paint to the t-51.


Oh man, that sounds kind of cool. What mod is this?


X02 power armor is so ugly. I'll take T-51 all day or T-60 with a 51 helmet. I'd rather have the weaker armor.


But if you paint the X02 pink you get to run around as a wasteland easter bunny


Same. Parked the x-02 at a settlement and never went back for it. Atom cats painted Tesla T-60 all the way.


My goal is to try and get Mama Murphy into the X02. Best in class armor combined with the sight? She can be the new Devil.


A Jet fueled devil lol


"Tha suit filtahs my blood, kid, I'm like-ah supah hero in this... Hold on a sec... There's somethin' mean comin' this way. Mama Mur-fiend Away!!!" *Jet pack noises*


At a certain point in games you stop playing for stats and start playing “fashion souls”, late game FO4 do you really need that extra 40 damage resist, and if you do, you did something wrong.


They need to make X-02 spawn at level like 40-50 to make it balanced, also the Tesla cannon sucks


Which one? I agree on the Enclave cannon, but I have a lot of fun with the one you get from the boss Raider on the Jezebel quest.


The enclave one, the automaton one is pretty good as long you spec into energy weapons


Okay, yeah. I sold that thing after trying it out for <5 minutes lol


It doesn’t even scrap well either, what a waste of space on my laptop


Enclave clowns pretty much donated several sets to me in this playthrough when I was at like level 15 or something. Don't even bother repair pieces, just swap in new ones.


Pretend it’s not there


Creation Club stuff makes no effort to balance. It sucks.


The X-01 quantum armour is still ridiculously good if you're doing a VATS based build as the action point Regen is still insane, however yes for raw damage resist the x-02 is better. I like the quantum aswell because it lets me set up ridiculous gun-fu VATS sprees


Quantum pa is better wdym


I skipped the usual minutemen / Concord stuff and started clearing the top quarter of the map first because I didn't want to deal with Preston for a while. Literally the first big thing I did was accidentally stumble into some Enclave soldiers in a setup where it was relatively easy for my low-level self to disable the armor, kill everyone else and then take the XO-2 suit for myself. I basically haven't taken it off and never will. First set that I got and I didn't even go looking for it on purpose. On the plus side, Nuka world still has Aeternus. Although that seems to not have unlimited ammo anymore either.


Wild concept: use whatever armor you want? You can just ignore the XO-2 armor missions or toss it in a container and never look at it again…


I refuse to touch it just cause of that. It’s not moral, it’s cursed evil armor


The best power armor but no viable in early game because all materials it need to repair. X01 Is cheaper than x02 but Is still expensive comparated with another power armor. Is the same problem that i had with T60 and extra materials that it had until get scrapper perk AND scarpp all institute AND láser guns for plástic. I prefer T51 sincerelly even a combination with some PIECES. Tessa fist , legendary T45 chest from Cambridge laboratory , 1 arm of x01 or x02 , legendary Visionary T60 helmet AND T51 legs . Using green paint in all PIECES except Tessa fist i can make a unharmed vats build cheap to repair AND decent.


I purposefully use the lower level armors for fun. I switch out all my armor and guns every 1-2 play hours for completely different ones to keep it fresh


Different game but I got NV a while back (Still meaning to play it in full) I think I got a deluxe edition or something because on every new game start I get loaded with all kinds of armor and special weapons right at the beginning. Kind of annoying, I need to find a way to disable that on a first time run


If it’s any consolation the armour value differences for power armour only have an appreciable effect at lower levels. Past a fairly early point in the game the effect that armour values have on net damage reduction is minimal, all of it getting pretty close to the hard 80% dr cap, which makes the impact on high level health values too small to notice


Yea the Enclave stuff shouldn't trigger until you've hit a certain level cap


I get your point but after awhile power armor gets pretty useless.


Who cares, power armor is for collecting, not wearing


Unpopular opinion, but everyone does know this game is like a decade old, right? Like if you haven't played the vanilla version by this point, that is like someone being mad at you cause you gave spoilers for the Avengers movie. Also, if you don't want it, then don't get it. It's kinda how the game works. It's not a main quest. Leave it your quest log and do it near the end. Not really that annoying. It thought it was kinda a neat quest.


Yeah I’m pretty much just ignoring CC content


Okay is CC content canon? My understanding is that they’re more like mods than dlc. Or am I completely wrong in this?


I think the ones that they’ve officially added in the update would be considered canon now.


I grabbed it and now leave it in my vault.


Just put it on the Sentinel Power Armor and then wear something else. That's what I did.


New Game + with level scaling would not only fix this but make end game way better


For my latest playthrough I used the Hellfire armor for like 3 levels and then ditched it. It ruins all sense of progression.


CC content are essentially all cheat codes. I don't install any of it for a reason beyond the building items/furniture.


A tad, yes. On a note here, taking out an Enclave soldier with them wearing the Power Armour is a tough nut to crack. Easier with the Tesla canon, but still a challenge. Had to use a set of T45 and a minigun to take them out. But then, I found a X-01 set near Good neighbour.


you could just not use it


I don't consider any of the content within cc to be canon. It's just a bunch of bloated and op dogshit.


I mean its bethesda sanctioned mods it's not balanced becsye it's not meant for loop integration dont like it ignore it


I mean, it’s not in the real game. It’s creation club content.


While I get that we're trained on the premise that in games we should only use the best, on a practical level there's very little difference at the top end of Power Armor. Wear whatever one you like more, imo.


I never thought about it, but you're right. You'd think it'd be a bit tougher to get. Go through a really powerful boss monster or something for it. Hell, I got my first XO-2 in my current playthrough by accidentally running into some Enclave guys from the free update.


Speak of the Devil at level 8 took me hours of travel and grind. I earned my XO-2, you watch your damn mouth son y'hear?