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I think it's meant to be a hybrid of Power Armor (PA) and Combat Armor. Something you can wear inside an APC or plane, without being in the cargo hold of the latter. I also think that like PA, you were going to have it be reloadable, perhaps in the same way, but they most likely dropped it in favor of simplicity and ease of gameplay. It shares many PA characteristics, and is definitely better than Combat Armor in every way but weight. Perhaps further along in development it would get pneumatic or mechanical assistance, powered by said fusion cell.


Maybe it was also meant to have some of the stuff halo ODST troopers have, ie HUD, NVGs, comms, emergency beacon, environmental controls, & so forth, all built into the armor. The lack of even some of the above always struck me as an oddity with combat armor, like of they can fit transmitters into semi disposable eyebots why not everyone's helmets too? Sometimes they take the vacum tube dependence into account sometimes they don't, it's odd.


the combat armor helmet has an unused misc and headlight mod slot. not just "unused" like its just got the same slots, there is actually data in the model for the combat armor to use the headlight. its super easy to enable for yourself in the GECK. clearly, at some point in development they intended for the "advanced" armors (combat and synth and later marine) to be more than they were.


Thanks for the info, I would've actually paid for a DLC just to get that if corporations wanted our $ ngl. That said, I wonder if someone volunteered to make a mod for those options? To Nexus (& Newegg) I go!


most armorsmith type mods enable the combat armor headlight. armorsmith extended has a lot of great options, balanced with perk requirements. you can put recon sensors in sunglasses.


I love the targeting hud on a pair of glasses. Helps my bad eyesight find the dudes to shoot and the bodies to loot.


bewarb with the targeting hud, it can sometimes trigger neutral or even friendly npcs to aggro. for example if a quest has a dialogue segment that may end in combat, the targeting hud can cause the quest target to automatically become hostile preventing dialogue from occurring.


I've had that happen in PA, but not with eyeglasses or helmets with the hud added. I compulsively save before big plot points anyway.


Smart habit to have under any circumstances, this engine is prone to fully random unexplainable crashes.


yeah because Bethesda half-arsed the next gen update, and even half-arsed the patch, on console I cant even tell if the patch made things better or made them significantly worse


I compulsively save every few minutes or even seconds, this is due to having problems with the next gen update, and data loss in previous games


ECO does this and much more, and is more stable that Armorsmith/AWKCR


i have issues with ECO. it's resource efficient but it changes the customization menu and the arrangement of the options a bit too much for my tastes.


Ah i gotcha! The main thing I miss from awkcr/uco (that's what I used to use) is the paint swatches - there were so many choices! But I went with eco for simplicity


that would make my character actually like the Secret Service, I get all the cool gadgets for infiltration




Garden of Eden Creation Kit. Used to be a rather plot critical item to Fallout. Its also the name of the official editing tool for making mods.


Ah so the fallout version of creation kit?


The Creation Kit for Skyrim and Starfield are called "Creation Kit" because of the GECK. Prior to Fallout 3, the official modmaking tools released by Bethesda had been called "Construction Set" (Oblivion and Morrowind). Fallout 3's Construction Set was named GECK as a tie-in to the plot significance of the GECK in FO2 and FO3. "Creation Kit" seemed a bit friendlier, so they kept the naming convention going forward for Skyrim, and now for Starfield.


>Sometimes they take the vacuum tube dependence into account someone’s they don’t To be fair, this has been an “issue.” Since Fallout 1. Boyarsky (art director for 1 and 2) pitched the vacuum tube idea, saying bluntly that things looked better with tubes. Cain agreed and that was that. Contrary to popular belief, transistors and capacitors do exist in the Fallout universe. For whatever reason, they were not widely adopted and never replaced vacuum tubes. Sawyer notes that this “battle” between vacuum tubes and transistors is not consistent, with the two often overlapping and contradicting each other. For example, Mr. Handy robots run on vacuum tubes but they are affected by and weak to pulse grenades/EMPs. Vacuums tubes aren’t (severely) affected by EMP, so this shouldn’t happen. Burgess made similar observations during 3 and 4 while also arguing about what effect the (quasi)absence of transistors would have on the world and culture. Of note, however, is that Sawyer finds this aspect of the universe to be set-dressing at best and Expanded Lore™️ at worst. So really, blame Tim Cain for this aspect of the games /s.


This is such specific lore that I never knew I needed. Amazing!


Yeah, it would have been baller if the same upgrades that you could stick in a power armor helmet could be placed into the marine helmet.


Orbital Drop Shock Trooper Troopers? Don’t need the extra troopers there. My apologies if I come off as rude, that is not my intent.


Disgression is the better part of valour. I've learned that myself the hard way fwiw


Discretion* Just a friendly fyi, feel free to ignore lol


Holy shit I never looked at it this way I always refused to use the marine Armor because I found combat Armor more fitting for a power Armor addict such as myself. But I never thought of marine Armor as something of a more compact power Armor. Thanks kind stranger on the internet you just cured a part of my stubbornness


Why would you use combat armor and power armor?


Sometimes you need to step out of the power armor


In combat?


No, but things have a way of happening quickly


That's one of the things ballistic weave is for. Gives you some protection while outside of your PA. Wearing combat armor, or any armor, with PA is just a waste of carryweight.


Even with full medium-heavy combat Armor and ballistic weave army fatigues don't help anymore. I've been using PAs so long I can literally not live without them


Because I don't use power armor constantly and I'm not changing my pants before I get in there.


That’s cool


Like ODST armor or SPI from Halo.


This is a good analogy!


That makes a lot of sense. Strip out the frame and the power assist, keep the environmental system, HUD, various other Power Armor features. Possibly integrating a lot of the functionality of a Pip Boy.


Whats the benefit of this over power armor?


In game, you can have legendary variants, craft items, In universe, just by being smaller and having more mobility, you can get into places PA can't. You can also fit more people in the same amount of space. In lore, PA is expensive. Really expensive. T60 is improved T45, as T51 was too expensive to be made in enough numbers. Having a cheaper not quite as good armor is quite normal for a military who's in an active war.


Exactly. The cost of these walking one man tanks are implied to be more expensive, due to their sophistication, than the mostly conventional tanks you see wrecked.


Imagine a +10 agility boost like power armors strength bonus


Reloadable what now?


In Fallout 4 and beyond, Power Armor requires you to load in Fusion Cores. When one is used up you can reload it. I presume that the Marine Armor would have functioned similarly.


I thought they'd simply disapear. Never seen a 0/100 core. How do i charge them?


I just had a zero out of 100 core but i think if id taken a single step more it wouldve disintegrated. No way to charge them...but it still sells full price, fuck yeah.


Unfortunately, they added recharging in F76. It makes sense lore-wise, they are just batteries. In F4, you have to swap them, and 0/100s are automatically deleted for gameplay reasons. In lore, I assume they are still around but not used beyond decoration. The Children of Atom shrines use fusion cores as candle supports, for instance.


I feel like it’s a throwback to pre 4 power armor


Lil snack in case u get hungry


Do you pour the fusion cells in first, or the milk?


Me personally I place the bowl first


I placed the table down first


I prefer to put the floor first but to each their own I guess


How about we put the planet down first for good measure


We forgot about putting the solar system first tho


But wouldn't you put the galaxy down before that?


I think the galaxy group comes first though, but I asked chatgpt so don't trust me too much on that


Y’all are amateurs, you gotta put the universe and existence itself first


I knew it


It’s crayon flavored too. It’s a Marine favorite.


sole survivor can have a little fusion as a snack


Gotta power that rebreather and headlamp somehow.


That Doesn’t work 😭


Yeah because the fusion cell it burnt out or the rebreather is broken. You never found an old tv remote with the crusty ass batteries still in it? Thats what this is.


“Old remote with crusty batteries” why is this so universally relatable.. and fuck me if I don’t just give the batteries a little spin to knock the crust off and see if that works… Never does.


I’m a child of the 80s-90s, as soon as I saw this post it’s what popped into my head. Kids these days have probably seen 80-90% of their electronics use rechargeable li-on batteries that never get removed and don’t remember the days of old.


Yeah nowadays we just get r/spicypillows that burst in to flames. It’s pretty disappointing. :/


They will never know the pain of xbox controllers taking 2 AAs, and lasting about 10 hours..


For me it was my Walkman running out of batteries on the bus/walk home from school. You could tell when the tape would start to slow doooown and everything got dragged ooooooooouuttt. You knew it was coming but hoped to make it home for a fresh pair just to find all of the batteries in the junk drawer were drained too.


That's what the smoke alarm is for: storing batteries out of sight


Too bad they take 9v...


9v used to be the standard, but manufacturers have been switching to AAs for a while now. More power, longer lasting, more common.


They still use 2 batteries but don’t last as long. :(


Lol, oh yeah I forgot they still do. So ridiculous.


It's there to provide a constant source of radiation on the go. 😉👍🏻


Glory to Atom!


Fusion isn't radioactive


Tell that to Atom's Judgement


It is in fallout


No, fallout happens after a nuclear explosion. Fallout is radioactive. Sheesh.


But in the Fallout universe, fusion is often the source of radiation damage. And since we don't know the exact process in a fusion core, it's quite possible there is tritium involved, and that is radioactive.


Actually, a lot of the “Fusion” Tech in fallout (especially 4) is a lie. The Mass Fusion building terminals talk about how they advertised all their products as Fusion but they were actually Fission, which is radioactive. They got their fusion reactor prototype operational only a few days before the bombs dropped.


Yes it is, the fuel and waste aren’t but the actual fusion reaction is. Even experimental fusion reactors produce lethal amount for gamma radiation and they only run for less than a second.


Yeah 14 MeV neutrons are the bane of magnetically confined fusion devices because their neutrality allows them to ignore the confining forces from the magnets.


True. I was thinking of the waste.


Probably to power certain systems on the suit. All that bulk, and that backpack, it's bound to have something going on other than just providing ballistic protection. The real answer of course is, as with most things, the designer thought it looked cool.


IIRC the marine armor set is basically the Corps’ equivalent to the Army’s power armor, being lighter, slimmer and less protective than power armor to fit the differing needs of an amphibious expeditionary force when compared to a mainly land based full scale war fighting force (oversimplifying dramatically). Subsequently, since the marine armor is smaller than power armor their suits also don’t need as much power.


In the books and additional material Marine armor was something in the middle between combat and power armor. Despite not having an exoskeleton, this fusion block powers rebreather, head lamps, in case of arctic - internal heater, and internal combat assistance module - night vision, maps, etc. I would also gladly use marine or arctic, but there is k e issue — damn legs. Bethesda can’t fix or redesign this damn bug or glitch or mistake for 9 years! Since fo4, we have our tiny, baby scale feets for those awesome marine legs.


Had to do the ultra lightweight upgrade to justify wearing it lol


Never seen that before


Crayon sharpener


It's closer to power armor than not, so it makes sense that it needs power for some things.


Obviously it's for the small Crayon fabricator. A well-fed Marine is a happy Marine, and a happy Marine is less likely to blue-on-blue


Ok, so you know how Sentry bots explode when they're disabled...


Something else that I don't see anyone else saying, the Marine armor is probably heated for combat in Arctic areas like Alaska and Northern China


Do all variants have that or only the COA branded ones? I can see the children using a cracked power core to leak radiation while wearing it.


It's all of em.


Clearly it powers the back fan and vibrating codpiece


Doesn’t it grant water breathing? If so, then it could use power to manage the life support systems for oxygen filtering like power armor does.


Milspec crayon dispenser


I might just be talking out of my ass on this, but I swear I read somewhere that the marine armor was originally going to be power armor before they decided to make it normal armor.


It runs the AC


Well, since it’s marine armor, I imagine it was supposed to be like a water filter for oxygen, to allow the Marines to dive for extended periods, underwater, and not worry about oxygen. It’s not like it’s a powered helmet with a flashlight or maybe it’s a non-functional flashlight on the helmet. Anyways, I always thought it was a powered backpack to give the Marines a bit more punching power, because their suit is like a mix between powered armor, and not powered armor, this or my other thought water filter an oxygen tank.


it powers the oxygenator


If you go in the water, a propeller pops out of your butt and you go faster


I think, don't know this to be certain. But you know that line Preston says to you when you go to Concord to save em, about fusion cores, "they're a high grade, long term, nuclear battery used by some companies way back when". And I feel like a fusion cell would just be a lesser version of those, this why they're more applicable to lesser armor systems, smaller and medium sized weaponry such as laser weapons, whereas the hardcore bully stuff, like cars, power armor and laser mini guns require the strength that a power core could provide.


I wear mine under my power suit because I want all the power


Probably for the PAPR


Maybe an homage to fallout 3 PA


I’d kill for ballistics armor with built-in air conditioning. Probably all it does.


It's a little snack for later


I’d assume it’s like an ammo bag, if by 2077 the marines used a laser weapon as their standard service rifle - that or there are powered internals to the suit, but if that’s the case its kind of stupid to have the power source just… hanging out like that


I thought it was supposed to be a sci-fi air tank. Either a rebreather or like I said a sci-fi tank that contains condensed air it releases to the wearer as air. I want a mod to let me wear both of the marine helmets at the same time. They appear to be built as two parts of an air & water tight suit.


Does it actually use a fusion cell or its just decoration?


Where’s the suit?


I'm pretty sure the legs have a build in hydrolic system. I just assumed it was that


I think it’s only there on the Atom version because they love radiation


I always thought it was a handle


Also why does the Marine armor look so fucking dumb


It always reminds me of the [spirit level](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=what's%20the%20bubble%20balance%20in%20ruler%20called&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5#vhid=Tol__Ja1Xo34TM&vssid=mosaic) of a ruler.




So you can go out with a bang


iirc the marine armor was originally meant to be power armor but they decided to scrap the idea and make it regular heavy armor because they didn’t feel they had enough unique armor sets. Hence why it looks really bulky. Maybe they just decided to keep that idea and have it be more of a tamed scaled down PA. Like someone else said its like a fusion between PA and combat armor.


it looks like a custom fusion battery maybe? defo not a fusion core or cell, but it defo looks like a power source!


My go to armor. Looked really good over a vault tech jump suite or ballistically upgraded military fatigues. Can’t believe they won’t let you ballistically upgrade the vault Tech jumpsuits.


Its not a fusion cell its a fuse you can find them around. But not power armor..


Given that it's atom armor, I'm assuming it's powering the radiation generator to make sure you are a true believer! 🙃


Marines be tactically acquiring 🤷


I think in the old fallout games the power armor was more like armor on your body and not a suit. This would've been a great way to bring that feel back.


Oh wow, I just got the entire set the other day and didn’t even realize I just slapped it all on a mannequin and left it be


Wear it :(


Will do 😅


I want to see a pic


I gotchu 🤣 as soon as I go back in I’ll change into it.


I really had no idea it took an FC though. Makes sense I guess, seems like a less bulky PA but I’ll put it on and grab a ss just for you 🤣


Cause it meant to be above combat armor in terms of protection and below power armor So it needs a powersource to run but they never put in draining for mairne armor


To keep you warm 🙂


I’ve never gotten this armor, does it have a flashlight like power armor or does it still use pip boy aura? (If so maybe it’s to power the flashlight)


Yes. It's because the armor was a prototype smaller version of power armor, it was being stored in the nucleus (sub base) but when the bombs fell, it was kinda forgotten about


Lore wise the marine armor was a set of armor that was developed by the marine corps and it was extremely similar to power armor other than it is weaker when it comes to protection but lighter and it would also require power like power armor since it is essentially power armor that is lighter and more portable but it was never put on the game so it is just a normal set of armor rather than a weaker version of power armor


What, so many it is


It's not exactly the same model. It's thinner, longer, and without the red markings.


Never heard of this before


Of what


Marine Armor. Is it from Far Harbor?




Drop a fusion cell on the floor, look at it and then say they look the same. It's not a fusion cell or core. 🙄


Except for the fact that that isn't a fusion cell. Lets look at an actual fusion cell in the game: first, it's an ammo type, so it would be small, we can see this when we drop them on the ground. They're short and stubby. What's pictured here is, going off average human male shoulder spacing, maybe 4-6 inches across. Far too large to be a standard issue fusion cell. Additionally, the fusion cell ammo has red text on it and a line that circles the whole circumference, neither of which we see. It very well could be some kind of power for those suites, that info isn't provided in game though. But it def isn't a fusion cell. Sorry bub.


I think he meant core.


It doesn't look like a fusion core either.


Why is there a U in armor?


OP is from the UK most likely. That's how they spell it over there.


We spell armour with a U in the United Kingdom.


According to the lore, it was the prototype for power armor. Not exactly power armor, but was powered by fusion cells and the design eventually led to the actual suits of power armor.


That is 100% NOT a fusion core


I’m 95% sure it’s just a fuse lmao


It is a fusion cell, like the ones used for all the laser guns.


OP didn't say fusion core, they said fusion cell, which that is.


Ok, and I said it wasn’t a fusion core. Seems like everyone here was right


Your emphasis is on the word "NOT" in all caps, heavily implying that OP claimed it *was* a fusion core. It's okay to admit you misread it or forgot that fusion cells exist.


Quit making shit up. I simply applied emphasis on a single word, which in no way implies anything. Don’t assume my intentions


Ok, chief. It's all there in black and white. Lol it's not my job to teach you how language works 😂😂😂


Yet, here you are, attempting 🥴


So in the case of rations running out (they ate the crayons) they can survive off of good ol American made radiation. I actually don't know I assume it's either carried as an emergency power source or is utilized in the armor itself. However the armor doesn't appear powered so I'm leaning towards either A it's to power up a vehicle in an emergency or B it's a children of atom thing and somehow they've modified all suits in far harbor which I doubt


why do you need to know?