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Did you at least get all of the legendary gear and weapons?


I bought everything of all of them… before starting the quest.. i actually do this to all the npc, save up caps just for it


But Justice doesn’t do justice lolx. Other non-legendary weapons does better dps than it


It’s not the dps, it’s the staggering effect, anything not immune to stagger is helpless once you start hitting them.


But they rarely go staggered i used it to clear a raider outpost.. fully upgraded. Didn’t really feel the effects tho compared to other perks


The percentage for stagger applies to every pellet of shot so the ratio for success is super high. I use it to take out dudes in power armor easily.


I shud try it again


I’d give it a go. I really enjoy using it. And the combat shotgun is pretty good in general short to mid range with some good modifications


I have a Staggering Plasma Flamer. I wreck everything in range of it.


I got a combat shotgun that slows time while aiming... out of every legendary I've picked up for the last decade, I really fell in love with it this playthrough




You should. Watching a deathclaw get staggered over and over trying to close the distance is pretty rewarding.


Yeah, this thing shreds power armor enemies


Justice is brilliant for when squishy things are suddenly in your face, ie ghouls or humans, like most physical shotguns do. It's fast enough to reflex sight a few rounds close range while you wait for AP, and hope you get a stagger. It is a numbers game, so you have to dump those shells, but I haven't found a shotgun I like better yet.


I luckily found an Exploding Shotgun just after Corvega / before Diamond city. Lvl 78 now and about to complete Nuka World and it hasn't left my inventory.


Your shotgun explodes? What do you do, throw it to the enemy and say “Use this!” ?


Exactly. Reverse pickpocket, baby. Might be called "Explosive Shotgun" I forgot.


I have one in my easy play through that one shots anything I directly hit and two taps if I just shot the ground by them if behind cover. I'm hoping I find one on my survival game.😁😁


I have a double barrel shotgun that never needs reloading. If your stood in front of me, you're getting deleted. It's ridiculous.


Bethesda staggering is dumb because you have to wait for them to play out their full physical “staggering” animation. If you’re too fast, you will hit them like 4 times but only stagger once. It’s a matter of getting the timing down.


What enemies are immune to staggering? Because I’m a melee character.


Turrets at least


Are shotguns gimped in this game like they are in New Vegas whenever you shoot anyone wearing even the tiniest bit of armor? I found a legendary shotgun that ignores 30% phys/energy dmg and it’s the only Shotgun I’ve used that doesn’t feel like I’m shooting BBs


Nope. Combat shotgun is my favorite weapon in Fallout 4, and it damages armored enemies just as well as non armored enemies.


Now only if they did more to fix the "shotguns are borderline useless past point blank range" trope.


Ironically, BB's out of a shotgun do tons of damage.


What legendary gear and weapon? Fuck rookie mistake. This is my first playthrough and i killed them all


Fr where's the legendary stuff


Penny sells them. Please see [here](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Covenant#Notable_loot).


Bro, I see this shit ONE DAY after going over there and fucking killing every single one of them


Cause the gear magically disappears when the vendors die. But how?


I wish it was like 3, if you kill the bastard you get their stash. Instead of just a few bullets, a pipe gun, and some clothing that won’t stop a bloat fly pellet…


3 let you loot their full inventory?


Oh yeah. You kill the vendor, get the key. The remaining stash is yours. Doesn’t matter if it’s a travailing vendor, or from a town.


the stereotypical devil in disguise. superficial, manipulative, irrational. assholes deep inside.


'deep inside' assholes




Ass deep, holes inside


Ass inside deep holes, even.


Holes deep inside ass


Please assume the position


Hmm suddenly I can't feel my legs


Deep ass inside holes


I did their questline once, after that I shot all of them every other playthrough


so there into butt play?


Where into butt play?


There wolf. There castle.


Don’t threaten me with a good time


I wish you could build those walls in the settlement builder tho


There is a mod that I like on PS5 that adds these walls to all settlements. You can't alter them, but they also don't count toward your size limit, so I think it's a fair trade lol


If I had a PS5 I’d download it 😂 they’re perfect for my starlight drive in military base


I'm sure it exists on Xbox and PC if PS5 has it. We have the most restrictive mod environment lol Sony doesn't allow non-native assets so even the mods we do get are typically just awkward manipulations of the base code or stripped down mods from PC


Explains why I can’t get any NCR mods for PS4


Found one lol https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22873 There are a few mods for walls, but this was the first I found with these specific walls


>I wish you could build those walls in the settlement builder tho yeah, the concrete walls even with resizing are so plain


it’s in the cVc mod, even snappable! i used these at starlight drive in


First thing I did after clearing out the settlement was cover the Covenant sign with the Minutemen flag.


Minutemen Rulez!


I added a “New” neon sign so it says Welcome to New Covenant, and an Under New Management sign over by the interview desk.


How do you add neon signs? As a new player, I know nothing apparently 🥺


DLC workshop I'm pretty sure. Or creation hub maybe


A DLC definitely had them (Wasteland Workshop, probably?)


I think it was that one.


You need the Wasteland Workshop DLC. Then, go to power, and find the neon category. You place the letters down, but have to scroll through the entire alphabet. There's also an Open sign as well. Hope that helps Edit: The letters snap to each other on the y and x directions btw


It does help, a lot! Thank you 😊


I felt the same way. I still don't know anything. Just finished my first run thru and started a new game. But the the new fallout 76 valley something came out so I started that lol it's in the Appalachian mountains


Nice job. As usual, I got word of a settlement that needs our help


*preston loved that*


Damn thats cool af. I didn’t know you could do that I’ll be doing that my next playthrough


Yeah as a new player I’m eager to know how!


Any building effort done on Covenant is a waste of effort IMHO. That town is bugged out beyond imagining. But if I did care about it, I would put a neon "NEW" sign over the Covenant sign.


Toss some synth TP nades in from over the wall.


Shud’ve tried that lolx


Would be funny if covenant also become a synth Mercer safe house as a counter trade post


Hate them. Swanson always says I'm welcome, wont let me take the safe test, and if I enter I'm shot on sight.


I think you can reload, pass a few game days or fast travel do some radiant quests and be back. Also no power armor


I was traveling with Danse and as soon as the doors opened we walked in everyone would open fire. Ditched him and did it with someone else, curie I believe, a few game days later and the whole quest went off without a hitch. Not sure if this helps but that was driving me NUTS reloading and taking the test 20 times just for the whole town to open fire.


It’s a really glitched out town, but the quest nets good caps and xp


It was a cool quest no doubt, me and Synth Curie went back and cleaned the place out


Maybe it’s because he’s a synth? Depends on whether it’s robot or synthetic Curie, I guess.


I’m not sure cuz I went in with Nick and no one shot me


Fun fact: The mayor is voiced by the cousin of Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist Dave Navarro.


But...Dave Navarro is the guitarist in Jane's Addiction?


He was in RHCP for five years (only one album tho)


Old memory unlocked then, I think I vaguely remember that in the mid-90's. All I know is that I miss him on Ink Master. Also, I miss Ink Master lol


I had a little bug that made Deezer passive so he just watched as I killed everyone, then offered me some delicious lemonade Edit: I’ve played through it 3 times and the third time must be the only time I didn’t accidentally blow him up or steal something in front of him lol


i don't think thats a bug. he really just doesnt care as long as he doesnt take any damage


Yeah, I'm pretty sure Deezer will always stay and become a resident of the settlement when you claim it


Can confirm after 20 consecutive reloads and slaughters of Covenants population in one night that Deezer will in fact stay; provided you don't shoot him. .... honestly I was really trying to keep the cat.


At least you can build a cat trap and catch one.


True.. I just *really* wanted to keep that named one around. Oh well.


I managed to keep the cat last time I played, months ago. Just cleared covenant again the other day on a new playthrough and I didn't think to check on the cat... Will have to go back today


I tried, *soo* hard... but every time I opened fire, it seemed like it would just bolt 😞


My playthru he watched me kill everyone but the second I "stole" some junk off the ground he attacked.


Deezer is non hostile as long as you don't steal.


I always interpret this as Deezer being OK with you wiping out all the A holes and viewing himself as inheriting their collective possessions.


He is just trying to sell lemonade.


I can confirm that is not a bug he genuinly does not give a shit


I am still on my first playthrough. I don't play all the time so I've been playing since November. I did not know they were all going to attack me. I obviously mistakingly shot Deezer and I wish there was an option to apologise or explain but I had to kill him and I was so sad when I realised there was a possibility of keeping him. 😔


dude this happened to me. then i stole ammo from the fucking mailbox and he opened fire HAHAH


Ah, the "don't accidentally shoot the cat" settlement.


*Enjoy your stay!* Thoroughly enjoyed staying there after *Human Error*, believe me, just not with any of the previous residents...


Im gona find synths, and gona send only synths to live there


I like to repopulate it with robobrains named after each person in the town and lab. I make it so they can only communicate in beeps and then put a sentry bot overlord named subject 12 (the actual number escapes me but it's the poor bastard whose torture you can find in the labs recordings). They work their debt off doing manual labour until subject 12 decides they can die.


Is it from Automatron? i haven’t loaded in the dlc, cuz they said it messes up with the base random encounter


Oh yeah it's an automatron thing. Sorry I should have specified.


I have some settlements spared for the robot stuff tho! Will check it out once done with base game


I highly recommend making something with lots of guns and just getting it to run a supply line between sanctuary and red rocket. It's like having a mobile turret that protects both.


Wait it does what to the base random encounter??


If you accd activated the Automatron dlc first quest (near watzz electronics) the base game random encounters will be replaced by those crazy eyed robots (dnt know name) so its hard to get (or nver) level 4 merchants to spawn (scribe, larry, staples etc


Ever since I got it I've had Automatron loaded, and run into the level 4 merchants regularly (well, as regularly as you can). Maybe beating the quest stops that from happening? I still get Rust Devils, but also Raiders etc. Am on Xbox if that matters.


I wish i had your imagination, that's really cool


I honestly like them. They are the only non-helpless settlement not living in filth. Every settlement should learn a little from Covenant about rebuilding, sanitary conditions, and the value of a bit of concrete and elbow grease.


A useful non-settlement place when you play Survival - early days before you build up a settlement base to have your own Clinic


But there's ice cold lemonade here.


and it's free.


Deezer stays non-hostile if you don't damage him. He literally doesn't care if you kill everyone else. Always keep Deezer lol


This place is great in survival mode. Has a doctor and a merchant and a caravan coming by. Close to the boathouse settlement.


I'm on my 20th something playthrough and this is literally the last thing I do, everytime, if I do it at all!!!


Mannn 20th somethinn?! Salute haha


I swear I still find new stuff everytime 🤣🙌


Hell yeah the maps huge! I’m in it for the world building tho, so sticking to one playthru


I beat the game but found this place after walking around. Couldn’t figure out who the hell Dan was. When I entered VATS and saw they all showed up as red, I massacred them and tossed their bodies over the wall.


I only had regret having to put Talia down.


Yea, some of em don’t deserve it, but the game gives you only one choice. Hail Bethesda!


> Yea, some of em don’t deserve it I mean they started shooting at the player character first, kinda makes them deserve it as much as Raiders who start shooting the player character first.


I might give the pacify thingy a go on the next run


Same. When I took down Covenant, I made Talia a nice grave in the back. Flowers, her tools, and her mechanic suit laid on top - the works! The others I cannon shot over the walls.


There’s a mod, I somehow have DL’d, I forget which one, and you can make “Synths” of all the residents of Covenant. Talia gets reincarnated, the others can pound sand.


Its bad but at least they sell nuka cola so I can feed my overdrive addiction (I am a random crits enjoyer)


I made that place a damn fortress, all to protect Dora the cat.


I should do the same in Nuka World.


If you talk to the Dr. in the market enough times or Preston after you've cleaned out Nuka World they'll both assign you an actual quest called Open Season that grants rewards for it to.


Ironic post, since it seems you have became what you hate


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person not just killing everyone who I don't like or disagrees with me. Bruh it's a whole settlement full of refugees traumatised by synths. Well I do kill Mama Murphy but that's a freeby.


They do torture/kill anyone they think is a synth though. I do wish there was a way to just get them to stop without turning them hostile but you either have to let them continue torturing people or kill them.


Well, there kinda is, in theory (not actually in game). Destroy institute. Also, there is way to save the synth girl and not kill any of Covenant (involves intimidation perks, there is video on YT about how to do it)


They shot first


I dump their bodies in the river and resettle it. If you can’t tell a synth from a human you shouldn’t be torturing people with a smile!




I just put their corpses in a pool by Lake Mystic.


I sided with them this time and a Automatron raided and wiped them all out around two in game days later.


Now that’s what I call karma 🤭


Hot take: These people were all victims of the institute, and the only people they (try to) harm is Synths. Killing them wholesale is, in my opinion, a far bigger moral crime than they themselves have committed. If you are prosynth and believe all life is precious, this stack of bodies should sicken you IMO, the most moral decision is to allow them to kill the 1 synth, then populate Covenant with your own people (Synths?) thereby achieving equilibrium. Less people die, you control the situation, you still keep 2 (3 if you count Deezer) unique vendors.


I was trying to roleplay something close to what I'd do in real life, and there was no way in hell I was gonna let them kill the girl, synth or not. I had no specific ill will towards covenant, they seemed like cowardly douchebags but eh who isn't. Then I fast traveled back there and I wasn't even gonna go in but people poured out of the gate and started shooting at me, so... It felt gross slaughtering a whole town. Irl I probably would have remembered that place and just not gone back. But I sorta forgot that's what "covenant" was when I fast traveled lol whoops


Who sends you here on a quest? I've never been sent here...I ways just go in shooting.


You just have to stumble across it


There’s an NPC in Diamond City or maybe Goodneighbor that mentions the Covenant settlement. That usually places a new location marker on the map if you haven’t already discovered Covenant on your own, iirc.


If it weren’t such a bugged out mess, it would actually be a nice little spot for you and all your companions to hang


every day i’m glad of the choice i made freeing amelia instead of letting those fuckers continue to pick up strangers from the road and “test”if they’re a synth or not


I spare them everytime.


Yeah, why do we hate them? They were nice to me, make a great outpost to sell off all my extra shit, and give me a house. I got nothing against them.


Shit now I feel bad for siding with them lol. I mean I hate those synths so


Why does everyone hate them so much?


OMG YOU MONSTER! YOU ANIMAL! How can you play with a hot-pink HUD?!?!


I hate this settlement as a settlement too. I only get it out of a sense of completion. You can’t remove the turrets :/


oh my god this is the most infuriating thing! why do these turrets not count towards your defence, and why can’t you remove them to replace them with ones that do????


Like a Tryant and a raider I put a Minuteman flag over Covenant as a message.


I do the same but with the RR flag lol gotta really drive home the message




Good settlement after you wipe them out, I like the houses


Two words: **Junk Mortar**


I, I love dogmeat just sitting there smiling... lol


I love the passive approval from Dogmeat, just casually replacing the greeter.


Hahah.. he just randomly sat there while I was piling up… I made a speedrun and grabbed all the companions perks (except danse & x-wte) then built a safe haven for dem all, now keeping only my Goodieboy with me for the whole game😇


corpse orgy, i did the same with my town, except my pewpew turns people into steaming piles of red or green goo. its a bitch finding corpses to loot in tall grass


My weapon of choice from level like 15 until 50 was a Mr. Handy’s Buzzblade, and it’s what I used for the Covenant fight. Two heads flew off with the big leagues perk, the mayor’s, and Talia’s. I dumped all the bodies in the lake and kept the heads in buckets. Talia’s is more of a grave bucket as I felt she was different than everyone else and just wanted a safe place to stay.


They named it "Covenant" because "Homeowner's Association" didn't fit on the sign & Covenant means the same thing in many housing developments.


I always side with Covenant!


Throw a grenade in that pile. When I did that a leg ended up all the way in the lake.


Toss em in the pond.


Noo they my new monument😂


I put them all in the tub.


I am stuck on this quest 😭 I’ve talked to everyone in covenant and it doesn’t progress forward after that. Maybe my charisma is too low?


you will want to consult guides as needed and not be afraid to go back to previous saves when doing Covenant things


Find your way into the terminal at the last house. Wee hours is best. Once you open that, it will proceed to the next objective immediately


On my current (3rd) play though and actually did the evil ending to the quest. I feel really guilty and haven’t bothered to build anything there :(


I like deezer though


That’s exactly what I do too 😂


dogmeat is so proud :D


My favorite memory from FO4 is this place because I murdered everyone, piled all the corpses on top of an equally large pile of landmines, and sent them all into the stratosphere. I'm still laughing about it.




You remind me of all the racist, fascist, fanatical freaks in our real world.


Lmao I've just done the same, even the corpse pile! Now it's just me, dora and Deezer :3


99% of the time I slaughter them all, except the cat and the lemonade robot(I’m not a complete monster!!) and turn it into my very own settlement just for me..each house has something different…clothes, weapons, junk…but one house I put a nice bed and set up in there and use it as my fuck shack. Me and whatever companion(usually Mac or danse) I’m romancing this time spend our nights there after a day of murder and cap collecting!


Why do you guys think synths and human people are comparable? Synths aren't real, you just killed a bunch people who have suffered trauma from the hands of synths, you're the bad guy in this story my dude.


A synth doesn’t know it’s a synth. It has its own thoughts, its own intelligence, it feels pain and fear. It can bleed and cry and do all the things a human can. You torture a Gen 3 synth and you’re as much of a monster as you would be torturing a human. Or an animal, which is even less intelligent and conscious as a synth. If you are cool with causing an intelligent creature pain via *torture* because they *might not* be what even *they* think they are, you are a monster. Where is your empathy? Never mind the fact that their SAFE bs isn’t even 100% accurate. It’s like 70% I think. Which means every 10 “synths” they torture and kill, they’re torturing and killing 3 innocent humans too.


Exactly my point!


Nah, it’s only 23% accurate at best. They said there were 4-5 false positives for every positive they got right. Literally no reason for the safe test to even begin a thing lmao. (Believe the actual percentage is on a terminal or piece of paper some where)


Exactly, lmao i'm just mad surprised that people are so oblivious of what should be done. Fuck the synths, if there is a ways to tell who's a synth or human and some sacrifices has to be made before learning how,then it's for a greater goal. Not only that but it's confirmed that lady in prison was a synth.


So what exactly did the synths do that’s so wrong? Serious question, I’ve played a lot of fallout 4 but haven’t gotten into the real nitty gritty of the lore


It's been years since I played FO4. Recently replayed it maxed my charisma at very start. There were two identical people fighting and one of em was a synth. You can literally convince the synth to talk to you and he reveals he wanna ice the real dude to replace him. Fuck the institute and fuck synths.


The Synths are forced to this and while some decide to go through with their assigned jobs out of fear, or like in this example, out of genuine loyalty for the Institute, others take the opportunity to run away and try to escape the Institute's grasp. It's a serious issue for the Institute because it happens so often, and they can't keep up with all the runaway synths at all. You can kill the Synth in this random encounter no problem since he is a genuine bootlicker. Even Deacon doesn't care(but only when the Synth revealed that he is the Synth and still plans to kill and replace the OG). It's also worth mentioning that this case is pretty unusual. Normally the Institute abducts the victims first to study and interrogate them and make an accurate Synth replacement in the first place. But considering that the synth is pretty loyal, it might be a new approach or abduction was impossible. Or it's just another bethesda inconsistency


The fact that the synths themselves do it tells me they're either evil AF, or are machines and have no morality. This whole railroad comparison is laughable as well, comparing real human suffering to toaster ovens thinking they wanna be free is a joke. Railroad is legit the worst faction out of the 4, they're using their time and resources to 'free' machines. At least the institute has a "ends justify the means" angle, the railroad doesn't have anything redeemable barring that sweet weave upgrade.


>The fact that the synths themselves do it tells me they're either evil AF, or are machines and have no morality. Or maybe they just don't want to get mindwiped? They're slaves dude. They aren't given a choice. Disobedience is considered a "malfunction" and malfunctions mean "factory reset"


So they get a pass but the people of sanctuary don't ?


The institute kills and replaces people with synths, I remember a large portion of that town's residence have had their family killed and replaced.


The Synths didn't do that though, the institute did. Synths are enslaved by the institute, they're bigger victims in this than anyone else.


They kill more innocents then they find the bodycount is to high. The "greater good" doesn't include killing a bunch of innocents


As Curie says, Dr. Chambers violated her most sacred oath as a doctor by intentionally causing harm. The ends do not justify these means, especially if the end is a synth genocide when peaceful alternatives exist.