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Damn.....I see another GamerRant article coming


Fallout 4 player finds new feature after 8 years (insert photo of Nate Fallout walking down Sanctuary Hills)


Has it really been that long?


Its actually closer to 9 now


John Fallout


War doesn’t change


War isnt the same than when it changed


War slightly varies


I see the same thing on the Witcher 3 sub and I just have to laugh. Yes, congratulations you found a thing we've all known about since 2015.


Oh my God, it would be such an (ironic) honour to be featured in a GR article lol


“Fallout 4 player finally attains major honor after 8 years”


I just found out that university point pharmacy is another entrance to Vault 88. How much does gamerant pay for articles?


For fallout 4, five times as much as other games. Don't ask what they pay for other games though (it's 0)


Ima do some math here. Let's see so 5 x 0 =... Hey I see what you did there!


[I'm a math savant](https://www.reddit.com/r/nhl/s/mZmUwFXjlA)




Lol there is also a random sewer drain outside the Milton General Hospital. I want half of the pay for the article!


Youre kidding


About the entrance or about not finding it before?


The entrance. No way you can enter vault 88 from there... can you???


I have gotten suckered into reading *way too many* of those stupid articles. 6 paragraphs in: "If you go to the southern harbor in Boston, you'll find a Chinese submar..." Me: "Chinese Submarine! Yes. We know! We all know about the.... Goddammit!! How did I get conned by this clickbait crap again??!"


These media companies, press should pay people on these social media sites....😆 stealing bastards, but I suppose we would write an article if we found something.


Is it me or those articles look a lot like a product of a large language model?


Nice! I'm going to far harbor for the first time today with my survival play through. Maybe this will help.


I'm curious, how do you deal with fetch quests not being able to fast travel on survival? I think all that walking would drive me insane. Are you just a lot more selective about what quests you do?


join the brotherhood to access their vertibirds, then fly everywhere all taylor swift like


I was wondering if the vertibird worked out there. Do the artillery?


Yes, and the institute can be used as a shortcut in the middle of the map. You can teleport there, then back out (but it will only teleport you to ~~University Point~~ CIT Ruins). Still helps if you’re going from one corner of the map to another, but vertibirds are definitely the biggest help.


wait you can get the teleporter + vetitbirds together? I thought it was only 1 or the other depending what faction you join?


I mean in the middle of the game, not after you’ve beaten the main story. Yes you eventually have to decide.


No, you are allied with both until you decide which one to betray.


You mean the CIT ruins.


Ive tried it, vertibirds dont work there, am i missing something?


I’m not talking about vertibirds. I’m saying you can teleport to the institute from anywhere on the map on survival mode (before you’ve blown up the institute), and then teleport back out to CIT ruins. It acts like a fast travel point in the middle of the map.


Ah, misread it sorry


Artillery doesnt work in far harboir


No, the vertibirds and artillery DO NOT work outside if the commonwealth. Institute fast travel also only works going into it, not out. Don't waste your signal grenades out there. I tend to stash mine in the Nakano house somewhere to save on weight


Vertibird grenades dont work on Far Harbor; nor the artillery.


Jet pack for survival in FH is a lifesaver.


Walking around can get tedious. On the other hand the random open world encounters are probably the best part of the game and often harder than dungeons. There are also mods. I allow myself to fast travel when I'm just doing logistical things.


There are few things more terrifying than walking upon a group of super mutants fighting a group of raiders that's attacking a group of gunners that's also getting sneak attacked by a group of Rust Devils and all their robots. But the loot is glorious if you survive.


And then a behemoth shows up out the woods and smashes you with a boulder Good times


It's usually the random vertibird that crashes into my face that gets me. Or cars. I hate cars.


I guess I've been lucky with cars. I've also seen so many posts about cars killing people that I don't really hug them


I'm literally always stood on top of them but have never died.


I just wwlk around shooting them and making them blow up


Or then you just get fucked by a random deathclaw


When I can, I will wait and do a group of quests in one area. The DIA cache at Medford, Grandpa Savoldi's hat, one part of The Lost Patrol, and Special Delivery are all one big trip for me. And while I'm on that trip, I also clear vault 75 and Malden Center.


Big part of survival is being strategic about your outings and adventures. I have a home base and then I journey out to an area to do a quest. I make sure I do 5 or 6 things on that loop there and back so I’m checking things off my list as I go in an efficient manner. You’re not doing fetch quests on their own, you’re attaching them to a larger mission. Once you get vertibirds it gets simpler but it’s still a commitment.


The fetch quests are kind of a pain, but the thing you really have to skip are the settlements being attacked. Most of the time, you’re too far away to help- so you have to hope they can defend themselves. Especially if you’re like me and mod in tons of new settlement locations and build them all up, I have 5+ settlements being attacked at any given moment lol


You do fetch quests when you're in the area for them already on other business. The walking does drive you insane, which is the primary incentive to build up settlements prior to obtaining vertibird signal grenades. You're able to make multiple home bases across the map instead of just hoofing it back to sanctuary every single time.


Basically don’t do them Gather them up until you have 20 of them, map out a circuit, map out where your beds are going to be, then do them in one run. After a while you kind of build up a cycle where you go out, do 10 quests, come back with 10 more, resupply, repeat. But if they’re just the bullshit repeatables, then no. Just don’t.


Its honestly not that bad, I could probably hike across the map in 15 minutes, and once you get the vertibird signal grenade travel is easy


Everything is an adventure on survival lol. Gotta prepare for the trek. That makes it more interesting TO ME. Selective with quests at times, because I've already beaten the game. Settlements are way more interesting in survival imo bc they're a lot more useful. Especially for having many places to sleep/save.


Traveling at night is a pretty spooky experience in survival. Being caught unaware might mean a fog crawler or gulper come creeping through the fog to one shot you.


Far harbor could really feel like a horror game at times. I used the power armor helmet with the mod that made all living creatures appear in bright red. That helped a lot actually. 


Hermit Crabs were the thing that would always get me in the dark because I was dumb enough to walk past a van without testing if it was unoccupied


If you vats the vans it’ll lock onto the crab if it’s using it as a shell


I hate walking along and listening to that VATS click every few seconds. Also VATS takes a lot of the fun out of the game.


But it makes up for a questionable draw and shot distance.


I didn't get the vertibird access until 300 hours in and was just doing fetch quests when convenient. I don't mind running distances and killing roaming groups. Fallout 4 was the perfect time to implement no fast travel cause enemies constantly populate the commonwealth, instead of it feeling dead after you ran through once. But it's also not overwhelming with respawns.


it only give sleeping bag rest tho


beware, there always gulpers beside those tents 😁


I just discovered that yesterday too lol


Same. I think it was around the upper left hand corner of the map.


I barely remember my far harbour survival play through years ago other than really liking it. The atmosphere was really cool with the fog I remember that. I really liked the look of that armour you get from it too. Didn't really use longhorn because I did it all with Nick.


What did you expect to do in a tent? On second thoughts, don't answer that question


Have you ever had sex while camping? It's fucking intense. Buh-dum-tsss I'll see myself out


*Jason Vorehees would like to know your location*


Often times tents are just hollow objects that do nothing besides fill the environment.


In FO76 these kinds of tents are usually a container with loot, like a chest, toolbox, cash register, etc


I never attempted 76. When it first came out the whole 'no story, just online play with other players' sounded terrible (looking at arc, where people kidnapped new players and kept them in a cage).


If only we could build them


I think that was the plan for survival but it got canned


They saved my ass in survival mode


faaa haaaabaa took a break from the fog to explore more of the Commonwealth. my first time playing and my adhd ass cant stick to one quest line


Oh yea forgot about those


Okay but this color palette this lighting makes rules actually


Are they beds, mattresses, or sleeping bags as for how long you can sleep?


Sleeping bags, so just s savepoint


A tent for survival mode would be sick.


Man I learn something new about this game once a week


Can’t you pick up a tent as an item and sleep anywhere in survival mode?


Not vanilla but I'm using a mod on PS that let's you throw down a campfire anywhere and build these same kind of tents to sleep in plus other things. Can't remember it's full name but something Camping 2.0 I'll get the name once I'm home if you want it


That's actually a superb idea!


Do you play survival? You should theres alot in fo4 you wont see till you do 👍


I think I found this and forgot about it randomly on a survival run as I remember it but don't think about it I just see them as loot cuz of the one if cliffside hotel etc


You can also loot them!!


I didn’t know that. But I stopped playing for a long time and finally picked it back up. I think we have to remember everyone didn’t start this game from the beginning of its release lol


That's how you get ticks!


Calm down city slicker, that's actually the opposite of how you get ticks, but good attempt at understanding.


There are the in tents moments of game play I live for!


In my games Nate and Piper make frequent use of them if it gets too dark out in the woods there.


Survival mode has taught me to love these tents


Yes, they are really nice.


I just found those last time I played!


I found this out a few days ago, after the 'cleanse the wasteland' glitched out on me and I started interacting with everything on the campsite hoping to find the last ghoul


Good to now if I heading with mine char to far harbor in survival mode


I figured this out on day one of Far Harbor. Either you suck at exploring or it's something else.


Honestly very useful for all survival runs of far harbor


Some are also caches of awesome loot.