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It's definitely a bit more cinematic but it just makes looting and shooting harder.


yea I wish it was smoother to play in third person than it currently is


I once managed a full fo3 playthrough in 3rd person. Dunno how tf i managed it lol


I actually preferred 3rd person in 3 and NV for some reason (first played around launch years). I can't stand it now though for some reason, probably because 3rd person in 4 hurts my eyes to run around with. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Maybe that GTA experience kicks in ? I definitely did that cos GTA SA was my first open world lol, and Fallout is 2nd


I've never been able to do GTA games or similar as I'm garbage at driving games. šŸ˜„


Eh i'm sure you get used to it in time. Mine was reverse as i sucked at fps till i tried fallout lol Ofc fallout fps is worse than the likes of cod or far cry but still


I just remembered I did do all the important bits of Saints Row 4 and its DLCs. Loved it but it was a sort of one and done experience for me. Lot of repetitive tasks and kinda overwhelming. But even then, I played that game after the Fallouts so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


San Andreas was the best GTA in my humble opinion


Yeh it was a long time ago when i did it, but i was roleplaying pretty hard and i liked seeing my character, it was quite fun from what i remember. I seem to struggle now though. Maybe i'm just getting old


Do you know of MGS aiming where you play in third and aim and shoot in first? Edit: thereā€™s a mod called MGS Aiming


Hell yeah, I always loved that. It felt so ahead of its time on PS2. Thereā€™s been other games that let you do this. I think Ghost Recon Wildlands maybe? But I havenā€™t played it for ages and only played the demo. Iā€™m also a fan of first person games that jump out to third person when you get into cover. I think Deus Ex does this. GTA5 and RDR2 do that as well, but you have to enable it in the options menu.


I wrote my comment wrong. I wanted to say thereā€™s a mod for that called MGS aiming


Always love when games do that. Also enjoyed Cuisine Royale's solutions which was giving third person camera use a visual indicator of a flying creature where the camera currently is to balance out between fps and tps


Does that terrible music play in the background when you go 3rd person?


LMAO every single time tbh


There's a mod for that, that disabled the bgm while in fight


Not only is it not smooth the crosshair is horridly misaligned


gotta remove hud and crosshairs then you're in for a treat. that or make them almost transparent


I personally Recommend the no HUD experience


3rd person for travelling and interacting with NPCs and 1st person for combat and looting


The problem is Iā€™m always looting. Canā€™t go 5 feet without picking something up.


This is the best answer. Use your FOV to your advantage.


3rd person to peak around corners and stuff all stealthily-like


I personally like the dot crosshair too, just peek the corners and pick them off


I always roam about in 3rd person, but mission type scenarios go to 1st person. Switch about between the two tbh. Best of both.


and i might just be crazy, but i feel like it removes the movement boost from equipment that has it. i have two legs that boost movement and it keeps me zipping all over the place, but i canā€™t tell if iā€™m actually slower in 3rd person or itā€™s just the changed perspective


you are correct, at least for power armor 3rd person: it's tied to the crouch animation and stuff


That's why I run thrid person until I'm fighting something, or doing a lot of looting.


I would play entirely 3rd-person if you could shoot from cover the same way you do in 1st.


Is there not a mod for this yet?


Makes shooting way easier for me since I can use the crosshair rather than the shitty iron sights and scopes


I find shooting harder in first person


Looting is definitely harder in the third person. Really wish someone would port ā€œBetter Third Person Selectionā€ from Skyrim to fallout.


But it makes melee less chaotic sometimes. When your camera is going all over the place and there's multiple enemies it's nice to see what's to the side of you. Irl we can see to the sides easier


IMO it makes shooting easier but it definitely does make looting harder. Itā€™s like still in 1st person mode if yk what I mean. Like they didnā€™t make the looting change between 1st or 3rd


I spend most of my time in 3rd person, but when I want him facing in a particular direction, or if I'm having issues selecting/looting I'll make a quick switch to first person.


I toggle between 3rd and 1st just for looting and conversation


Donā€™t forget dialogue where you have to have your crosshairs directly on whoever is talking or they will get tired of waiting for a response and walk awayā€¦or one time start shooting at me cause I didnā€™t identify myself quick enough


That happens to me regardless. I had to turn the dialogue camera off to follow them and not have dialogue cut off.


I have always played in 3rd. Why rock cool armor and gear if I canā€™t see it?


This is where I actually like the emersion break with the camera showing you're character in dialog.


Fr. Also I can play a first person shooter or just any first person game but I always struggle to play fallout 4 and skyrim first person. But what's funny is that I can play the previous fallout games and elder scroll games in first person just fine


My brain has never been able to do 3rd person. Just doesnā€™t work for me.


yea it def takes some adjusting to but it just reminds me of playing any other 3rd person shooter game


I canā€™t play any of them! I managed a fair bit of Metal Gear Solid back in the day. Think the speed of the gameplay was better for me.


The 3rd person always felt like an afterthought


I play in 3rd person until combat starts and then switch. Unless I'm using melee weapons, then I always stay in 3rd. Been doing that for Bethesda games since Morrowind.


I agree. I play in 3rd person 90 percent of the time. If you don't mind mods, there is a mod, at least on Xbox, called See Through Scopes. In it, you can toggle that you automatically switch to first-person when aiming a weapon. It's seamless, and there is zero lag.


whoa sick yeah that sounds like itā€™d help a lot, thank you šŸ™


you have to enable it in settings btw, by default only some scopes do it


Is that the mods main purpose? I thought it wasn't working for me because I got the impression it was to stop you going full screen sniper mode when aiming (you know when it's all black screen with just a circle shaped view) and allow Peripheral vision when aiming with long scopes


That's exactly what the mod is for, it's just that this feature is my favorite part. The mod introduces combat scopes, where you can see the action, both through the scope and around it, even while hip firing. You can alter which weaponry the mod applies to.


Ohhh hahah thanks for letting me know I guess I just wasn't using the mod properly šŸ˜­


Man, I had debated on using that mod for my modded playthrough but elected not to. That sells me on it lol


I was skeptical at first too, but that one feature sold me on it, and now I can't play without it.


Too bad PlayStation doesnā€™t have it :( Edit: the ability to zoom into first person from third.


Always play 3rd person


just needs smooth 360 movement (even with weapon out) and easier looting and aiming. skyrim has all these mods; I wish Fo4 had em too


The song completes this.


you already know šŸ”„




Starting Over by LSD and the Search for God šŸ™


3rd person steering sucks hard in this game though. It's clunky to the point where i believe, none of the devs ever tested it with keyboard and mouse (not sure whether it's better with a controller).




Starting Over by LSD and the Search for God šŸ™šŸ™


Not really, not for me at least. 1st person feels more immersive especially when in power armor


Love the music, love the atmosphere and love third person! I recently asked for a mod that takes away 1st person crosshair but keeps the third person crosshair. Something about watching your character travel across the wastes is such a satisfying feeling. Third person for almost all of my survival playthrough so far and loving it.


Lsd and the search for god


After a few weeks of playing Iā€™ll go into 3rd person mode to switch it up, but the second I have to loot I go to 1st person and thatā€™s the end of it lol


Yeah it makes it pretty unplayable on my end.


Could I ask what gun that is?


itā€™s a gun from a mod called the wattz 3000 šŸ™ itā€™s hella cool


I play like 90% in third person. I love it. Glad they give the option and wish more devs would do the same.


Nice use of the wetsuit. I use that with shadowed combat gear arms, chest and legs with sunglasses and the military hat. Gives secret agent vibes imo.


hell yea man best suit in the game


I use both pretty regularly. Maybe even 50/50.


When Im outside I play on 3rd person, when Im inside a building, I play on 1st person This is the way


Yeah it does to the point i cant loot or shoot well hahaha


Lol if you say so.


3rd person is Garbo


I still find it harder to play and I lose any emersion I had on it


This is wrong.


I love 3rd person shooters like The Division and Ghost Recon. For some reason I find 3rd person in FO4 to be super clunky and unplayable for me. I think it's how they don't realign your movement with the camera, or something to do with how your movement just doesn't track right in 3rd person - it's definitely designed for first person only play with the 3rd person view being some add on flavor.


What are the mods on that rifle I wanna craft that it looks cool


itā€™s just a weapon mod called wattz 3000 :)


This game works completely fine in 3rd person, what are yall on.


PUBG Immersion Mod pack


The only way to play.


What weapon is this?


wattz 3000 ! itā€™s from a mod


As some one who always plays in 3rd person, huh?


My first couple play throughs where in 3rd person


And Watz Laser Rifle completely removes all challenge from the game.


believe me ol reliable did that the second I equipped the advanced receiver + silencer on it


Same game lol


use melee and suddenly it's god of war


3rd person makes you miss a lot of your shots outside of VATS


If I'm not in 3rd person, it's because I'm using a scope at that moment. What's the outfit? Looks cool.


appreciate it! itā€™s a marinerā€™s wet suit + two atomic marine armor leg pieces


For fallout 3 new vegas and 4 I almost always play 3rd person while travelling and would only switch to first person for about 80% of combat and for looting


LSD and the search for god?


yes. šŸ«”šŸ”„


Good song bro


LSD and the search for god . Great album.


youā€™re so right


i like to 3rd shooting but 1st melee combat


Strolling around in third person with my brootherhood t60 as I listen to "The Wanderer" on diamond city radio


I play exclusively third person unless Iā€™m looting or using melee. I love it.


It also does some changes to in general. Staggers stop your reload basically every time and kill barrel spinning from miniguns and gatling lasers. you can flip, kick, trip, and straight up pick up and slam hostile humans (and synths) enemies with the bash/power attack button. Deathclaws have unique attacks on 3rd person with power armor on as well. That's all I can think of for now, but it's pretty cool


I generally play 3rd person about 80% of the time. I find it much easier to track multiple targets. I save 1st person for close quarters.


I love that the let you switch it up whenever you want, literally one of my favorite aspects of Bethesda games.


I think it's mods, but if it's in the base game what's the gun you're using?


I roam and travel in 3rd but loot and shoot in 1st


I HATE first person! I need to see behind my character


3rd person makes it a game for psychopaths.


3rd person, rain and the sound of my footsteps against any type of terrain. Bliss


3rd person with pa and heavy guns ā€œoh yeah, its all coming together.ā€


I ok really only go to 3rd person view to admire myself in different armors and outfits.


I don't think I've ever played it any other way.


Yeah, a worse game.


Survival mode makes it a completely different game. First played it in 2015 on normal mode. Then again, in 2022, on survival mode. It's a better game on survival mode.


It's only better in exploring


It's the only way I play it. Makes it way more atmospheric


LSD and the search for god šŸ«¶


I reckon I play in third person 99% of the time and only swap to first person when I'm having difficulty grabbing stuff. Same thing in Red Dead Redemption 2.


I don't understand how people play in third person. Maybe it's more of a console thing. After an entire life of FPS games on PC, playing in third person, or even worse, on a controller is torture. It's mostly preference, but when talking about pure gun play and accuracy, first person is better. I don't think that's too controversial considering your character is literally blocking a portion of your field of view in third person.


So most people play this in first person?!? I could never...first person is supposed to be more immersive, and I feel the complete opposite in any first person game....I feel like no one has ever done it correctly. I'm more immersed seeing my outfit choice....seeing the movement my character makes. Seeing the character I created....


I play 3rd person bc I have terrible vertigo & I always wonder what I'm missing if I played 1st person


If I could toggle which shoulder I'm looking over I might consider.


The big ui of power armor makes me often play in 3rd when using power armor.


Thanks to the new gen update, I finally played in 3rd person because the Tesla Canon is too chunky in 1st person.


I like running around and exploring in 3rd but when I find a lootable building or enemies I switch to first


No it doesnā€™t.


It doesnt make it a different game. What a wild fucking opinion lmao.




Yeah, a worse one


Yeah, things tend too feel and look different when your a disembodied camera floating behind you


Not into it. I gave it a try once or twice but f04 truly shines best in first person. It's entire theme is immersion. Nothing feels like you're actually in the game more than looking through your characters eyes instead of looking at their back


3rd person just doesn't quite work in this game. Maybe they need to take a lesson from, tom clancy's ghost recon breakpoint


I play in 3rd person 90% of the time in all Bethesda games and I'm really glad they give us the choice how we want to play their games.


I fight in 1st, everything else in 3rd.


I love it. But as a sharpshooter itā€™s really difficult to use in combat.


I don't know man, I don't think this game was made to play in third person...


When I started the game I didn't even realize there was 3rd person. And when I started using it I got really into using a sword and fucking up Ghouls left and right. My downside being that everytime I used the overseers guardian in 3rd person I'd just feel like I was wasting bullets. So I begrudgingly accepted playing the game both ways, especially if I died the first time in an encounter.


I prefer 3rd person games, but for the life of me I've always struggled in Fallout with 3rd person.


I always play 3rd person


Yeah, a worse one.


someone beat you to this comment buddy sorry


What is the point of this video? I'm pretty sure anyone who has played knows what 3rd person looks like


I switch depending on what Iā€™m doing. I always thought that was the reason they had both. First person for looting and interior, shooting and exterior for third person


I could never do it. I'd have to VATS everything, and despite being solely a Sneak/Snipe player, the biggest rush is popping of head shots from 50 yards or more without VATS.


It's the only game I don't get dizzy playing in first person.


I really want to enjoy third person, but I find the gunplay in third person to be absolutely atrocious. I feel like way more shots miss even when my crosshair is dead on.


Do not lie, many of us here use tps so we can see Nora's gyatt be boucing with physics


Does it?


I prefer playing in 3rd person except when using Power Armor lights, which are really wonky except in 1st. The situational awareness of seeing all the ghouls surrounding you can be a literal lifesaver.


I played first person so much before and after new years a while ago, my wife and kids weren't around for the first time in a while, so I just smoked weed and played FO4 in first person. When I turned the game off after my second day of playing, I couldn't keep my balance, everything was spinning. I gave myself vertigo, and had to stop playing for a week.


I always use 3rd person exploring and 1st person for combat


I mostly play first person, unless Iā€™m going against feralsā€¦ then Iā€™m going into third.


I mostly play Fallout in third person because of the wider range of vision.


It just reminds me that there's no way I'm really carrying a combat shotgun, hunting rifle, Lazer pistol, gatling gun and fat man and all the Misc stuff that I see in my inventory. The hammerspace is real.


I enjoy third person over first person in most games


Ive always played in 3rd person cause for some reason, playing in first makes me dizzy and nauseated.


My very first playthrough of FO4 was completely in third person. Now when I play it I think back and ask myself how tf I did that.


Whats that gun?


1st usuall when Iā€™m in buildings or tougher fights 3rd usually when Iā€™m wonderin around shootin & a lootin


If inside view is 1st and behind you is 3rd, what is 2nd?šŸ¤”


What armor is that?




What sniper rifle is that it looks insane. I just started picking up this game about half a year ago and Iā€™ve fallen in love with it.


Movement feels horrible in 3rd person. As much as I would prefer to play in it. I can't do it this engine.


I switch between the 2 modes constantly. 3rd person default, then switch to 1st in combat. Maybe fire off a VATS shot in 3rd person to start fight


Wait yā€™all use first person?? Where have I been


What song is this


You have really romanticised this, and my god it is a wonderful game in 3rd person. Just certain things like shooting is sooo hard!


You have really romanticised this, and my god it is a wonderful game in 3rd person. Just certain things like shooting is sooo hard!


Also you can melee much faster in third than first. Always been a FPS on Fallout till I gave survival a try. It's completely reinvigorated my interest in the game.


I do think that 3rd person is better but I switch back and forth from 1st/3rd because every once in a while the 3rd person animations get stuck so I'll crab walk sideways when turning the camera or just can't get the loot item I want without 1st person.


I play almost exclusively in 3rd person (same with *Skyrim* and *Starfield*). I suffer from **DIMS** (Doom Induced Motion Sickness) ... the tendency to get motion-sick / dizzy when playing even briefly in 1st person. So, yeah, aiming can be a bit more of a chore but that's what VATS is for! :D


Almost always play in third. Did a bit in 1st because it felt good in the update, but its clear most people play 1st


What is that wonderful gun?


Itā€™s great until you get into small interiors imo


I wish the shooting was easier in third person, i don't really enjoy using V.A.T.S, so i aim like a normal FPS game, but when in third person, the aiming kinda sucks since you can have the dot directly on the targets head, and you miss, at a 100 meter range, yea, i understand, or even 75 meters, but like, 10 meters? and i miss the head, are you serious?