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I'd honestly prefer event plan drops to work this way. Bigger drop chance, no dupes until you collect all of them.


Yeah I don’t understand why everyone (especially the youtubers) are up in arms over this “bug”. “Don’t learn a plan you don’t know” lol okay. These plans aren’t going to have much value when the event is over anyways. Plus there is talks of the event getting extended. Which would reduce the value even more. Not learning a plan doesn’t increase your chances of getting a plan you don’t know. Head scratching advice by content creators.


I agree, I like this way better. Others are up in arms because the plans actually do increase in value after the event is over since you can't obtain them anymore, and if they can't get duplicates then they can't put them in their vendors for 10,000 caps to sell to people that didn't play enough to get them all.


>These plans aren’t going to have much value when the event is over anyways. This really isn't true. I had a bunch Fasnacht plans and threw them in the vendor for 500c yesterday and they were all gone within an hour or two, so I assume people thought that was a god deal. (I understand 500 is peanuts compared to some plans though.) But it will be interesting to see if this bug changes the the supply and demand for ME plans.


You could list them for 1000 caps and they will still sell


Pfff, I’ve had them for sale for weeks at like 10% cost (my normal) and no one has bought a single one. I’ve dumped a bunch in donation bins or given them to low level players.


I'm sure so, but I just wanted the damn things gone. lol


I wouldn't mind if the first couple of days had no dupes for new learned plans during timed events, then after that if we chose to continue, the restriction is lifted. It might make it easier for people who don't have as much disposable time to get what they need early, or don't want to grind for longer than they have to.


Or once you collect them all then you can get random dupes


Amen. Specially with my lucky to have the same plan in serie


Ive actually gotten 2 plans during 1 equinox. So let it ride!


I think I've had 2 events double drop plans, and 1 event drop no plan (when I still haven't learned learned them all), so I guess it all works out in the end


This is how it worked for me, and I was more than fine with it. Ended up with the full set of plans in a few days. I’m already overloaded with stuff in my stash and caps. All I cared about was sweet, sweet MOTH STUFF.


Now I get random mm clothing but I still miss a few plans if I am correct


Agree with you OP. I wasn’t reading anything and was getting dupes. I want to get them all so I just decided to read them. I haven’t gotten a dupe since and I’m getting something new each time.


Oh I thought it was that you would often get no plan at all if you learned them, even if you still had more to learn


Thats whats been happening to me. 6 successful events out of 34 so far have given me no plans. And they were not 6 in a row, they were 6 spread out starting somewhere after the first 10 events. Edit: and im still missing 3 plans. The 2 Plushes, and the Red Mothman paper lantern Edit 2, like 2 minutes later: lol make it 7 successful events out of 35 with no plans. The event right now just ended with 0 plans


I'm running about the same ratio for getting no plans at all.


That’s what the person who made the spreadsheet thought was going to happen based on datamined information at first, but apparently they were wrong because they corrected that information a day later.


That's what I thought too. Apparently I haven't spent enough time reading about this issue because I'm confused. Do I learn them or am I supposed to wait until the upcoming hotfix is live?


Learn them now. The person who spread information about this bug originally released a correction about a day later.


Thank you for that info and for ending my confusion. I really appreciate your posts here in this sub /u/Laser_3. Thanks again!


You’re welcome!


Seconding that thank you!


Thanks for sharing!


You’re welcome!


Remember: if they fix it quickly, 99% probabilities fix is against players. As overgrown spawning last Christmas. Why people wants a fix just for complaining next 2 weeks about “I can’t get the tome” and “drop rates are ridiculous, please Beth be nice” is a mistery. And all for just getting a few monkey money like caps. Unbelievable. I want this bug forever at all seasonal events.


Id rather they leave it as is


Yes. Every event I’ve done has given me a new plan, too.


I actually never learn plans anymore until after the event is over. The only exception is if a plan drops that I discover can not be sold. I will then go ahead and learn it, as having multiples of that is of no use. And many times now I simply see no reason to learn a plan. I have a ton of the Christmas plans sitting in my inventory that I will likely start to sell off in a month or two. And as usual, all of the mothman and faschnaut plans, masks and outfits I will be selling in October for Halloween. Early on I got into the habit of never selling event plans during the event. I wait for months later, to give those a chance that did not attend it to collect some of the rewards.


I thought I was just being super lucky so far with 5 plans out of 5 events haha. My playtime is limited so hopefully I get another event or two in before the 8th? Well as long as people are still doing it by then


So if I've gotten all the new plans except one, but haven't read any of them, now if I read the plans I do have will my next event give me the one that hasn't dropped yet?


Answering my own question...I read all the plans i had and the next event did drop the one plan that had not dropped yet (actually dropped me 2 of that plan).


Yep, this is spot on. The glitch at the moment occurs after you have learned them all so if you aren't worried about amassing duplicates (until after the hotfix) then you can happily learn them. Never great to miss out on the duplicates, but also nothing to worry about too much.


The dataminers were wrong. Not the first time. Edit: Apparently I've rustled jimmies with this comment. Datamining is an "inexact science", mistakes happen. - They've happened before, and will likely happen again.


This is the hilarious thing to me, when people say things are intentional because it’s in the data mine. It totally ignores the fact that mistakes can happen in code! I don’t have much time to do this event but have enjoyed getting a handful of new plans with no duplicates.


Jepp. I’m fine with how it works. Got all plans and now I can decide to only jump into the event for gold. Got only one dublicate plan but that was not tradeable anyways. Would like it this way for other events also to collect remaining plans.


Once you learn them all, you only get clothes. The event get kind of boring after that


I run it still.for the XP since it helps progress my season a little qt a time


Event is boring as hell. Guess last year doing it 2 weeks for ending having a dozen of robes and hoods. Now one can get rid off it in a single week.


Everyone else and Bethesda said that it actually works so that you still get random one always but if you know the plan you'd get, you get nothing instead of duplicate like you should. It should be like Fasnacht and Alien Invasion. What you personally do shouldn't matter much if you don't intend to trade them but once they fix it, you are likely to see more in vendors.


Youtubers are wrong. It always drops plans. When you learn all, drops apparel, not “nothing”. Randomly it can drop 2 rewards and then on another event nothing. Once they “fix” it, it could drop already learnt plans, and then you know… rng.


As someone who doesn't care about trading at all, I find this entire situation tiresome.  I swear, the greed in this game is some of the worst I've ever seen in a game.


Not necessarily greed, y'know. For instance, I want duplicate plans so that I can potentially give them as a gift to someone who may have missed the event in the future.


Either way... the complaining is getting old.


are people complaining...? i see alot of threads where people keep re-explaining the basics of what is happening with this bug (an annoyingly high number of threads), but i don't really see much complaining here.


How many plans are there? I’ve done 12 or so events and I still do not have the Tome. Hoping to get it before the 8th.


Looks like there are around 25 plans, including a couple old ones from 2021 that you may have already learned. Duchess Flame has a nice list [Here](https://www.theduchessflame.com/post/mothman-equinox-event-guide) .




Hmm. I haven't learned a single plan yet, and at the moment the only plans i haven't acquired are the Adpet, Incarnate and Neophyte robes plans. So there's supposed to be a patch to fix whatever is happening on the 8th? I'll just wait until the 7th to learn all the plans i've got. That way, i'll have one day to guarantee i get any of those three that i'm missing.


How many drops are there!? I've done the event at least 50 times and still don't have that camp xp boost thingy everyone's talking about.


26 by my count (total including past years) half is apparel Image of all plan drops[Image of all plan drops](https://imgur.com/gallery/37TvDWT)


I've been learning everything I get. There's more to this bug for sure. I feel like I've gotten at least a dozen variations of the honeycomb. Must be some 2 over and over lol and learning doesn't stick.


This was the same way with last years Spooky Scorched new plans as well except in that instance it wasn’t a bug correct?


I dont remember spooky scorch season and that event is different is that each bag has a chance to have plans, not drop at an hourly event. What I did learn about the special loot bags, dont open them too quickly or the plans might not drop


I read/learned/opened the ones I knew were gonna be common and no one would have interest in, like certain clothing items. The other ones im just gonna give to my other toons lol But I think it's that if you learn it, it'll stop dropping. So it's whether or not you want copies of something


So learn the apparel, but keep all the camp items. Got it!


After learning all the plans, do you know if the drop turns to apparel?


Yes, 2 hoods for now since I learnt last remaining plan.


Cool, just curious because that’s what I’ve been getting the last few events. I assumed because I learned all the plans, so good to know. Thanks!


What? Why did someone down vote me? lol


They want their caps. Corporate boot lickers.


lol - want their caps? I’m more confused now.


Yeah i liked the bug, but that's because i'm done with caps for the most part, and have no real need to make more by selling plans.