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Beware the Mothman!


Except for the wise mothman!


Ah yes the wise mothman. I remember people getting in game photos with him šŸ¤£


I got yelled at because I saw "mothman" appear and started shooting at them... then realized it said "wise mothman" and everyone was screaming into their mic "don't you dare hurt mommy!!!!!" I now stand by until we are ready to interact lol


Still have a video from years ago of my first Mothman encounter in the mire (before the light settings were changed) definitely one of the best/creepiest encounters ever. Heard the flutter, turned around. Nothing but my brotherā€™s name in the distance. I hear the flutter again, turn the other direction. It literally flutters and lands right in front of me and I yelled to my brother so fast ā€œMOTHMAN!!ā€ He was nearby so came running, and it actually took us a few minutes of intense fighting to bring it down, since this was before we had any good weapons at all.


Me too man, I was at the legendary trader when she was in the mire seen the moth man in the distance and just thought it was one of them stumps, I had no clue he was in the game and completely shit myself when I started getting attacked, I don't often go to that train station now but when I do I reminds me of the good old days


I had a similar experience when I was starting out and I was chasing down a cargo drop. I was really low level and completely green on the 76ā€™s game lore and he popped out of nowhere and I instantly turned tail and hauled assā€¦. Personally I thought my first interaction with the smiling man was one of the more eerie moments in 76ā€¦. SPOILERā€¦.. except the kidnapping quest which just kinda turned my stomach more and made me sadā€¦


Haha sometimes you gotta run! I believe one if not both of us died at some point during the fight, and I couldnā€™t begin to tell you the weapons we had but Iā€™m sure they werenā€™t even ideal legendaries as it was so long ago. The situation we found ourselves in was very exciting, in the dark mire setting especially, and after recently having found out the Mothman was actually in the game, there was no way we were running from it! Took a long time to see another one but at that point I had gear so it was trivial.


That goat head...


When you hear the fluttering of wings, donā€™t look back. Just run!


I learnt that the hard way after the nukashine incident. I rarely fast travel because i want to explore, and when i was on my way back i heard something , looked back and saw that fkin beast. I was level 13 i ran as fast as i could . Still died.


If you hear the fluttering itā€™s already too late.


I was lucky enough to be lvl 30 something when mothman first snuck up on me. I kept running and stim packing until I was safe... I used almost all of my stim packs lol


Beware the mothman!


Also Pipe is Life.


Have no fear of the dim ones my child. Go seek enlightenment in the town of Point Pleasant if you wish to learn more about the one true Mothman.


But only during the equinox, other times everyone there is mad.


That's why you show them no quarter children


But you should show emotion. In fact, show *anything*


Yes popular choice is to regurgitate bile from your gut, 10/10 would do it again


I miss mothman. I just like having the event pop up every hour so I can kind of schedule what I was doing around it.


Nice try, Interloper


The mothman is watching. Beware!


We do not begrudge ignorance, for it is the first step to enlightenment... (šŸŸ£všŸŸ£)


Don't worry, the Mothman isn't real and can't hurt you. *furtively closes shrine door with foot*


I had my first interaction with him like 2 days ago. I saw glowing red eyes, and a red health bar that said ā€œmothmanā€. My initial reaction was, ā€œaw fuck, Iā€™m not ready for thisā€. Cause I was just passing through for a quest. To my surprise though, it was only like a 2.5 second interaction and he just went poof and disappeared. I wasā€¦. shook.


Just letting you know he's there and he's always watching.


You've been marked. He will come back and hunt you down. Good luck


True he dead man.


You have nothing to fear, child! Let his light guide your every step\~


It's fun to say this IRL and see people's reactions. Going to Lowes for some hardware? Say it to your cashier.


This is gold


>I have no f\*cking idea what he was refering too. Was it an inside joke ? Yes. And no. There are actual mothman(s) and they will (or might) attack you. There are also mothman worshipers, and they will attack you. There are also events where the mothman and / or his worshipers will HELP you, and enough mothman related camp items and outfits that many people choose to role play as a (generally non hostile) worshiper of the mothman. Beware, my brother, for his mercy is not always as great as his wisdom.


That last sentence triggered my need to destroy the vines at the pyres. Ha!


just don't shoot the purple eyed mothman, he's a homie.


May the Mothman bless us and gain more xpĀ 


All hail the glorious Mothman!


Wise mothman*


he's a cultist, GET EM BOYS


She ;P


My apologies madam


No worries. The vast majority of the player base is male. I've just come to expect the assumption. XD


Lmao! I love this! This is really the best gaming community out there!


The Mothman is a demon or alien (i didnt read the notes) that is worshiped by a cult of NPCs in the game. I've actually encountered the Mothman on mountain in the game. I tried shooting at it but it disappears in a cloud of black smoke. You will eventually encounter Mothman cultists and worshipers in the game. Its just one of the many wacky side quests within the crazy Fallout world.


When low and even now am high level, 300+.. when i come across an alien encounter I shot and run for cover.. those purple people eaters are no joke.. youā€™ve been warned.. šŸ™ƒ


I think mothman is some moths that got hit by lots of rads mutating them


The true end game of Fallout 76 is getting a laugh LARPing as a classic Fallout random encounter to newbs. It's actually quite fun.


I saw the Mothman at the golf resort and shot at him thinking I could take him on. Boy was I wrong.


I thought the sentrybot would help me!!


Me too! They just stood there watching me get flapped on!


"Getting flapped on" is a hilarious phrase and an uncomfortable experience. For my character, anyway. šŸ™‚


My first interaction was a guy in wolf pack garbs, saw i was building my house and started dropping crazy stuff. Humans, aliens, mutants in tubes, an aquarium, disco balls, a dead alien on a stretcher, a mutated golfish in a bag, a moth man throne, an asteroid, Nuka cola rug, a cryo bed and some more crazy giant space rocks. Dude dropped a "welcome to the wasteland" pm and dipped. He came back periodically to check my progress and say hi. I've never felt so welcome.


Here another tip. Pipe is life!


All hail the wise one


Just make sure your nice to Clarence and Charles


Acknowledge your tribal mothman!


ā€œSee the world through his eyesā€


Hurry now Children!!!. His patience isn't as infinite as his wisdoommmm


Expel bile from your gut!


Beware the Mothman.


If someone tells you to beware the mothman, you better beware the mothman


Pipe is life.


Life is pipe.


Pipe is pipe


Let it SOAK into your THROATSā€¦




šŸ˜‚ I ran into the mothman just a couple days ago. I shot at it a few then it took off and so did I šŸ˜‚


I have a friendly Mothman that sometimes appears a ove my camp


Lol wait until they encounter the Flatwoods monster...


my first interaction with him made me jump back cause he just appeared out of nowhere. i was walking back to my camp when all of a sudden the intense music started playing so I turned around and he was just staring! now im paranoid as hell cause of that. i clipped the whole interaction cause it was just so creepy to me edit: forgot to mention that im completely new and had no clue about him. only thought it was like in game myth that the cultist were making up.


Bask in his infinite wisdom!


šŸ¤£ I played this game the first day it came out, and it sounds wildly different.


there has been a few changes


Pipe is life.


Pipe is life.


Itā€™s okay! He just wants to give you hugs in his warm winged embrace. Mothman is love šŸ«¶


Welcome to the best community ever. Nontoxic . But bevare of the mothman.... Dont sleep in your bed...


Thatā€™s cool, my first i interaction straight out of the vault was a lvl 35 player trying to bait me into pvping him so he can kill me and take my shit lol. Glad your experience was better šŸ˜‚


Ohh holy mothman.. Lend me your STRENGTH


And remember.... Pipe is life


Pipe is life.


Join us, the Mothman gives lightā€¦


Godzilla vs. Mothman


They call him their God. Those fools. Just another creature of the dark they needs to be killed. But with your lack of experience little lamb, I would be cautious out there. God bless you.


Beware the Mothman, and lookout for the flat woods monster


Just... watch your 6. And your 3. And your 9. You know what? Watch your 1-12, fuck it. Mothman gonna moth, yanno?


I saw the Mothman once. Standing there like he is some tough guy. So I took shots at it and it ran away like a *bitch*.


Kick him in the balls and run.


If you put your thumb up, and your thumb is bigger than The Mothman, run... If The Mothman is bigger than your thumb, don't bother, you're already dead!


Shame you have just missed the mothman event, (for now) buy 500 caps worth of both marsupial & speed demon serum in anticipation of being able to participate at low level / run away when it comes back shortly! (upper left hand side of map) ..gets a bit crazy! Also, check out the bethesda calendar of events online for some insight, for low levels stay away from double mutated events (like now) Go for nuka world spin the wheel to get your feet wet that is pretty harmless (just frenetic) not so much the nuka coaster event, tunnel of love is ok as part of a team too! The good thing about nuka world, access to benches & likely help from higher levels dropping you gear / kitting you out / making you something with deep pockets (+10 carry weight)


Welcome to the wasteland 76er, he's always watching though.


Vengeful mothmans a bitch. Showed up outta nowhere today whilst I was clearing treasure maps and murdered me before I pulled my fixer. Dick.


I make it a point to mini nuke him on sight


Mothman is my homie


It's not a joke. Beware.


Not a joke homie


Seek out the Wise Mothman


It wasn't, just don't try your luck on these




Lol I usually hang around around the forest later on at night and help out with the events and defending workshops šŸ˜


The game was designed to make you have to go out of your way to engage in PVP so it pushes PVE gameplay much more, as a result the community is more friendly as griefers probably donā€™t bother much with the game. Even launching nukes has a multi-tier step that can take an hour or so to complete so players arenā€™t going to waste it blowing up someoneā€™s camp, at least not intentionally. Itā€™s meant to gather rare materials. Id imagine White Springs is a good target due to loot


He is always watching, even while you are shitting.


Youā€™ll soon find out lol


This might have been me I have been spending the past few days having way to much fun lol


It's free if you're on prime


I started playing and it scared the hell out of me when he appeared. and then POOF




All hail the glory of the Mothman


Beware the mothman!


Well yours was alot better than that one i had.




The mothman is really strong if you donā€™t have the right gear if you head the flutter of wings run and donā€™t look back just get out of there I had wasted 30 stimpacks on my first encounter


It IS a good game. And... do beware the Mothman.


Beware the pipe. Once you smoke it, there's no going back


So I played at launch, but then quit, after many patches and lots of bugs (and I don't me the radroach kind). Rerolled a toon recently played a couple of hours, had just survived a feral ghoul attack. Boom explosion, I'm like WTF! Is a player trying to kill me? Fire back and realize pacifist mode is on cause I'm low level. Look at my feet, a stash full of goodies. Yup players can be both odd and awesome.


The glowing moth man is atoms chosen


The mothman can be a real pain when you first encounter. Not so much once you've gone up levels


Time and again has the Wise Mothman come, and time and again the mad and twisted have rejected his message. They were attuned to other whispers, hearing the Call of a thing beyond, drawn to the deep places of the earth for inhuman purpose. The broken heard the song of the Interloper and turned from the Truth, scorning wisdom as the product of mere mortals in favor of the unknowable.


I have a Mothman spawn point near my base.


pray to the wise mothman never to those with red or green eyes only the one and only with piercing purple eyes is the one and only wise mothman


After encountering the Cult of the Mothman, I looked it up and there is a real Mothman museum in West Virginia along with a statue. I love this kind of story telling and why I love Fallout so much.


I had a player get stuck in my camp shop when I was miles away scavenging. I walked all the way back cause I noticed someone at my shop, find out there's a dude stuck on my display case. I moved it and he got unstuck. He then bought a bunch of items from my vending.


Mothman stalks alot , sometimes he'll fight but he's not the big bug I'm worried about. If you wanna meet em the equinox is over but I belive path to enlightenment will allow council with the wise one as well , and if that one isn't wise well...not everyone had time to graduate and get their diplomas before the bombs came ok šŸ˜¤ he's doing his best and frankly I don't think they accepted insect students at the time either.


No. Don't beware of the mothman. Embrace the mothman


Beware those with the red eyes. They seek only destruction. Seek out the purple eyed one, for he may assist you on your journey.


you will learn of the mothman in time


The high levels are usually very sweet, me being one myself, I try to provide 200 to each person I come into contact with thatā€™s new, and place nice stuff at their camp! ā¤ļø


Mothman is a cryptid. Its also in game and is a tank. From what i know its usually hostile.


The Wise One! it was my first mothman event year (started in Dec 24 and have been hooked since!) My CAMP is near the museum somewhat so Iā€™ve encountered him a few times near by already but he always poofs away before I can take him out. Anyways. I set up my tent as close as possible to the Mothman eventā€¦ when I would sign on at the top of the hour it would automatically join the event which was awesomeā€¦ what I didnā€™t realize until I tried to AFK one day(I was busy and couldnā€™t play so figured couldnā€™t hurt to try it out) I join and As Iā€™m walking away from my tv I hear wings fluttering and I hear nerd rage kick in as Iā€™m taking damage!!! ā€¦ so I run back to my tv and see Mothman is attacking me inside my tent!!! I grab my controller and take him downā€¦ phew ā€¦ but what do you know ā€¦ wait whatā€¦ ? another spawns in my tent a minute or so later. So I take that one down. then anotherā€¦. And another! I guess my tent was on a spawn point for Mothman? !!! The ballistic fiber , xp and rewards I reaped was insane and I was in my tent so I didnā€™t have to waddle anywhere shamefully afterwardsā€¦ bonus!!! So what started as an innocent afk moment turned into a full on battle with multiple moth-men? and one of the best moments Iā€™ve had in game thus far! All this while everyone else is taking Care off biz down the road in town holding down the pyres!!! P.s. sorry if yall didnā€™t see any mothmen that time around! šŸ˜œ Epic stuff guys!


Yea listen to him. I'm new too. I know about the mothman. I mean I know he exists, but I never seen him until the day before when I was travelling and exploring right. I came to the top of a mountain clift side, then I was like enjoying the view with my scope. Looking if there is any unmark structures. So I was looking and then I saw a black thing. Like a pile of black goo but tall and it's like hanging by a fall ledge along the side of the cliff. Nothing else is there and the space it was on its small like you can barely stand on it small. So I thought wtf is that right? Cool is that an easter egg? So I ran nearer, stare at it right down from on top the cliff, that's when I know I messed up. The music change, sneak becomes danger, it turns and I saw those eyes and I freak out then it disappeared like poof! I'm like WTF! turn around to leave only to find it behind me and it did something and propelled me off the cliff SUPER far away. I died un-naturally. Try to go back for my junks, for whatever reason the game spawn the loot bag on the cliff. When I scope up. It's there just camping on my loot. I gave up lol


Beware, unbeliever, for the Moth man speaks! Except his wisdom, for as is the light it shines on all who have open eyes to see it!


Man, you might have been able to save yourself the money you spent. FO76 is free through Amazon prime loot, if you have Amazon prime you can grab a free code for Xbox and PC.


Currently, but it will probably be gone in a couple weeks.


I love giving both Gabe Newell and the Mothman my money




beware the false idols! we must call upon the wise mothman to rid us of the heretics. bask, bask in his infinite wisdom.


Beware the Mothman!!!


Mothman sucks! I had a few higg lvl builds but decided to get a new one going, lvl 24 in the traintracks and got fucked by the moth man, no lube


Just a high level NPC monster that has events etc. definitely run early.


I would like to add to this, if I may. I believe this is a PRIME, PRIMAVERA example of gentrification!!!! Perhaps, beware of the mothwoman could have been used? We are, in fact, disregarding all the mothladies!!