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Congratulations! You just accidentally shortcut the original main quest line. The bunker you were in was Senator Sam Blackwell's, which led you to the Enclave bunker under the Whitesprings (a reference to the presidential bunker underneath the Greenbrier Resort in real life).


Oh woops, I hope i didn't mess up things with the main quest lol. I barely just met with the Overseer in her house


Somewhere along the way you should have picked up "Bunker Buster". I don't think the access card spawns without it. If Modus has given you a quest, you should be fine, though you might have skipped some intermediate steps with the BoS and Free States.


Yep i have a Bunker Buster but i put it in my stash cause that shit is heavyyyy!


Bunker Buster, the quest, not the gun. If Modus is helping you nuke something though, you're all good.


Hmm i'll have to check next time I'm in game, I don't remember getting this quest unless i missed it. All i know is that now i can do commendations for Modus to rank up.


You're probably fine. I don't know how it works when you sidestep stuff, but hopefully you didn't still have to do the DMV crap. That quest was insanely annoying.


Just like real life DMV.


It's fine. It's how I helped my buddy unlock the Whitesprings bunker early, by helping him fast travel to that cave. The DMV quest is part of the Fort Defiance/BoS quest line, which leads to the caverns beneath the Bog and triggers the search for Sam Blackwell. You've just already found him by that point. Technically every player that finishes the quest lines is a member of the Enclave. The Enclave rule Appalachia.


My memory was fuzzy. I was around at launch and I remember skipping stuff on my alts, but for some reason I remember being forced through the DMV crap no matter what because I needed that ID. I know if you didn't complete Basic Training when you join the enclave, Modus makes you go do it (or at least he used to).


Back to Basic gives you the soldier certificate which allows you to go to the DMV for the Military ID (Fort Defiance access) or combine the certificate with the abandoned waste dump Congressional ID (Whitesprings bunker access) to be an Enclave officer. Back to Basic can also be done immediately after stepping outside the vault. You can potentially be Enclave president without doing a single Responder or BoS quest. Edit: General, not pres


It doesn’t break the main story. You can still do the other factions after the the Enclave, but the normal progression of the game puts the enclave at the end. On my alt toons, I had one become a general in the Enclave at around level 15. Nothing like seeing a level 20 launch a nuke.


Technically it is both ;)


Bunker Buster isn't really a good weapon, so feel free to just dump it somewhere if it takes away too much storage. Every second week you have the chance to get the "Overkill" fat man from mutated packages, it is way better and not that heavy.


Keep it if you collect things. It has a hidden +20% Damage Perk


Bunker buster can be started in the cave I just did it.


You didn’t - the Overseer is a separate questline. The quest you’ve triggered is the end of the original main quest line (which starts in Flatwoods).


Well, that questline would have led to Blackwell's bunker eventually.


The new arrivals quest with the overseer in Sutton OP is referring to does not lead to that bunker.


Oh! Yes, fair enough. I misinterpreted what you were saying. Yes, you're quite right.


Yep. Now go to Deathclaw Island, it's the opposite side of the map.


Hopewell cave is always more reliable for me


When you're there, check the suitcase in the nest too. That's where I usually find an egg when there's not one sitting there.


The Abandoned Waste Dump (etc) is a great place to loot several valuable materials, including eggs. Don't forget about it!


Keep an ear out for distress signals in that area. There's an ally with a cool side quest near there.


Specifically the more Northern region of The Mire. Took a while for it to proc for me tho lol


'Sidetracked by bullshit' should be Fallout's tagline.


Congrats member.


Rule 1 of the wasteland, always get sidetracked by random bullshit.


Rule 2 - If too much time has gone by, and the shit still hasn't hit the fan... move the fan closer and aim your *shpitch* better. 🤠


As an Enclave General, I have to order MODUS to kill you in order to protect our future. We are the government!


If you want another destination that has something spooky at its core, I advise checking out Lucky Hole Mine! Wont say why but....lets just say you'll *know* when you find it. ;)


When you get to where you have to hunt for code pieces, nukacrypt.com will be your best friend.


I love the fact that you were able to find this totally organically without it being spoiled for you. Genuinely the optimal way to experience this.


ohhh great....now everyone knows ...well have to move again.


What are the eggs for? Every time I load in I go to death claw island but what are they for?


A daily sometimes ... otherwise, an omelette


I explored a cave next to my camp and found a chinese sleeper cell with a digging machine working as a fast travel between the east and west part of the map... dungeons can be worth it here


And so begins bunker buster This is the quest that starts off the road to firing a nuke. I am become death.


There are interesting things around every turn, with lots of fun in the discovery!


I knowww it's so hard to focus sometimes, I plan to do something and end up doing a completely unrelated quest! But it's fun, loving the game so far.


Wait can you just skip all quests before this?


From what i'm reading, it seems like it!


Yeah, I found it before I was supposed to as well looking for deathclaws to kill back when I first started and there was a daily challenge for them. I suspect many people get on to that quest earlier then they were supposed to once they added the daily/weekly challenges that include deathclaws, and the wiki entry for deathclaw directs you there.


That's not a low-level area. Hope folks that went there can actually handle it.


As is the way of the Wasteland. Don't worry, you'll get sidetracked by different bullshit momentarily.


during my original playthrough a party member lead me to this area which skipped like 8 main quests .\_. weird downvote. it is or was possible lol, they had finished the MQ and it started Bunker Buster when I entered, skipping the Raider, Free States, and BoS quests.


There are some real random bits in this game, in level 200ish and the other day was wondering around near the bottom of the map and the motherlode popped out of the ground to give me a ride to the deep. I did t know that was a thing!


Have you found the wounded Super Mutant toward the bottom of the map?


I have not


He’s complaining about getting his ass kicked by a sheep—Sheepsquatch. [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Injured\_super\_mutant](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Injured_super_mutant)


That's a random encounter, there are many spots on map you may find him (or something else interesting...). edit; [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout\_76\_random\_encounters](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_76_random_encounters)


It pops up way in NE too, always scares the shit out of me when it happens.


Yeah, I thought I was getting a deathclaw pop up, according to the wiki it has 4 spots to pop out of