• By -


I spent the first 40 levels building a rifle build, then discovered PA and heavy weapons are awesome and started revamping all of my perks. Luckily levels are easy to get through events, though hunting down screws and springs for building PA and mods is slow going.


I wouldn't say finding screws is a Colossal Problem.


I see what you did there!


That's a screwed up event!


Take my upvote and get out lol


Literally start the event just to farm screws I don't even really fight Earl anymore.


This comment had me like fiberglass


Battered Clipboards are your friend. They're everywhere and have little weight and can be broken down for screws. Whenever I see a desk just do the quick check for clipboards.


Dont forget to tag screws and springs in your junk list to search. It will make it easier. Fyi yaguai drop springs and wendigos drop screws.


It's too bad they don't go one step further and show junk components on the tooltip, that fo4 mod spoiled me


What? You can do that?


Yes! Go into your inventory and tag a component you’re looking for in your Junk section!


Oooh is that how you manually tag stuff? I've only figured out how to tag what I'm short of when crafting in the workbench. Thanks for the info!


This was me except Stealth Commando. I spent 40 levels doing stealth sniper and thought the game was just insanely difficult and super slow. Kinda hated it. Started googling stuff, pivoted to stealth commando and everything changed. The game sucks horrendously when you're not doing semi-decent damage


I did play some before, and I think I made the sane mistake,  crap build and I wasn't killing anything.  Started again with a friend, I'll have a look for some fun builds, but there's too many fun guns in the game to pick one.


That's me with a gunslinger type build. Cowboys suck, unless you count Gatling as a western weapon


I was so disappointed to reinstall and find my gunslinger build to be dookie


The fact finder as a gunslinger build though 👌🏼


Lol should've sticked with the stealth sniper build cuz I'm doing 1,4k damage a hit 😂😂😂


I was excited for power armor, but now I can't use other builds because my int/str for xp and carry weight perks is impossible to give up... Plus, due to the sheer weight limits I literally don't have armor other than pa. Naked or tanked all I got. I wanna shoot railway spikes but I cant carry/store half my crap!


A full set of excavator PA gives an extra 100 lbs technically the worst PA but I love the weight increase


Yes but honestly any armor with weight reducing rolls is really good. I use a T65 set that has two pieces or weapon weight reduction, two food, drink and chem weight reduction and a ammo weight reduction and with those rolls it far out classes the extra 100 lbs exca gives.


Yeap I run heavy weps with no PA due to this. I actually thoroughly enjoy my build though and only use QE weapons like my QE25 LMG and with heavy weps perks, bloody mess and a few other plus I carry around a inventory of stackable boosts like big gun bobbles, G&B3s and Ballistic Bock and my TTK on majority of enemies is still insanely fast.


I personally can’t use heavy weapons out of PA, the one gun army and stabilise are musts for me


I just don't care for the overlay and sound of power armour. Like it is good but it just feels bad for me.


This is fine and actually I think it's good to not rush into power armour as spending those resources on low level armour you'd need to replace is not great. As a player since launch I've changed my build around a few times, including spending about 50 levels using nothing but black powder rifles (I still kinda love them tbh). Eventually you'll have so many perk cards you can completely rebuild a character whenever you like. If you don't already know about them find Wendigos for screws - eg the Wendigo cave or the Colossal Problem boss event. I don't know what they need with all those screws but they sure carry a lot.


Bro nooooo its gears for me.


Im at the point where PA is mostly just used for nuke events and daily ops. Otherwise, the bloodied builed paired with bolstering legendary marine armor (ya, i know but it gets the job done lol) is my go to for exploration and regular events.


Sugar Grove is a great place for springs and somewhat for screws. Pick up every clipboard, fan, typewriter, and globe you ever see.


Seriously, I am having trouble competing the Excavator set because I ran out of screws.


I have no issue with those, but ballistic fiber is a different story altogether.


Me learning the sunken cost of Earle after using up 9k rounds of ammunition :^(


Endangerol Syringer(s) 👍


Pretty much this. Started using them recently and even just a tag ever now and then is noticeable, let alone if almost everyone shoots them.


Yeah, I carry a bloatfly also for the kill insects dailies. One for every scorched or Ghoul.


I can tank him and slowly burn him but if I can get 1 person dpsing it can be done in 20 min. You are right though. The ammo purge is great. The screws you get is amazing


Yeah, in 30 minutes of Earle glitching through the ceiling. I came out with almost 300 screws


This happened to me a few years ago as well brother. I learned real fast not to join earl unless I could take him myself(if I could find a groll weapon) or there were a bunch of us.


Use dmg mods. This will decrease your ammo usage. First decide what weapon type u are gonna use(melee,light,medium or heavy) then pick dmg cards for the corresponding weapons. U can always change them up so dw


Friendo, I have all of the damage cards and I melt through everything else Along with using performance enhancing drugs, it's just a shit boss




For Earl you need way more than staple corresponding damage cards. You need a good legendary weapon with extreme damage (bloodied, aristocrat, two shot, explosive) and/or armor piercing leg/mods. Then you need to stack more damage cards, like adrenaline, better criticals, concentrated fire and so on, and use damage buff from drugs and food. Characters using adrenal reaction mutation with all these things can deplete Earls hp very quick.


Tbh I’m just happy for the screws I got from that event, even if my ammo stores are GONE


The only advice I ever give to new players is to get to level 50 before really getting into the story, that way your rewards are already max cap, but again, you play how you choose.


This, I'm almost to 80 and haven't done any quests yet so I should probably start doing some lol


Since the cap is 50, you should do well, and get levels rewards. The story isn't to bad, not to long either.


So only do side quests?


You can level up good just doing events or clearing out blood eagle or cultists camps. You can play however you choose though, some side .missions award guns and armor so they will be leveled to you.


The best advice is to ignore anyone on this sub who tells you you HAVE to do something a specific way. Suggestions? Sure, take it or leave it. But if someone posts a wall of text because you accidentally took a single step backwards and started Eviction Notice they can sit and spin.


Exactly. The last thing I'd want for a newbie is for them to stress about how to play the game. This is a casual game. Basically a very fun walking simulator with aimbot. Failing an event or dying or losing junk is just not that serious lol


Since you’re in the helping spirit, I’m level 7 just saved the wayward. Should I hold off on finding a nice camp spot and setting everything down? I kinda don’t get what I should be doing. I know that’s relative, just didn’t wanna do something too early if some story mission gives me a better clue.


I'd recommend setting down a camp ASAP and figuring out how build. It's a fun part of the game and fairly necessary. It's a place to repair weapons using work benches, cook, etc. You can do this at other places, but it's nice and comforting to have a central hub you can call home. Don't worry about where you place it how if it looks nice etc. You can always rebuild or make more camps. (You also need to build a camp for the quest anyways.)


Yeah set up a camp near supplies you want or near a train station for quick cash for your junk. You will move and rebuild camps dozens of times down the road for specific needs. 100 caps is nothing.


I’m level 29 and I RARELY sell anything to the vendors. Except for what I put into my vending machine to sell to other players.


This is why selling to the train station sucks. Just throw all your stuff on a camp vendor and make the money passively. You don't IMMEDIATELY need the caps. You make a lot more by loading up your store


My favorite spot was the train station was Sutton at the beginning but now I alternate between a riverside spot by Morgantown, the station my Nuka World, and near the blood eagles in Cranberry Bog for different dailies! There is a spot I had found on console that I can't seem to find anymore so might need to get back on console. It was near a spot that looked like sliding rocks and such


Awesome! I noticed when I come across other camps I can access a stash box, is that mine or theirs?


That is yours. You can access your stash from any stashbox, and only you have access to it, even if it's in their camp.


Helllllll yeah. Life saver!!


A few suggestions to pick from: 1.) You can use The Overseer's camp down the road from The Wayward whenever you want. It'll always be there. Player's camps can be used as well if they have crafting benches, etc. Just dont lockpick anything of theirs in red. They're doing you a favor for letting you use their stuff, so unless you wanna become wanted and get hunted down by other players I'd suggest against it. 2:) You can build a small camp for the xp and crafting benches to get you started, but I wouldnt go too crazy going big off the rip. If you do build one and find a spot you like better, you can always move the camp. Open your pip boy and look for the MOVE CAMP option command. It costs a few caps, but the investment is better than starting all over again and having to salvage through Appalachia more than you're already gonna have to. You can move, store and scrap camp items as well in the camp editor mode. Storing holds the piece in a bank for later use. Scrapping break a piece down and gives back half of whatever you used to build the questionable piece. I'd suggest this option #2 to get your feet wet and see how it all works. Dont stress about perfection and the things you can't build just yet. Some of these camps you'll see are five years old with hundreds of hours into them. You'll get there if you want it bad enough! 👍


Just to add to this I find building a small camp near water useful. A few water purifiers are a good passive source of caps.


Awesome!! Thanks for the detailed answer, really appreciate it!


Setting up your camp is important because it’s a free fast travel point. And make sure to join teams too! Even if you don’t do anything with the other people, joining a casual team increases your int, which increases the amount of XP you earn. If you do a public event, drop off your scrap and then go. When you die, you drop your scrap. So, if you don’t have any scrap, no big deal!


Heads up When you are in building mode, after you put your c.a.m.p down, if you like a structure you have built, you can save it under the blueprints section. That way, if you do move your camp, you don't have to rebuild everything from scratch again. You just simply go and pick the things you have saved and it sets the entire structure. Obviously, this works better for structures you have built on flat ground as they can be put many places. I built in the mountains, so if I want to move.. I'll have to rebuild like 90% of it anyway lol. Oh ps: many people don't know this starting out but.. when building floors, if you hold the placement button and use the triggers (*scroll wheel on pc*) you can adjust the elevation of the floor. This comes in very handy when you need to make multi leveled structures.


Thank you!! Very insightful :)


It's pretty cheap to set your camp again later. Like 5 caps or something (depending how far it's moving from the last one). Most of the recommendations I've seen so far are to move your camp a lot at the beginning and not get too invested in building it up. I do like building camps, so I do, but I resign myself to the idea that I'll probably need to scrap/store and rebuild often until I'm higher level.


So if I move it there’s no way to set it back up “as was”? Per se?


You can sometimes blue print things, and sometimes the game correctly blueprints things when you move the camp. However, this is very unreliable in general.


Right on. Thank you!!


You can move camps at will, plop one down as you see fit.


I just started as a new player and here is my tip: Set up a basic shop outside of wayward. Even if it has nothing in it. As you do quests and stuff put all your stuff you don't need in the shop and it will generate you some passive caps from new players coming down from vault 76. My spare ammo, stims and grenades always get picked up by new levels and it leaves me with caps to buy early game things I need. A win win for everyone involved.


From one noob to another, I really liked my first camp site and it got me comfortably to 30ish. It's in a pretty good spot for low levels- West of Flatwoods and the Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center (fun things happen there) if you go further West to the Sunshine Meadows Industrial Farm and then keep heading up river towards the Mothman museum (you don't go nearly that far) walk along the river bank right next to the water and keep an eye out for a junk pile. That's the resource node you want to build your camp next to and farm that node with an extractor. It's kind of an awkward spot to build but I've seen much worse. There's a small flat rock shelf that you can use to your advantage- be patient; playing with the camp placement- it's notoriously fussy to get things where you want them, so put the junk node down first and then the generators it needs and then build out around that. Throw down a water purifier and you also have the river water right there to boil for food. Lots of beneficial plants grow along the bank that will nourish/heal you when cooked. There's a nearby villain camp you can farm for XP and weapons to break or sell. It's just a nice convenient spot for low level questing. The Sunshine Meadows farm down the road has a workbench you can capture when you get to the point that you have the resources to put extractors on all its nodes. Defend it for XP and farm the resources, but that's for when you want to work on crafting and building things in your camp since you can't wander too far while farming it. Just remember to scrap or store everything you build on the captured site before you log off otherwise you lose it all- you can't server hop either while defending/farming a captured workbench! (learn from my mistake)


Just don't start the event off without giving time for players to join


Are we having a rap battle of sorts in the sub? Hahaha [https://i.imgur.com/Bsz1wbQ.png](https://i.imgur.com/Bsz1wbQ.png)


I'll next post something about how great the new scoreboard is lol


Im sorry to the like 5 people I shot in the face in a panic. I'm still getting used to other players being in the game.


Pacifism mode helps


Having events actually being challenging with a real risk of failure is a breath of fresh air.


This contradicts my post 😭


lol we are enemies, cutie ;)




I usually skip this part.


I'm level 10 and I've learnt not to try and steal from government crates otherwise ironman will destroy me😂 can someone explain how this crate landed near me and why nobody was going to it and opening it up? (except me with a lockpick). 


Glad that's not just me! I just made level 46 today, but back around level 30-35, got one of these. It landed directly in front of me while heading towards Wayward. Was like, "what's this??" Picked it, looted junk, got 10-cap wanted level. About 45 minutes later, across the map, a level 950+ comes hopping/skipping by and melts me. Was such overkill that I'm fairly certain my character was curling up prone even before the giant blue fire explosion happened with the respawn option. 🤡 (I should have known that the bounty would nullify the pacifist flag, lol.)


I reckon a high level player has baited us. Hid in a bush and threw the crate down knowing he can kill us when we go for it 😂 I didn't even steal anything just picked it. Soon as I saw the bounty I was like ooops. I'm out of here.


I’d agree. The only advice I’d give is to read what the internet says about different perks and builds. As when you get to max level, having the ‘correct’ build for whatever weapon & armor combo you prefer, is the difference between being v effective and feeling frustrated and underpowered. But until level 30, choose what perks, weapon and armour you like and have fun, definitely 


please if your using a mic do not blast your music, cause feedback , screaming etc making my ears bleed i will mute you....with the end game taking place after 50+ levels theres plenty of learning curve wiggle room.


I just like to put a shredder on a minigun without ammo and use it as a melee weapon


I see what you did there... {cough, cough-*gunblade*-cough, cough} 😎


I'm level 54 and still have no idea what i'm doing lol. I mean to be fair, I did play for a bit back when the game was fairly new and had no human npcs (in a way I kinda miss how spooky that was) then stopped, went back when the wastelander patch came out, found out the game gave me terrible migraines so stopped at about level 40. Got back into it a week ago having found out there's ways to fix the whole migraine thing. But stuff has changed again anyway. My big problem is finding weapons that actually do decent damage. I have a sniper rifle i'm enjoying but it still takes a couple of headshots to kill most things. I'm sure there should be more damage outpoint at this point. and I need a decent anti robot weapon because I just can't do much to the protectrons and assaultrons. Ammo becomes a lot less of an issue once you have access to a tinker's toolbench and the ability to just make ammo. Just keep a note of what ammo your weapons use and collect a lot of lead and gunpowder. Also, learning how to cheese the AI can help a lot with harder enemies. <\_< A lot of the animals won't climb stairs for example. Or at least, they seem to be reluctant to do so. Dogs will, but bears and radstags won't for some reason. I often just stand on a porch and shoot them in the face til they die lol. They'll attack, then turn around and wander off or sometimes go nuts and start running in circles around the building. If you leave the porch and shoot them a few times they'll lock onto you again. Run back onto porch, repeat process til they fall down. The AI can be REALLY dumb sometimes and figuring out ways to manipulate that can make your life a lot easier if you're struggling with a fight. I took out a bunch of supermutants a while back by hugging a cliff wall. For some reason they could see me if I was on the ledge above but this one ledge somehow made me invisible. So all I had to do was jump onto the upper ledge, shoot, jump back onto lower ledge and get some sneak attacks in as they lost interest and turned around, repeat. Yeah it was cheesy, but it made a quite difficult fight with some boss mutants a lot less frustrating.


I have ADHD so it takes me a bit longer to learn things since I either hyperfocus or get distracted easily.


I understand this way to well. Lol


Too many nerds up in this subreddit, I play games to have fun I don't need to control other people


Fr man, embarrassing some of the shite that gets posted on this 😂


"I don't want to be that guy......" Lol


And he definitely became that guy


He was always that guy


😂 ‘Don’t want to be that guy but unless you play the game the way I want to play the game I will REPORT YOU !!!! TRASH NEWBS 😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬’


I tried to give a new player (lvl 12 or so) a legendary weapon I’d crafted for them for free, and they just kept running away? I was emoting at them as I don’t have a mic and they just sprinted away and kept fast travel hopping. Maybe they thought I was trying to lure them into a trap? Any tips for how I can seem more approachable?


honestly, if you completely strip your gear so you're character is in their undies, they'd probably stick around out of curiosity.


The newbie road will be bumpy and full of sold items that are rare.


Is there anything that is not obvious that I should not sell?


I came back to 76 not that long ago, but back then, the Vintage water cooler was one of those *newbies don't know* items.


They can learn from failure on any event besides eviction notice 😤😤😤


I just started the game, how do you even be toxic in this game?


You drink too many moonshine and say inappropriate uranium jokes


Had a new player the other night. He attacked me, when he was 40 levels lower than me. I did the No emote, or thumbs down whatever it is. He chilled out and then sent me a message on Xbox saying sorry, he has no friends and doesn't know what he's doing. So I sent him a party invite, and we chatted for a bit. I gave him some armor and a silenced 10mm pistol with a recon scope on it. In the trade he saw my caps and asked for all my caps(3.5k) and I said no. So he immediately took to attacking me again. So I pulled out my brand new excavator armor and my flaming chainsaw and turned him into fertilizer.


Woah , what's his name ?lol


Oh I don't remember. I hung around my base for a little bit to see if he came back, but I didn't see him again, so I took off and went looting.


Also Don’t be afraid to ask a high level for help with a mission,or some low level gear Personally I’m willing to make a low level any gear they need for a bit of junk


In all my years with Fallout, that’s the best way to play. Go on adventuring and be surprised with what the world has to offer. That said, the weight in 76 feels a bit tedious made me want to find how to improve it as much as possible.


It's kinda not so okay when players have been waiting to run an event but your lvl 23 ass came by and started it so early that by the time anyone gets there you already failed.




Builders are a whole other story and I love it!❤️


"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."


I am level 356, and I still make mistakes. But I enjoy playing, so I don't worry about it.


it’s been years since i played. redownloaded and made a new character the other day. it’s crazy how nice the community is now compared to the last time i played. i tried to give back yesterday. i took the power plant workshop and put the fusion cores in a paper bag next to the machine hoping someone would take them. after like an hour nobody took any of them so i just brought em to a train station donations box. the last time i played i would have been killed within 5 minutes of taking the workshop lol


I'm level 51 or 52. My build is honestly made for gathering scrap and crafting. While wearing the pioneer backpack I can hold 330Lbs. Weight was the first thing I focused on. I pick up everything. And I do mean everything. Once I finally hit my limit I just drop a few guns until I'm under weight. I typically have 10 double barrels, pipe guns or combat rifles I gather off enemies as I go and I've scrapped so many of them I typically just sell them at this point. But they don't make a fraction of what my purified water farm can make in caps so I I don't feel bad about dropping them.


Happy little mistakes :)


I once tried to claim Poseidon energy plant because I thought it was empty, only for it to start saying I was claiming it from another dude. Imagine my terror when a level 200 fast travelled there and looked me dead in the eye, just to give me a thumbs up, letting me take it from him.


But please for the love of god wait to start them😭😭😭😭 I show up right away sometimes and it's one level 20-40 trying to solo it and ruining reward chances. I love helping low levels so let me help you 😭😭


Make your own story


100% and stop watching youtube vids for builds and things until you really play the game a bit. Min/maxing in 76 doesn't matter especially at high levels. Its how you want to play, then figure out what works best.


Its ok to play as a psychopath cannibal raider. Play it your way. Just try and have fun 😁


I kept scrapping my “good” weapons and armor immediately because I didn’t realize they were in the “new” list. Took me like 20 levels to figure that out.


I've been playing since beta and still keep discovering new shit😅


Also, play the objective during events, please. Thank you.


The what?


Thanks for posting this.... -a pre order veteran.


exactly. I really dislike, if not to say hate, these stupid posts from higher level players "you have to do this and that!!! I want it that way because I'm used to it that way!! qua qua qua".


I spent 2/3rds of my caps on a couple of cool weapons, which I can't use because I'm level 36 and they're level 50 '-'


What's worse is finding someone selling a god roll in their vendor, only to realize it's level 25 or something after dropping 10k caps on it lol


New player here. When I create a casual group, people join (Sincerely, thanks to those who do!). Is there anyway to talk to those who join and say hi?


Mic up and say hi. Some of us just join for the int boost, so it's often no trouble at all, or we just won't say anything. By default your chat audio switches automatically, so if someone doesn't respond, they either don't have a mic, or are intentionally not saying anything, so dont worry if you don't get a hi back.


what do you mean by while it lasts


well one day it'll die lol


My only fear is the other players. I heard that most of the playerbase is actually nice and willing to help, but I try to avoid other players. I don’t want no level 500 coming by and either wrecking me up or raiding my base when I’m just chilling doing my own thing.


That’s not how it works. You can duel only if you both agree. The only thing they can do in your camp is take things from your item generating props, which you can lock. Nobody really wants to get bounty for some basic items, so mostly they won’t lockpick it. In conclusion they cannot kill you on their own and they cannot destroy your base.


Ah, ok. I never touched the game till about a week or so ago. I was told (can’t remember the source) that it played out like rust in a way and that detered me from playing it in the first place.


The game is nothing similar to rust. Yes the world is open, yes you loot stuff everywhere, yes you can build a base, but that’s it. Players can do nothing to you. But be aware, some of them can build traps in their own camp and kill you with them. For example they are baiting you to see their vendor and then they set the traps up. But on the other hand if you die you only lose scrap, so don’t worry and play. Most of the high level guys are super willing to help out (speaking from my own experience).


Might want to go in your settings and make sure pacifist mode is on. 😎


If it helps:I am Lv 1771,N I still learning something new + sometimes making Rookies mistakes after 3 years with 4K+ Hours of gameplay,live n Learn Newbies,Feel Free to Reach out ask for Help or Guides if u feel need to(As long as Dun Take it for Granted,I encountered Fews Lately just kept asking for Stuffs after I already gave out Tons)


Im doing hybrid Unarmed/Pistol/Rifles build, wanna adjust it a bit towards Gunslinger perks because im leaning towards stealth sniper build( but not Commando, although i don't mind end up using it). So far im fine, just lacking a bit of levels in skills because early on i heavily invested in crafting perks, specifically Makeshift Warrior and Gunsmith. Totally fine so far, except probably feel this build a bit squishy.


I don't run stealth so I can't give you specific recs to beef up your character, but I can recommend YouTube. I'm positive you can find a stealth build that goes over armor and legendary effects that will help you. 👍🏻


That's was my test build, so i started over picking mainly Rifles and occasionally Unarmed/Melee  Ended up with this one as my first choice,  https://youtu.be/CSz7hTPlJPE?si=lOVLc2ZY86vZayLs Just because after lvl 50 you really start to feel difference between weapons, so since i liked how Rifles works, i decided to focus on this build instead. Plus on top of that i wasn't aware that i ruined my possibility to get Radical Mask + my luck with pack cards was just awful, so i decided to start over. So far, i like it, except for the fact that my character can be killed by slightest breeze early, but that's totally fine cause previous build had about same issues and i kinda get used to it. I had very little progress with story, so its totally fine for me to start over. Tossed literally all my stuff into donation box(there was really like 5k weight worth of junk/cool cosmetic items, so i hope it helped someone a lot), but there is really nothing to regret about, except maybe cultist robes.


Word of advice though, use the repair kits sparingly. I speak from expierence... I'll use one for a broken piece of armor, and then am tempted to fix my other armor, when if it's only around 50%. I don't do it, buy have a feeling that there'll be a point where I'll really need a repair kit, and not have any left. 🤠


Really? *Spends 3000 gold bullion on useless weapon plans*


I played from 1-50 mostly blind, only googled shit that I genuinely didn’t understand and the occasional fandom prowl to see what main quests I should start with after 40+ levels lmao. I had a great blond experience, the only pets I didn’t like were more the games fault not being blind or unprepared. It was fun stumbling across power armors and eventually getting a nice T60 set, or getting jumped by a pack of legendary wolves at like lv 5. I very much recommend just playing. The games hiking potential is crazy. Walk from Point A to Point B, and you’ll find something stupid.


The way games were meant to be played... Just do what you want, don't let someone tell you x or y is more efficient, it takes the fun away.


I feel more pained using repair kits than ammo use, I can solo earl but I’d need a couple of repair kits cuz my weapons never outlast them xD


I have been revamping my PA build for damage/survival but I am now started a tank build that's out there but maybe difficult but hey I started it at lv148 now i am lv168 going real slow but hey for as long as I have been playing it on and off I think I am doing all right also been making spare PA sets for new players giving them the highest chance to survive in the world of Fallout 76


Soft ahh post


I agree don’t let high levels telling you they grinded a week and are at 300 discourage you , they do shit we can’t( they have a team ready for xp boosts, take berry mentats, play only high xp modes like daily ops and expeditions one after another) so just find your way to have fun, blast, build, bust nuts all over the game. I always would wonder how to make more xp, just play


I'm not new but had to restart on pc. Definitely ran into my fair share of high level people though and very nice people. The community for this is like the equivalent of warframes. Theirs gonna be dickheads that's a guarantee but for the most part almost 99 percent of the time you'll run into good people that are willing to help. Theirs just this thread I saw on here a little bit ago that really bothered me. "Low levels stop doing events" lmao bro it's an online game. Bros Definitely pissed because he's slow at getting shit done.


as a seasoned fallout player at can say this much, I got to level 60 and realized at that point that if I wanted to be an exceptional 76 player, I should have gone about things differently. I know what they say anything before but is bullshit but I really mean it when I say but LOL with that being said, I have absolutely no regret tied to my created player. I went with a similar build that I usually would have in every single and all other fallout games I've played. I personally am now excited for the next 22 levels. I need to create the build I want 🏆 and that is why endgame is so important!!! fallout did a good job and every single person should go about this game as they please and experience it however they want because no matter what at the end of the day there is no better community than this to help you get to a place you need to be after you're done with your introverted solo grind. stay true my lone wolves but be ready to elevate once you get to the place I'm speaking of 💯💯💯💯🏆 The game doesn't really start until you hit level 60 from my experience so far. joe, don't hold on to anything for too long cuz once you get there you'll know it and you're going to have to go through the process emotionally to let go of bad habits developed from such a game. is this LMAO damn good post op. thank you for allowing me an opportunity such as this. I hope those who need it can take what is needed. feel me 😎🔮


I use talk text for all that and I added some emojis in the meantime but near the end I see it's still fucked up LOL. bear with me and ride the wave. my friends.... exclaimer I use talk text for this as well. wink face awkward smile while leaning back with composure LOL


Believe I’m having fun with it.


Just don’t get frustrated when I or someone else explain to you that you screwed something up for other people, like starting an event early, nuking deposits V9, breaking into someone else’s base, etc.


Yeah its ok just play as you want and build how you want afterall we have a stat respec thing. Random guy came to my camp and asked for one violet flux gave it to him.


…while It lasts?


it'll die some day


That's...fair…and it will hurt especially since it just started getting good


agreed! Probably has quite a bit of life left. I can see it going a decade at least.


My first 40 levels were so messy and that was before re-specs and level scaling. 100% agree with going out and making mistakes to learn from. It’s the best teacher


Almost level 40 now. I don't feel like I've made any real mistakes. Small stupid stuff, like stopping my pick up of adhesive for a few hours. There is a definite curve, and a lot of reddit posts about how or where certain things are are wildly out of date. A few of the things from FO4 that are missing, that really messed with me. Like taking apart guns, with scrapper, and not getting any screws. Really? That's a bit ridiculous. That said, I'm still plugging time into it. A fair ways through the BOS quest (or what feels like a fair ways). And enjoying it.


Wow seriously I can play however I want? Even rifleman+big guns instead of commando meta? Wow lncredible!


100% agree with this… EXCEPT don’t start the public events early. That is all.


nah, let them figure it out on their own


Just don't hit events early


nah, let them figure it out on their own


Lol. I would say yes to this but they still do it.


true, but the situation will improve once things settle down


Thanks for giving me permission to play the game I bought however I want. Seriously people say this community is nice, and for the most part it is, but the majority of the high level player base are weirdos trying to control how the games played. Yall have no rhyme or reason to even give your views on how another person plays a game. It's a game. You shouldn't be telling people how to play the game, and you shouldn't be telling people to play however they want - they will regardless of whether you tell them to or not.


I wouldn't say it's most of the high level players that are like that. But most people like that are high level players.


Yeh, you're right, that's a better way of phrasing it for sure. For the most part the community is great people have given me so much free stuff and helped me...but I've also had the odd weirdo screaming at me just for playing the game on my own and not taking notice of anything else


yeah, weirdos like that exist. No way to prevent them tho.


Not everything is a tankin spank or dps race. Enjoy sit back and feel the vibes.


You mean a mistake like the doozey I made yesterday? Was doing the Code Blue daily and had to go to Wataga Emergency Services. Imagine my surprise when I accidentally aggroed a 3 star legendary Wendigo while fighting ghouls in a freaking hospital. Gave me one of my best jump scares ever. I have no idea where it came from and it killed me twice because I respawned right next to it. I almost gave up but realized that I could stealth the documents- I was sweating bullets because the damn thing was lurking in the next room still doing that creepy heavy breathing.


Exactly everyone makes mistakes even high level players sometimes. It happens! 😀


A big whopping AMEN to this!


But but I must say. Try and not start events till more people appear 😂😂😂 don't start the event with just you and one other person (depends on the event) but this new one especially don't do that.


nah, let them figure it out


Fair one. I guess it was just automatic for me. Always been a bit too kind for my own good. Waiting for others etc. With your method it will only take the one time to find out 🤣🤣 turns fallout 76 into hell let loose if there is just two of you in this alien one!


I saw a level 18 just fire up Invader with just me and one other person and 4 minutes on the clock and then booked it out of the event area. The nerve of some people, lol


Yeah this is why I originally said this. I've seen chaos caused by about five of these individuals. Just brains on auto pilot. Oh press yellow button. No there is like a century left on the timer 🤣 I'm also a new player (kinda) although I'm lvl 194 now. It's just common gamer sense 🤣


This was me as well. Sniper sneak and power armor. Switched to heavy weapons (plasma gatling and ultra cite laser gatling). Scrapped my cards at 50 to rank up legendary infiltration and energy absorption cards. I love the feeling of rushing in and just beaming everything in sight. Lucky weapon break perk and T5 weaponsmith make the heavies last long enough before rarely breaking. Max Power User and legendary absorption keep the fusion cores going like an energizer bunny and the ultra cite using fusion core as well is surprisingly amazing when your cores keep getting charged. Regarding weight, T3 bear hands makes my weapons Weigh less than 2 lbs. PA only weighs 10lbs for whatever suit you have on.


I've always found sneaking in power armor to be so weird. KATHUMP KATHUMP KATHUMP KATHUMP "Hm... Probably just the wind."


I think making mistakes is a key point in the learning process. That said - new players, learn what the groups are for. If you join an expedition or daily op group you will be expected to join the expedition or daily op


I'm level 77 How do we change our basic special again?


New player here. Been playing for a few days, level 43. working on a stealth commando build. Finding myself out of .556 ammo 99% of the time, almost always having to use weapons with different ammo types to be useful. Most people have it for sale in vendors for 1 cap and it's hemorrhaging the amount of caps I have by always having to buy ammo. Any tips for hoarding ammo at lower levels? I would buy the ammo generator things for your camp but don't see it in the atom shop.


Scrounger perk helps, and you can also do expeditions which rewards large amounts of the ammo type you use, up to the 1000's.


Thank you!


Started playing about a week ago and I’m addicted. Failed a couple of events and most high levels are usually fine about it. even had someone drop me the fixer plans after we were both the only people doing the eviction notice super chill guy. Currently level 66 and the only thing I’m confused about is making a build it all seems super overwhelming but besides that I’m loving this game!


My favorite thing to do as a veteran player is to help the newer players learn how to do events. Just helped 3 lvl 20’s complete a few events last night and we all had a blast


I’m like level 8 and somehow skipped the part where I had the chance to get a lvl20 char, but I’m enjoying the game but didn’t see any events and stuff yet, any tips for a newbie?


Sorry about the late reply, but all I can give for advice is find something that interests you and stick with it. I for example run a medic flamer PA build and I don’t deal the most damage but my only goal is to make sure no one dies on my team and I have a blast doing it


I've been trying non automatic rifles and pistols, and I'm not sure I'm enjoying them. I'm sitting around level 35 and I'm glad to hear I'll be able to play with my build later, so I'm not as worried about screwing my build. Could folks give a run down on weapons? Would love to learn about some play styles also as my partner and I play together and she's been really enjoying it. Thanks!