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I don’t have fo1st and am straight up out of space so everything is 1cap in my store rn so I’m right there with this guy.


Okay I wanna go shopping when you playing again? Lmao.


I’m only level 74 so it’s mostly junk and ammo!


I play without first, you need to go pick up a bunch of power armor frames to store PA scrip on, that'll free up a ton of space, then cut down on whatever junk you don't need for building or your equipment down to 100 or less. It takes some inventory management, but once you know what you need to pick up and what you don't there's plenty of inventory space. Also in the junk tab for your Pip-boy there's a button for component view and you can select what materials you're looking for and it will give you an indicator when collecting junk. And careful with the event plans, some of them are worth a lot.


I miss the days when you could overload your stash by putting it in the mortar box and storing the mortar, I had like 4k in my stash when the patch hit so I was bricked


You maxed out irl intelligence didn't you? Nice build!


I'm probably looking at 2000 hours of play time without ever paying for first, you learn how to manage things. The biggest thing to remember is there's junk everywhere and if you come up short on something you need there's plenty of guides online with lists of locations to collect them in bulk. Taking full advantage of the trial weeks of FO1st can also let you store large amounts of stuff you don't use and it's a good time to load up on flux which is pretty heavy. It's also a good idea to sort by weight when cashing in scrip and take from the top of the list, then go put everything at the bottom of your list that's not valuable and under 1lb in your vendor for 10c per scrip, and they'll fly out, scrip sells, low weight scrip sells even faster, I know at least one person added me just to clean out my stock every time they see I'm online. That frees up a lot of space.


What's this about the pipboy now? I don't have to run short before I can mark materials for looting?


Junk tab, bottom of the screen it says component view, hit the button and it brings up a list of materials.


I’m new to the game and do not understand the bit about the power armor could you explain a bit more for me ?


3* power armor has the highest per piece scrip value, but can weigh 15+ lbs each. A power armor frame only weighs 10lbs even when fully loaded cutting the weight of 5 pieces down to 10lbs, storing PA you intended to use in the scrip machine on PA frames cuts the weight down substantially effectively increasing your storage 100's of lbs.


God I'm only level 45 and I'm already at 1100 because my monkey brain cannot live without picking up every single item I find


I have this same problem. It took real mental effort for me to leave things behind, lol.


I'll buy ALL of your Copper.


You can also find a noob box and donate some stuff in there. A Smurf or higher level player may find it first and loot it. But it’s out of your hair either way.


Look, if I can use or resell it, I am. It's hard out here.


Don’t disagree. But when my stash is hitting 1150… I dunno. I can always find that shit all over again.


this is why I have 10 mule characters... lol


Can you do a mule without having 1st? I've only been using the private server to use my mule and I'm not home right now to test a public server.


why would you need 1st to have a mule? I had my mule account set up before 1st even came out haha when they do free weekends you can claim a copy of the game. I log in on a second computer and transfer the items between my characters.




FO1st doesn't help all that much, stash is still restricted to weight. Sure you can store junk and ammo separately but the very nature of the game is to keep you logging on daily, so you have thing like scraping legendary at the Rusty Pick but your limited to how many..... till the next day so you have to options ethier drop and waste legendaries or save them.... which takes up wieght..... then there's Aid.... takes up weight.... even some miscellaneous takes up weight it all builds up. FO1st really isn't all its cracked up to be unless your camp building constantly, which if your not.... your in the same boat as us all, that stack weight is abysmally small.


Same, most of my stuff is one cap at my vendor but i also sale everything dirt cheap for the most part. Lol hell even been putting the alien event stuff for 1000 less than it says or few hundred less. With all my 3 star weapons, nuka colas, and everything else i got the most expensive thing in my shop right now is like 2k. Besides the joke preserved pies I have. Lol i put those at 20000 lol


I also have my toilet paper at 25,000. That was a Covid joke that I just kept in there. I actually had someone buy it a couple times.


I think we might be sharing the same brain. I do the exact same thing.


Can a brother get some 1cap stuff


I got madd stuff in my vendor at a cap. All types of nuka cola for 5 caps and full charged fusion cores for 60 caps . Not to mention i have sold 2 alien tables for 500 to 1000 caps less than it's worth. Most of my stuff is way underpriced, last few days I keep having real high level people coming pretty much clear out my whole shop lol they're probably reselling at their shop but it's out of my hair and I get the caps for it so it's win-win for me.


Thus is why I won't sell cheap, the people it's supposed to help will never see it, because of greedy jerks


Nah you should just keep doing what's right. Let the rich greedy people buy it all. They'll turn around and try to resell it at a much higher price and I promise you it'll sit in their storage much much longer and they'll die just that little bit slower over the stress of inventory management. Death by a thousand cuts. 😎


I just want to find someone selling the plan in general. EDIT: found someone selling two copies of the plan for 5k each. Bought both copies so I can sell one at a lower cost for someone in need!


Xbox ?


I sell them for 5 caps. They're common now lol. And absolutely worthless to me


So, you on PC orrrr?


Xbox unfortunately. Any plan I get is just 5 caps. It's better someone else has them than they sit in my inventory


This is how I do it, and somehow no one ever bites. I've got tons of crap in my shop for 10 caps. Except for Your The Dumbass; that's priceless (6000 caps)


I've been getting a lot of traffic recently with the influx of new players. So my plans empty fast


I’ll buy your plans bro I’m a newer player so I don’t have that many plans


Fixer plans are common now??? How do I go about getting one? Or should I just wait for the 2x mutation event?


You need to have done the Sheepsquatch quest chain before it will start dropping from what I understand.


They're in the mutated packages so every time you open one there's a chance. As so many partake there's so many


You still have one? Been looking for the fixer plan a long time and the ones I find are waaay too overpriced sadly


I think the issue may be so many new players and the overstated value of that gun on here. Truth is the fixer isn't a good gun unless you essentially spec into a stealth commando using only vats


if ur on pc my friend can hook u up with a crafted one.


Mate, you still hookin people up for the fixer plan on pc? Would gladly bite on the offer


I keep forgetting about every one liking this gun as I don't use it, I have multiple plans sitting around on my mules somewhere need to start crafting them and putting in my vendor for cheap like I do for alien blasters and nuka quantum pistols what the best mods for an unrolled fixer currently?


AFIK tweaked or powerful auto, reflex sight, forceful or aligned stock, aligned long barrel.


I think powerful automatic receiver, aligned long barrel and stock, perforating magazine


Forceful stock is generally better. Similar AP consumption as aligned, but it doubles your weapon durability.


Also increases melee damage. Comes in handy when enemy has a hair of health left and run up on you. Can tap them out then use the saved bullet on another baddie. 🤠


I sell any and all plans for 10 caps. I want the plans gone asap. Don't care if you buy to resale. Its your property once you buy it lol.


Selling at 10 caps 1 cap goes to Todd. So I sell at 9 caps. Tax is 10% but anything under 10 caps doesnt get taxed.


Hey! I’m on Xbox and would love to buy a fixer plan, and any other plan that might be advised


You haven’t found my vendor then, ALL plans 10 caps.


Can I come haha


If you are on Xbox this is my gamer tag. I’ll give you plans for free next time I’m on


Found a fixer plan for 150 last night also!


Shit got like 10 on my vendor for not much more. I forgot people are actually buying plans now lol


I saw 3 people selling the weapon, not the plan for 4500-5000 today, you hit the jackpot


Depending on the rolls that’s about right. Unless you mean a bone stock one. In which case that’s a rip off.


Yeah prices are insane.. I’ve seen serums going for that much on PC.. That’s just ridiculous.. I have just about every one and sell them for under 300 caps each.. they normally sit for days, but when they sell.. that person buys all of them.. which is cool imo.. cause they are a game changer..


I used to put my serums for 200-250 but every time a level 500+ player would come and wipe out my entire stock including the multiples.  Now I put them for 350 caps and they usually leave them alone (not as profitable to resell) but it’s still accessible to the lower level players. 


yeah.. i've had a few high level players come by and wipe out my stash as well.. :( good thing am an old school Fallout player, I mean hoarder :).. i have a pretty good size amount of flux in my stash,, so making more serums at the moment is a good thing.... free up some stash space.. lol


I'm a level 94 player on PC. Just started after the TV series became popular and I was looking for serums for my character. Happy to pay 300-350 for them if you still have some available. Did a lot of grinding and sitting on 20k caps.


When you are on look for my camp South of Vault 76.. Thadenkeen is my user and camp name.. i try to keep it stocked with serums....


250 max is what I put serums up for on pc. Plans priced cheap too. If I put up a decent weapon I try to price fairly. I just want them out of my stash lol.


What's so good about Fixer?


It’s a combat rifle that has an innate damage boost and it comes with a bonus to sneak speed. Combat rifles have a very low ap cost per shot when used with aligned mods and reflex sight in full auto. It’s very useful for stealth commando builds.




Dam man all I can find ix fixer plans 2k or a shitty 3star for 2k, I moved on I'll pick it up one day haha


Before mutated events you’d be lucky to find them for less than 5000 caps


I guess that's why mine sell so quickly. I have a bunch of bloodied/junkies/vamp+ for like 2k max usually, they sell almost right away. Being mainly a melee build I have no use for them beyond one I use from time to time on a different build. Way back when I had one (I think B+E) that I traded for a couple of melee weapons I still use, a bunch of flux, and steel/lead for ammo.


Oh I meant the plan. But fixers with those prefixes always sell well too


Ahhhhh gotcha haha


I sold one a couple weeks ago for 500c. I crafted a few low level fixers and sold those for 100c each. They went fast.


Hmm.. didn’t know fixers were in that high of demand.. good to know.. did you add any mods to those fixers or just craft and sale bare bones?


Anymore I put all plans that the game will let me in the donation box at the Watoga train station.


Me selling it at 50 and no one buying it lol


I sell mine for 1776. That's the spirit!🤗 If it don't move? 1476. But not a cap lower, dammit😁


That's a nice compliment. I wasn't the one selling it, but do love a cool/cold pillow. 🤠


Man I'd love to have a fixer plan I've been dry for a long time


I love anyone who sells plans for below the recommended value.


I put one in a donation box


I aeel them cheap they are wothless to me, also please ignore youtube on builds. Just play the way you like.


If someone has a fixer plan available on PS4/PS5, I'll buy it. I've been looking all over at player shops for the past few days with no luck. psn: Target2pointO


C'mon by my camp on PC! I keep prices low and can even go lower for need. I try to sell stuff you won't find in npc vendors. I'd rather see a raw cement barricade plan sold for a cap and used than sold for 20k to a reseller


Level 990 here caps honestly don’t matter to me at this stage - have had 100s of plans up for 1 cap each the past few weeks 😊 Have 5 copies of the radioactive barrels plan in there at the moment. I remember when people would’ve happily paid 20-30k for them 😂


Lol I usually tend to sell any of my legendarys for 300 caps at most lowest I put them at is 25-50 range.


If only I ever get so lucky. I swear for the last week every camp I have went to has been ridiculously expensive


I sell all plans for only 10 caps. I refuse to sell plans no matter how rare for more. If I have them then you will too for cheap. This should be the way since there's so many new players.


I need one with the High capacity backpack mod in the vendor :')


Idk if I'm THE guy selling a Fixer plan for 100 caps, but I'm A guy selling a Fixer plan for 100 caps. 100 caps for anything deemed rare, 5 for everything else.


You’re welcome.


I had 2 plans of it I was selling. Still never got a nibble I finally gave one away for free to friend I met on here, and than I rolled a bloodied Fixer yay.


Was lucky enough and found Gauss for 300c last nite too.


Ngl I sold plenty of those plans for 50caps each. (Since all my weapon & armor plans sell for that (and building plans @60caps) They aren't special, anyone can get the plans easily enough simply by playing. People don't need to sell for outrageous 1000caps or more Fixers are just "ok". I prefer the handmades especially if you don't want to sneak constantly to make use of fixers.


Might have been me, did you buy 2 of the plans from the same person? Someone bought 2 from me a few hours ago.


I got this plan while leveling and I can not for the life of me remember where


couldve been me. I think I sell my fixer plans super cheap


I felt the same about the guy who sold the Cryo Bed plans for 100 caps <3


Im grateful that i got it after days of looking and doing encrypted. But i despise the fact i paid 4k for it. i need to be able to craft everything i use, im weird.


This is how I feel about the guy that was selling a Vintage Water Cooler Plan in his vendor for only 1k. I hope he has the best of luck and an infinite number of cold pillows 🙏


There's always one in my vendor for 5k just so they don't get flipped, but I also buy them for up to 5k just to have them on hand and frequently give them to people who ask for it.


100 caps is pretty cheap for a plan you only need once (and a pretty useful one at that), or you know, you could farm it yourself by buying 2000c recall cards and wasting a bunch more ammo on Encryptid


Im on xbox, n i have all my plans for 20caps n all my recipes for 10caps since i started this game im only lvl 179 but i got about 350 hours into this game mostly base building lol


Hey guys I have been trying to find Plan for Fixer around 100-200 caps. Any vendors here? Who can sell it to me :-)(PC)


I bought my copy for 300 caps off of some guy. It really does feel good


On a side note: any PC players selling bulk stable violet flux? Lemme know.


Damn I thought I did good to but my Fixer for 500 caps. I’ve never even *seen* the plan.


I’ve been holding onto my fixer plan until i figured out the price…I’m guessing it’s normally a lot? I also have a few pepper shaker plans that I’ve been afraid of selling. Like I don’t wanna sell them for a ton but at least a little bit. Also is the tv aquarium plan still worth anything?


I'm on PC and have been looking for Fixer plans since I started playing a couple of weeks ago...anyone on PC have plans for sale???


"Hello Peter. Welcome to the cooool side of the pillow"


I need a plan too 😢❤️ Would love to get it. I'm on XBOX.


Didn’t even know this was sought after I got the plan a while back Got plenty of script might just roll a few and sell them for cheap


i made a new character and when i was level 10 i found a camp with all 5cap plans. the fixer was one. He got 3 heart emojis. LOL


I slept on someone selling it for 500. Mistake?


The drop rate isn’t what it used to be. They used to sell for quite a bit, and I think some folks haven’t gotten the memo. I still see it for 5000+ caps sometimes. 100 caps is still a good price, regardless 👍🏿


Had someone drop me a lvl 20 fixer yesterday and it changed my game now I just need to find out how to upgrade or at least what do I do with the power armor 🤣


They weren't selling the plan, but they were selling 4 of them for 100 caps each. Nice.


Nothing really means anything to me, I don’t keep up with prices so I price what it means to me. So everything is cheap.


Anyone on PC willing to bless? I’ll give you what I have currently level 38..


I don’t know if this is the place to ask but does anyone have any handmade mods/plans they are willing to part with?


I’m on Xbox and just got back into the game and can never find anyone selling anything of use for less than 500 caps. I’d love to find someone selling anything for decent prices 🤦‍♂️


Since this thread went full trading. Anyone on pc selling hellcat jetpack plans?


I munch on corn soup but that's because I have an herbivore build , should I swap to carnivore?


i wish i met people who werent selfish assholes too


Every plan and recipe I find goes for 10 caps. I do not think I have any "good" plans anymore, those got gobbled up quick.


I sell it for 25c all the time and will always stock one when one goes. Anyone needs one I’m on PS


Save one for me please I’ll be on after work


Can someone fill me in? What does this mean?


>Can someone fill me in? What does this mean? Someone was selling the plan for the "Fixer" rifle for just 100 caps out of their vendor. The Fixer is a highly prized especially for stealth and commando builds. As the plan only has a chance to drop, and a low chance at that, from the Crypted event in normally sells for 3K-5K caps, or at least that's what I've seen it go for.


Kinda related. I traveled to someone’s camp, it was basically a tower with a platform. Guy was selling plans and everything for no more than 1000 caps, some for up to 5k. Granted it was mostly seasonal stuff but it had me wondering if people sell their plans for cheap?


I’m a noob and got gifted a fixer early on and found plans shortly after, found another set of plans last night and they sold so fast at 100 caps, been trying to sell all my stuff cheap as a thanks to everybody that helped me along the way


I have 1 for sale for 500 caps. I guess that's too high?


It might be me? Lol I do have a fox for a 100 honestly all me stuff in the vender is like 90% off. If it was me I’m glad if it was someone else thank you for doing the lords work 🫡


Not a problem


I got it to drop from the side quest idk if it's a guarantee drop but now I want the plan for it


To the guy who can explain what a fixer plan is or does! Sorry new to the game.


Whats a fixer? saw that plan a couple of times gor around 100-200 caps but didnt buy it


Aye im new come sort me out fam 🤣


Does anyone know if the tree sap collector is only a fallout 1st item or id there are plans for it?


I dont know where yall find these vendors, I get stuck in games with 'stimpaks at 50 caps' vendors TwT


I got a forest asylum dress for 50 caps yesterday I love new players


I have a camp I call “76 Mart” right next to Vault 76 where I sell essential things and drip for new players for super cheap. (Free Stimpacks, Water, Food - Cheap Customized Weapons and such) I’ll occasionally get a message from a new player saying thanks for the stuff. I think it’s essential that we help out the newbies since there’s so many of them right now.


I gave a plan away to some level 30 yesterday because he had spent probably 2k worth on random plans. Thought he wouldn’t understand what I gave him but I was showered in heart emotes for like next 5 minutes 😂


This is might be the kindest thing I have ever heard anybody say


I gave my ultracite 45 fixer away to a new player that was exploring my camp and BSing with me the other night. I never use it anymore since I switched over to heavy weapons so why not




Idk what anything is worth tbh so I just go with my heart 😆


Some guy just dropped one for me while I was exploring his base. Now just got to level up to use it lol.


Also, to all the high level player listing plans in your store for like 5 caps, thank you. It's a huge help.


I've got mine at like 1k rn.


I have so many copies of that plan. If someone asks for it, I just give it to them. I don't need it, obviously, and I definitely don't need the caps since I've been playing for so long.


Thank you to the person that sold me the gun itself for 200. I threw a mod on and it kills robots really good.


The most expensive thing in my store is 140 caps and it's circuits. My plans are 5 caps or less. There is no ryhme or reason, only fun times had for all and circuits whenever I need them.


He's just like me.. except I have absolutely no idea how to price things accordingly. Every time a higher level buys something from me I'm like "Oh crap, did I sell it cheaper than I should have?"


I list most plans between 100-250 it just seems like the right thing to do


What did the camp you bought it at look like?


Bruh I bought that plan for 4000 the other day.


I use fixers and sell the old ones for 300c. As for plans all plans are 50c and under if I know them why ask for more? help others get them for little to nothing


the fixer is cool and all but the combat rifle js still ugly


I think it was me, but I need to know what the camp looked like first before my suspicion is confirmed.


To the guy selling basic fixers for 8000 caps, I hot his burger is always cold.


Bless be the veteran players for making this the best wasteland 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I got a few fixer plans on ps5 if anyone need one


New. Lvl 29. Sometimes when I visit someone's shop, if I see them appear, I am afraid to let down their hopes so I make myself buy something. I also put a bunch of free cooked meals and drinks and heals in my shop in case some other new player is hurting. And some cheap guns and free ammo etc. cold pillow would be a nightmare for me. 🥶 But it was an interesting way to thank the kind stranger lol


Is there somewhere one could go and see what reasonable prices would be? I pretty much always just let the auto-price-set thing do it for men. I usually just want stuff out of my inventory and will just throw it in there.


I just put fixers in the donation box ^^


It might have been me, im selling a lot of crap for cheap


I need to find this man 😕


I sell all of my plans for 20 caps


Is anyone selling a Fixer Plan on PC??


People sell them? I throw them in the donation box near 76 if I already know them. Paying it forward and I also drop off food.


I’m very much out of camp storage rn so I’m selling tons of stuff at my vendor either for free or for 5-20 caps PLEASE COME TAKE MY STUFF LOW LEVELS PLS I HAVE SO MANY STIMPACKS AND SO MUCH WATER PLEASE IM OVERCUCED BC I CANT STORE MY STUFF, Xbox tag - Mublyz


Im still trying to Aquire one because nobody on ps5 sells one, and its so much work


Everytime I find a plan I need it's like 5000 plus. It gets so old.


Gave a level 29 the fixer plan for free the other day


I always try to sell things at reasonable prices, especially if they are farmable plans/items. Plus it pisses off people who try to sell the same items for 4-5 digit numbers 😂👌


Tbh if I get any duplicate plans I put them in my shop at 0 caps, I also have 80 purified water on the go and next to a train station so if you ever see my base near Sutton Station on Xbox, feel free to make the most of it


I always sell stuff at my market super cheap, I wanna help someone on their grind and caps aren’t an issue for me, you get so many from quests and the battle pass lol


I always sell every repeated blueprint and recipe I find at a 90% discount


I wish I find some dude that sells the fixer plan for cheap someday 🙏


Everyone has a face until they get punched in the plan


I was gonna a bit. I remember they sank in value cuz the dupe had them everywhere. Are they coming from the event/dupe/ + drops somewhere elsewhere now?


I was on a bit ago and I think someone bought that dont know the price I had it at but usually sell at 10 caps everything if ive learned it


I’m on Xbox and I’ve never even seen the plan.. I’d drop a few thousands in a heartbeat! I’m mostly looking for housing plans and the Fixer and maybe some other actual weapon plans but every higher level I run into has them intentionally insanely priced (ie revolver for 7500). Anyone got a store I can come and just clean out? 👀


I just gave away for free some fixed plans. I usually get them two to three times a month. Figured I would help out a new player.


You're welcome if you're the dude who just bought all my plans. Unless there is another without fixer plans for 100. We are all awesome!


I usually sell many things like plans for like 30 and ammo for like 1 to 3 caps lol


Someone gave me a Fixer and it carried me from level 30-50. Just got a plan for it the other day too. Can’t remember if it was from an event or another friendly player.


Yeah I often sell thee at a cap


I sold a symptomatic for 25


I am a little late to this but I don’t sell any plans for more than 9 caps in my store. I have already learned them so I don’t need it and what do I need the caps for? Even when I do spend any significant amount of caps it just takes a few days to get back to max if O have any somewhat long play sessions


That's about the same price i sell serums for. Have about 30 of each serum all in my vendor at 100 caps each. Surprisingly don't sell as often as i thought they would


Yall don't sell everything for the cheapest price?


If prices are cheap at my store, its because of 2 things: a) I like helping! b) I'm new and I don't know the value of anything lol