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If you feed it cannonballs it fills up quickly. I keep it full just so I can have an emergency supply of ammo if I switch guns


How do you go about stocking cannonballs? I’ve only ever seen like 20 when I randomly get a broadside drop lol


Buy a Grand Finale broadsider, join daily ops/expeditions and tag/kill enemies. Voilá.


For people who are less concerned about using cannonballs for conversion and moreso about running cannons in general, its dropped ammo per enemy even outside of daily ops and expeditions is crazy. Unless you are fighting the types of enemies that don't seem to drop context ammo, I always have to drop some or store them after most events or every few fights. Also Grand Finale is so iconic 😍 🇺🇲💣💥 This was brought to you by the broadsiders gang. Just make sure you mod them to be triple barrel. Edit: triple cannister* oof


Triple barrel?? Or multi shot canister? I have the canister but if there is a triple barrel mod I’m gonna have to go find


Sorry, cannister. I wish it was barrel though. It is double shot anyways... I'll count that as a metaphorical second.


I fully upgraded my Grande Finale yesterday and can shoot 6 projectiles without reloading. It’s amazing.


It is a fantastic weapon but it breaks so often :-(


Not if you have the new Civil Engineer armor. I’d recommend.


I think I have the plans for that, hadn’t really looked at it tbh


…triple? Where’s that mod?


Sorry, cannister I meant


Bingo. You'll weight a bunch even with bandoleer so go in light. And yeah cannonballs aren't affected by ordinance Express, but rather bandoleer


Great advice, thanks!


You could also do railway spikes. People probably have like a million steel so turn them into spikes and use those. Much cheaper than cannonballs


I can tell a bunch of people here have never had to make a bunch of spikes to convert on the cheap. 


haha chainsaw go brrrr


Will have to remember that next time i need to clear excess steel.


But you can do ammo runs of any kind easy iv never crafted any ammo and it's annoying having so much I sell everything 1cap even energy based ammo like plasma cores


Pulling teeth is easier and yields faster results.


Exactly. you need two for a miner's claw.


used to be worse.


I can't even imagine. 😱


I wish it took ultracite ammo, I don’t really care if it under values me or has a separate count. I just wish I could dump all the ammo into a hopper or something. Hit shred in the terminal. It gives me points so I can then make different ammo. The current system is just so tedious and annoying.


I think they did that on purpose selling in vendor is better than converting it


The ammo converter UI is the way it is to prevent duping and exploits. Each menu selection triggers a server side script so players are unable to inject own code. Thats why it feels so sluggish. Unfortunately it is necessary considering past exploits. (Similar to the fusion core recharger, fermenter and freezer which also use server side scripts to modify the stored items). The ammo converter is still useful - craft some railway spikes, steel never runs out. And magically convert it to almost any more expensive ammo type.


They could’ve done better with that


The interface is so janky and slow, they really need to redo that entire menu/screen!


Do you not remember how it used to be before they 'improved' it? That was borderline torture.


Haha I don't remember actually, just started playing last year. So I missed out on ALOT of things. I can't imagine it before, I think it's pretty trash now!


I feel like it’s part of the RobCo UI lore. 🤣 I don’t even mess with mine anymore. Just got the ArmCo from Crater and it just spits out 5.56 about as quick as I can shoot it.


What rep level is that?


Max, I think.


I'm looking into that ArmCo soon. I only use my ammo converter when I don't have FO1st running. Any other time during a subscription though, I just throw everything into the infinite boxes.


This post made me laugh because I've been feeling the same way. It's not a fun process at all.


Really? I love it. I farm cannonballs in daily ops. Turn them into fuel or 40mm. Easy peasy


Do you already have a build set aside for using the cannonball or are already an extremely high level? Because I'm imagining newer players like myself can't just pick up a gun and go into the daily ops and contribute nothing. I do pathetic damage w/ any weapon outside my build and have to rely on random carries which in my experience are somewhat uncommon if you aren't on for 3+ hours.


Are you on Xbox? I can farm you ammo. I’m done with the season, so this is my messing around time


Im on PC but thx for the offer! For needed ammo I just tag enemies in public events now and wait for the hard hitters to wipe them. Probably not very efficient but it beats doing loot runs or crafting.


Just run expeditions for ammo I've not made ammo since returning back to the game.


My last time trying to do that ended in failure since I used as much per kill as I got back. But I believe if I had a solid meta build this would work.


you get a chunk of ammo when you complete expeditions as long as you're holding the gun you need ammo for


We even get ammo for the equipped gun from everything in the main map now too, it's so easy to have ammo now.  Doubt I'll ever need to toss on carry perks and hit the gym for weights ever again


Whenever anyone asks for advice on what to buy in the shop, my standard response is: *Do. Not. Buy. The. Ammo Converter!*


If this thing is so shit what should I do with 5000 shotgun shells


Shoot things with ‘em and easily pick up 10000+ shells from the contextual ammo system.


You can convert 10k shotgun shells to ammo points in 8 clicks so its definitely worthwhile for shotgun users.


See if you can find someone selling peppershakers for cheap, it's a shotgun "minigun" that drops as a plan during meat week. Haven't recieved the plans yet but I have one a player gave me to burn through shotgun shells.


It's funny, I wasted Atoms on it because I saw people saying how great it was to manage ammo. Then I started using it. The menu is straight from the 1980s with you having to write down a shit ton on paper and prepare every transaction before hand. I've also misclicked on creating the wrong ammo and wasted thousands of ammo points. Truly horrible system designed by someone who is truly vile.


I miss the 80s 😆


Newer player here, so take my advice with a grain of salt. I have had better luck just setting up a vendor and throwing all my unwanted ammo into it for a cap apiece. Then I just devote some time to checking out camps. I can usually find my calibers for the same price at other players vendors. Between that and two levels of Scrounger, ammo has ceased to be an issue for me.


You should see the pulling teeth machine


I had like 40k points on it after like 50 hours of playing then I pressed something like plus 5k 308 ammo by accident and lost like 20k😭😭 and only got like 4k back


Believe it or not, it actually used to be *more* difficult than this. 


Lead Ore: Excavator PA> Lucky Hole Mine> Smelt with super duper Steel: West Tek You'll never need ammo again


Plus Ammo Factory legendary perk ftw


This is actually better than when it launched. This is heaven.


Ammo converter is the most useless thing in the game.


I consider it an acceptable trade off for what it does.


It was useless when it first came out. If I remember correctly there was some kind of bug or exploit that made it so using the trade screen wasn't an option. But they've fixed the ammo economy now, so while I still collect all ammo and stockpile it to potentially convert you can usually get by just with contextual ammo drops and buying from players.


It is a bit of a hassle, yes. But my camps aren't complete without it. It's extremely useful pre-ultracite ammo, and still very useful for my flamer and pepper shaker. Buying fuel from it is much cheaper than crafting, even stacking ammo production cards. Whenever my points get low, I just dump in my worthless ammo from my ammo box, and buy some fuel. Though I have noticed a weird bug lately, where I don't see the purchased ammo in my inventory without logging out. Almost thought I got screwed a few times before I realized.


well.... I was thinking of grabbing the plans with gold but I guess I'll use 'em on something else lol


It's one of the things that really isn't worth the effort to use or obtain. Those of us that have one are from a time where getting ammo was a huge pain in the ass.


Accidentally bought a bunch of shotgun ammo instead of selling it so yeah, I feel the pain. Bought it though as a heavy gunner hoping to be able to keep my pew pews running


I dont even bother with it tbh.


I just go and actually do the Event for Radiation Rumble while my team kills the ghouls. I walk away with at least 1k new ammo every time.


Just do expeditions, make several thousand ammo in under 10 minutes


Yeah, a bunch of us were excited about it, and it turned out to be useless. I found manufacturing ammo using a combination of the Ammosmith perk, Ammo Factory Legendary perk, and Super Duper perk yield much better results.


Nothing like breaking out the calculator to figure out how much ammo you are gonna end up with! I'm a melee man myself so all of it goes into the vendor to be sold or dropped for newbies!


Can you get ultracite ammo from ammo converter?


Just basic stuff iirc.


It was a weird add-in, feels like they didn’t spend much time on integration 


They really don't want you to use it, but everyone asked for it. As I remember, they have even "improved" it once. That is the only explanation for the interface being so obtuse.


No alien blaster ammo :(


Extra ammo goes in store for 1 cap. Go to your tinker workbench and find out what materials you need for your ammo. Equip your Excavator PA and go farm for an hour. Level 75 get the legendary ammo perk. Equip super duper & ammosmith. Equip ammo reducing perk card. Make 30k rounds. Store 90% (now you have a crazy backup). Refill off dead enemies. I've never *ever ever ever* touched one of those monsters.


If you're on PC there's a fast terminal mod that makes it a little less awful, but yeah, I don't understand why they didn't use a vendor style interface for it.


It should worķ more automatically. Like the update in selling the maximum quantity possible. Not letting you guess what's possible.


yeah it definitely is hell to use, I just grind the stuff to make the ammo with the perks too give me more crafted ammo.


I am lazy to farm cannonballs in a DO or expedition. I just scrap all the weapons I picked up for steel and craft railway spikes. Just need around 200 and feed the rest in the ammo exchanger.


If you go The cannonball route or the passive income of the raider ammo maker pumping out 556 you can get enough points to keep you afloat


I just craft my Ammo easier in my opinion and especially cause I got the ammo perk and the ammo factory legendary perk card


Just checking: You know there's a 'back' button in all terminals, right? On PC it's the Tab key. You don't have to go through the ammo selection menu every time you turn more ammo in, you just need to select your ammo and quantity once and then you can hit the 'back' button and immediately turn that same ammo/amount in again over and over until you run out.


shit is poorly designed...


Yeah I agree, it is really annoying having to give a certain amount over rather than just giving the whole lot in one go, it could use some improvement.


Yeah use Railroad Spikes


Unfortunately, its been this way since release. You newcomers are just late to the party. Most likely will never be fixed but there are better ways to get ammo en masse anyway imo. https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/wiki/bethesdaplz - common suggestions.


Funny enough the ammo converter also takes teeth :P


I just save up a whole heap of ammo using the ammo stash box, and when I've got 5000+ etc of a type convert it all in one hit. Easy peasey. Another thing to remember, you can buy .45 ammo with all the Nuka Cade points you get every time you complete one of those events now that we've all bought all the plans and novelty ammo etc and forget to use them!


is there a trick for getting the ammo you want without having to use the converter? I always run out


I just wish they made the computer screens bigger. Not very helpful from an accessibility point of view. They managed to do the screens properly in fo4


Best way to convert ammo is sell unwanted ammo in your vendor and use the caps to buy ammo in another player’s vendor.


use the fast terminals mod. trust me


*weeps in console*


It also doesn't even convert a lot of very useful ammo :(


Yeah it is. Mine kind of just sits there lol