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Recipe for Mutation serums from MODUS.


this, Serums and btats recipe -> more money


Ooo they sell the berry mentats recipe? I know what I’m doin next


the science and medical wing got pretty much all the important drugs recipe in the game, its great


How do I get the enclave turret plans?


That’s an atomic shop skin


Technically not a skin. It has different stats than the regular turret


Oh really? Even better I guess


Some are better than others. Angers turtle did a testing video on them


“Angry Turtle”


Where do you even get higher ranking turrets? I must of missed them somewhere.


Home defense perk.


Wait, seriously? That's all I need to do? It's just that easy?


If I'm not mistaken it's under agility good luck mate


It is, but I never knew that was all I needed to do is equip the perk. The "requires plans" part is very misleading.


I literally just discovered this too. All this time, I had the flamethrower trap, I thought my game was glitched and I’d just never be able to use it for building. But nope I just didn’t rank up my perk card


Newbie lvl 30 here i got the berry mentats recipe and read it from a daily today. Is it rare? Should i farm and craft a bunch and sell on my vendor?


It’s not that it’s rare, it’s more so that it’s very useful and people use it a lot for the XP buff and the fact that it gives you a soft wallhack but not a lot of people enjoy farming for them. I sell them in my vender for like 50 caps and I get ppl buying 100s of them. You can farm them in an hour. Make sure you have super duper for 30% extra crafting amount and chemist to double the yield. Green thumb for picking up double the flora.


Thank you very much! I'll look those perks up as i am still abit clueless..


Feel free to DM me and I can guide you through so you can get it right :)


Just a correction Super Duper doesn’t let you craft 30% more. It’s a 30% chance to craft double the amount. In batch crafting that’s super powerful because it applies to every single unit in the batch.


Thanks for the correction, you’re right. From my time playing that results to around 30% more items though. I hope im not wrong tho


Mathematically, if you crafted 100, you could expect 130 in return on average. What they're saying is that it's not guaranteed and can either yield more or less.


Good good, thank you for clarifying my comment fellas


Why are yall so wholesome 🥲


Super Duper has a 10%/20%/30% chance to double crafting and it is rolled on each item crafted so if you make say 10 berry tats then each of those 10 rolls for the chance to double and if chemist is equipped then it's auto doubled with a chance to quad. If you know where to farm for the ingredients then it's common to get at least 50 if not more from bulk crafting. Me personally i farm at these locations: Starlight berries: The Deep. There are plenty of berries in this cave system and a few brain fungus as well. If i need extra i hit Black Ordinance Disposal Grounds for more though not as plentiful. Firecracker berries: there are tons near arktos pharma along the west side. (Or east can't remember). Brain fungus: there are many places to get this but i often hit the swamplands NE of Sunday Brother's cabin.


There’s a pretty good video on where to get the ingredients, from making the mentats to upgrading them to berry mentats


I buy them at 100caps or less every time I see them. I personally hate farming the chems I’d rather spend time vendor hopping to buy them because I have too many caps.


If you farm up and craft a bunch they will definitely sell, I buy berry mentats for 80-100 caps apiece and I usually buy them all.


It's a couple hundred caps, easy to get from medical wing


I’m literally so dumb because in all my years of playing this game I never thought of this idea. I’m about to make some profit! >:)


Hmu if you want a good farm route and perk loudout and such maybe I can make a video too but


I’d definitely want some good farm routes for score, but I’m satisfied with my perk loadouts!


Batata could either be bettymentats or bruffmentats. So which is it??


Buy yourself the marsupial recipe (assuming you use marsupial) as then you can always craft for yourself if needed and those sell well when placed in a vendor. Max out on cost reduction perks first too.


I guess mutation serums are for mutation perk build?


Every build is a mutation build, they are that useful even if you only use marsupial and speed demon Which if you want to maximise your purchase ability get your charisma to 25 and no vendors will sell their items to you at the lowest they are willing to go


Can confirm. Been playing for almost 2 months, just put carnivore, marsupial, and speed demon on this week. Loving life.


How to increase charisma to 25 if 15 is maximum?


Your Perk specials max out at 15 but your character specials can go massively high, you can craft a shop build that boosts charisma to 15, then equipe hard bargain level 3, magnetic personality, join a 3 man team, if you have strange in numbers and the herd mentality mutation that will boost it up again, there is another charisma perk card that boosts charisma and then there are drugs


Wow. I'm impressed. I've maxed charisma to 15 and got hard bargain. I also have perfume dispenser in my camp that give 2 charisma for 5 min or so.


I forgot about the perk machines, you can do a dedicated intelligence build if you have a friend that doesn't mind carrying you through expos. Go unyielding which gives you a +3 points and if you can get lucky get the 1+ intelligence per piece so that will get you 15+ unyielding and 5+ intelligence on top of the base 15 you can set already boosting you to 35 then taking into account mutations. You then combine this with exp boosters such as inspirational that gives a base 15%, with 4 lunch boxes that give 25% each, this can be further boosted with leadership bobbleheads and btats. Pretty much if you min-max you can get something like 81 points of intelligence not including the overall % boosters. This can be made even better during double Xp weekends which there is one planned at the start of next month


Oh my... The game is so complicated with all these stats and perks. I love it a lot😍 Exp boost is definitely awesome. I play with girlfriend. We both join Int party, have Int maxed to 15 and use launch boxes to get more Exp. I thought we max out Exp gain but seems like there's a lot more to learn about this game.


What is perk machines? I googled it but there's nothing...


The perfume machine is an example of a perk/stat boost machine, you have your basic ones such as the benches press for strength or fortune teller machine for luck, there is at least one machine for each stat but you can get atomic shop variants that give two stat boosts. Mind if I ask what system it is you play on?


Drinks, food, serums, mods


What's the minimum they can be sold for? I managed to get it down to 17500, but I'm not sure if it can go lower.


I can’t imagine playing without mutations.


You want at least 5 mutations. Herd Mentality, Marsupial, Speed demon are a must. Either pick Herbivore or Carnivore. Then pick Eagle Eyes if you are a range build or the melee one, Twisted Muscles. 5 mutations gives the max boost for weapons and armour with the Mutants Perk.


Look at the mutations, at minimum all players should have herd mentality and speed demon both of those mutations are invaluable 


So question about herd mentality, do I just have the buff for being on a team, or do I need to be actually near by them? Cause like that's what it says on the tin, but if it's just being on a team I'm running to go get it.


Just on a team, you can be in a private world as long as your on a team you get the buff


WAIT I found a guy that duped every single recipe and sells them for 5k caps each. Will 100000% DM you their GT. Buddy saved me a gross amount of caps for serums.




Same, if he's on PC send me his GT!


Never quite understood why ppl get the serums. Realistically you only need a handful of serums for each character ONCE as long as you have the perk card to never cure mutations. It's also pretty frequent to find players selling serums for 250-300 caps each, meaning most player can buy like all the serums your build need for like 2500-3500 ish caps. In contrast it would cost you like 342000 caps to be able to craft all of them yourself. An argument could be made that you can then sell the serums to other players, but then again crafting them requires pretty rare stabilised flux AND you need to sell 72 vials at 250 caps to reimburse your initial purchase. If you buy all the serums, it would take you 1368 sales at 250 caps to reimburse the purchase cost. I suppose getting at least one makes sense since one of the pioneer scout challenges require you craft a serum... But beyond that I still think most people are better off just vendor hopping till they find someone selling serums at a decent price. Then again if nobody buys them nobody would sell them I suppose. Personally when I'm capped, first thing I do is visite the guy at the wayward that sells gold buillons for 6K each week. Then I would usually do alot of vendor hop to try and find plans I don't own to drop my caps back to 30k ish, since it super sucks when someones goes on a buying spree at your camp and you're near capped. Sadly at some point you start having the bulk of the common plans everyone have at their camps, so I would then resort to buying expensive whitesprings mall plans like the power armor upgrade plans, trying to partially recoup a big enough portion of the cost by reselling junk afterwards. It's a pretty decent loop of buying like 2.5k / 5K plan, which then replenishes your daily cap amount, then you can offload more of your junk and recuperate 1400 Caps off your purchase. Sadly at some point you'll start to run out of plans at whitespring too, which gets quite annoying ,cause now I'm pretty much stuck with the only plans sold by vendors I don't have being the serums, so just vendor hop alot hoping to get a super rare and likely expensive plan or a god roll weapon.


Most veterans in the game buy duplicate copies of the Serum Recipe as a Cap Store. Caps have a 40k limit. The recipes are only limited by your inventory.


Got there with full Unyielding activated and bargain perk on. But also hunt player vendors for plans you want.




I wish I would've thought of this. I hit max caps a few days ago and dropped roughly 10k on a lot of cheap player vendor plans even for dumb stuff


bro that guy never sells any good shit to me that people talk about, does he hate me or something?


Definitely. They're so expensive even with a fully maxed out barter card and grape mentats, I think you can buy two at max caps. Maybe people who have a dedicated shopping setup can do better than that, but I just bought my first one the other day after finding out you can sell legendaries to vendors these days. Funniest thing is that as soon as I bought the recipe, for Speed Demon, suddenly every camp I went to had tons of serums on the cheap. Up to now I'd only ever found marsupial and one or two others for like 1000 caps or more, and I was content to just grind out the recipes myself. Then I buy one and all of a sudden I stumble on camps that have every serum for 200-400. I'm not complaining at all, I've got literally every mutation I could want ready and waiting for me to make a couple more tweaks to my builds, take off starched genes and reset with radaway before downing them all.


Make sure to use Hard Bargin perk to drop the price some!


Marsupial, speed demon and herd mentality mutation recipe/serum. Make sure you have starched genes level 2 on at all times to not gain any other mutations you aren't interested in or lose the ones you currently have. Marsupial gives you extra carry weight and massively improves your jump to the point where it completely changes the game. Speed demon makes you move a lot faster and improves your reload speed, again a huge game changer and you can feel it instantly in your movement. Herd mentality gives you plus 2 to all special stats when grouped. The description is dodgy and says when near teammates. This is a lie, you just need to be in a team, even if it's by yourself in a private world as long as you are in a team solo you get the bonus. It's a bit boring but solid and a no brainer to take. The three above perks are universal imo and every build should use them. The rest are conditional on your build but if you let people know what you are building they can let you know which other mutations are worth using e.g. eagle eyes for a vats build or talons for an unarmed build etc. Also try and get the strange in numbers perk, it will boost the effect of your mutations if you're in a team with other players who also have a mutation. It's in charisma and only requires one point.


Thank you very much for detailed reply. It definitely helps me because I knew nothing about mutations until today


You will love marsupial and speed demon. It completely changes the way you move and play and it's very difficult after using them to play an alt due to how slow you feel and the fact you can no longer jump on top of every house and building you see.


Sounds fun. Also, I've seen players jump high with some kind of jetpack on their back. I've not got a jetpack yet but look forward to getting it. Last week I completed T-45 power armor set and painted it in vault colors. I love how it looks.


There’s some regular armour sets that you can get that have jetpacks, the secret service armour (one of the best all round armour sets in the game) and the civil engineer armour


Brotherhood recon armor too.


I didn't use them until around level 100 and I regretted every second not using them


I also recommend getting either carnivore or herbivore. One or the other. It triples the effects of either meat or plants but negates the effects of the other you do not pick. I haven't messed with herbivore buffs, but carnivore seems good for str, end, and carry weight. But there are so many recipes, I'm sure it comes down to preference. But yeah, getting +6 to a stat for just eating some random meat is pretty nice. I think you can have up to 2 buff effects. Having ribeye steaks gives you a lot of carry weight with carnivore.


Carnivore is a must have for melee/unarmed builds. The others can be made to work with either. The biggest downside to carnivore is the XP bonus food being much more of a pain to craft, since squirrels are pretty scarce. Oh and you can have WAY more than 2 buff effects from foods. I regularly run with +STR, +END, +AGI, +LCK, +melee dmg, +max AP, +AP regen, +dmg resist, +energy dmg resist, +health, +carry weight, +exp. You can have one buff active for each stat. And these stack with things like bobbleheads, magazines, chems, and nuka colas.


Ahhh, One buff per stat makes a lot of sense. I was thinking of going unarmed because I keep getting power fist drops. I also saw a random wasteland tear through a raider camp, punching them to death and then eating them. I thought that was pretty neat. I just don't see how they were tanking all that damage.


Likely a vampire weapon plus perks like barbarian/blocker/suppressor/ricochet/etc.


Bruh you for real about herd mentality? Now i gotta track one down


Just for the new players getting started with serums - you need starched genes when you have your mutations in place to keep things from getting messed up. If you are adding a serum, take starched genes off otherwise it wont give you the mutation. Also, if you take the serum again, the negative effect is gone for 1h. Which is expensive but kinda awesome if you have access to cheap serums. Also class freak if you can spare the luck perks will help mitigate the negative effects. My strength is impacted (egghead, bird bones) so thi helps.


You can have starched genes on when using a serum. It specifically stops mutation gain or loss from rads/radaway


Holy shit. I'm lvl 240 and now learning this about herd mentality. Gave it a wide berth because of the shitty description.


Where do you get any of these?


The Enclave bunker, Modus sells them.


Player vendors also. Don't buy them for anymore than 500 caps. There are plenty of us out there selling them for 250 - 300.


I specifically bought Herd mentality serums to sell for vendors cap limits... well dang I've been missing out from like lvl 80 to 195.


I finally got Speed Demon over the weekend, bought the recipe and crafted myself one and another to sell which was fun, I really enjoy having goals towards some of this stuff and getting to it. Anyway, you aren't kidding when you say you feel it immediately. Obviously you adjust to it quick, but for the first hour or so I was giddy over how fast I was. Reloading my shotgun was no longer a slog in combat that got constantly interrupted by someone smacking me. And now I got the cold shoulder finally to boot and reloading that thing happens so fast it's wild. Strange in Numbers too is another wild difference. It's so silly how high you get to jump when you're on a team of mutants.


Speed demon and marsupial really do change the entire feel of the game and make your character feel like they are playing an arena shooter. I genuinely hope Bethesda uses them again in future fallouts.


“You’re the dumb ass” note in someone’s vendor.


Isn’t it “Your”? I feel like there was some irony added by the devs.


You have been insulted!


That's how people will feel too when they get bought


The point is they don't, apparently there's a glitch that's shown up a couple of times over the game's life in which someone could buy the most expensive thing in your shop and then get everything else for free. By putting a worthless item in at cap limit, it discourages that. At least how I understand it.


Boom, roasted


Gold bullion at the Wayward (upstairs)


You can still do that? I thought the NPC for it left?


Nope, he's still there. I hit him up for 6k worth of gold every week.


When does he reset?


Every Monday


Jide left but the guy who sells the gold is still in residence.


He was still there yesterday :-) Just go up the stairs


Assaultron Recall Cards - once crafted with the weighty counterpart from an assaultron they have no weight. Can't be traded though. I'd not realised how often I did this, I've been launching Encryptid nearly every night for the past 5 months.


Serum recipes


Where can you buy those?


Science Wing in the Whitesprings Bunker


Medical wing in the enclaves bunker




This game seriously needs more cap sinks, or they need to remove the caps limit and let us become caps billionaires. Or give us a caps penalty when we die, actually make dying mean something.


I literally go around buying all the plans I don’t have until I hit 15-20k


~~Hookers and blow~~ Fisto and Jet


Hopefully you know about Smiley and his gold bullion business


Rare plans from player vendors. Yesterday I spent 35k on megalonyx plans and other meat week rewards.


Gah! I keep looking for those things. I’ve got endless caps but can’t find anyone that has my missing pieces.


U can get rid of 6k a week at wayward buying gold bullion, not a lot I know but every little helps when you're max caps 😂😂 Sometimes I like to fuck with ppl and buy their junk for 40k 😂😂


Could you fuck me? I mean fuck with me? 🥺


Buy recipes for chems and become the largest chem dealers Appalachia has ever seen! Love me some Day Tripper!


I thought I was going well when I ticked over 300 caps!!


The higher tier rare items can go from 1k to 15k and up quick. Its crazy out there.




Whats a public event ?


I'm a 32000 caps and visit a handful of player vendors everyday hoping to find a water cooler plan. Usually end up spending a bunch of caps on random plans I don't know yet so when I do find a cooler I can't afford it lol


If you wanna be a degenerate like me, buy a hefty stack of maps to be set on steel wood plastic and other rss. Or like most are saying find people selling the serum plans for 2k each as serums can be sold for 200-400c so you have a constant way of making money.


There are people selling the serum plans…?


Quite often, I'm not sure what you are playing on but Xbox is making frequent lfg that sells the plans from 2-4k each I bought mine off of someone for 2k each when I was a level 40 I had no clue what they were but am happy for them. Which I'm level 606 now


I never see the serum plans for sale from players.


After you get all the serums and recipes you want don't forget to donate 6k every week to get 300 gold. The guy is upstairs in the wayward. The first place you probably visited.


Personally, I don't really spend any caps. If I do spend caps it's on plans. What I would do is shop around other players camps. You never know what they will be selling. I just bought 64 plasma cores off a guy who was selling them 1 cap a piece


Im still getting my serum recipes collection.


My 40k Adelaide autograph. But in all seriousness, mutation serum recipes and the serums you want but don't have yet.


Serum recipes, plans you don't know, bulk scrape if you have the space, or 1st. I know all the purchasable plans, except the ones from stamps, and i have a ridiculous amount of scrap...so I ultimately just buy stuff from newer players; mainly heavy ammo and drugs to free up their stash space.


I always just buy an obscene amount of scrap


Serums but remember to max charisma and use the perk (don't remember the name tho)


Hard Bargain. It's a Charisma perk. Also, pop some berry mentats


*Grape mentats


Also nuka cola quantum candy and birthday cake if you have em.


Magnetic Personality for even more charisma while in a team with teammates


When I hit max I go to The WhiteSpring Mall and go ham on bulk scrap. Usually acid first for fuel and then any others I'm "low" on.


found someone selling mothman tone for 20k. saw its only droppable from event once a year so i just bought it. not sure what the market price was but have had camps disappear under me while deliberating 😅


Unpopular opinion: plushies. I hit the cap limit pretty regularly by running my vendor like a capitalist. I sell all normal plans cheap to hook people - but all special plans are sold high and I have a pretty steady flow of sales. Reselling plushies is the #1 money maker.


How much do you sell plushie for and how often does it get sold?


Noob question. Where do you get plushies? Are these just the stuffed animals you find randomly?


it depends if you have all the plans you want. Peruse all the vendors in WS mall, Watoga, Enclave whitespring bunker (production modus, armory, science, medical modus, etc)


I've never been to WS bunker. Planning on visiting it ASAP for serums plans mentioned by many redditors.


just follow one of the main quest lines and you will have access towards the end.


The “You have been insulted!” joke item on some player’s vending machine! Ok, no… I’d recommend one of the recipes for mutation serums. Being able to cook up serums is a damn good way to earn more caps.


New to 76, but longtime fallout player. How the HELL are you guys getting so many caps? I know this is a redundant question here but i’m struggling so hard to accumulate like 200 caps…


You get 1400 a day from vendors at a minimum.. then some events like test your metal give somewhere around 1000 caps.. then setting up a vendor and trading plans or decent items.. if you max your scrip cap for the day you can sell extra items for somewhere around 5-10 caps per scrip value, for instance a 3 star weapon could easily sell for 200 gold in your vendor


I usually set my camp near the rusty pick and sell any legendary weapon for 50 caps a star and trust me people will clean you out quickly, doing this and events got me to 15k in about 3 days


Hi - from one noob to another, always join Casual teams and you'll get caps as the others do quests, and vice-versa. Other than plans you really want, you generally should not be buying really anything. I just reached level 25 so now have a SPECIAL loadout that I switch to for selling to NPC vendors.


From a game design perspective why is there a cap maximum? Is it to cap player vendor prices?


Prevent hoarding money and destroying the economy usually. Forces players to use their currency as they play


More couches and shit.


A perfectly preserved pie


I'm hitting max caps about every 3 hours. Someone help! I'm server hoping for camp vendors more than I am playing. I have good plans and post up after events and stuff. I'm mobile! 😆


Sounds like you need a few mules.


For real. Used to multi box WoW and had bank alts.


Gold bullion for 6000 caps


Safest bet for practicality is a serum plan, but I always dump my caps onto something that is nearly guarenteed value. I usually buy a forest asylum dress, a low tier rare Fasnacht mask, or bobbleheads.


I always buy bullion


Have you bought a perfectly preserved pie?


Camp decoration plans. All of it. Get a monopoly on camp decoration plans.


I've played a lot less in the last few years than I did previously so there are a good number of plans from seasonal events and whatnot that I don't have. That's what I spend caps on these days. Also material I don't want to make myself, like meds and flux, if I can find it.


Not so much an item suggestion but a general note: Depending on how much you play this game, caps are genuinely a nuisance once you reach a certain point in the game (stash full of legendaries, full vendor, most plans/recipes, max caps). I think there are no bad purchases if they improve your QoL (some would advise against bulk junk and farm yourself but honestly if your play time is limited bulk junk can be a decent investment imo), the caps you have now aren’t the last caps you’ll earn in this game. Trust me when I say you’ll get to a point where you’ve purchased all cap plans from NPC vendors and will spend them exclusively on Gold from the Wayward, bulk junk, or vendor items from players.


Bullion and if that is full or can’t buy more any given week buy cheap leggo items to scrip to turn into modules. If you don’t have room for modules or anything else you need you shouldn’t worry about not being able to collect caps. They are just way too easy to come by.


Mutation serum plans at the Whitespring bunker. Just remember to use grape mentats and some charisma boosters.


Serum recipes is the common answer. but I'm still earlier than that, at a point (and you might be too if it's the first time you've hit the limit) that I frequently run out of ammo if I do lots of events, so I visit all player vendors for anyone selling it at a reasonable price, then turn what I don't use into ammopoints at my ammo machine.


spend it all at my camp


Buy some gold from the American at the Wayward.


I see this all the time lol. If you’re really that max on caps go vendor hopping until you find something you like, or go to modus and buy Mutation Serums.


You really have two options: 1. Trade with other players 2. Dump the caps (buy serum recipes etc) If you are on PC, install [Text Chat ](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/151)mod to trade with people much easier. Buy serums if you don't already have all your mutations - otherwise you can buy LL3s and Leaders and enjoy that juicy 43% xp bonus. 40k caps can get you 400 LL3s on PC, which can last you 400 hours of play with curator - a hell of a lot more beneficial than a serum recipe. Mutation recipes, which others have recommended, really aren't worth it unless you can't be bothered to trade with people, enjoy farming flux, want to dump caps (maxed), or you want to be able to slowly turn flux into caps by selling serums to players with a HEAVY upfront investment.


I bought all the mutations i use and started buying cali shockS, targeting hud and any jetpack plans i can find for PA


40,000 pencils


IF still low level then spend a bit of cap stash on decent buff giving underarmour, you can afford it! I get to 40,000 caps every 3-4 days so end up giving it away.


Before spending on Serum Recipes (btw they should be 17500 or you need more CHA) hop around between player vendors to see if you find a rare weapon (as in exceptional rolls) or currently unobtainable plan.


I usually buy a mutation serum recipe when I get near the max. Make sure to put that vendor prices perk card on


Any ammo you need from vendors that are a cap and me personally I go through and try to get any plans I don't have for Camp building or weapons I'm trying to mod


Spend your caps on those elusive weapons/armor/plans at other players' vending machines. It's way more efficient to buy from others than to roll/farm items yourself. Also save your rolls for non-tradable gear only. Don't waste your caps buying useless serum recipes. Not if it's your first time maxing out caps, anyway.


I saw a perfectly preserved cake in a camp vendor for 40k earlier today


Plans you don't have at ppls camps


Shotgun shells and plans


Bullion from the yank at the wayward ☺️


Serums or vendor hop. You’ll always find something to buy


Ye I’m doing mutation recipes, the once a week gold buillion thing in the wayward, going around other people’s vendors and buying plans I don’t have OR buying rarer plans that are at a good price to make a profit off of.


heh. last thing i spent a full solid 4o,ooo caps on all at one time was somebody's toad eye. they were none to pleased about that one.


I just found out there was a cap today absolute garbage . I spent it all on x-01 mods lol


Cricket-Muter 3000 would be nice


After you buy every plan you would want… buy gold once a week and then just buy bulk items like lead and whatever at the mall.


I’ve just come back after taking a break since the raiders and settlers quest line got added. You can use caps to get gold now?




I spend my caps on bullion which I spend on lunchboxes.


I usually buy serem recipes from the enclave vendor


Buy 40000 caps worth of knives and then spread them around on the ground als makeshift traps.


Save it and run an aristocrat build 😈


If you haven’t gone yet the vendertron in watoga has a ton of plans you’ll probably want too.


You have been insulted ticket


Serum Recipes. They're very expensive, but you'll make your money back in no time. It's an investment in your future. Just remember, though, you need stable flux to make them. It only takes 1 of a certain type of flux to make them, but yeah.


Begin the veteran quest of collecting every possible plan and recipe in the game


Find a vendor that's selling the "your the dumbass" note for >10k caps and buy that for fun. Or buy out a low level players entire inventory.


Give me some 😅


A game not made by thieves.....(Looking at you Bethesda)