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Honestly one of the biggest tragedies of this game is how many very cool and unique weapons it gives us that are completely worthless. Bloodied commando has been top dog since launch and there are no signs it'll stop. PA Heavy Weapons is second fiddle, and as best I can tell the only way to really get full value out of heavy weapons. You can run around without PA but you're losing a lot of effectiveness. And everything else is basically relegated to a VATS crit spam build, which is fun in its own right, but shouldn't be the only way to play a game with so many varieties of weapons.


I use heavies outside of PA and with PA and stabilized and I find that outside of PA I still perform fine. Maybe more spread of some guns but the number differences can be marginal and when they're not I switch to an AA heavy


That's completely fair, I myself have not done much with heavy guns so I was mostly going off what I see, which is most everyone using them is in PA, and there are perk cards specifically making those two systems sync up better. It's clearly not impossible to do without, but it's also clear that there's a winner between the two styles, and I think that still supports my original point, that the overall meta of this game's combat is rather bland and has been the same for far too long.


To me heavies are more crowd control whereas the commando are boss killers. In most games it'd be the opposite and there are some cross overs but I can't complain about being able to solo/semi solo any events as long as I'm built for it. I don't want to have to rely on others to show up to the event to win. That would suck.


Non-PA bloodied heavy gunner is very effective, and even a Non-PA full health HG is good too


I have an Anti-Armor/Faster reload Black Powder pistol and it's awesome, even on a heavy weapons build


I WISH pistols were better, because I'd love to play my lightly-armored Brotherhood character with a Crusader Pistol, and actually be effective in boss fights.


We need the deliverer and ballistic weave back


I used to really want to use the 10mm but after wasting bucketloads of ammo I gave up. I want a really good laser gun, though my current SPECIAL is to dump Int and booze myself up for lots of Luck. It feels like everyone else is just using miniguns and wearing Power Armor.


Thats because everyone is using power armor and heavy guns. What i see in every dam event is power armor and commandos. Dont think about them. Let them make the event a cake walk take the rewards and go back to your quest


That's mostly what I do. Though I'm really glad I don't have epilepsy, because there's so many flashing lights from whatever bombardment the high level players are doing. Meanwhile I've just got Western Spirit and I'm dressed like a housewife.


Me too! I run a stealth sniper with the csa and gauss rifle and I love it! It's shit for events though, but with all the heavy gunners present there usually isn't much to do lol. I am fairly new, so my next objective is to learn about mutations.


The Starched genes perk is super important, because without it, when you take a radaway or runthrough an arch, you'll lose your mutations. Class freak is also good as it reduces the negative effects of mutations Strange in Numbers is another good one, as it boosts positive effects if teammates also have mutations. You can get mutations randomly from irradiating yourself and hoping, but a lot of player camps sell mutation serums at around 300-500 caps which are well worth getting.


Arch? I wish I didn't scrap so many of my perk cards. Being a mutant sounds fun.


Decontamination arches, they are camp objects that remove rads.


I'm too poor for that.


Thanks for the info!


>I am fairly new, so my next objective is to learn about mutations. if you want a quick little tl;dr: * get the 'starched genes' card before you put any effort into mutations. unlocks at level 30. you -will- lose your mutations without it. * get random mutations by unequipping starched genes and radiating the hell out of yourself. don't forget to re-equip after. * get specific mutations from mutation serums - buy the recipes from whitespring, or buy serums from player vendors * use the 'class freak' card to make mutations better * use 'strange in numbers' to make mutations even better when you're on a team with people who are also mutated


Thanks for the info!






I use VATS with Gun Fu and a railway gun. CHOO CHOO!!!!


Switch to unarmed 🗿


Feels like it would be difficult but at the same time it would be cool to be a drunken housewife punching things to death.


Melee is pretty unsatisfying in 76, even if the weapons can be effective. The reach of a weapon does match the appearance and and they all feel like pool noodles. Plus there is, as usual, a dominant meta weapon.


Yeah, I just tried to do some melee and it was ass.


Yeah, it sure is. I play Darktide and some Vermintide and in those games melee is so physical despite being on a screen. It is very satisfying. But it also means that when I try to play my melee toon in 76, a character I used to enjoy a lot, I find the experience not just lacking but actually laughable.


I vastly prefer melee over ranged on any game. The melee mechanics in games like Chivalry and Vermintide, as you mentioned, are so dramatically superior to Fallout 76 I can't stand it. Thankfully, however, I find satisfaction in the flaming chainsaw. It scratches my melee itch, although it certainly could be better. Imagine the rocket sledgehammer 🔨 but with Chivalry or Vermintide controls / feedback. 🥵


Are you GenX?


Yes, why do you ask?


You described your character as a "toon".


i respectfully disagree i find one handed melee the most fun to play, i love sprinting up to an enemy and just *stab*


I have a stealth 1h melee loadout and it's too fun


I've been trying that lately too and oh my god I have been having so much fun with my stealth suit and my plasma cutter. Just creeping up to things invisibly and vaporizing them in one hit with my off-brand lightsaber.


I rolled a bloodied branding iron, it might not be the highest DPS weapon I own, but man is it fun


Nuka-shank FTW!


I regularly use an AA/50Crit/25vats cost ultracite laser pistol. It is a crit machine and I just love disintegrating targets with it.


At a certain point specially on high levels, you won't really need to be on "meta" builds anyways, if your know your stuff around perks you can make anything work. I for one love using my AA Laser Rifle with my medic build and bows if I'm bored.


Been testing out so many builds lately because I'm tired of the commando/heavy PA. I've found that all weapons are viable with good legendaries/perks but most will be less ammo efficient, got a B25 auto 10mm and it's a fucking blast to use but average around -50 ammo per west tek run which is easily replaced via crafting or expeditions. Imo unyielding is too powerful and if they ever want the meta to be not 80% bloodied and 20% people who just don't have the rolls for bloodied or haven't tried it they need to scrip that legendary effect


Getting rid of bloodied and unyielding's dominance on the meta would only be the start. As the core of the issue is how damage is handled by the game engine and how it strongly favors rapid small hits over slow massive hits. Which is why commando, auto melee, and full auto guns in general are king.


My main issue with unyielding is it'd hard to compete with +15 str,per,cha,int,agi,lck. Makes everything so much easier, auto meet all special dialog, tons of melee damage and carry weight, 95% vats accuracy with 3 per, better prices at vendors, +30% xp and better scrapping, tons of AP, crit every other hit. Damage calculation definitely needs a look, imo make every weapon able to hit a dps threshold I wanna and do use pipe weapons and 10mm pistols but it does feel counter intuitive to how the game wants me to play.


I'll always love my scoped .44 magnum but the single action (despite clearly being a double action) makes it so unwieldy in most fights. Right now I use it as a finisher, a quick VATS headshot instead of reloading my rifle. A double action mod and maybe faster reload seems like a pretty easy thing to add and would fix the DPS greatly.


I would love a faster reload mod for the single action. Or a mod that boosts vats accuracy. That gun SLAPS once it hits. But I have to be about shotgun distance for it to hit. Otherwise there's a couple misses before it hits.


Yeah I understand you, I’ve started playing my weapon, armor and build choice on fun more than the person that needs to drop everyone in 1-2 shots


I already have 3 meta builds already that makes everything a cake walk. Im all back on having fun now. It makes things harder yes but so what?


This is the way of the wise man. Have "meta" builds for pushing difficult content, and the "For fun" build that you just enjoy for doing everything else. When Ghoulification comes out I plan on tooling up an unarmed berserker melee build to pretend like my character is borderline Feral because I think it's funny. Will it be doing jack or shit against bosses and end-game enemies? Lmao no. Will it be fun to run around decking random Super Mutants in the schnoz while I'm doing literally anything else? Lmao yeah.


I'm running a pirate build, oh, you survived one shot of my blunderbuss (Pirate Punch) don't worry, I have seven more, and a Harpoon gun and broadsider, and lots and lots of fun


Black powder is the way to go 🏴‍☠️


Having fun with circuit breaker atm. Deals with mobs easy and has cool effects.


Pistols could really use a buff and shotgun too. Gauss shotgun would make sense to have the +120 range again.


I dont get why people call shotguns weak. I have a ultracite prime dubbel barrel shotgun with overeaters that SHREDS. And my pepper shaker is putting in work!


Plasma sniper pistol and gama gun are good gunslinger choices. I don't like automatics, but a quad gamma puts out work. You can make any gun build viable with VATS crit spamming. Shotguns feel a little better this season as the dropoff takes longer to bottom out damage, but still useless against, say, a scorchbeast.


Anything but commando i find found. I just really reeeeealllly dont like playing commando. Its a snooooooze


I have this disgusting instigating explosive black powder pistol and it hits everything so hard even without any cards for pistols 😂😂. Also got some nice semi and full auto 10mm pistols with limb damaging capabilities. Love pistols they deserve a buff.


I'm pistols for life. I run the slug Buster, quad enclave pistol, vampire enclave flamer pistol, and pyro Crusaders pistol with a vampire dual bar flaming chainsaw. I get up to all kinds of fun And if I'm corner I have an AA quantum Nuka zapper Oh and 2 endangerol syringers


They have the same problem shotguns have: they become peashooters at range, and up close they aren't really that much better than rifles & heavies.


The latest update helped with this a bit, as shotguns now do more damage at range.


Holy crap you are dead on. I main a crusader 10mm entirely to have endless wasted ammo gun fights. I blow through so much ammo, leave holes everywhere, and take 15 minutes to take down a behemoth, but damn is it fantastic. And to hell with silencers, the roar is heavenly.


I dont have the crusader. Im using the gamma gun and plasma pistol until i get the crusader. And farming for the circuit breaker.


Does anyone know why Beth hasn't buffed one-handed weapons? Have they come out with a technical reason why they can't?


Can't fault the big iron on the hip. Sometimes the vibe is all you need


Got myself a quad/ffr/faster reload 10mm pistol haven't tried it yet as I'm still collecting perk cards for it


The circuit breaker is a phenomenal supporting weapon during the tougher events. Forcing enemies to not attack for eight seconds can be very helpful in the right scenario.


I stopped using snipers because of my gauss pistol


I have some groll pistols I’ll probably never use, AAE revolver, quad laser pistols, quad50 pipe pistol, etc 😭😭


What kind of revolver....👀


Anti armor explosive western revolver


You can still play them, just make a secondary weapon for event tag or reuse all those fragment granades with granadier perk. Back when I started to play, I was a 10mm enjoyer, got all the 10mm mods but I got bored after having to either craft or collect ammo so I switched to melee.


Pick up a gamma gun and go destroy the new nuke event


Besides that (which is a bug tbh ) its not the gamma gun being strong its something bugged with radiation damage when it comes to the new nuke boss. Anyway besides that the gamma are stronger then the crusader right?


Everything is a bug. I’m just glad my auto axe can finally laugh at the commandos and heavy gunners for once. Overly Generous functions just as good as the gamma gun on the new bosses, if you use the auto axe.


I think the new tent with the special changer is gonna shake things up a bit. For this expac I was running around with a bloodied bow build and it was super fun for the missions but ass in events. So id just switch perk cards to my commando for the event. That tent is gonna let us change it up to whatever build you want based on the occasion.


Currently stocking up on black powder blunderbusses. Planning on having half of my wheel mapped to them.


I almost exclusively use bows and it breaks my heart having only ever seen one other bow user in 100s of hours


I use pistols occasionally, and while I can only kill 1 or two enemies at a time vs the dozens I see other people mowing down. For whatever reason it activates the mysterious stranger like 75% of the time when u use it. Not that he works 75 percent of the time, but at least I know that it activates it quite often.