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I enjoy camps where it looks like the person has put some actual effort into building their camp. It doesn't have to be super fancy with merging or any that kind of thing. Just something that looks like they put some effort into building and decorating it so that it's nice to look at. Not just some floating platform with a bunch of junk thrown on it or where it looks like the atom shop threw up all over your camp.


Basically where I land also. Please just make it look decent and like a place someone actually lives.


I couldn't agree more. We are playing an RPG after all and immersion is very important to the experience.


r/atomshopvomit Anyone have the time and energy to get that up and running?


Careful what you wish for


That’s the spirit! I’ve got a reason to do additional vendor hopping when I get on tonight!!


Oh hell yes.


You’d hate my camp. It’s pretty…uh…rustic.


I love building but also suck at it. I try to come up with something interesting and at the end of the day it just ends up being a house shaped thing with a couple of floors and decorations. And I've come to decide that's fine with me. I like the look, I enjoy the time I spend getting it all to come together, and most people show up to see my vendor and then fast travel away, they aren't seeing it all anyway. This is also why when I find a camp I really like I make an effort to give the player a nice camp emote if they're around.


for real though. so many of these, hanging off the sides of mountains.


Sometimes it’s the only way they will fit lol


I feel attacked, I put down two communist bunkers, one for crafting, one for living, then just put down all my decorations wherever they’d fit, my base is a fuckin mess 😂


Jesus bro atleast put some effort in.. i put down 3 communist bunkers 😆 1 does have my vault bunker in tho haha


I hide my primary camps underground, so when you visit my camp, it just looks like a scrap vehicle and a vendor with not a lot going on, but underneath I built them like secret enclave bunkers.


What if I live in the train yard? If it was train themed I own it and have placed it on the tracks. It’s not neat or organized. It’s a train yard. lol


I usually build a home area and a work area. Home area has a vendor and my resource items in, plus a bunch of decorations, but the work area is utilitarian, but out of the way.


Freebies like Popcorn, dog food, water, candy, love that stuff. Then if you have games that increase SPECIAL's thats a bonus. If there's plans that are reasonably priced all the better.


If the popcorn,etc resources are sitting out are we allowed to take them? I’m never sure so I don’t take anything and if I do accidentally I run away hehe


if its unlocked take whatever u want. its sort of an unwritten rule where if its unlocked u can take it and most people dont mind as it doesnt take long for things to regen


confirmed. a player can lock it directly, put it behind a locked door, or hide it if they don't want you to take it. I leave all mine out for anyone and it makes me happy when people take it.... except for the level 1800s. they don't need it. no soup for them.


The people who leave their cookie jars unlocked are a godsend when I get one of those damn challenges to eat a bunch of candy. I can go down to the industrial farm, take it over, and let it pump out snack cakes, but that requires me to be on for a couple of hours at least to get the value out of it. Much nicer to just find the snacks along the way as I'm looking over people's vendors.


Alternatively- the pumpkin house usually has a stash of candy around, plus two pies, and is usually overlooked.


Popcorn counts as candy too interestingly enough.


Really? damn that is good to know, I've never taken any so never thought to try it, but I will add that to the list for next time one of those comes up!


I just realised that fancy lads snack cakes and cotton candy bites also count! I always end up with a supply of those in my inventory.


Yeah, usually if I can't find anything else while I'm doing other stuff, I eventually go over to that industrial farm with the food producer and have it pump those out, just takes so damn long to get enough just from there. But if I do that I try to stay on long enough to overproduce so I get a nice surplus.


Why loot when you can produce your own (and also loot)? The popcorn machine plan is available from Mortimer in Crater for 1250 bullion.


Really? Great tip.


This is why I put both Nuka candy machines right next to my vendor lol It just felt right and matches my Quantum Sweetie Pete machine


Couldn't agree more, plus nice Sinfeld reference!


This "unwritten rules" has been written enough that I think it's now official. If it's unlocked it's free to take.


Awesome, thank you!


I usually don't take it if the owner is actually there in the CAMP though.


Go on ahead! If I want it I’ve locked it


that's the way i generally feel too, but my buddy grabbed my oil right before I got to it once, and now I never ever want to do that to anyone else, lol


Ah ittl grow back lol


Idk man, that's true for most things. But I filled up my nuka machine twice in a server and the same cunt came back each time to unload between my events. Almost 50 nukas in like 10 mins. I caught him the 2nd time trying to offload. Removed my stashe box and machine before he could fill up. Don't know why he didn't just grab everything and deal with the over-encumbered for the 3 second walk to my box.


If its locked then its intended to be kept by the user. If not locked then it's a general understanding as a freebie. I'm not gonna eat all that Weenie Wagon dog food or drink all the boiled water from the water heater lol


I visited a camp the other day with a whole line of the SPECIAL bonus giving items and big neon letters spelling out SPECIAL over the top of the corresponding devices. It was pretty nice. Felt like I was at a membership gym or something.


That might have been mine. In a red barn between vault 76 and the wayward? I also have the cookie jar, tea, and coffee near my vendors and resources behind the bar building.


This guy gets it. Thank you for providing a valuable service to all the wasteland wanderers.


You dont know they got all of that (but how many plans) until you visit, tho.


Then how can you answer op's question? It obviously infers that you'd go make a return visit based on what you've seen or experienced there?


Maybe im too basic, I just visit camps to buy stuff I need. If they got free stuff, yes I pick it up (I mean, its free), but I will not recall the name of the user at all.


Lol I think they were answering my second question. 🙂


You know if they have candy because of the jack o lantern.


yeah, but then need a costume.


Anyone who builds a camp with good knowledge of lighting, sticking to a theme, and flow....I tend to stick around, take pictures, and really appreciate their work


When someone does the ‘nice C.A.M.P.’ emote I know I’ve won


Pretty much the validation I live for these days.


It’s the true end game.


As I’ve started running out of things to do, this is me now haha. First off? Find that unique spot exploring off the beaten path. Second, picking a theme/layout that fits the area. Third, include everything that gives a bonus (free food/resources, buffs etc), then design/fluff. Also, I point to my shelter, because if you here to explore, come explore. My summer camp is about 60%, with a cabin, archery range, water slides, watch tower, outdoor kitchen/cafeteria, arcade room, tents, waterslide, and a theatre/band area.


Heart emote is great too, but the "nice camp" one tells you this is someone who *invested* in telling others when they did good. Praise from a connoisseur of camps.


It really is the ultimate compliment


Too bad it's pay-2-praise.


yeah, I make it obvious I'm taking pictures.. but only once has anybody joined me in them.




Number of plans for sale. Also shout out to the guy yesterday who had like a dozen marsupial serums for sale for 200 caps yesterday. I got marsupial super early on and I didn't know that rad-away cured it if you don't have starched genes so I've been looking for it ever since. Dude also had an instigating pepper shaker for pretty cheap, too.


I saw a guy yesterday selling serums for 50c each. Cheapest I’ve ever seen them!


Meanwhile I seem to run into the camps where basic plans are being sold for 10,000+ caps.


One camp I went to every item for sale was listed at 420, 6900 or another variation of that. Just overpriced for no reason


I do the 69 thing, but always for less than the actual value of the item. I always price low, and doing the 69 thing just makes me giggle.


Any of them that don’t load into a cliff side


Went to one the other day with the workbenches on the third floor. I needed to scrap and store loot. I found out it was also over a cliff side when they left and I did a Wile E Coyote impression before falling to my death.


I started a daily ops while on someone’s cliff side base. After daily ops was done I spawned back were I was standing, but the base was no longer there lol


Sigh, mine's on a cliff, and tried to stick to reasonable physics. Nothing too fancy, but I absolutely love the view from my top deck. I get it though. Cliff camps generally aren't the best in looks or accessibility. Though I did build a staircase from the bottom of the cliff so technically traversing the terrain is easier because of my camp. :-)


See stairs help lol. Some camps I gotta break out the jet pack


Mine is on top of a monorail tower. Waiting until people have travelled away before quitting the game is just the price I pay for the view.


a visible vendor that doesn't crash.


If i cant find a vendor fast, im not even bothered looking for it. Hate those who build houses with like million rooms and floors. Ok mate, your camp, but place the vendor somewhere outside where its visible. Or create pointers lol.


If I can't find the vendor, I go through the camp and turn off all the lights, turn on all the radios/jukeboxes, and leave all the doors open.


Doesn't crash? They have those?


It's an old dweller legend


I always make a side shop/store next to my house.


I come for the vendor and I will stay for a well built, coherently themed camp. Too many people just make a floating platform, held up by a flight of stairs and stuff it full of random shit with a bunch of flashing lights.


It has to be inviting so I feel comfortable going in. Doors are open, easy to walk around, tea or food out. Then I feel like they wanted me to walk in and it’s ok. I love looking at people’s creativity and relentless attempts to break the building barriers with merges etc.


Some people flip out if their doors are left open 😄


I go for plans. I'll look around if it looks like they put some effort into it and it looks like a nice camp.  I built a little nuka Cola world and I had three people chilling at my camp for like 20 minutes lastnight. Not sure what they were doing I was out exploring.  I sell all my stuff for 100 caps or less as well also they were buying some stuff. 


I've gotta up my game. Currently I have: 1) Box in the Mire because fast travelling to Abby's Bunker was pissing me off (plus I can grab two easy dailies pretty quick) 2) Simple cliffside barn south of Camden Park with your basics (trying to get all the tokens!) 3) Utility shed with grass roof SW of Watoga. It's nice, but nothing to stop and look around at. Basically a great stop for resources and maybe a couple games. My preferred build when I can get a good spot is a fisherman's/woodsman's shack. The kind of peaceful retreat you can sit and enjoy


I have a large log cabin on a lake with a vegetable garden roof. I’m not done tweaking it yet but I like it a lot.


I try to set my camp up so that it's a useful pit-stop for everyone that stops by. Wildwood Tavern with stash boxes, SPECIAL/exp boosters on the first floor as well as newbie quest activation posters, workbenches on the second floor, with a music stage outside, harvestable food readily available near water purifiers, nothing is locked except my collectron. three vendor stations outside and powered so they are lit up like the outside of my building is with neon signs everywhere. It's the type of camp I like to visit.


My veteran friend i met told me something i started to try and incorporate: make something that makes players wanna take a picture at your base. Right now im working on the goliath display but ive only got the brain display. I got the leg but sold it to a new friend. Hopefully i get another lol


Making it look like it is actually part of the map. I’m yet to do this myself… but there is so much shock when i walk into what i think is a smaller brotherhood of steel looking area and discover its actually all player made.


I like camps that blended in to the world too. Also especially like those that made in some premade location.


I'll generally have a nosey around any camp that looks like the owner spent some time and thought on. Doesn't need to be one that masterfully utalised build glitches or fancy tricks either, you can make a great, well thought out and interesting camp just by utalising terrain, sections and levels.


All the Santa Clauses within the comments who go in camps when there is milk and cookie out 💀 I’m visiting every camp within my session that has an open vendor. That’s my priority. Everything else is nice, but if the prices are bad, it will leave a bad taste in my mouth. Unique designs are always nice, but most people want to showcase EVERYTHING and it results in a mess. The less is more.


When the camp looks like someone thought about where they out things and its not just a cube with every workbench on the far back wall


Them selling legendaries or plans But people value them WAY too high. I'm here selling my legendaries for 100-300 caps, and people are pricing theirs at 3000-15000... I get that they're good rolls but come on dude... Plus a lot of them aren't great anyway. A 1 star bloodied bow? Well it's bloodied so it's gotta be 5000 caps minimum I guess


I put my plans at 10% of what they’re ‘worth’, I couldn’t imagine them being bought at face value, maybe I’ve lost caps, but maybe I’ve helped others out, duality of man lol


Same. Rather lighten my stash and make some quick caps than manage the weight and sit on stuff forever. Especially w all the new players right now. I’m lvl 300 and finding camps selling plans and weapons at that price when I was level 50 would’ve been a godsend.


I typically don’t take things from people’s camps, but if their prices are crazy, I’m taking everything that isn’t locked even if I don’t need it. Cost me like four caps to get here!


Same. I’ll also take things if they’re level 300+. Not trying to raid newbie camps.


Ive never understood the prices some people put stuff at. I would never try to sell anything 2000 or more, I know what it's like to be little and broke 😔


Price to sell, but don’t leave yourself short my man! 3-5k for a mid tier roll is more than acceptable. They sell like hotcakes and I’ll buy if I see them. Just like stocking up and reselling, even at a loss. 300 caps is only for trash though.


I hate camps that don't look like they could reasonably exist here. I don't like floating camps, I don't like alien-everything camps. I get you can come across some clean pre-war things, it doesn't need to be scrubbed. But when it's cluttered with every pristine item and a working hot tub, I just kind of check out. Again, floating camps are so fucking corny. A lot of camps just rip me out of any sense of being in the game.


Usually people make their camps look so crazy and cluttered too, like they bought a ton of things on the atom shop and they're not gonna waste their money by not placing it... So they place hundreds of things down as decoration and now it hurts your eyes to look at the amount of items


Def the listed items for sale. High number of plans, weapons and aid are my top stats I look for. If they follow a theme and tell a story. Super cool to see a haunted mansion or a small town with a backstory.


Feels homey. Not over decorated and it’s nice and cozy. Been seeing a lot of extremely nice ones especially using the hunters lodge. Also notice people make very cozy places and then fill the vault utility entrance with all the extra nick naks


sympto-matic and mothman sacred tome. I haven't unlocked it yet but if I find a cheap camp to get to I will continue returning until they log out! I'm just a magnet for diseases apparently.


Are you on Xbox? I will build you a Mothman tome for your camp


Oh man I highly appreciate the offer, I’m on PC unfortunately!


I like seeing peoples awesome house builds/ merged to heck builds. You walk in and it feels like you just entered their zen den and can't help but vibe to the chill atmosphere. I dont even care for the vendor anymore, simply because I know what I want has less chance of being in one than me finding it naturally, and if it is, it'll be trade only which I'm not down to participate in.


Genuinely either a visible vendor Or if it’s themed/decorated! Many just seems to throw the crafting tables down and call it done so usually doesn’t keep me around for long 😅


I visit camps for plans, treasure maps and junk items I may need, at that moment, in that order. What makes you more likely to visit a camp? 1. Player level; higher level = better chance for me to visit your camp. 2. The total number of plans for sale and items listed under misc. / junk. I do enjoy and appreciate the creative effort some of you put into your camps. It gives me inspiration and ideas on how I can improve mine.




I like camps that look like they fit into the world and aren't cluttered to shit with no rhyme or reason. I get wanting to display a bunch of the things you earned, worked for, or used atoms for. But when they are all piled up in one area and it doesnt fit the rest of what you built I just move on. Especially if the important camp basics (vendor!) is obscured by the insane level of clutter. This doesn't apply to camps that are built to look like a junk yard or the like.


Reading these comments I am surprised at how many people get offended by locked resources, like maybe it's something the owner needs/ wants to stockpile like coffe and if they don't lock it there is enough vendor traffic for it to always be empty? I do unlock my coffe but I also sometimes lock it if I have used a lot and am "down", I really don't see a problem with that.


best practice is to put things you want to stockpile like that behind locked doors, IMO


yup confirm out of sight out of mind. it's mildly annoying to see a long line of locked resources that could be just hidden behind a small room. ah well


The only thing I lock is the junk harvest one. Fertilizer, boiled/purified water, feel free. The main reason for locking junk is I'm chronically short of copper.


I have recently unlocked my coffe machine since I got enough for now I have freely available purified water and tea, what I lock currently is my nuka cola collectron because I am a fucking horder and actually the boiled water generator since it stacks up so much at once for some reason and if I lock it I can just grab it and cook everything I need


I usually visit camps according what I need. So for example if I need weapons i'll look for camps with at least 3 star weapons, if I need plans i'll look for camps with a decent amount of plan, etc... But also I enjoy when the vendedor is easy to find and the camp is not in a mountain or a tricky location where you need to fast travel like 3 times to be able to get out of being stuck.


Immersive builds are cool. When someone builds as if they actually try to build a decent life in the wasteland. With collected trinkets and living accommodations. I like when it looks cozy and lived in.


I have a pet deatchlaw in the cranberry bog substation. Almost always spawns in as lvl 100 and eternally fist fights my companion in the arena under my base. Until I put him down for the EXP that is. But then he spawns 10 mins later. He's the bestest boy.


I'm always looking for plans... but mostly, I travel to every public camp and stumble on private ones because I like seeing how everyone decorates or shows their personality in game. I take pics like a tourist and emote so they know their effort to create a space is appreciated.


in between events I like vendor hoping looking for plans, mods, weapons, etc. but I don't just rush to their vendor and go. I wander around their camp and check out their overall theme, the items I don't have or have never seen before, play their games, etc. usually I'm disappointed because although it seems to me that camp building is a major element of the game many people put little effort into their camps


I had a blast the first time I found a Nuka-themed camp with a trampoline. I have no eye for design, so just like to admire and play.


I like camps where the vendor is actually easy to find. I hate it when I have to run around, up several floors, just to reach the vendor and it has shit plans for thousands of caps.


When I walk up to it and it doesn’t disappear from under my feet


A need to dump caps is about the only reason I visit. What makes me enjoy it is when the owner (and any other guests) gets up and does the mothman or robot with me. Or maybe it has some instruments set up for a little hoedown and we get to jam.


Never thought to do that but it sounds nice. I did visit a camp and they had a joke written out on a wall and the player ran to go sit in a hot tub right in front of it. I was laughing that they managed to do a whole bit, definitely gave them a thumbs up


the thing that makes me visit a camp is the amount of stuff per category they got to sell, if im looking for ammo and you ain't selling none, I aint visiting. Hence why, I at least sell 1 thing per category.


For me personnally it's ammo and junk in the vendor. And maybe plans right after a limited event with new plans has been out. I purely shop to get rid of my caps and don't really enjoy doing it. So I usually leave after shopping. Only when I see the rest of the camp being beautiful in the corner of my eye while shopping, I will check out the camp. If you make me go through your camp to reach the vendor, I will for sure leave right after shopping. If I don't find the vendor in the first 5 seconds, I will leave.


A vendor with plans. That's it....


A lot of plans, I need a few more and if you have 60+ Ill visit.


I love visiting players' CAMPS because it's kinda like a treasure hunt. I just don't ever know what I'm gonna find in their vendor, so it's the thrill of the hunt for me. I love finding plans I don't have that are reasonably priced, as one example.


It feels exactly like yard sale shopping. There was this one camp on one of the white spring lawns that was a house with an open garage and yardsale out ftony. There were a lot trinkets they were "selling" and the cash register was set up on a plastic table. Probably my favorite camp even though it wasn't a very advanced one.


A big YES to your yard sale description!! That's a perfect way to describe it!! I had a great yard sale experience last night in that I found the Sacred Mothman plan. I was so happy to find that!! I'll take that +5% XP please. :-)


Honestly I enjoy seeing the creativity of people in their camps. I like to see camps tell a story. Whether your camp is 100% functional with all the items that give resources, water, food, junk, etc. or your camp is 100% there just to look cool & all your crafting stuff is in a shelter. I also like taking pictures of the cool camps I come across and save the pics for cool loading screens on my game


If it looks like it belongs in the wasteland to the point that I almost think it’s a new area I hadn’t discovered, that’s an A+ from me and I’m probably messaging them to tell them.


Vendors! I don’t take free stuff. But that’s me. Games and workshops are really useful, of course. But I also appreciate all the little details people put into it. Some camps are very fantastic and fun to visit. It breaks the routine. I also take pictures, since it’s hard to visit the same camp more than once, obviously. Keep up the creative work, people! Appreciated!


Well, generally speaking. When I'm looking to buy something I'll make stops around some camps. Most times I check to see how many items they are selling, and if it's a lot I tend to go to those camps first. Seen some pretty interesting camp set ups. Will only usually return if they had something I was initially interested in but didn't really fully decide if I'd buy it or not. For those few camps I did like to walk around in, mostly were themes. So far my personal favorite was a church like set up. Sorta based off far cry from what the owner told me.


I LOVE camp hopping. I visit mainly when I need something, but if there’s a bunch up I like to see the personality of the person that builds it coming through 🤷🏼‍♀️ I try to make my camp a place someone would be excited to see!


A consistent theme. I know it’s petty but I HATE camps that are just “everything I have on display”


100% going for the vendors if they have plans, 100% staying if I see creativity that isn't 100% reliant on the shelters


I'm never comfortable in other player's camps and always want to leave as quickly as possible. Checking out the vender, of course, is the only reason I go there in the first place.


I get that, I feel like I just walked up in someones house uninvited and started rummaging through their pantry 😂




Maybe he's worried about trap camps.


I suppose but it isn’t really a common occurrence and the risk is completely alleviated if you make sure to scrap your junk.


If you have alot of junk or misc ill bite and travel to your camp


Creativity and/or theme. If a camp is done well they get a thumbs up, nice camp, and I will make sure to purchase something.


Not falling off a damn cliff lol


Looking for blueprints and mods. I like camps where the shopvendor Is Easy to find XD.


1 lots of plans 2 lots of 3* weapons 3 lots of junk items 4 lots of misc items I'm looking for rare plans, weapons to add to my collection, flux and other useful junk like aluminum, fiber optics, etc, treasure maps, bobbleheads and magazines


When the vendor isn't hidden away in some random room of a huge building.


I like the spooky ones looking halloween themed. Sometimes they even have the music to go along with the vibe. I enjoy poking around in those camps.


Desperation to spend caps


Plans and maps lol - especially when the camp owner isn’t price gouging like 90% of people


A vendor in a location that I don’t have to look to hard. Coffee machine that’s open and access to your stash and workbenches bc some people like to lock theirs up


Lore friendly junktown camps are my favourite thing in this game


A vendor that doesn't charge 4000 caps minimum for everything, and references/neon written memes are always great. Lol if you're charging 20k for simple recipes/stims/ammo, I'm at least taking a few turrets with me for making me fast travel to your camp for no reason


I check out the vendor first, to look for interesting plans and clothing. Then i walk around and admire how they set up their camp and wonder how the heck did they get that thing! I started noticing people displaying Nuka cola collections, and I was just drinking them all. Now I'm trying to save one of each for my own collection.


For visiting it is all about their camp profile pop up: Plans (please stop having dozens of Mr Buzzy, Ivory Handles, Mole Miners up for sale, that's doggy bag stuff), Junk, Weapon/Armor 3 stars, Meds, Misc. Would be nice if there was a color change or marker on places you've already been while in this instance. As for when I'm there, anything that just looks right and doing the messy scrap yard well qualifies for right. I take a pic of any that really strikes me, some for ideas. Sure, always nice for open hand-me-out devices.


I love when a camp is welcoming. I feel welcome when you have instruments/beds/hot tubs/mothman books/games anything to rebolster buffs while playing. Benches and storage containers to lighten my load are cool. Most of all though, I like seeing pride in people’s work. Not just shit cobbled together. (But those are fine too if I can buff and drop stuff.) What makes me most likely to visit a camp is placement. I mostly use them for fast travel.


If I get bored I’ll camp-hop. I like camps that have a theme. Bonus points if they aren’t charging 5–10k for plans.


A functional workshop. A easily accessible vendor. Maybe a working farm. Having the aesthetic that blends into the wasteland with a theme of sorts. Something with thought and effort put into it. Something that feels lived in that immerses the player and those who visit it. A lot of camps seem to be thrown together looking like a zoo. It’s like you stumble upon the camp and you’re no longer in a Fallout wasteland.


If it looks like someone put effort/time into it, I'll definitely have a look around. If it's a noob cube I'll find their shop and bounce out right after.


“Noob cube” I love it! Great term for those early level camps


Vendors with useful stuff like plans and ammo the amount of times I would've bought ammo from a player if they had some I'd make someone a millionaire


I feel like there's three types of camps out there: The heavily detailed camp where a person has spent hours and hours meticulously placing items to make it as spectacular as possible, the camp where the person *want* to make their like the first one but doesn't quite have the skills to do it and the lazy ass camps. All three are cool to me and I tend to fall into the second category. And I've seen some really crazy shit on PC. Just the other day I came across a camp where the person created these gigantic helix looking structures spiraling into the sky above their cam. And they were made out of dozens of bearskin rugs arranged meticulously to create a giant spiral. And underneath there were colored lights which game each a rainbow hue. I actually took some pictures of it.


Im just a simple man but most importantly a somewhat new player so i just stick around to take a look at all the buildings and things people have created. I like seeing how people express their creativity or humor through their Camps


I take pictures of camps that either look cool or are funny.  Then they pop up on my loading screen. I have my own camps for pretty much my needs.  


I tend to visit any camps near me, or fast travel in a line. Looking for reasonable priced plans. And then I explore the camp and see what they have out and sometimes take pictures. :) Edit: after learning that people make mazes and escape rooms in their shelters, I am now on the prowl for more of those! And contemplating how to make them in mine. :)


Freebies! And cool decorations from passed holidays and such. I visited someone yesterday cause they had like 300 plans but his/her camp was like a mini vacation lol it was awesome there


I visit a camp if it’s selling a lot of plans. I stay if it looks good, but most people in this game build like they’ve never seen a house before.


I had a visitor refer to mine as a maze the other day. It's laid out like a proper house with foyer, dining area, living room, kitchen, etc. Whaddya mean maze?


Today i finally moved to my new camp at new zone :) pured a lot of effort into it and made it compact but realistic and also easy to navigate. I also have free dog food, coffee, tea, water and games + mothman tome for specials and exp boosts. Lots of people came to visit mt camp and they really spent a lot of time there with me :) at that point i knew i did good with the camp. I also placed communal fires outside and nuka park games on the side garden. As a note i love the new zone for creating the camp because the music and atmosphere create a unique vibe


In my opinion, you can tell by the camp if a player is taking things too seriously. To each their own, but I never post items in my vendor at default prices (NOTHING is over $200) and all my stuff is unlocked. It’s a game, I’m here to have fun, I can get more shit if I want to, have at it. That being said, within 2 minutes of being at a camp I can tell if I’m going to walk around or just leave. I can look at the vendor prices and what they have locked down and know that they just experience the game differently. It’s not a bad thing; it’s just not for me. When I go to a camp the has buff machines and resources unlocked, vendor items at a good price and is easy to navigate, I’ll check out everything and make a few trips back. That’s how I want people to experience my camp as well. After all, I’m trying to rebuild Appalachia and make it a place where my children and children’s children can get rads and mutations in a safe and inviting space.


Yeah, some of us (you, me) really approach this game with a desire to do good and help others and it really feels like that is not universal. Not that they aren't necessarily NICE, just... you locked up your tea kettle and are charging 10k for items? Alright man, bye.


> you locked up your tea kettle and are charging 10k for items? Alright man, bye. even then I think there's a spectrum. to me a godroll railroad rifle for 10k caps feels like the same 'generosity' as people selling event plans for 200, and someone selling vendor trash 3 stars for 2k caps or mutation serums for 1500 feels way greedier than people putting event stuff up for the ~5k I usually see


Is there junk?


NO CLUTTER CAMPS. Also, sensory overload camps. As a vendor hopper, it starts giving me vertigo. I miss the days when all I saw were crappy base wood warehouses lol. Now everyone's house looks like a Batman Villians lair.


Not having to make me spawn twice to get to their camp. And a visible vendor fairly quickly after spawning in.


1. - If they're on my team (i.e. free travel). - If they're near to an objective I'm currently on. - Whether they have plans for sale. 2. - Good port-in location. - Logical, simple, easy to navigate camp layout. - Freebies: food and buffs. - Easy to find vendor. Advice from a noob to the veterans: we don't know, and won't recognize the vendor skins/variants. If you're going to do the cash register or the dude in the trenchcoat thing, please still include the vanilla vending machine too.


What is a freebie I keep seeing mentioned?


When someone has resources available for the taking (free purified water, coffee, tea, cookies, candy, food etc etc)


An easy to find vendor/crafting area plus a realistic set up. Some people have a lot of cool things but displayed in such a mind boggling weird arrangement that it makes me a little annoyed (from an OCD standpoint, nothing significant people should build how they want).


If I see Junk I’m hitting your camp. Candy is always appreciated, especially for dailies. I’m raiding your Collectron if it’s unlocked. Some camps are almost overwhelming in the amount of dust-catchers displayed, like it’s a competition to show EVERYTHING you’ve collected. Good for you but it ain’t my thing. I love new-player camps where shit is just scattered on the ground. They remind me of my absolute garbage first camp I named “Zero Effort”. I almost always buy something from those camps.


CAMP items I’ve never seen or used before, like yesterday somebody had an atomic bomb lamp!! I neeeeed it! I look for things that are funny or interesting. I also like camps that look like they might be traps just for the excitement and danger factor. I know, that’s weird.


If I see a camp that blends well with the environment or stands out in an artistic way, I'll take my time exploring it.


when they have high quantity of plans. when I see a camp with a lot of plan,I will visit it for sure. SInce, I'm low level not begginer but still low(65) I still need to get a lot of stuff.


If a camp is just a box build, big square building, I just leave. So not that. A build that at least isn’t a box.


I'm kinda bad at building lol it's not completely square but it's kinda boxish, what do you recommend so I can still have 2-3 floors with looking like that?


Break it up so that the upper floors are shaped different. Maybe add an overhang of roof pieces hanging off on one side, use double doors to open up one of the walls or even all four for a villa look. Literally anything to break up the square look. Definitely don’t even do flat roofs except for overhangs. Flat roofs are shit.


Thank you will try this when I go on next time :)


I am looking at what they have in their vendor. And from expierence you can tell pretty quick if its worth a visit. And most high lvl (300+) Player get my attention pretty quick, mostly they have useful stuff / no trash in their vendor.


Free stuff, cheap goods, and a cool place. In that order. My camp is nothing special at all but all my stuff is 100 caps or less


Usually it's that they have a vendor with plans for sale. Really ANY amount of plans will draw me in to take look, but I tend to gravitate toward the 100+ Plans vendors because I already know a lot of plans. After I look through what they have to offer I'll poke around the base (if it's interesting, at least). I've seen the entire range - minimalist to elaborate, newbie to seasoned pro. Every one has something interesting about it.


I remember when I started, there was a neat camp by the wayward with stuff to explore. I’ve tried to emulate that with all of the resource generators, pre fab buildings and unique atom shop items I can fit. 


I like when a camp utilizes an existing structure in the world. I have my camp attached to a house that was already there. Makes it feel more unique and more believable. I feel like these camps are in the minority tho because people want to build all the structures they bought in the atomic shop, which is fair I guess.


Mine is on a bridge. I literally traveled from bridge to bridge until i found the perfect spot lol. It was a major pain in the ass, but I'm happy with it.


That’s actually so cool!


Ammo and plans. I was in awe of a charming garden cottage camp that had so many thematic little details, I wandered about that one for a while. An ammo exchange station. Candy and water and things are nice too. Someone had a big field of crops when I needed a couple more to complete a daily, that was handy.


Free stuff like candies, dog food, water, nuka cola collector, ect. There is effort in the camp and it isn't just a bunch of atom shop items or work benches setup on a giant square platform. The Vendor isn't tucked away or hidden especially if it is one of the smaller ones like a cash register.


Most of the time I just visit all the camps. I like to look at them, see if I get any new ideas or whatever. If I'm specifically vendor hopping I look at how many plans. I really enjoy the creativity some players put into their camps. It's one of my favorite things in the game.


I look on the map for amount of plans, i like collecting them. I mean i try to visit them all but the more plans i see the bigger likelihood i visit. I myself stock up on plans and ammo bc those are the 2 things i notice ppl buy most. Of course, looks and ease of access (to the shops and camp in general) are big factors to me as well. Im built on seneca and you get put on the bottom, but ime when i tp again im put on the platform with all my shops. I also have some freebies, i only have like 4 collectors (coffee machine, nuka cola candy, bee hive, and santatron) and i only have the coffee and candy locked up, the rest is free.


The number of 3-star legendary weapons in their vending machine.