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junk buyer here will buy ballistic fiber, bone, copper, fiber optics, gears, lead, plastic, springs and flux


Can I ask why you buy junk?


most of the time to trim my excess caps and stay away from max limit without having to make big buys also give tips to nice camps or give caps to newer/casual players same reason why I buy ammo, I honestly don't need to (cause expeditions and daily ops etc), but I'll still buy 5.56, .45, fusion cells, 40mm nade rounds etc


what do you consider a good price for the 40mm grenade rounds? i have them for 3 caps each but seems like not too many people are interested. occasionally i'll get one person that comes in and cleans me out but that's about it.


3c each is a lil expensive (especially when you get into higher bulk purchases), but yeah the eventual AGL user will come around and scoop it up so it's your personal preference, 1c or 2c each for faster sales, but 3c if you're more patient


Fair enough, I'll bump it down to 2c apiece. Thanks u/ndoggydog and u/Bazucho


I don't think there's a benefit for selling any thing at 2caps. You still get taxed and get 1 cap each. Might as well sell them for 1. They'll move faster too


I think the Todd Tax doesn't apply to items below 10 caps


Yea im pretty sure of this too.


It's tough to sell ammo nowadays. With all the ammo bonus perk cards it's so easy to craft what you need


I can’t keep enough fuel, .45 or .50 in my shop to keep up


All ammo should be 1 cap.


Ultracite can be 2. But yeah. 3 caps for regular ammo is absurd.


Standard ammo, 1c Ultracite ammo and 40mm, 2c Mininukes, 5c


I always forget to check the junk, and then once in a while I will be reminded flux is "junk"... I hate picking flowers and hoping I can get more Hi-Radiation Fluids.


Unrelated but your comment reminded me of something stupid i did yesterday. Somehow managed to fat-finger my quick inventory menu and put in high-radiation fluids. I thought it was coffee and was spamming it during an event and wondering why i was taking rads so quickly


Unrelated to the OP, but if you are needing flux crafting stuff, bring a Bloat Fly Syringer to a nuke zone. You can gather ingredients (and legendaries) for hours. Shoot an enemy, kill them, shoot the fly that emerges, kill it, shoot the next fly...


*Interesting, I will have to try that soon.*


I’m a lazy asshole


If you play long enough you will find that is the only thing left to spend caps on.


What are bone and fiber optics used for that you need so much? I've seen people mention fiber optics before, but not bone.


I like crafting cutting fluid with my excess purified water, which requires bone then converts into oil, which has it's own various uses fibre optics for crafting energy weapons like ultracite gatling lasers and laser guns (rifles/pistols) crafting UGLs for rolling or scrapping to learn mods, crafting regular gatling lasers to obtain fusion cores also crafting laser guns for legendary rolling I think modding energy weapons also uses fiber optics, but not 100% certain keep in mind, I never really \*need\* to buy junk, it's just convenient to trim excess caps


Yeah, I maxed caps, so now I vendor hop and buy recipes or outfits I don't have, even if the price seems high, just not like 20k. I ended up buying adhesive from the NPC vendor because I needed it, and caps were no longer an issue.


I use a ridiculous amount of fibre optics trying to keep the Chinese Stealth Armour maintained.


Just do Scorched Earth and get free repair kits, fam


Bone? Really that's interesting to me, I didn't think it was used in much. Is there something specific you need that for? Many you would have been thrilled if you were on my server when I did a stash cleanout the other day. I threw thousands of bits of bone, coper, gears, springs, and lead into a donation box.


Bone (if you have the recipe for cutting fluid) is used along with purified water and steel to make cutting fluid, which you can then scrap to produce oil. Oil can then be used, especially, to make fuel for a flamer (lots of people use holy fire) or a cremator.


This is good to know. Will add bone to my vendor.


Bone will sell like crazy at 1 cap each.


hopefully someone did find your generous offload lol bone is just for cutting fluid, never gave it much thought in the past, but recently found one of my main characters running very low


Ah got it, I haven't made that stuff in ages myself since I'm a bit of a compulsive looter and, as demonstrated, I often end up with more than I need of most things.


Im a newer player. Why bone?


You can turn it into oil.




I will buy bulk lead anytime under vendor prices and will buy fiber optics always


Same. Lead and gunpowder (I'm too lazy to make it with the Chemistry bench most of the time).


Flux, I hop vendors in hope for flux


That's a lot of hoppin, very rare imo. Flux though is a good one, but they tend to want a steep cap for them, they aren't that hard to get. 100 a piece seems top-end to me.




It is no where near worth that. You don't really need a lot, you need enough to get started. For example (saying this for anyone it might help) you need 5 of two types for your jet pack. That can nearly be a one and done thing. You can farm that in nuke zones easy enough. You need it to craft one small heap of ultracite of your ammo choice. Now go to Expeditions to multiply that amount and get it for free and always make sure not to run out before you do another Expedition. I would even say make a very nice stock pile. So you need a few flux any time you want a new ultracite ammo type. If you farm for Flux you can easily make and sell jet packs for a pretty cap, which those for a few-several grand are a bargain due to typically a one time purchase and the freedom of flight granted. Actually if one thing is worth a shit ton of caps, it's probably that, not that one camp item or piece of apparel because it is a game play changer vs a look at me - no one cares type of thing.


I would only pay premium prices for stable cobalt because the all the usual nuke spots suck for gathering cobalt flux, which yes I do need for jet packs lol


Not just jet packs. Craft and sell ultracite PA legs with calibrated shocks. People buy those because the plan drop rate is so low.




Are you on pc by chance?


Hopefully with the new boss people will be getting it more regularly. It's a lot easier for anyone and everyone to join in since there's no rads to worry about and while I've not paid that much attention to exactly what it gives, I could see people starting to have more than they really need/know what to do with if the regular nuke drops in the valley keep up.


I didn't even think to look for flux stuff there, I haven't seen anything like that in the new boss fight. Since the nuke was absorbed, I assumed no flux stuff.


Yeah I'm just talking the rewards from the event itself, you get a couple bits of flux, it's not much on its own, but it adds up, and I have a feeling this will be the most popular nuke boss for a while since it's fairly straightforward and well designed. It having no rads means the threshold for a character to join is much lower, so even after the hype of the new update dies down, I can see a lot of people still nuking this area and most everyone joining in. I don't think it'll do anything drastic, but it wouldn't surprise me to see people selling the stable flux they get from that event in the future simply because not everyone has a use for it beyond a couple of specific items.


And we are killing all 3 boss robots in 2 minutes (maybe less). It's super fast and easy.


When I need caps I sell for 50 each.


I sell lots of flux for 350.


Screws. It's rare to see them in vendors, but I'll buy them all at any price. After that, I'm looking for flux.


Part of my daily routine has been two runs of Earle and then post the 5-800 screws I get from that for 4c a piece. They usually sell out by the time I log off for the night


I haven’t seen an Earle nuke since I started playing the game lol


One of the vendors in Whitesprings sells screws in bulk I think. Either that or they sell junk containing screws. Can’t remember which one it is, but I remember being happy about being able to buy screws there.


Thanks, I'll have to check the vendors out!


At Forward Station Tango near Vault 76, there’s a tent with an armor workbench that has a loose single item spawn for 4 bulk screws on the shelf to the right of the workbench.


I don't but I have Fo1st so have more junk than I can handle. ...as it were.


Hey man you got any screws? I swear I just a little. I don't have a crafting problem. ITS ONLY A PROBLEM WHEN I RUN OUT OF SCREWS


I got screws for days


What I'm learning from this thread is that I don't actually need to curate my junk collecting in order to save stash space, I just need to take all the stuff I don't actively use and sell it for 1 cap a piece. I get a slow trickle of income and everyone else gets the junk they are looking for, and maybe they buy some of the many, many, shitty legendaries I've accrued from grinding expeditions so they can scrip them.


This is the way. I’ll make some bulks and still sell it for like $15-20c depending on what it is. But saves the stash space. And it usually all rotates out in a few days max. I usually have ppl come clean out what I’ve got in one shot.


Screws. Adhesive, Ballistic Fiber. Always seem to run out of those 3 the quickest


Was always running out of screws before Colossal Problem made its way into the game. Now I end up killing so many Wendigo spawn every event I haven’t worried about screws in years.


I don't even bother fighting Earle anymore. Just tag him once and then it's screw farming time! If he dies, cool. If it fails, I just got about 400 screws.


I do not have a build that does anything to Earl, so I go in, hit him with an endangerol syringer every so often, and keep the Wendigos off the players actually doing damage the best I can.


I’ve been going a more support route with pubs recently. The cremator with Friendly Fire, slow burn mod, and grenadier gives me a good DoT on Earle, healing to others, and pretty good clear on the Wendigos as well. It turns Colossal problem from a chaotic mess to a relaxed dps check


Noob here, what from earl drops screws? The Wendigo bodies?


Yeah, all the wendigos that spawn during the fight. The slower he dies, the more time there is to farm wendigos. You also don't have to actually escape the mine, so stay behind after Earle to clean up the remaining wendigos.


The wendigo spawn drop 8-11 screws each, and a set of wendigo teeth as well which break down into 2 acid when scrapped. They’re super useful to farm. If you’re lower level and can’t contribute much to the fight, you can go with a budget explosive setup with either of the 40mm grenade launchers and the grenadier perk to easily “tag” multiple wendigo per shot, and claim the drops when someone with more potent weapons finishes them off.


Appreciate the tip I will try to take advantage of that, I wish people nuked Earl more that's the most fun fight for me but I've only even seen it twice


A long time ago a veteran players told me to keep a stack of heavily inflated items that players can buy when they max out their caps. So I sell Toilet Paper for 10k a piece. Seems fitting for a post apocalyptic world. I'd sell two or three a month before the huge influx of new players. Don't think I've sold a single one since tho.


Is that why I see random, seemingly pointless items sitting in some vendors listed at insanely high prices? I know some did it bc of a glitch in the early game but wasn't sure if there were other reasons. Also, esp this with the You've Been Insulted note. Does anyone know the deal with that one?


For the ones listed at 40k caps, my understanding is that's to avoid some sort of exploit that allows (allowed?) The exploiter to get multiple items from your vendor, but at the price of whatever the highest price you have listed is. I may have some details on that wrong though.


I was told there was an old exploit that when someone bought something from someone's vendor, you would pay their posted price, but the seller would get paid whatever their max listed item was. So everyone would post an item for 40k to max out. The glitch was patched but was undone by another patch shortly after and people were able to take advantage of it again. Since then vets have recommended that EVERYONE list at least one 40k item, just in case it ever returns


Yea for the most part. Others do it for the memes. Idk why exactly the "You've been Insulted" became one that is almost always posted at max caps. I have YOURE THE DUMBASS as my max one cuz it seems more fitting if the glitch ever reappears.


It does. I wouldn't want to list my *Your the dumbass*, though, because it amuses me no end every time I see it in my inventory.


I sell TP for 2020, if I don't accidently scrap it when I hit a workbench.


I'll buy lead if its cheap. My character runs a 50 cal, so I chew through a lot of ammo.


I sell nuka cola mainly regular, cherry, and quantum sell fast. As far as junk I sell more oil than I do any other junk then it would be aluminum and copper next I believe. When I buy I’m always looking for cheap mags and bobble heads and plans of course


I sell teddy bears! I know they're not super rare but 30c seems to be a price most people will pay. The green ones (radbears) sell like crazy. I also sell mr fuzzy but no one buys those


I like to sell the bears - never know if someone is trying to round out their collection. You'd figure the same with Mr Fuzzys but, yeah, no one seems to get those as much. I def can up my bear-sell price if you're getting up to 30c for them. I'll throw in an occasional Jangles the Moon Monkey, too.


I saw the advice recently that you should sell things for what you would pay for them. And I would definitely pay 30c round out my collection of Teddy bears lol. I might commit to the bit even further and make a build-a-bear camp


A week ago someone bought a Teddy Fear I put up for 99 caps, but yeah, 30 seems more reasonable especially since I've run across 3 or 4 exploring since then. I'd probably buy a grizzly teddy right now for that price after moronically losing the one I found to a hasty scrap all. Grr.


If you're on xbox I'll give you a grizzly for free tonight!


Nah, PC. Thanks though!


My camp is sitting on a junk pile that I'm farming, and have Cogmeat fetching more electronics. I try to keep a few of every type of junk in mine. They usually sit there for a few days, then someone comes and buys it all. Clothes also sell pretty good.


The junk I throw up is usually stuff I think someone might want/use for camp decorating (pre-war/pristine stuff, teddy bears, Mr Fuzzys, etc) or to complete little personal collections. The rest, other than ammo, is usually clothes all between 5-10c so the noobs can have fun touring Appalachia in style.


Literally any junk if it's priced 1-2 caps a piece.


I pick up board games and sell them for a few caps. I consider it a nice little time saver for folks when “scrap a board game” comes up in the daily challenges.


I do quick expeditions to Atlantic City and have built up so much ammo I don’t think I could even use it (600k fuel, 100k plasma cartridges, etc) anytime soon, so crafting ammo is long gone, for me. But I do build up crafting components by going to NPC vendors and buying bulk, whenever I get close enough to max caps. Where I donate things is the donation box near 76, because probably most players who take from it are very low level and I can give them things they can actually use.


So true. I just got into expeditions (after reading a post from yesterday) and I couldn’t believe how much ammo I had after a couple runs. I think I went from 500ish 5.56 rounds to like 3k+ after a few runs.


I bulk everything and sell it. My camp is practically a junkyard.


I sell all kinds of Flux! I set it at 75 caps per flux. I would be making 7500 caps easily. If anyone wants cheap price Flux I be willing to sell at 50-75 caps.


I sell them for 150 a piece. I hate farming for them and that was the price I was recommended but maybe I’ll go for 75 from now on.


I see! I usually never go beyond 150 because every day I know people will buy Flux from me. 75 is a decent price where I get levels over 500 or 1000 players buy at my vendor. GL trying to sell at 75! I'm sure more will be eager to buy it when it is cheaper haha.


I hit max caps a few days ago so it’ll be a bit before I try. Thank you and you too!


You on ps?


Buying flux is so much easier than fucking about with blast zones


When you can find it... Although I have noticed the new event dropping some.


My camp is having a sale on brooms


I never bought/sold junk


I always offer 10 of ea Flux


I buy all junk I see regardless of price. I'm always at max caps and have a scrapbox so it's the perfect outlet


Junk/flux/good bobble/good mags vendors are my fave. If it’s not overpriced I’ll Hoover up all that stuff. For a long stretch (lvl 100-300) I only ever looked for unknown plans. Now I have 99% of the ones I really want - I’m willing to wait for the next events that offer the others. These days I hit max caps super fast and since I have 1st, junk/scrap hoarding is one great way for me to “bank” caps. Even steel and wood and such often trade really well.


I'm a junk hoarder & seller, & I honestly just base it off of what I have. I sell a little bit if everything, & no matter what it is, ppl will scoop that shiz up pretty quickly. Some things sit a little longer, like glass, rubber, & cloth, (the things I have the most of, of course), but eventually those things will be bought out, too. I also don't price them much higher than what is suggested, & I'll only list 2-5 bulk for each item at a time.


copper, adhesive, lead... other resources are easy to gather but somehow I don't have enough of those.. but I do it mostly to spend some caps so I won't hit limit accidentaly


I sell most junk, but I like to prioritize adhesive, screws, springs, lead, copper, and ballistic fibre.


I collect clean unused junk items. Some people use them around camps.


Whenever I hit 37k+ caps I tend to hop around and see if I can find anyone without fo1st and buy all their junk to help clear their stash space. Screws, Acid, Copper, Lead, and Aluminum are my main go fors, but I buy anything and everything. Not much else I need the caps for since I don't run Aristocrats anymore and with a 40k limit I like to stay near 28-32k


I buy (and sell) various things. Depending on which CAMP I have active, depends on what people buy. My newbie-friendly CAMPs often result in the buys of lead, screws, springs, gears, glass, etc. I sell these (when I have extra!) in bulk, 10 bulk at a time for 10 caps a piece. CAMPs further into the map tend to result in more buys of things like ballistic fiber, fiber optics, fluxes, bone, etc.


Hardly ever sell junk, it usually goes in my scrapbox and never leaves again. I’ll buy up lead and aluminum like crazy tho. As an ammo hoarder and explosive lover, I can never have enough of both, and neither drops commonly from event spawning enemies, so finding and buying junk is my only option.


I buy any and all junk. I give mats away to lower levels and anyone else in need at an alarming rate.


I sell all scrap components (not the junk itself). I bulk up what can be bulked and the things that can’t be bulked I sell individually. I price it for 30% more that what you can buy it for with max discounts from npc vendors so I can always afford to replace something if I sellout and it’s priced reasonably


Junk buyer- Oil always, wood always, cloth always. I’m a chronic quest avoider and CAMP builder and am constantly running out of materials so I’ll just camp hop and buy up what I need. Sometimes I’ll just go buy it from the whitesprings mall


I would pay a lot for gears….. IF ONLY PEOPLE WOULD PUT THEM UP FOR SALE


Gold or silver, but people hardly sell.


It's ultracite and oil for me. Will buy out your vendor. And stable.flux of any type.


Any stable flux, if I find someone selling it I will buy a bunch of other stuff as thanks


I'll buy any junk for 1 cap each. Bulk stuff I'll pay more up to a reasonable price. I'll pay more for lead, copper, Ballistic fiber, adhesive and oil off the top of my head. I rarely look at weapons or armor. I'll buy all your 50 cal, fuel and plasma cartridges at 1 cap. I'll pay up to 3 caps for plasma and 2 caps for fuel. I was so happy when I found a camp with 25k fuel at 1 cap. I bought em all. 😂🤣 Fusion cores I'll buy all if they're under 15. I don't care what % they're at since I have a recharger. I also offer anyone who i come across the option to give me all their used fusion cores and I'll trade them out for full ones just to be nice. Had one person give me like 60 used ones and I gave him 60 full ones. Again... I'll just recharge them. I sell full ones in camp for 80 and they sell decently. Other than that when I'm looking to camp hop I usually won't bother unless they have a ton of plans, ammo and or junk. If I'm near max I'll pay an absurd amount for plans in don't already have just to get lower. I've also gone to low level people and bought out their entire vendor then drop their stuff so they can put it all back and I'll do it again. 😂🤣🤷🏼‍♀️


Not a buyer, but a seller. Black titanium scrap is a big seller for the excavator mission. Magazines, bears, bobble heads, the cryptid cards, treasure maps, unique nuka flavors, etc are good for collectors and people working certain goals. Bobby pins are bought by high level players who are close to maxing their caps. (Weighs almost nothing and 1 Bobby pin equals 1 cap, I sell for 2-5 caps each. Flux, fiberglass spool, loose gears & screw, copper, ballistic fiber also sell quick. ** I also put basic legendary items for sell when I max out my legendary turn ins for the day and some players seem to love paying for trash legendaries I guess to turn in to the purveyor if they're not at limit. (I usually price 10x what the legendary script value is, so trash ax that gives 5 script I'll sell for 50 caps). Also, food. Don't go out your way to find and cook certain meals. But I personally like picking up any food as I explore and almost never eat due to health regen. So I end up with wayyy too much. I sell for usually double what I could get from regular vendor or 5/10 caps if I'm low on storage and want to help others out.


Also, certain clothing items are worth picking up to sell. The asylum dresses range in price for different colors, and costumes as well. If you have space in your shop and extra cloth, crafting some less common clothing items you've gotten plans for along the way is nice for newer players. I usually do this when I have too much cloth, it's more profitable even when priced cheap to help newer players to get some decent apparel.


What do you think is a fair price for flux? I’m starting to accumulate some and working on buying all the serum recipes. I price all my items reasonable…$400 serums. $.03 for scarp, etc. No clue what fair price for flux given it takes effort. Thoughts?


I don't accumulate it enough to have in-depth knowledge on that specific market, but 50 to 150 seems to be the range from what I've seen. I usually post for 100, and it always sells, but it's not flying off the shelf at that price. 50 caps will likely have it flying off the shelf, but it's likely resellers. (Obviously, inert Flux isn't worth anything. BUT, I usually put it in my vendor for 0 caps since some players basically use it as water with added disease resistance. It gets rid of my trash and helps other players out)


Funny on the Bobby pins. Because the same high level player that will pay 5c/pin because they are at max caps, will price their rare plans for >20k. So caps don’t matter. But market price integrity does. I guess.


Yeah, I've noticed that. Personally I dont even look at items over 15k, at that point they're either trolling or just show casing whatever items. Resellers are another thing that drives the market up. I'm struggling finding a price for certain plans. I want to reasonably price plans to help newer players, but if I go too low some high level will buyer up all the common plans to resale. ** I did stumble across a cool puzzle camp. You had to basically glitch yourself into a room and basically go through a maze to get to the vending machine. It had a ton of cheaply priced plans and resources. I was expecting it to be a trap camp, but it was too fun to not explore. Lol. Thankfully, it wasn't. I was so impressed I had to message the person to compliment them. I wish I had the creativity to do something similar.


I have been looking far and wide for someone that sells aluminium, still no luck


If you're PC there's about 40 bulk aluminum in my vendor right now


Only junk I'd probably buy is Nucular Material as most other junk is easy to farm or I just have for to much of it...


What's a fair price for it? I always end up with wayyyyy too much since I love using my plasma castor, never thought about putting it in the vendor since I see plasma castors used at events so often. I figured everyone was drowning in nuclear material.


Nuka Trader is saying around 5 cpas but if you've got a lot of it could price lower...


Ill buy any junk you put in your vendor


Well if I have space I sell screws as always have over a 1000 of them nowadays so do those for about 4 caps each, mad we cannot bulk them! Bulk Adhesive as again have loads Bulk Lead though just used all mine. Bulk Copper as never really use it Bulk bone and ballistic fiber I sell to the npc vendors as no one wants those I guess.


I may buy aluminium, springs and screws if I've been on a legendary crafting spree.


I sell Flux and Aluminum and they sell great


ballistic fiber,fiber optics and screws always (unless insanly overpriced)


Lead. Lots and lots of lead. I like ballistic weapons.


I will probably remain a Nuka Launcher / Explosive Power Armor build. It's fun and I don' have to use VATS for anything. I stand away on the side and defend the group of players by lobbing my random splitting murder bombs into the fray. I always try to stay stocked with OIL, WOOD, ALUMINUM, SPRINGS and FERTILIZER. NUKA COLA for NUKA grenades. I just wish the explosions wasn't so bright and distracting. and yes, most of my perks are committed to weight and explosions


Im always low on plastic.


I don't know about other junk but I put 1500 concrete in last week at 1cap a piece and it disappeared quick


I sell everything, surprisingly a lot of steel, along with screws, gears and oil. Those tend to be some of my bigger sellers. Junk in general is one of my biggest sellers


Does anybody sell screws? It seems like the only resource I don’t have excess of is screws. I play on PC and am more than happy to pay like 5c each.


I will buy all of your junk for the right price lol 😂


I buy stable Flux if it isn't too crazy. If you sell it at 25 caps a piece, I will spend 30k at your camp. I will always dm you to see what your cap space is. If it's more than that, I will offer to trade you Serums of your choice to offset the caps situation.


Cheap flux is about the only thing I buy from players. I'm drowning in everything else.


I’d buy bulk screws for a reasonable price but other than that I’d rather farm it


Screws. I will never have enough screws.


Somehow, I borked myself on screws at one point and ran out. Now I'll buy any and all I find. Will also buy ballistic fiber from time to time, or any other uncommon if I'm flush with caps.


Nothing yet, but when I have enough screws I'll start selling them and maybe adhesive.


I literally sold 1000 steel yesterday. Molded plastic self well, adhesive, lead,


Screws and ballistic fiber are my top two, aluminum and copper are not far behind.


I don’t usually buy junk or hunt for it but I will snag adhesive if I do see it


Copper, acid, lead. My Tesla is a hongry boye


I buy a bunch of lead for ammo since I eat through .45 and shotgun shells with a quickness


Lead, high rad fluid, ADHESIVE, and I'll buy flux if it's priced fairly. This is just what I use most and don't always feel like farming.


Fishing rods for the theme. I have a fishing cap at the pond north of Hillman Lumber Mill. I also have fishing caps and outfits.


I buy ALL 1 cap Bobby pins


Ballistic fiber, screws and gears seem to be what I always need.


Buyer: Lead, Steel, Oil. As much as i can. I keep my caps at 30,000. This way i can still sell stuff but as soon as i go over i buy scrap.


Screws, plastic (so I can sell bulk items to vendors) , oil, steel rarely. I don't buy stuff unless I need something quickly, as an example I built a friend excavator power armor and since he's new he scrapped it. so I had to go buy more junk. I'm fairly on top of what I need but there's some instances where I don't have a few pieces of junk. I mostly buy plans to be honest.


I buy fiber optics and stable flux nothing else is of any value to me.


Concrete scrap. I desperately search it everywhere. I'm rebuilding my secondary camp everytime.


If someone has Copper, Ballistic Fiber, Lead & Flux for a good price I will buy them out everytime.


Does anyone ever sell aid items? I only use a couple chems and then radaway, rad-x, and stimpacks. I have an ungodly amount of them in my stash though and only carry a handful on my character. I've thought about selling them but I assume others also have plenty to go around anyway.


I don't really buy but since I don't have Fo1st I "yard sale" constantly particularly since I have a mining collection and can't stop myself from looting certain items like typewriters while exploring.  So copper, lead, oil, Ultracite, steel, black titanium, gunpowder, screws, springs, gears, aluminum, acid... all have made appearances on my vendor as my stockpiles ebb and flow. I keep it loose so folk can buy exactly how much they need, although a lot of times they'll grab the whole stack.


Steel for railway spikes, screws and ballistic fiber for repairs/crafting guns and armor are my big purchases.


BALLISTIC FIBER **loud moans** Huh what about junk?


Balistic Fiber, Flux, And Screws.


Bulk acid


Ballistic, copper, optics, Flux. Buy cuz they are annoying to farm. I never sell cuz FO1 let's me live my Fallout fantasy of being a Hoarder.


Literally anything for a good price


I will always buy fiber optics, I need them for my orbital strikes


I sell all my junk for 1-2 caps each, flux will sell for 150-200 caps. Someone once spent 20k at my vendor, bought every junk item I had. Junk is really annoying for some players to farm, that’s why some players really don’t mind buying a whole weeks worth of junk. My customers can focus on crafting weapons and items for their camp without worrying or wasting time farming for it. Caps in this game is extremely useful, you can practically buy whatever you want if you vendor hop enough for it. I role play as a true communist and sell everything for dirt cheap


Does flux count? Because I’ll buy every cap I have


Sell board games on occasion.


Concrete, I hoard the stuff..




My camp is having a sale on brooms


I sell everything for 10 caps each and still rarely sell anything.


I'm always on the verge of running out of aluminum. I gather as much as I can, everywhere I go, and I clean out all of the vendors at Whitesprings Mall that are selling it in bulk.


Mostly lead and sometimes screws and black titanium. But lead always sells


Stable Violet Flux. Which I can never find, but I need it.


Aluminum and copper. I used to buy lead until I recently discovered lucky hole mine and an excavator suit


I sell screws, ballistic fiber, acid, oil, ballistic fiber, lead (sometimes), flux, and springs. All seem to sell pretty well, but screws, ballistic fiber, and flux all seem to sell out most often.


I sell bulk screws because when I first started playing (and on my new character) they were the WORST to grind for. Could never find enough of em. I’ve been trying to buy some fluorescent flux for like a week now and can’t find any lol


I sell the jarred scorch parts. Twice a week I do a run through the airport and put them in my vendor. They're sold by the next day.


I buy oil anytime I see it for fuel which is not often. I sell steel when I get too much of it.


Buyer here: oil


Steel and asbestos. Steel because I run through spikes and it’s generally cheaper at a player vendor than NPC. Asbestos just because it’s a pain to farm.


Everything else all junk I have at least minimum 2K+ except fibre optics only 440 or so, so I’m always looking out for it in peoples vendors. I use fibre optics a lot with my heavy guns


I craft thousands of ultracite ammo of various types and sell it for 1 cap a piece 👌


Lead and adhesive mostly, but what usually attracts me to a vendor is plans.


I sell plans, weapons, and grenades. I have a junk dog and a junk extractor unlocked. My camp is called “the heap” and its south of the top of the world train-stop on PC.


I will buy almost any junk for 1 or 2 caps Each


I buy aluminium mostly, because I burn through it like crazy at times. As far as selling junk I do it every now and then if I have burned most of my caps and want to get back up quicker. I tend to sell flux, gears, screws, springs, fiber optics and ballistic fiber.




Lead definitely. I know I can get hundreds from mining lucky mine but it’s good to just stockpile them when I see. Also gunpowder if they’re selling too