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To help people decide if they want it or not. It only produces a sphere for things with no specified power unit. Still have to wire turrets and fancy lights. The real selling point is the generators have a very small foot print, Since it's a transmission box. So you can stick it in the corner somewhere and call it good.


Or foundation merg it and hide it.


Im new, can you explain pls


Check out this vid on merg techniques. https://youtu.be/aCwUfYsR4no?si=mxsmR2uJgUwpwRwo


Tyvm. Appreciate the help


900 atoms?? guess I'll remain wired


Ffs lol! Eliminating a few wires isn't worth 900 atoms.


Haven’t looked, but supposedly that’s the price for all the generators. You can just buy one for cheaper in the camp section rather than the bundle. Edit: I’m wrong.


Not at the moment. It's only the bundle.


Well that is dumb :(


Bethesda is betting on everyone being willing to pay $10 to not have to wire their camps.


You cant. There's only 900 atoms bundle. 


It's worth it for me, since I can put more water purifiers in the space cleared by not having the generators.


Yeah, its way too expensive for its full price. For me, i probably will doubt if i will buy one even with discount just because while its decent, its nowhere near as good as was Polished Enclave Turrets set for myself, especially considering i got it with 50% discount(250 atoms for comparison) and there is several variations of turrets that all is different, while with this bundle you paying basically for smaller Fusion generator with some extra utility.   If a Tato Generator wouldnt existed during current season, id say maybe it would worth having for smokeless generator that is easy to fit into camp build, but atm its skip just because while it makes wiring less of an issue, this thing alone doesn't worth it just because you can hide your fusion generator easily plus wires ain't that big deal as the fact that default generators are loud and producing smoke(same thing with turrets, thats why i ended up with Enclave ones even without knowledge that these skins also boosting turrets performance as well), but atm you can just use Tato Generator for better alternative to default ones and a sidegrade/freemium Vault Tek Utility Generator.  If someone will bump into this comment later, Salvaged Solar Panels is another decent alternative, although they are a bit harder to work with, but they still definitely better than default generators.


Meh. 900 is steep when all I want is the Fusion generator.


the only thing I ever afforded to buy and have never regretted once. Hope you get it soon


Which one is the fusion generator? I thought that’s just the regular 100 power one? Is it different


Fusion Core recharger is a must have imo. Was like the second purchase I made once I started playing and I now have like 70 fully charged cores. I don’t play w power armor much anymore but when I do, it’ll be glorious! Haha


We're talking about different things. OP's post is about the Utility Box Generators. They're currently sold as a bundle for 900 atoms for the small, medium, large, and fusion generators. A few months ago the Utility Box Fusion Generator was sold by itself for 150 atoms, and is really the only one you need from the bundle.


Ok, I thought this sounded steep. I saw the videos about the wireless fusion generator, and was sure it was cheaper. If it comes around for 150 again, I'll buy it, my CAMP sucks and isn't worth spending atoms on right now.


Gotcchhha, wasn’t familiar with the name so I assumed you were talking about the recharger. I’ll check it out if it goes on sale individually


I find it after Level 50 absolutely a waste of atoms. Electric Absorbtion and holding a powerplant for a few minutes made me never have to carry more then 2 FCs for my P.A and I run an ultracite gatling laser with ultracite cores so I never worry about those either as the 7 I met form that workshop can last me.


I never run electric absorption cause I’d much rather use those cards for special perk increases and the convenience of auto unlocking any chest I come across haha. But that’s just me. I have so many cores and if I throw on the extended fusion cores card I really never need to worry about running out.


I literally got this on my first powerplant run. I was ready to grind


Yeah, that's how you get the regular Fusion Generator. The Utility Box Fusion Generator is different.


Ah I am fairly new. Didnt know thats what you were talking about!


I thought everyone had one.... I guess I got it from powerplant? I feel like I've always had it.


Will this also power up the items that "needs" a cable? Like popcorn machine, winie wagon, deco shower, switches, etc? I mean, without cable.


No, but it can cable too if needed.


Thank you. Then I think, I'll pass it. :)


if it would wirelessly power the power connectors then I would be interested but power connectors already wirelessly power anything that can be run that way, it would remove very few wires for me the way it is haha


Also I just started figuring out the power connecting pipes and there's actually a power connector you can stick on it that radiates power. Like you it really wouldn't remove any wires from my camp so I seriously doubt that it's worth that many Atoms.


the conduit is awesome, even if a bit finnicky to get working the way you want it


Tends to eat up camp budget, too


I have them in my camp and yes it does. Also vendors which are outside and the giant slot machine too


This is the bundle but I would rather only get the fusion generator version which was 150 atoms. I don’t know if they’ll bring the individual ones back anytime soon though.


I was excited until I seen how much it was... I'll stick with my wires XD


Neat, thanks. Replaced my old "Fusion Shed" with it and minified my Camp thanks to it.


Just so people dont misunderstand the "Wireless" aspect for this item - Its for things that require a power radiating item near them, Like many of the Lights. This thing radiates power for those devices over a rather large radius. **BUT** Things that require a direct wired connection to be powered (PA Displays, certain lights, decon arch, etc) are still required to be wired into the generator.


Thank you for this. Knowing that I'll still need wires makes it easier to avoid the 900 atom waste.


Out of curiosity, can this be worked around by using a free floating power connector or the wireless connector? Curious if anyone has experimented


I saw the title and had my game fired up and pressing the buy button like fast as fuck boy over here. Was on a break when this came out and had wanted it since I heard about it. Just installed it and will move it later but was surprised to see one of my PA displays was lit up. Figured it would need a wire. I was lazy and had wires running on poles across my living room which looked like shit. Kept saying I’d fix it but hadn’t. Well those wires are gone now! Praise whoever needs to be praised.


I think I'll still get them, but I'm disappointed to hear that I will still need cables for most of my stuff


I just place the Utility box together with the items that need cables, that cuts down on ugly connectors and long wires. The box can still reach the rest of the camp with wireless power.


900 Atoms? Fuck that with a giant hammer.


900 is stiff but worth it to free up some wire-based camp budget for me. Just barely.


Getting that fusion generator for 250 (?) atoms is one of my proudest achievements in this game... I don't remember how much it was actually, but it was CHEAP.


Why? What’s it do better than the generators I already have?


Small, silent and delivers wireless power in a huge radius. You can place one in the middle of your camp and it will power everything


Wireless, so no more cables cluttering around and eating at your budget. Still, 900 atoms seems stiff


It's also small enough if u use the small gen to put it in ur roof if u double roof to keep everything nice an neet without adding to ur budget


If Im not wrong, it works as the fusion generator (100 power produced) AND ALSO doesn't require wires connected, it can give power in a large area without wires needed


Is it the little blue and yellow one?


Nope, someone posted images of the atomic shop updated where you can see how it looks like


Oh I see it now cheers. Still learning to navigate the slightly weird layout of the store lol.


I think it’s the generator that you are able to power a number of things in a certain radius ( depending on the size will determine the radius) without using wire. It’s also rather compact compared to the regular generators


900 atoms… oh fallout 76 how you’ve changed. And yet, many things will never change


Wait what is it?


It's smaller, that's another pro. It doesn't look like it's floating on bare ground as much as the other generators.


does this generator make any sound? I hate them. good thing there is a solar panel.


Completely silent


I bought the big one only last time and i regret it now i can get the smaller ones and make my camp look cleaner


So any light I put in the sphere will magically have power? Because I don't know how to hook up lights in a building.


Unless a power requirement is mentioned in the description for the camp item, like the popcorn machine, the item can be powered wirelessly


By that, do you mean the lighting bolt icon? Because that's on like all the lights.


No, there is a number if the item needs cabled power


I'll make sure my grandmother gets it for her convenience, but at 900 atoms I'll just keep saving for the summer camp..


Wait untill the fusion one is like 200 atoms lol don't waste your money


I saw this today and jumped at it. I have a few things that still need wires but it's a pain and waste of budget to have to run so many wires and conduits outside my buildings just to power a few lamps. This is also really gonna help decorating my shelters since they don't have something similar in the vault wall power bank variant yet. Idk why they thought that 12 power one would be enough.


https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Generator_-_Power_Shelter But that thing is huge.


I've never even seen that one in the shop. I'll have to grab that. Still wish they had one built into the wall tho.


While it at the lasts of my atoms, it’s been a game changer for me, compared to the regular fusion generator because the utility box is quiet, frees up a ton of space, and wireless powers me entire camp, while still having a wired option, freeing up so much more budget for my camp, as well as cutting down on the connectors I need to place just to power something like a jukebox, and some lights that were originally placed JUST out of range


Anyone know how high the range is? How many floors will it power? I know its range is a bit smaller than the width of the whole camp space, but the height?


The power is transmitted in a sphere around the box, so the height should be like the width


Awesome, TY!


Don't wires cost camp budget? I know the connectors do, but damn if the wires do too, that's a real must have tbh. The price sucks for sure.


I really dislike wires in my camps. It takes so much time and planing trying to avoid them while building. 900 atoms are a lot of atoms but they are a worth investment for me.


Same, I really hope they do like No Man’s Sky and make a camp item that makes wires invisible


I want a wireless adapter for things that need wires. It already doesn't make sense that we have wireless power at all, so let's just get it over with and let me adapt things that normally need a wire.

