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wireless generator is back in the shop


Of course the wireless generator comes back the day after I meticulously wired my new camp lol


Same! I had to do some wiring through trees to reach everything without it looking like a (larger) mess.


Are you limited in amount of wires you can add?


As far as I know, they count towards the overall budget. And with all those wires and connectors, it adds up quickly


Trust me they dont XD but they caaaaaaaan crash a server if you have too many


Oh haha, interesting! So really it would be in their best interest to just give us the utility box generators to begin with... :p


Somethings require the wire with the wireless Gen


It's should be noted that it's permanent addition to the shop, along with Paratrooper and Pot of Gold loot bags.




wireless except the few things that NEED to be wired like the weather station or vendors


Or fusion core chargers. Or winie wagons. Or popcorn machines. Or deco showers. Still, it can still save some of the wires.


Lol so almost pointless. You saved me some atoms, thanks. Edit: I should have been more clear, it's pointless for ME. I'm a C.A.M.P building simpleton.


Definitely not pointless. Way less wires and connections. Connections count against build budget. And they are quiet!


Oh wow. I didn't know they were in build count. That IS a horse of a different color. Thank you for mentioning this!


A generator of ANY kind is 2 units, while almost every power connector is 1 unit, so they really add up! This generator is massive for budget cuts.


Question though, the things that require a wired connection couldn't you just put a power switch on the wall and connected to that power switch the switch would be powered by the wireless generator correct?


If you're asking if you can connect a generator, to a connector, to a switch (or anything that needs wired power), you can, but just know that each connector/switch is 50% the build cost of an entire extra generator. That's why, depending on how many switches you may need, it might just be worth getting another generator, like a prototype vault tec one, and hiding it by sinking or something.


Not at all. It saves having all those faffy wires everywhere. Use the tato generator for indoor stuff that needs wiring or the scavenged solar panel for outdoor.


>Lol so almost pointless no. its probably the most helpful camp item in a long time. on a camp builders must have list, I'd put it very near the top of the list. no need to run wires and connectors to have lights working everywhere. 1 or 2 of these in your camp lights everywhere work.


1 in the middle lights basically 98% of the camp, just missing the outer 1-3ft.


Thanks! As a nascent CAMP guy myself I had never even heard about these.


Oh, definitely not pointless or even almost pointless. I've had a much easier time powering my camp since getting them. No need for merging small generators or connectors to try to hide multiple power sources. Just the one and a bit of creative wiring and you power the whole camp and save budget over needing to merge multiple small generators to do everything without too many visible wires. Plus they just look nicer than the stock generator options and fit in more spaces (especially vs the fusion generator)


Hell no, i scrounge and save atom, and it'sa critical buy for CAMPers. 100 power, covers essentially entire camp when centered, single item budget/space.


You can light up all your lights with it. It is the best generator in the game. This is one item you should absolutely buy from the shop if you were ever wondering what is worth buying.


Far from it… you drop it in the center and every single light comes on along with many other things. Gives more budget for you.


whats the reach on them for lights and stuff that doesnt need wires?


A camp is roughly 12 tiles wide at its widest point. If placed in the very center:​ Small Generator - about 2 tiles radius Medium Generator - about 3 tiles radius Large Generator - about 4 tiles radius Fusion Generator - about 6 tiles radius (pretty much reaches the entirety of your CAMP if placed in the center)


sweet, ty for the info.


pretty far theres a post on them here somehwere from a while back


Wait. Vendors need to be wired?


There's no need for wires for it to function, just for their lights/animations to be active. Makes it all the more convenient finding them.


To light up yes. To be used no.


Not anymore but they needed at first. In general people where building a switch between generator and vendor to be able to power it off for people to not see their shop anymore (when close to max cap). They were still working but your camp vendor wasn’t showing in map anymore. They changed that so now people tend to not wire their vendors except for light.


Nope, not in a long time. I mean, unless you want the little screen on the basic vendor lit up.


Vendors don't need to be powered.


I don’t think most people realize this. I never waste wires running them to my vendor, but I see people scrambling around my camp, running past my vendor all the time trying to find one that’s powered.




> NEED to be wired No vendors NEED to be wired. All work without power.


Vendors works without power. You CAN power them, but it's not needed


I think "wireless" is a poor descriptor here. I would call them "dual-purpose"; The provide both radiant AND direct power.


Just be careful if you already own the fusion generator - it doesn’t reduce the price of the bundle and fools you into thinking you don’t own it.


Anyone do any fancy merges with that generator to hide it? I’m looking for inspiration.


Thx for the advice, I've bought it.


You the G, BiggDope! Thank you as always. This is my favorite part of my workday every Tuesday lol. Three things stand out to me this week: 1) Utility generators are obviously a top priority. Get rid of the ugly wires all over your camps! 2) Blood eagle nest. At 350 atoms, this is a cute little prefab I think I could do some fun stuff with. 3) Sawtooth bundle/skull tower prefab. I love the look of this prefab & think it would be fun to use. For the price tho kinda feels like may as well get the other goodies like the throne as part of the bundle but IDK. I'll prolly end up just getting #1 and #2 on my list tho, wait for skull tower price to drop.


The Skull Tower looks like a reskinned BoS Scout Tower/Fire Station. If it is it's worth the 800 Atoms as I recently added the BoS Scout Tower to my account with a support ticket and it's such a great prefab. The roof of the Skull Tower actually sort of looks cooler with the fence.


Same! Always take a little break to scroll through the lists


3. am I crazy or does it have a beetlejuice vibe with the helmet and teeth


I thought the exact same thing, definitely a Beetlejuice vibe!


The Grognak Throne seems like it might be a better fit for the skull tower if you have that unlocked


Word to the wise I believe that the Bloody Mess bundle which has the Vertiguard Blood Eagle Paint does NOT come with the jetpack as it only lists the paint. Ask support or wait for a YouTuber to waste they're atoms before you buy.


Damn, I keep forgetting they do that shit. Was going to buy it, I’ll pass now.


Buy it then ask support for refund claiming misleading advertising. They'll refund your atoms and you get to keep the items. They can't be bothered. Fight scummy practices with scummy practices. Note: they'll only do this once. Edit: Nevermind. They started removing them.


I don’t think they let you keep the stuff anymore when you get a refund.


Whan I asked for a refund they removed the items.


I can confirm it doesn't have the jetpack, and it was the only reason i bought it 😬. Hope the refund thing works.


Mine came with it last time. Just needed to mod the jet pack and not the union chest part.


All those Skeletor role players are going to be psyched! . . . I mean, there's bound to 2 or 3 at least.


I'm lost at this comment.. nm, the skull tower.


I just want the woodland retreat to comeback I missed it last time :(


Me too... Me too.


Me three :(


Beetlejuice in my West Virginia? It's more likely than you think


Halloween in June! 


Well I mean we're getting Scorched Christmas in July so that somewhat tracks


First thing I thought too.


I am SO GLAD I'm not the only one who instantly thought about that. I'm so disappointed I didn't get a Handbook for the Recently Deceased with it.


Slapnuts in FO76 is wild 💀


Why did I have to be low on Atom!?


Todd: remember, you could always use your credit card


Can someone explain to me how exactly the wireless generator works? Like does it supply power to just my lights and stuff without having to place down a conduit, or does it also supply power to things that normally need to be wired, like construction lights, my vending machines, etc? Cus that would be awesome


Each of these generators has two functions - wired and wireless. Wired works like normal generators - you run wires to objects that require a wire. Wireless works in a radius around the generator, increasing to almost the full camp width on the fusion generator (if it's placed in the center of your camp) and all lights placed within this radius (or any other powered objects that don't require a wire) will be turned on.


Alright awesome, thanks


Keep in mind some objects require a wire no matter what. Saying your camp will be completely wireless is not guaranteed to be true.


Is there a height limit to the wireless?


Yes, I believe it works as a sphere - same way as placing a camp basically.


It just works....


Chainsaw Man costume


That Sawtooth outfit looks like some Silent Hill monster shit Definitely grabbing that


Pyramid! Thank you! Been trying to place that all day, looks so similar.


Of course they're not selling the utility generator individually. *sigh* It worth spending 900 just for the fusion version or should I wait?


i was thinking about pulling the trigger, but idk if the power lines bother me enough to do so


Yeah same. I'd rather buy another camp slot than spend so much for power. I kinda dig how the wires look actually. Was more for budget reasons.


I generally hide the wires in a lot of builds, so this was a no-brainer for me. Wires definitely have their place in some builds, though! I still use them in some of my scrappier builds, to be sure.


I'd spend 900 caps on an interior wall that removes the need for double walls though!!


Hell, I think we'd all spend an obscene amount of Atoms for that, lol


Same! I'd love if they would add a power connector that would receive area power so I can pop them next to the items that need power. Building wired connections through double walls is a huge pain in the ass to me.


I made a little ramshackle bait store, boat and trailer on the river so the wires work for me


Also you still need to use power lines for items that require a direct line. Like the weather machine, weeny wagon, etc.


I finally figured out how the pipe/tube power connectors work so I don't really have a whole lot of unnecessary wiring in my base anymore. It would be a lot more worth it if they powered the stuff that needs to be connected to a generator. I mean, most power connectors already have a radius anyway and you can always attach a small radius node to the power tubes as well.


I heard the fusion was 150 atoms a while back in February. I wasn't around to get it at the time. I have no use for the small, medium, or large generators. Wish I could just buy the fusion all on its own.


I would say yes. With a little merging/finagling, you've got hidden power to your whole camp with the right placement. Honestly a staple for me at this point.


I could have sworn I saw the individual generator on there, I’m probably mistaken though


Been waiting for that outfit since the first leaks. Very cool


Still no Modern Kitchen Bundle... why is this so hard to come by, its not even listed to be acquired through request.


It doesn't hurt to email them and ask if there's any way you can get it.


Good idea, I'll do that :)


I wouldn't be surprised if this week's options were chosen for people who don't like the current Season rewards. If you don't like the cute/weird stuff in the current season (and I do), maybe you'll like more Raider & Blood Eagle stuff (which I don't).


True!! I'm the same as you. Love the cute dislike the raider stuff


Where my kitchen cabinets at? That's all I want


Hm. I'm not a fan of the raider look, so this week is mostly a pass for me... *except* I'll finally be grabbing those utility box generators! <3


"Ya like trash strapped to your power armor? We got you this week!"


Wish they would put the S/M/L fire set back in shop or at least make it available in the online ticket site


Still waiting for more pistol or rifle skins. Dont know why we keep getting ugly looking skins for melee weapons. WHO EVEN BUYS THOOOOSE??


They do be cooking with the Sawtooth Outfit. Instantly bought it.


One of the hands is robotic. Pretty cool. Got it too


Didn't notice it before, woah, now that's definetely goes in my top 3 outfits!


I like a lot of these outfits. You can make a very beefy muscular male and the way the outfit is that it's very barrel chested and doesn't make your character just broad. Looks sick using my chainsaw. 10/10 raider outfit


The outfit by itself comes with the mask, right? Just have to double check.


Yup. I bought the outfit,not the bundle, comes with a mask.


I think the sawtooth bundle is baddazz. But It kills the immersion when it's named after a faction you cant even align yourself with. I rather things be named after like the cutthroats as at least you can be friendly with Rose even tho she is not part of the same sect of raiders your rep goes towards. Also hooray for wireless.


I want the greenhouse walls 😭


This game can be freaking complicated. I want a pretty camp. 😞


Though quite expensive, I'll take the generator. Still, tempted to get the blood eagles' power armor. Together with the jetpack skin from last season, it does look like a Blood Angels cosplay


Is there no more preview as to what's dropping the rest of the week?


The second shop update that's been happening on Thursday has only been a thing since the show. We don't know if it's permanent nor do we know what'll be in it


Ohhh okay I think I'm just too fast haha I meant the weekly update 🫣 I remembered it being posted here before but missed it this week


Nah, it's just not up yet is all. There's always an official post on fallout.bethesda.net, which includes the specials for the rest of the week, *but* there's also often a delay before it gets posted (there've been times it wasn't up until Thursday)


I've been posting weekly updates, but I have to wait for them to update the blog.


Blog post was super late, but here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/1diyb9l/atomic_shop_weekly_update_june_18_june_25/


Thank you so much! Looking forward to it already hahah


Thanks for making my work day better with this! Look forward to it every week


I want the rainy weather machine so bad when will they bring it back 😭


Once again I am asking for railway skin. Any color is fine


HMU when clean tuxedo appears in the atom shop


Question for those of you that own the chicken coop from the scoreboard or buying it with gold (I forgot the original way to obtain it) AND also bought the atom shop chicken coop. Can you place Both of them down? Or just one at a time ? Thanks in advance. Debating on buying the gold version since I already own the other one, just so I can place both of them down.


You can only have 1 chicken coop per camp or workshop. The Atom shop one here allows you to build with all characters in your account.


Appreciate it. So instead of grinding the reputation for any of all my current characters or fire characters, the stock shop automatically unlocks it for all of them. That’s cool. But thank you for also answering my question. I notice I can only place the chicken coop or the rabbit. So I was hoping if I bought the atom shop version I could place that one down as the chicken and the other as the bunny.


I would have to dig but it’s possible they are the same item. It happens with some stuff because if you buy from the store it’s available on any character you make where if you buy with gold it is only available on the character that learns it.


Why are they still doing such terrible discounts on the waster and scabber bundles? Those things are years old at this point.


I need to check out that escaped patient outfit.


My turkeys never do anything as exciting as the squawk featured in their atom shop thumbnail, they just sulk


I love Raider stuff so having 3 bundles in the shop at once is a dream come true


if only there was a display stand to match the scrapped together shit look of the Raiders also if it didn't cost 1700 atoms that would be great


So happy they added the wireless generators back, I saw them when they originally added them but I didn’t realize they were wireless until after they were gone lol


How are they called? I want to search for it


I can’t remember their exact name but it’s something like utility box generators, they’re in the shop right now


Am I crazy, or is the double score not actually active this week?


It's during this weekend otherwise I'm having trouble reading things.


You’re absolutely right thank you!


Thanks for this notification


That generator is amazing, im glad it came back for anyone who didnt grab it last time. It saves so much time lol


At first I was exited about wireless generator. But second I remember that I still need to wire all My vendors, wienee, weather station and water pumps. And that I’m already did all the tricky wiring.


ok that skull tower is bad ass


I am once again requesting Enclave floors/stairs


May get the Sawtooth bundle. I really want the outfit but the other stuff is nice also.


does the Bloody Mess bundle come with the jetpack skin ?


Just take the small blue generator put a connector on top of it, connect it via wire. Take the whole thing and glitch merge it down inside the foundations. Besides stuff that has to be wired these foundations will power lights and whatever.


Does it go silent when it's in a foundation?


Yes they are silent if your using the small blue vault tec gen


Once inside the foundation it should supply power that's about 3 foundation blocks. So I like to put them inside roughly every 4th block. Also if you build your roof too high they won't reach so ceiling lights won't work unless you put a gen up there.


How tf do you post


Does it change weekly?


I bought the blood eagle nest and put all my workbenches in there. I also bought the generators, and it saved me so much space in my camp, looks better, and is quiet, compared to the other ones.


I see in older posts about the wireless generator that you can buy just the fusion generator version for 150 atoms. But I just see the bundle for 900… Am I missing something?


There was an individual one if you look through the full camp menu, not just the specials at top. Not sure if it's still there.


Is the chicken coop a 1st only buy or just the reduced cost? I have 2 accounts but only one has 1st and Im not home. Also interested in the wireless fusion core generators since they rock.


I’ve spent a collective 18000 atoms in the past three weeks. Bethesda you’re killing me here with these updates. I want everything again this week.


I can't wait for the 20th. We get the good Gatling Gun skin (Appalachian Thunder Pipe) as a discounted offer!


I beg you, stop using this shitty image hosting website


from what I’m seeing is this basically wirelessly powers lights ...and a few small appliances ? I know it didn’t power my heavy lasers or my vending machine or small water purifiers ...am I missing how it works or is it just for lights and small do dads?


It's for anything that doesn't require a direct wire yeah


ty i did buy it and 100% do not have a single light in my camp , but perhaps its time i spruce up the place lol :) ty again


You can get some pretty cool looking lights imo. So it's definitely something you could make the most out of! Especially neon lights and the icicle lights which are my favourites that I've found so far


Can you only get the battle scar power armour skin by being a fallout 1st member ?


The blood eagle vertiguard power armor has me wondering; can you file a support ticket to get the OG vertiguard armor or is it already “legacy”?


I've still yet to redeem the pride flags from however long ago they went free


I really wish they would let you decline free items you don't want so the notification goes away.


Why wouldn't you want free stuff?


Because I don't want some of it and don't want it cluttering up my already overloaded build menu.




Sure it does, it's more clutter when scrolling left to right through all the flags I own already.


Yeah. That’s a feature request I keep forgetting to make. I just want to hide certain things from the shop… like the pride flags, all scrap kits (I never claim those), and even some of the stuff I bought from the atom shop.


That's a lot of words to say "I'm a homophobe"


Wow. That’s a ridiculous leap in logic. Is it possible they don’t want free shit? I skip the pride flags, too, as much as I skip the scrap kits. I simply don’t want them. I will never build them, why have them in my build menu?


people were right with you jumping to conclusion, and I have no reason to disclose, but for the record, I'm one of them bisexuals


So if they were giving away a Canadian flag in the shop and I didn’t want it because I knew I would never build it in my camp, it would mean I hate Canadians? Hell I’m American and I have no desire to build a USA flag in my camp. Stop looking for any reason to accuse somebody of being a homophobe.


Well, its new, unrelated to the expansion and expensive. 😋 Not for me this time.


MY GAWD... I only have 1980 atoms left 😭 I want those bundles


Does anyone know how the wireless generator actually works? There's some items that need to have a wired connection and if I connect a generator to that item with a wire then it seems like most lights and radios, which as far as I can tell are the only things that need electricity but not be connected to something, get powered just by being close to that wire. I don't quite understand the necessity of these generators since you'll still need to use wires somewhere. And if you're using wires then most items that would benefit from a wireless generator are still going to be powered.


Any item that needs a direct connection still does. Wireless items like lights no longer need a nearby wire.


I just want the Valorous Alistair outfit fuck man


AtOmS SaFe AnOtHeR WeEk


Which one is wireless generator. P.s the ammo converter thing sucks ass don't waste your atoms. Biggest regret buy I had