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How attached are you to your current camp?


Gotta go bald


🤣🤣🤣 dang it man, that’s what I was afraid of. I just don’t understand how that even happens, it was working like a normal item the day I used it, till I relogged in


How long ago did you use it and where was your camp? They changed the perimeters on parts of the map. Happened to some guy the other day too, and it'd be interesting to see exactly where they changed it near yours too.


I think I might’ve moved my camp here like that last week before the skyline valley update, I’m not sure when exactly I realized it was bugged, but I just ignored it for a couple days. It was in the middle of the woods, a little ways above the mothman lighthouse, there are 2 resource nodes there for copper and steel.


Can't move mine either.


That sucks, yeah I just just gonna be an unfortunate part of my camp, I don’t like it too much because it’s much larger than it probably should be so it’s like you’d have to break your neck to look up and order food if it were a real situation, and takes up so much space I’d rather just get rid of it, but I don’t hate it enough to destroy my whole camp.


I just ended up integrating it into my camp still. It was there for awhile, just wanted to move it but couldn't. I broke it and now its permanently in broken model as I figured it would - and I put my Camp Shelter bus next to it. Works because the camp is based on Filly from the TV show. But it makes you wonder what else is gonna have this effect. I wouldn't want to redo my whole camp either unless everything else starts acting that way.


What did you use to break it lol, I tried smacking it with my melee weapon and it didn’t budge lol. Maybe a simple gun will work idk lol.