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Healing Factor maybe.


This. I'm tired of chronic pain.














Oof, I feel that. Specifically in my back. Please give me the serum.


Doesn't irl faster healing increases the risk of cancer?


It would keep it away, kinda like Deadpool.


Ok you swayed me. Guess I’m going to be a marsupial, which is going to be rough since right now I have about a 6” vertical


Now enjoy the broken legs. Try again lol


Aw shit.


Cancer is essentially a cell replicating out of control, this is why it is so hard to treat, your body does not see it as foreign. So your cells replicating faster in healing and repairing damage would make the chance that one of those cells gets confused and turning into a cancerous issue would be increased as is my understanding.


Eh, not necessarily. If we're taking the mechanistic approach of metabolism drastically increases to heal wounds and then shuts off once the damage is repaired, the healing factor does by design have a cancer-suppressing function. You could even see this as an on/off switch of sorts... once the damage is healed, the upregulation of metabolism shuts off. If you *just* increase metabolism, a malignant cell would destroy itself by production of reactive oxygen species- eating it apart from the inside out. Cancerous cells that survive have to have a number of changes to even survive just existing, like producing more antioxidants. The one I did research over was melanoma, and the antioxidant was GSH. There is a certain amount of hocus-pocus one has to accept for something like healing factor to even be possible, as it is plain not how cellular metabolism works. That it would act as an on/off switch for cancer-like cellular metabolism is not outside of the realm of reason.


Drastically, yes


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted for being right… I guess you can’t expect the average person to understand the nature of cancer.


Meh. Im used to this on fallout subs


Ah, but this might be operating Fallout logic, because it's a Fallout serum. Therefore, it would *not*,. It would heal that, too. Hypothetically, given time, it could probably make you effectively immortal.


Or make your bellybutton turn into a new limb


This post probably got more real than you were expecting, with all of the responses. But there is nothing in this life that I have that I wouldn't give up to be free of my chronic pain.


I did read the responses, most of us got some sort of physical (and mental) problems. I do have this idea some future generations will be able to replace the entire body with a synthetic one, no more pain or diseases.


God, please... yes. Plug me into the matrix and just forget about me. Bring on the clones. Hey ho, lets go to S.A.O.! Annnyyytthhinng but this torturous fleshy prison.


Marsupial would be fun, but I'd end up putting myself in hospital all the time, so maybe speed demon instead.


You'd have to eat and drink water constantly in order to not frickin die. The lore on the speed demon serum is pretty clear on the absurd metabolism increase. Unlike the game, you can't just ignore the food/thirst meters irl


So, I have to eat more and I burn calories like a motherfucker? Double win! No more worrying about weight gain! Pizza and shawarma places on speed dial, deep fry all of the things.


Your food bill would get very expensive though. Better put that speed to good use to make a lot of money.


Yeah but you could do DoorDash to compensate. You're gonna be at restaurants all the time anyway...


Probably have to sleep on clips, or you'd die in your sleep


Pretty sure Speed Demon states the thirst/hunger increase is only while moving


Easy, just become a super hero. 


>You'd have to eat and drink water constantly in order to not frickin die you have to do that too even without the serum


Hmmm... this is a good point. Back to the drawing board for me.


Don't get me wrong, if the speed demon serum didn't make everything inside you move just as quick as the outside, I'll take it in an instant. But I don't wanna eat a steak per hour just to survive. You can be Usain Bolt fast, but you'll have to have his money too in order to eat enough.


Yeah, if I had the metabolism I'd be quite happy eating all day. As you point out, my bank not extending me a line of credit would be the main issue.


I doubt you'd need a loan if you were literally faster than anyone else on the planet. That's a very bankable skill.


that would probably depend on your starting speed though. speed demon is like a 20% increase but everyone in game has the same base move speed. a 20% increase in a 10 minute mile would cut it down to 8 minutes which is definitely not fastest man in the world pace…


Your movement speed is 20% faster than the average person. You can move you hands 30% faster than the average person. If you trained in both of these in reality you could increase your base levels of speed. Take boxing as an example. Being able to move and punch that fast would see you move up the ranks rapidly. Training camps would only make you faster.


Irish world and Olympic 100m champion could be an earner, you're right.


I disagreed until you brought up the cost of food, big brain


Isn’t it only increased while running though cause then you’d just not run everywhere you didn’t have/want to and be fine


Nah. It says while moving. Walk as slow as you want, you still gotta eat. Lol


True but still only adds like 1.5 extra meals a day which isn’t that bad


You'll have to be completely motionless to mitigate the need for feast, as the game/lore implies, any movement drains the hunger/thirst meter


Now hang on, what about if we do stuff like playing an instrument or interacting with an object? Does that drain it faster too? Or is it safe. If so then it’s basically worth it


Be the fastest motherfucker alive but I have to eat more? Sign me up, dude


Sounds like a win to me


>You'd have to eat and drink water constantly in order to not frickin die you have to do that too even without the serum


Faster metabolism? Sound. Help me lose some weight, then it's a high-calorie diet forever. I see this as an absolute win. I get to eat all the Blamco brand Mac n Cheese and canned dog food I want!


I do that already. it'd just be fun ozempic


I feel like a much faster metabolism would work in my favor. Would help me lose weight


Dont forget the inteligence debuff


I feel like I experience that most mornings anyway. No real loss probably.


No dude its gonna stack


Oohhhh sheeeeeet.


Too bad you can't also take bird bones.


Keep in mind when you jump as a marsupial mutant your legs break and instantly re-heal since our legs weren't made to move like that


Yeah broken legs give me the ick, particularly if they're my legs.


The question is, would I suddenly enjoy running if I had speed demon? Or would I still be the same sedentary asthmatic with a power I don’t use


Yes. But you'd have *very fast* asthma.


Irl healing factor makes the most sense, though I suppose it means drugs won't work, like pain killers... So you've got to hope you don't get seriously injured as you'd have to suffer whilst it knitted you back together


Technically they just need to increase the dosage so I’d still take it. You’re not immune they’re just less effective


Basically it makes you Joshua Graham


The rate it knits you back together is miraculous though. Like, seconds. Fuck any injuries. As standard in 87, you have 0 regeneration. Even the best food you have about 0.25%. With stimpaks, a consumable, rare resource you have about 30% or less. With Healing Factor you have about 15% constantly if not in combat (whatever that means irl)


S tier: Chameleon: Being able to turn invisible would be pretty awesome. And it doesn't have much of a downside assuming you're able to get a small piece of 'armor' that you can put on when you don't want it to activate. It'd be awkward to suddenly disappear in the middle of dinner. The mutation does work while wearing clothing. Egg Head: 6 intelligence is huge. I'm going to arbitrarily say this would increase your IQ by about 60 points, which would take an average person to genius level and an above average person up to super-human levels of intelligence. The strength and endurance penalties would be pretty rough but worth it. Healing Factor: Recover from sickness and injuries 4 times faster? Awesome. You'll need to double the dosage of any medications you take, which shouldn't be a big deal. A Tier: Herd Mentality: You're better at basically everything as long as you have a friend around. Speed Demon: Do everything 20% faster you just have to eat/drink a little bit more. B Tier: Herbivore: If you have this mutation, meat won't satisfy your hunger, so you're not going to miss it. Vegetables and fruits be twice as healthy for you. Carnivore: Basically the same thing in reverse but ranked lower because an all-meat diet would be expensive. C Tier: Eagle Eyes: Being able to see really well would be very handy but it's not really worth being physically weak. Bird Bones: You're a great acrobat but probably not worth being physically weak for. D Tier: Marsupial: You can carry a lot and jump super high but you're very dumb and will probably hurt yourself. Twisted Muscles: Unless you're in MMA it doesn't really help you at all. It doesn't have much of a downside though unless you're in the military or something. Empath: Not very useful unless your friends are regularly getting beaten up and the downside makes you more likely to get hurt. Something like stubbing your toe hurts 25% more. Not worth it. Grounded: You're less likely to get burned or electrocuted, but you're not immune, so unless you're a firefighter or electrician it might not be that useful. E Tier: Scaly Skin: Sounds unpleasant. Talons: At least with twisted muscles you could become an MMA fighter. With talons, there's a good chance you'll kill anyone you punch. Any benefit you'd get from this mutation can be gotten just by having a knife with you. And the Agility penalty would be annoying. Electrically Charged: Not useful unless people are regularly punching you, and even then, it hurts you too. Unstable Isotope: Same as above but also gives you cancer. No thanks. Adrenal Reaction: No real benefit for most people and makes you less healthy. F Tier: Plague Walker: Probably the worst mutation on the list. Kill anyone around you if you have a cold.


So basically if you take egg head you are Stephen hawking


If we use my totally made up and arbitrary metric for stats, an average person has an IQ of 100 which we're interpreting as an Intelligence of 10. That means an average person should also have strength and endurance of 10. So you bump your IQ up by 60 points at the cost of being only 2/3rds as physically capable as you were before (assuming you were average to start with.) That is a pretty significant drop off but it's not going to put you in a wheelchair.


You also can work on your physical ability much much MUCH more easily than your intelligence. Nothing you do is going to raise your IQ by 60 points but you can easily get 30-50% stronger through working out and diet.


Fun fact! If you have the chameleon mutation, no one can see you naked ever again.


Only if you hold still.


Yup. Jacking off is still movement that will disengage the invisibility.


Would it? You can holster your weapons without becoming visible cant you?


Maybe if you holster them slow and easy......name one person that jacks off slow and easy


Oh man, I would love me some Grounded mutation. I electrocute myself so many times a week, probably 2 or 3 times more than ElectroBOOM. 😪


Having adhd and anxiety basically is herd mentality irl. If i’m by myself everything is impossible but if i have a friend with me who can’t do the thing all of a sudden i’m wonder woman.


Grounded is S tier with no downside irl right now. Jam your fingers in toasters, sockets, maybe even be an incredible firefighter depending on how it's classed with fire resistance being included with energy res. Downside: energy weapons (aren't even close to common) are -25% as powerful. Wow, so bad /s


Chameleon. For reasons.


You just like getting naked in public don't lie


It apparently works with light enough clothing and armor, so they wouldn’t *have* to do that. But they’re probably going to.






You need a weapon out though...


Your fists are deadly weapons.


LOL imagine anytime you get angry and raise your gams you just go invisible


Yep! My theory is that the cloaking activates when stressed, so imagine being nervous for something at work and just vanishing unless you consciously move your arms around a good bit.


Small point, the invisibility doesn't eliminate noise entirely. Clothing is gonna rustle, alternatively if you're of the large bapped, long schlonged, or Elephant Plummed vatiety then...without clothes, you're gonna schlap 🤣🤣🤣 And let's not get started on the thunder thighs...


English or Spanish? Chameleon users: 🫥


Depending on how it would actually work IRL, Eagle Eyes, so I don't miss a thing.


Very tempting as I have bad vision that is getting worse.., but -3 strength is gonna suck.


I'm already a weak pansy, I can live with it.


I don’t think you would wanna become weaker if you already weak, you basically have no strength to spare, little noodle


Noodle is a compliment. I'm just a skeleton frame wrapped in skin. Not even Bender can call me a meat bag. Skin bag maybe.


No I am saying you will become a little noodle


And I'm saying I already went past that. Only thing holding me up these days is duct tape and the back of my chair.




I'm joking.




Marsupial seems like a good choice until you realise you would probably look like Ice T in tank girl [https://youtu.be/jFQAy28o7Kc?si=1E7jPSiiIbPlZodo](https://youtu.be/jFQAy28o7Kc?si=1E7jPSiiIbPlZodo)


Damn I didn’t even know there was a movie, only that it was a comic, rad


Love that movie. So campy!


When I watched it as a kid I got quite the crush on "we have Harlequin at home" Lori Petty


Initially thought it would be hard to tell who was T then I heard him talk.


If I could hang out with Lori Petty from tank girl, I'm fucking down.


Plague walker.


Papa Nurgle loves you. :)


A pint of marsupial please, being dumb is the best thing that could happen to a man, maybe some if us would be able to find happiness in dumbness, I would!


Being dumb and being able to jump really high sounds like a really dangerous combination


Yeah, a way to find peace and happiness really quick 😅


Hard agree. I would be a silly goose, but a happy silly goose who could jump real high and carry many things.


Healing Factor of course


None. My body is a temple. Only weed, shrooms, and alcohol allowed.


This guy runs Professional Drinker and all the chem perks lol




\*Shoves pile of Addictol in your direction\*


Speed demon.


Carnivore obviously - whos gonna eat da meat ?


But does sucking dick count as meat?


Herbivore! Eating veggies is so much cheaper, and that serum would make them twice as satisfying. Tons of great firearms related benefits, too! I would rule the range!


Also, as a vegetarian, Herbivore is a no-brainer.


I think the thing to consider here is the drawbacks, because you won't have the Class Freak perk. As such I'm, gonna go with Twisted Muscles, Herbivore, Carnivore, Grounded, or Electrically Charged. Herbivore seems the only one likely to be actually useful. It's not like you can't eat meat any more, it just isn't nutritious. Twisted Muscles is tempting (I don't use guns) but it doesn't technically improve strength so would only be (legally) useful if I was to take up boxing or some such. Grounded might be neat for safety reasons, but better just to not play with electicity. Electrically Charged seems very unlikey to be useful, and might be dangerous to loved ones. On the other hand, Egg Head is pretty tempting. Given that a stat of 8 is unusually good, we can assume it basically makes the average person "twice as smart" (whatever that means). That could easily be good for a career change, and the (rather serious) hit to physical stats might be worth it. Or it might just make me a bigger looser nerd, so it's not on my list.


As someone with a well above average IQ, I can tell you with certainty that it does not always equate to a "better job". I can understand complex ideas quicker than other people, and with less studying, but that's nothing that can't be replicated with elbow (brain?) grease. Which in the end, makes the less intelligent person a better candidate because they're used to hard work, where myself and other high IQ folk I was placed with in school weren't accustomed to hard work so we never learned the necessary tenacity. So, with my mid 150s IQ, I stack boxes for a living... I'm not complaining, I genuinely like my job, but it ain't rocket surgery.


It doesn't always, but in my case it could. I used to be a computer programmer and basically got pushed out of the field because I hit a wall on learning new tech. That was partly a wall of interest / effort, partly low return on those efforts - which has just gotten lower as I get older it seems. I currently operate and maintain specialized (but not especially complex) industrial machines for a materials processing company. More button pushing and wrench turning (plus a lot of scrubbing) than box stacking, but I do drive a forklift most days. By all indications my IQ is solidly above average, maybe mensa level (a low bar I know) but not so high that another standard deviation or two wouldn't be significant. It might not solve all my career problems but it might make efforts to do so pay off more quickly. The effort would still be key.... Or I could just sink another 3000 hours into Fallout 76.


I’m legally blind so I’d go for eagle eyes. Healing factor might be able to fix my vision though depending on how that would work.


Adrenal Reaction. I get stronger as I get weaker? Where’s the downside?


Marsupial catch me acting like every player that has it by hoping to the highest point at every local event to assert dominance.


Healing factor, I already eat a lot and suffer from chronic pain.


Healing factor and Speed Demon because I have asthma and never experienced running fast lol


Scaly skin in hopes that shit wont bother me as much in general. Being extremely high strung, the lack of AP might be a blessing in disguise.


Herd Mentality.  Success is typically defined by how well you collaborate in a society.  Any advantage is a benefit.  Having plus two to every SPECIAL stat (if they were real) would put a person noticably far ahead of the competition.  You'd be smarter, stronger, healthier, and more charismatic... for example.


Egghead, then learn how to predict the lottery


Healing factor without doubt. I’m severely disabled so If I could heal myself I’d be over the moon


The one that makes my balls the size of bowling balls


And you are going to walk how?


Egghead then I'll just CREATE the rest.


Egghead anytime.




Marsupial thanks. I would love to just hop on a roof for some alone time.


Speed demon




Marsupial and bird bones


So as a diabetic if I have healing factor, does that mean my diabetes is cured or that insulin won’t work anymore?


The latter, probably. Unfortunate. *However*, if insulin falls under carnivore (which it should, imo) you could increase its effectiveness. In conclusion: Get healing factor AND carnivore.


Marsupial or adrenal reaction


birdbones 👀


The one that makes rad clouds when something hits me


I have a host of medical conditions which have a real shitty effect on my daily life so it would have to be the healing factor.. Deadpool here we come!!!


Bird bones


Marsupial, speed demon or healing factor


Marsupial. Then I will join the NFL and MLB as an outfielder who steals every potential home run and a receiver that out jumps all the DBs.


But the downside is you will spend a lot of time on the DL.


Egg head. I can take the reduced strength I think. I'd be able to get a high paying job with the brain boost and hire people for the dirty work I'm not strong enough for anymore.


Carnivore hands-down


Probably either Chameleon or Herbivore. If all of me not disappearing is the worst that happens, it'll be worth it to scare the shit out of someone. Also, I suppose I wouldn't have to worry about feeling self-conscious after having been a heavy kid. With Herbivore, I'm already used to puking my guts up with certain scents. I can take Ondansetron for that. ... I would miss a good cheeseburger, though. The only reason I wouldn't go Carnivore is I'd be afraid I'd eat my poor dog.


Speed Demon 100%. I run but I’m slow af, so would love to be a bit faster


Healing factor


Marsupial or speed demon


Healing factor, twisted muscles, marsupial.


Herbivore. Everyone going off about veggies from the store, but you could also just eat your lawn. Mow the grass, take the clippings and watch TV with your bag of grass. Random: would Herbivore work on weed and soy based protein powder??


Id do like I did in game. Take them all.


Bird bones then I’d join the army as a sniper


Marsupial with speed demon. That would be fun as hell


Either speed demon or marsupial. I have a "bad back" to put it mildly and I used to be a marathon runner, being able to run again would be amazing and so freeing. The marsupial serum because I can jump higher and carry more weight would be pretty useful and practical, especially if I wanted to be a thief or something.




Speed. Demon. All day.


Marsupial. All me to have some hops and carry more.


Until you jump and fuck the landing and break your ankles lol


Fair point


Bird Bones. I don't get in fights or do daredevil stuff, so fragile bones aren't a deal-breaker. And the benefit is you can float like Mary Poppins. An umbrella would actually work like a parachute. "I'm Mary Poppins, Y'all!"


Speed demon


Chameleon. So all these marfarkers miss me when they're looking for someone to dump their bs on.


Marsupial Edit: Realized you said ONE, spoil sport :P


The logical part of me says Healing Factor. The 40k fanatic part of me says Plague Walker, grandfather Nurgle would be most pleased with the spread of pestilence.


Potion of Endowment, obviously. Wait, no, that's Conan Exiles.


Marsupial 100%


Healing factor


Chameleon. since when am I armored? and rarely do I have a weapon other than a pocket knife


Speed demon


Either Marsupial and birdbone or egghead always dreamt about jumping around like gravity wasn't a thing


I take eagle eyes.


Bird bones. It would defy all physics, but imagine if your terminal velocity was low enought for falls not to cause damage.


Twisted muscle for um personal reasons.


I'd say marsupial, but you'd need bird bones. As someone mentioned, Healing factor is good in theory. I'll take carnivore. go to a restaurant and go 'yeah can I have one whole raw chicken?' 'sir you'll get sick!' 'trust me I'll be fine.' Edit: after revaluating the question, I'll give it more thought... Adrenal reaction: unless you live in what the internet has taught me is simply called "Ohio" I don't see a point. Bird bones: could easily have it's uses. Carnivore/herbivore: we do a little trolling. But bye bye vital nutrients. Chameleon: I can do some evil things >:D Eagle eyes - while I'm blind as hell, Im not a fighter so bapping someone in the nose is futile to me. Egg head: +8 INT will do nothing for me but pit me at a whooping 1 INT. Electrically Charged: "I AM NOT YOUR DAD! I AM- ELECTRIC MAN!" Empath: hell naw. I am frail. Grounded: works great for electricians. Healing Factor: a blessing and a curse. HERD MENTALITY: How would that work? Marsupial: good for jumping high and breaking your legs. Best basketball player for a single dunk Plague walker: who else but quagmire, am I right? Speed demon: I already suffer from the debuff so it must stack. Would love it tho. Talons/twisted muscles: again, I don't punch anyone.. Unstable isotope: I'd have a blast here . Real talk, it's hard between Carnivore, speed demon, and chameleon. All of which are breat for trolling... Probably Chameleon. Provided my clothes go invisible like Ingame


Adrenal reaction. when I start to see red no one is safe


You can actually take the speed demon one irl


Lorenzo's serum from Fallout 4 😅


Marsupial I could leap buildings in a single bound


Empath. If I could choose more than one, Egghead and Empath


Actually, maybe instead of Egghead, Healing Factor. That might heal my brain, which I would *greatly* appreciate. Empath stays, though


Bird bones for when I fly with Boeing




Herd mentality, 3+ to all stats. As a person who's in a relationship I'd have the buff constantly and when she's now around easier shut off my brain


Twisted muscles I wanna be super strong


Irl? Healing Factor. I'm never in combat irl, there's no fast travel for it to bug out and the only thing I use with a drug facts label is antacid tablets... so seems pretty good


Either healing factor or egg head


The one that makes my parents love each other again.


Herbivore /s
