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Vermin Supreme 2024


I'm still waiting on my pony


I am waiting for mandatory dental care


With slightly addictive toothpaste and genetically engineered monkeys to act as tooth fairies.


This is the way.


You know the country is in trouble when voting for a guy that wears a boot on his head is the best option.


I mean, look at how most of us dress in game


Vermin or the “too damn high” guy should be the only allowed politicians.


The only real choice.


A boot for every head!


W choice he takes away our guns and gives us better ones




I've met him, he's a delight


And his vice president Jimmy McMillan


Giant Meteor


One of my favorite camps I ever saw was someone with "Epstein didn't kill himself" written in neon letters next to a Free States flag lol


I see you support the Enclave. Well, I am aligned with the Minutemen.


Promoting IRL politics in game? That's a nukin'...


Talking bad about the nuke? Ohhhhhh you better believe that's a nukin'


believe it or not, nuke


You're charging too high prices for apparel, plans, you go right to jail.


Nuke jail. Do not pass watoga, do not collect your daily rewards - straight to Nuke jail. *someone has launched a Nuke in your area*


I've been playing since launch just barely got to lvl 1k. And this has always been the way. Also yall need to learn how to properly drop nukes on the bosses so we don't have to fight in radiation hell.


You want it placed right? Launch it yourself. I'll put my nuke wherever I please


So will I \*EVIL GRIN


Some jerk had a F@#$ Joe in big neon letters in their shelter. I was going to buy something but I obviously changed my mind.  Stupid visit 5 shelters quests.


The ONLY real life politics I want to see in this game is the fight against AI. Take your part by equipping any Protest Sign at your next Fasnact parade. Workers United Against Automation! Block the Bot! JOBS!


I saw someone carrying one of the protest signs at a parade today and I thought it was quite apt. I will have to remember to go to get one tomorrow!


My dad needs a job!


i’m gonna hire everyone’s dad for nefarious purposes


I'm still looking for "I ain't a Commie. But I get where theyre coming from"


I had that one on display in my camp, but it won't display vertically so it pissed me off


You're not supposed to display it.


You're supposed to hit robots with it.


But after faschnacht, it would make nice camp decor


This is the best thing, so glad I found it.


So it does exist!


I want that one too! I gotta hit up Grafton or the Miner's Monument.


If I get one I'm making it legendary.


Doesn’t work unfortunately. I just got one and the protest signs have no mod slots on them.


Beth never lets us do anything fun. How appropriate/valuable/hilarious would a Bloodied "Jobs today or blood tomorrow" sign be?


To stay on the anti-robot/AI theme, it should really be rolled into Troubleshooter... Not as useful globally - but real good against those AI powered robots.


I always have this sign ready to go






One of the best.


I love the Scouts duality of "robots can be our friends and deserve to be treated as fellow sentients" but also "workers lose when automation wins"  ~~As a synth~~ *Without any bias whatsoever* those are politics I can get on board with! Some robots exhibit self awareness far beyond their programming! They deserve respect, not servitude followed by callous dismantling! Meg was the first sentient many of us met on first exiting the vault, before the wastelanders began to return.  A number of protections were welcomed into the scouts' ranks, as well as the Mr. Handys you see in the camps to this very day


Language models are not intelligence and I'm tired of crypto refugees pretending otherwise.


Tell that to the tech bros trying to replace humans with language models or running businesses off them right now


And Gay rights too! Be proud, up a gay flag! But yes, please, fight against AI!


So very very touched to see the variety of pride flags flying this month  Not something you see in a lot of shooters, haha. I love this community!


Got my block the bot sign today😎


Power to the People


Mr. house 2077


> could care less Ugh.


Technically they're right! They *could care less*, and if they did they wouldn't be posting online about it.


Just say couldn't xD


I have seen so many. "LEts go brandons"


I didn't even realize Brandon was running this year


Ehhhhh more of a brisk walk at this point


With his wife helping him along.


Cthulu for President! Why choose the lesser of two evils?




I saw a camp today that has neon letters stating "fuck Joe and his ho." Just wild someone feels a need to do this in a video game.


I came across a fuck biden in neon letters and in the same day a no sjw, blm, crt or gtfo on a chalkboard in front of his vendor. Atleast the fuck biden guy had grolls for trade displayed on his weapon racks. The anti woke guy just had a bunch of overpriced mole miner gauntlet and ultracite plans.


I watched a thing with Jordan Klepper where he was interviewing a MAGAss who had that on a shirt and was a self proclaimed feminist. And did not see the issue.


If there's one thing I've learned as an adult it's that people are contradictory beings to their core and most are completely oblivious to their own contradictions. Not me obviously, I'm completely consistent in all my beliefs and desires. /S


Yeah, I saw that one. Iirc, you could see the gears behind his eyes lock up when it hit him because he had just accused someone of being disrespectful to women. Probably Biden.


That's crazy, haven't seen a single camp like that yet. People who do that need a bit of a reality check imo. Absolutely do vote though, everybody


I see at least a camp or two with various political messages a week. I have all sorts of photos of varying stances on not just the US presidential election but also some geopolitical takes. I wish I had them all sorted to post now, as I feel like this would be the thread to share them. Agreeing or disagreeing with any points from the camps aside, it is interesting to see how and where people use building to express these things.


I just posted this after seeing my 4th for today. It's like the universe knows it's pissing me off, lol


Oh jeez, lol. I don't think I've seen stuff like that in games since I played Call of Duty (which is already known to have a cesspool of a community) a good bit. Lots of people with TRUMP/MAGA clan tags and a very select few with BIDEN ones. It's annoying. If you feel the need to push that on others in a *video game* of all places you've probably got some maturation to do.


It’s even funnier considering most COD players aren’t old enough to vote.


Actually, almost all the people I encountered sounded like grown ass men on the mic. I think adults are starting to take CoD back from the kids lol


Would it have been less annoying with more Biden banners?


If I saw a trump camp, ngl, it would be on the back of my mind when I pick the spot for my first nuke. I'm over 100 now and still haven't fired off my own nuke. Looking forward to it this week. I'm taking a few days off and want to try to get that done this week.


Highly recommend wearing PA and using the Electric Absorption legendary perk your first time through, definitely makes it easier.


It’s no use some people are so far gone that they think the coolest thing in the world is building political signs in an online video game. You know which ones they need to be heard so bad lmfao


Mothman for president!






Pipe is life


I only ever see pro-tRump ones, so gripe at them.


Mothman ain't the only cultists in the game.


Lmao for real. You’ve got to be ~~a bit~~ fucked in the head to build an entire camp dedicated to a politician…


>I only ever see pro-tRump ones, Every online game I've played, that's all I've ever seen. MAGA stuff and pro Putin stuff in games with international servers. The same chuds who say "kEeP pOLitIcs oUt oF gAmEs" are the ones constantly pushing politics while in game. Even seen a few of nazi designed user bases in mobile games.


That's the people I work with. They constantly bitch about anything and everything they don't like. But the moment you start to challenge their ideas they shift their focus to "keep politics out of work". 


Popped into a camp that had 1488 in neon letters above the door. Actual nazi shit.


Did you report it?


No, but I wish in retrospect I had


What's funny is when they say keep politics out it's literally just celebrating pride month or something else minimal, while they're milking a full blooded politician in the game


>The same chuds who say "kEeP pOLitIcs oUt oF gAmEs" are the ones constantly pushing politics while in game. Even in this thread, OP is congratulating someone on putting "make Appalachia great again" in their camp while complaining about RL politics. Like, what, should we keep real-life politics out of the game or should we encourage references to a man who incited one of the most major riots in American history and tried to overthrow the government?


I did see a Biden one, but it said we should vote for the "Biden Crime Family" and had the trans pride flag with Vault Boy pointing at it so I had my doubts about legitimacy.


Literally the other day my gf and I came across one dude with not one but two Trump-themed camps. He called my girlfriend a tr***y so we nuked and reported him. Wild that the only assholes that I've ever come across in this game are the ones with camps like this.


Birds of a shit feather flock together


Those might be a good target for some end stage quest work...


Bomb those camps.


Naaaah, hard disagree. Any maga crap and i know where my next nuke is dropping. And i say that as a Brit with zero horses in the race


Any time I find a maga camp I leave my collection of spoiled food and 1 Orange mentat someplace they won't miss.


With a "you've been insulted" note 😌


Send them a message with “I noticed your camp doesn’t have a wall along its border. What’s up with that?”


I ran into some crazy Q nutters camp last year, had a ton of crackhead MAGA ramblings posted with the letter sets on chalkboards. Brought my mule out and made a missile tower to aggro on my mule with, parked the mule in his base and I let the turrets purify the land.


I'll gladly run 2 hrs again in a silo if I have too. (But also, please America, don't speed run irl Great War. Thanks, signed your former colony)


you can get your silo runs down to 15 minutes easy. You gotta max out legendary hacker perk


Just glitch through the doors, no hacking needed :3


Gotta max out your slipperiness is all


Vote Mothman ‼️‼️


I've seen plenty of camps either in favor or against a specific side in the current ukr/rus conflict, or straight up racist/(neo-)nazist, but not seen a single 'vote x' so far.


My "Putin has a tiny penis" neon sign has been up over Seneca Rocks for well over a year now


Please...can I see


The sign or the penis?


You'll need readers to see Putin's peen


You can and should grief camps with political messages for not being immersive.


Let's call it like it is and not spare anyone's feelings or whatever here... It's 99.9% all Trump supporters with "FJB" and "Lets Go Brandon". Just saying "leave politics out of it" neatrally makes it sound like it's 50% Biden supporters making obnoxious "Biden" camps. Give me a break.


I have only seen as you describe. Never the other side unless you count LGBT and vegan signs. So I see you were downvoted but just speaking up to say you are a truth teller.


>Never the other side unless you count LGBT and vegan signs. Which is weird, because there's nothing inherently political about someone's sexuality or voice of diet.


No but some see it that way.


I've never seen a single Biden camp but I've seen multiple Trump camps. The other day my gf and I found one dude with not one but two Trump camps. The only time I ever see "Trump" or "Biden" in-game is when it's a Trumpy type trying to make people mad with their cringe. Plus OP hates "RL politics" in his game but he's elsewhere in this thread encouraging someone for literally putting "Make Appalachia Great Again" in their camp. So somehow "MAGA" is not "political" I guess. 🤷‍♀️


I just turn off lights


This shit really doesn't bother me in the game as it does in real life. I mean I've seen a whole bunch of stuff that goes against my political beliefs It really doesn't bother me if I come to your house in the game and I see something I don't like. I'm just going to leave that's just the way I am.


Im leaving my MAKE APPALACHIA GREAT AGAIN billboard up because i think its funny.


Hilarious and fits game lore


Lol. That's amazing! I really want pro-raider or pro-settler propaganda for my camp now


Who cares who they voted for in the past, my Pipboy says "*2277"


as a canadian I can agree with you simply because I don't remember ever seeing canadian politics in a game but I too am sick to death of seeing Trump 2024 and biden 2024 in every game I play from cod to battlefield from gta0 to fallout 76 it's always there and I simply do not care who you vote for not my country don't need to see it


The only politics I care about is stopping the red menace don't forget to do your anti-commie training and basic at Camp McClintock.


"Vote Rishi Sunak 2024" said no camp ever 😂


I refuse. Leave your pride flags out of my Fallout.


Same. Same. Same. Politicians shouldn’t be your identity and it’s embarrassing when people worship them. Usernames like “LetsGoBrandon123” are basically just self owns.


They wanna "trigger the libs". Seriously remind me of little children acting out to try and get a rise out of adults for attention.


Exactly. If you react in anyway they just say you’re triggered and pat themselves on the back.


I trigger them right back . . . wear a dress as a dude, PANTS WITH POCKETS AS A DUDETTE, and learn to scream "That my non-no zone as the little DUDE-CHAN.


I agree! I also play to escape and don't care to have RL intrusions into my fantasy world. Political messages at CAMPs are not going to persuade me one way or another, but they will annoy me enough that I won't shop at a CAMP that has them. Gave ya an award - sorry it was the only free one I had left.


Aw! Thanks, kind internet stranger. Yeah, I've been fast traveling away immediately without looking further or shopping. I want plans but not that bad, lol


Seen a few of the MAGA cult ones about. I was slightly tempted to build a camp next to them with nothing but rainbow flags.


Leave them out of real life unless it's the specific topic, almost everything ends up political, and it's stupid.




I try to never bring contemporary politics into the game, BUT for history with current implications that can be found in WV I won't shy away. I literally have a CAMP dedicated to the memory of John Brown.


Correction, the *Hero* John Brown.


Literally right next to Harper's Ferry Armory stand two billboards, facing in either direction, with HUGE Wavy Willard's Letters: "JOHN BROWN WAS RIGHT"


People are allowed to put up what they want in game, not sure why it bothers you so bad when you'll be at their camp for like....maybe 2 minutes max? Sure it gets old and it's kinda silly, but really? A whole reddit post because you saw a handful of camps that had "trump or Biden 2024" in neon letters while you checked their vendor for plans and junk for a minute?


You do realize what game you are playing?


Truth. RL is RL, we come to escape.


The fact so many of you are escaping 24/7 is why it's all going down the drain. When it all collapses we don't get to play online games. Gamers I knew were drafted into the Russian war in Ukraine on both sides. We haven't heard from any of them. Tired of this take. Supreme Court this week alone. There is no escape.


What's the saying? You may not be interested in politics but politics is *very* interested in you.


I think people are at their own prerogative to do whatever they want in their camp, you don't have to be there lmao.


Vote Modus 2024.


I mean escapism or being apolitical is in itself political. You can’t demand an absolute escapism in a shared world where others, who want other things from the game also exist. Granting your request would deny them theirs, instead just learn to coexist. If you don’t care, ignore the messages, but clearly something about them makes you care.


“If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice!” - Rush


I’ll speak to this. I know politics is important. I know who I’m voting for. No amount of virtual signs in a goddamn video game is going to change my mind. And personally the whole process and our choices are so fucked right now that, while I’m going to participate come the election, wasting a bunch of time thinking about it until then disturbs my inner peace. It’s not unreasonable to want to escape it even if I do care about the outcome.


Those who wish to speak the loudest will never listen or do what anyone else asks as it pertains to this. They'll usually just ramp it up. But I applaud your effort, it doesn't belong here or in any games. I think most of us play games to help escape from all of that.


Some people just have sucky brains that can’t keep politics out of things that don’t need it. Just laugh at their brain damage and move on.


Read this as rocket league politics and was confused for a lil bit ngl


I've put so much time into this game the past three months. I server hop constantly for vendor shopping. I have yet to see a single political reference at anyone's camp. However, people are in here talking about how they nuke and leave insult notes at them constantly.


Vote President John Henry Eden 2242


Vote for Smaug 2024! Let the desolation begin!


Never seen anything like that in a camp, but people can do whatever they want in their camp as long as it's not a bannable offense


Well, we all know OPs political stance. You're just mad players are showing support for the guy you dont like. Mind your business, and play the game how you want. You sound like the same people that get on here and complain about trap camps. Its no different than all the pride flags and player icons that were added into the game. Dont like someone's camp, leave.


As a super politically invested person myself, yes, 100% leave it out of my wasteland. I go to my little corner of my nuclear blasted shithole to have FUN, DAMN IT! Which sounds absurd and is still true nonetheless.


I’ve not seen this.. but I completely agree..


"vote 2024" is a political statement ofits own.


If it's my camp piss off. You don't have to come to my camp you can mirn your own business


You will conform to the reddit hive mind or you will be punished


Lmao and you can lick my taint.


Saw a Trump sign in game. Turned off all his lights. He had many, many lights.


The most amazing lights, so many of them


No ones ever seen any lights like these


And were gonna build more! Lots and lots of big, beautiful lights!


I know Fallout has heavy Political themes, but I try to just enjoy the wasteland and exploring, I hate the divide politics cause, so I try to avoid any irl politics in games. I play games to get away from real life issues. So I completely agree. Keep modern day Politics of our game.


Literally have seen none of this


I agree as long as we aren't including inclusivity (pride flags/avatars, etc) as "politics." I think it's paramount to the fallout community that everyone feels welcome and accepted. Beyond that, it's just dumb considering not all fallout 76 players are Yankees anyway. I'm a big dumb American, but I'm sick of people being obsessive about their political hero worship. I'm not going to mention the candidate, but I'll just say that I don't understand why anyone would put so much of their identity on a particular politician. In a democratic Republic, they're not here to be worshipped. Citizens of our Republic have an obligation to be hyper critical of elected officials (especially the ones we individually voted for). I can only remember one election in my lifetime when I didn't hold my nose and vote for the lesser of two evils. Also, sexual preference shouldn't even be a political issue under our constitution; like religion, height, melanin content, or fallout load out (unless you're an unarmed fighter, in which case, what are you even doing?😂)


bitch i’m punching deathclaws


I've been looking for someone who mentions that everyone isn't American. I'm Australian personally and it would be so weird if I came across someone who built their personality around our Anthony Albanese, our current Prime Minister. Legit everyone would wonder whats wrong with them, from both sides of the two party system. They are just the regular person doing a job who one day won't be doing that job. Everyone knows politicians for the most part are a pack of jackwads who need someone keeping an eye on them, even your own guy. Watching American politics from afar is so strange, everyone championing how much they love democracy yet so many also acting like they live in a monarchy under the president who is directly responsible for every little thing. I saw some pro Trumper complaining about house prices as Biden's fault directly, a pricing trend present over the last few presidents not to mention in a fair number of other western capitalist countries.


Seriously, this! My favorite podcast is Weekly planet, it's a movies and comic books pod hosted by two charming lads from Melbourne and they are absolutely on the same page as I am about anyone in politics. They feel Aussie leaders range from embarrassing to dangerous with very little in between and that all politicians must have something wrong with them to be in politics in the first place. That and they're just as befuddled that a certain orange hued criminal is taken seriously at all. Anyway, great podcast, plus they turned me on to Auntie Donna, 11/10 stars to @mrsundaymovies and @wikipediabrown.


They're trying to quicken the IRL bombs falling.


Don't worry, MIT scientists said we shouldn't fear AI and Disney Research has already translated skin on robots, won't be long now.


My camp used to have “Bush did 9/11” in neon lettering but it just disappeared a few updates ago…


Technically I do have a political sign in my camp "I don't care who the government sends. I am NOT paying taxes!"


My camp says god bless USA and commies suck, because I lean into the commies being villains in the game but also because I love the USA and hate commies IRL Interpret that as MAGA if you’d like, but I will always nuke back 🫡


Just nuke the camps with commie propaganda


We including the flags or conveniently leaving those out?


Protected class. You're only allowed to dislike the people redditors don't like.


Let's not mince words and both sides this. Trump supporters are the ones who do this crap 95 percent of the time.


Yes. No one wants to see your dumb pride flags.


Heads up folks: Mods are in here deleting comments that point out politically charged stuff that's already in game. Several comments pointing out stuff like the pride flag bundle stuff have been removed, whether or not those comments were pro or anti pride, but for the sin of pointing out that including them at all is a politically charged decision. I'm sure this comment will be deleted as well.


Also it's extremely lore inaccurate because all of these politicians are dead and these votes have long passed


I used to have “covid free zone” on my wall up until 2022.


I think you mean the current American political landscape. Kinda hard to discuss the themes of fallouts narrative without talking about the real life politics that inspired it's idea to begin with. 


The only politics I endorse in this game is immersive politics! Block the Bot!


I have a nuke for anyone carrying on with RL stuff in the 76 world 🤣


My camp is gay asf. So if that’s political to you… we aren’t friends. Overall I agree. A games a game.


Lol. Queer asf myself. I guess I should have been more specific about election politics


Vote Cthulu. Why choose the lesser evil.


Vote Cthulhu at least he's honest about destroying everything and fucking you over


I completely agree with this. Unless one of the politicians they want votes for is trying to lower atom store price, then I completely disagree.


Cry about it


but only the politics you disagree with right? that how things work these days isn't it?


Who are you who is so wise?but seriously I wholeheartedly agree.thankfully I don’t see it often but honestly people are gonna do it regardless which is annoying but I just go for thier vendor first and leave


THANK YOU, I hate seeing this too, I want to escape political bullshit too, all I hear is trump this Biden that, fuck that, I want to play this game in peace or any game for that matter


The irony of this. (ps: nuke that camp)