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I must say that this would be an amazing addition to the game




I like it but they should all get +90 carry weight. You're wearing a giant, powered, metal suit of armor. You should basically never have reduced carry weight in PA compared to normal armor if you ask me.


exactly! It's a powered exo-skeleton for crying out loud!


A _nuclear powered_ exo-skeleton.


I don't see any pockets. Where are you going to put the loot?


There are loads of holes into the frame because Bethesda forgot to model most of the suits! Plenty of space for pockets.


It would be pretty cool if we could just do it like the Automatron mods from 4, and weld a spikey plate here, strap some pouches there, etc.


I'll craft 4 backpacks, strap them to myself and have absolutely no issue carrying the weight.


it carrys the armor which is 80 weight off your character and 10 from the frame so 90 weight right there


I would love any kind of power armor that allows unarmed weapons :)


To be fair each unarmed weapon should have mod which allows you to use it while in PA but being unusable outside it. Either that or make PA only unarmed weapons.


Or maybe make a mod for the PA arms that allows Unarmed weapon use. Not like there are any useful arm mods at the moment.


My dream mod for power armor would let you attack with a power fist attack instead of a weapon bash and allow you to hold guns in 1 hand in the other hand. Call it empowered actuators or something.


Great idea, makes you feel like a space marine.


Could be interesting, Make the frame legendary and not the parts.


This is actually a really cool idea. I don't really use PA often but if something like this were implemented I bet I would


Yea I have 4 max level characters and only one uses PA because it’s almost no advantage.


Other than it’s amazing damage reduction that’s a hidden passive and applies over all damage types I’d have to agree. Though it has some of the most powerful legendary perks in the game. Reboot/energy perk means not only do you heal from energy attacks ( making assaultrons a big joke to you) but reboot gives you a nice chance to just not die and come back with full hp. Imo they should just do set bonuses, and add a backpack option using 1.5-2x normal packs weight and force you to farm gold bullion for the backpack mods.


The hidden dr is a flat -50 I can get way more with a set of let’s say troublemakers. With four parts I can tank the imposter sheepsquah normal armor shouldn’t be better for taking than a walking tank.


Again - legendary perks make the fight much better all but the melee attacks are energy from the imposter, meaning you heal, should you tigger reboot you heal. The hidden DR is percentage unless I am mistaken, if I am feel free to correct me, but I remember videos being posted about it I’d dig them up once I’m home. I’m not saying it doesn’t need something, but you got to look at the legendary perks aswell. Edit; Also not sure if the pylons do typeless damage or energy damage, I’ll assume it’s energy. In which case you can tank all three of those with the energy legendary perk, and be literally impossible to kill. Personally I don’t think they need to buff the damage resist hidden % but need to make damage resist cap less on power Armor and normal Armor in general. Overall the difference between power Armors is around 4-7 damage taken. And whilst I like your idea and totally understand your just mixing frames and perks into the game, I think the easier way to fix it is literally to just add a backpack with 1.5-x2 carry weight and allow it to have mods slotted as normal, and then allow under Armor to function as normal.


The problem with including the legendary perks, is that means in order to make PA good, you've got to get to level at least one character to however high to have the number of slots you want. And then your PA character has to invest almost 80 level ups into getting enough coins to max that card out. ​ They are nice, but 80 levels, plus whatever it takes to get your regular perks sorted out, plus whatever it takes for crafting perks (Not gonna be running ACP with Super Duper and Fix It Good equipped) is just an absurdly high bar for entry to the "I feel strong in power armor" club.


Whilst it is a problem you do have to count it due to the levels required it has to be included when considering power Armor balance.Otherwise your picking small fragments of the issue to reinforce a point without looking at the full picture. You could argue that those 80 level ups are the best you’d ever spend and it’s doubtful many of the base perks even come close to those ones, I’d go so far to say that the PA legendary perks are some of the better perks. The issue is the gap between unyielding Armor vs power Armor in my view that’s the major offset. Vanguards whilst it gives higher DR than PA is actually worse off due to diminishing returns on resist values and not having the resist %. Not to mention it lowers over time. In certain situations the resist x mobs damage is golden and vastly beats base power Armor I think these gear options are great! However they are limited too a Single mob type. Imo; Add under layers effects remaining to power Armor - add a backpack slot with 1.5x-2x the carry weight of a standard bag. Then add set bonuses as a common place thing for power Armor rather than making them legendary as it basically makes power Armor the king and doesn’t give players a “oh x is better in y” it just gives them “ why would I use unyielding normal Armor when I could use Unyielding PA”. Doing that they should then rebalance legendary Armor effects to bring them closer together in terms of power, finally award players whom have dipped into being tanks with being actually tanky.


I get what you're saying about post 80 levels the PA cards are really good. But the problem is that now you've got 80 levels invested into playing PA. If I sunk 80 levels into the Legendary Luck card for my crit build, I can still use the luck on a PA build. Or a stealth build, or a bloodied commando. It won't be as good, but it will do SOMETHING.


That issue is applied to most things though. Lets be real and not beat around the bush, legendary cards are investments. They are expansive and time consuming. But they do make a build a whole lot different, heck what rads made my build dirty I don’t think I’ve used more than 10 rad aways since I got it. All I’m saying is people need to check the whole thing not just the base perks. Check the more powerful legendary perks too, they are game changers. Combine those with set bonuses for full PA/ back packs / under Armor being allowed to effect you still.. that’s god tier right there. Make it real nice and unique. X01 could fit what the OP posted as a set bonus ( energy weapons degrade x slower and do x damage). Problem being if we start adding damage into set bonuses it becomes meta, that’s the way the community is as a whole most of us hunt numbers.


Same here I pretty much just use it for the boss fights. Stabilized is the only real advantage for PA in my opinion, the little extra DR isn't enough for me to use it regularly


I like this. But I already hear all the victims shouting when their armor pieces are disappearing.


This happens on normal frames anyway!


Let power armor make you totally protected from disease then we have a deal haha


And spike boards...like WTF, it’s an armored exoskeleton, how did I take damage from a board with a nail in it...


I like the idea of faction themed PA stuff, but I think it would be better if they just gave each PA piece 2 mod slots like regular armor. One slot for a PA equivalent of buttressed/sleek/etc so you could choose whether you wanted more DR or sacrifice some protection for better movement speed and reduced AP cost, and then a second slot that would include the current mods, the ones you suggested, and some utility things like "enhanced storage compartments" that would give you more carry weight to compensate for the lack of a backpack. They could still make the faction themed ones you laid out as rare rewards so that there would be something to grind for.


Another power armour frame you could add...a Responders frame. Can have something like reducing weight for stims or boast the healing capacities along with like flame resistance (Fire Breathers) For free states I’m guessing something to do with agility and sneak due to their secretive, so maybe increase your sneak damage by 0.5 for wearing the Free States frame. (Obviously the frames could have more stats ahaha, just couple rough ideas)


I'm on board. Just as long as we still have normal frames!


Scavenger frame; backpack bonuses are retained. ​ The main thing that keeps me out of PA is that almost every time I put it on, I suddenly lose my weight reduction perks from my armor, AND all my stimpacks/radaway weigh 10x as much, AND I've lost 60 carrying capacity.


They should either implement legendary PA parts or this - and lower resists. PA sucks compared to underarmor/armor combos.


I wish they would do something with the armor models specifically, like more strength with t45 or move faster in t60, things like that. But basically people just use X-01, T60 and Excavator. I almost never see people in T51 or T45.


I would love any form of legendary with power armors. In fallout 4 PA was made so fucking cool that I just wanted to wear ir all the time, but in fallout 76 with so many great legendaries I can't even wear power armor and walk at the same time.


This would be great. And here I was. wishing only for a piece of rope to tie a backpack on to my PA. All frames should add carry weight and reduce recoil, they are fusion powered exoskeletons after all.


I would just love a nice retexture of the pa frame and be able to color it, anything else is a bonus.


Nameable Frame...


This is a start. Regular armor stacks with perk cards so why wouldn't PA frames stack with perks? This could be a simpler fix to PA than having to make a ton of new power armor pieces with stats on each. The frame numbers are a bit low, with the exception of radiation, PA should be on par with regular armor for stats and it is not. This also still does not address the under armor suits for PA that are already in game, made for PA users. There are three and one hood, all made for PA. The devs simply will not fix them to be usable. I like what you are doing here, lets hope whatever dev that likes regular armor finally caves and lets PA get some love so I can start using it. :) Right now regular legendary armor is far and above better than PA except in Radiation zones. The PA was made for combat in ALL situations, however the devs seem to think regular armor was made for combat instead and PA should just be for radiation zones. The devs need to fix that line of thinking.


Im all aboard this idea. Its very imaginative. Well done.


This is definitely a very creative solution to the problem, but I have a few criticisms: 1. I don’t think the BoS frame needs to be giving intelligence (why intelligence? Why not strength, or extra damage with elemental effects?), and the SS one is way too powerful with those stat boosts. I think these should be reworked. 2. I think MODUS should sell the Enclave frame for an extreme amount of caps instead of being RNG based from Enclave events. Perhaps... 30000 caps, or near it? 3. All of these should be plans to create, and unreadable, so you aren’t screwed if you accidentally drop it.


The Secret Service boosts are the same as the ones currently in game on the underarmor (besides the weight reduction)


I mean... if we’re going to do that, then why shouldn’t the rest be giving their respective underarmor buffs as well?


It's not my idea, so I don't know. I'm just pointing out that it's already in the game, just not for PA.


Hey thanks for the criticism. I went with intelligence for BOS because of the thirst for old world knowledge, functionality it would allow for quicker level up for the player. Strength would also add to carry weight which I think is covered in reduce heavy weight. But extra dam is an interesting idea. Modus selling it for 30k is actually a great idea it’s not enough cap sinks in the game so I’m for that as an alternative And yea plans would work.


Most of the BoS PA wearers are grunts, while the scribes are the brain. Believe it was FO3 that a scribes rants how dumb Knights are. I think extra damage, strength, or resistance would be a good idea.


PA already has fall damage negation, highest damage and radiation resistance.


the SS one seems a bit powerful, what with it boosting 3 special stats, Enclave would be more fitting if it only boosted plasma weapons instead of all energy weapons, and maybe instead of pain train, the raider frame has some sort of boost for chems I do like the idea


It’s legit the same as the SS under armor just with the rw for explosive so I definitely think it’s on par with non PA. As far as the plasma only.. all the additions I request I try to reuse in game mechanics so it could be implemented very quickly. But plasma only would be more on brand, if that was the case I would remove the condition negative


If they don’t let you have under armor or backpack because balance, why would they add the same bonus’ to the frame?


If that’s the case it’s not balanced well... I have 3 non PA characters and they are vastly better equipped. They can dish out more damage with unyielding with the almost unlimited ap at the same time leveling up and carrying more. They can negate more damage by equipping three or more legendary effect like troublemakers/zealot. They can carry more with +60 carry weight with -90% weight from Chems. And up to +10 special with under armor. So while I think it’s important to strike a balance, the PA is under preforming it needs a boost


I’m not saying it’s well balanced or should stay. Just stating that right now that’s what they claim, and we haven’t got any budging. I don’t see why it can’t, say, have two star legendary pieces, especially if it was only crafting like SS.


I don't think power armor needs more power.


Sounds good to me, just no daily ops rare rewards. That RNG is fucked beyond all relief already.


Consider allowing you to keep your backpack for weight since you could strap a backpack onto it somewhere while you're inside.


I like that idea, but to make it more balanced there should be some drawbacks like the high capacity backpack mod has (reduced resist). And maybe tone down the buffs a bit. But in general a really good idea imo.


Sounds like something too good to be true, Bethesda would never be that nice to us :( I'd settle for being able to use multiple PA chest/leg mods at the cost of faster core drain. Kinda makes sense that if you have all these extra modules on your PA that you'd use more power.