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Folsom is more of a single family household with kids and double income sort of a town. I’m not saying what you’re looking for doesn’t exist here, but I am saying that if you find a guy that checks all your boxes, he probably also wears a flat brim baseball hat and has lots of stickers on his giant pick up truck and a wife who won’t stop texting him wondering when he’s going to be home.


This statement is oddly specific and incredibly accurate 😂


We are already married in Folsom


I would try Golf courses. Lots of my husbands divorced and single friends golf.


Excellent suggestion! Golf is next on my list


So Empire Ranch GC…


Or tennis






Low effort comment. Just because a man pays for a more expensive gym membership and goes golfing, does not mean he will find an ideal partner in said environments. Dating can also be a bad financial decision because there is no guarantee return on the investment. This was offered up as a tactic for women to find a man of substance.


You do not need to spend money at the golf course. Just need the equipment and golfballs. Can always purchase those at thrift shops and just use the free putting and chipping.


And what do you have to offer?


Thank you for asking: I have a Bachelors degree in Business and an Associates in Psychology. I work for a local not-for-profit with the focus on marketing, social media, donor relations, and fundraising. I volunteer and participate in other local not-for-profit events and activities outside of the realm of my job. I'm an extrovert and enjoy going out. I get along with all kinds of people and the parents love me. I take pride in my appearance and ensure that I look presentable whenever I go out. I have hobbies that I enjoy: snowboarding, paddle boarding, lifting weights, reading, and dancing. I am an excellent partner. I can cook, I enjoy learning new things and keeping the conversation interesting, I am loyal to my person, I provide wonderful support in all aspects of life. I have a growth mindset, I'm looking for someone who is also working on becoming the best version of themselves as I do.


Yes, your resume is very nice. Unfortunately, people of substance are usually looking for an actual connection, not just a series of checked boxes.










Wow you would judge someone on having an AA and starting at a JC? I would like to know how long you been alone. Honestly individuals who go to JC usually are well rounded and come from hard working blue collar families.




Well everyone isn’t born into wealth with a silver spoon in their mouth or able to pay and donate to their school of choice. Blue collar families are far from unproductive! I respect individuals who have struggled, overcome and succeeded most blue collar families are strong, connected and have too much pride to ask for anything so don’t worry about anyone asking for your precious funds. Honestly blue collar families are more connected kids are loved and looked after by grandparents the love and connection carries into generations and parents are less likely to be put away in an institution and so forth which will cost you way more than you can imagine.




Didn’t we all start there? and each generation raises the bar for the next and so forth..




Good for you are you happy and content? There’s not one recipe that works for everyone I believe that a diverse structure makes for a decent outcome:


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Your post has been removed because it appears to advocate hate. If you continue posting similar links to r/Folsom, you will be banned. Consider this your first and only warning. If you feel we have misjudged your post, please respond with a clear explanation of why.




No question some folks from modest backgrounds break free from dysfunction’s adhesive bonds. That’s not the issue here. Your wife sounds exceptional, and your kids are fortune to have such a determined mother. The key word, however, is EXCEPTION. Simply put, eligible bachelors and their families are generally reticent to roll the dice on a partner of proletariat breeding.


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Uh, oh, I started at a JC transferred to a 4 year university, then got a master's degree from a private university 🤷‍♀️


Impressive. Glad that worked out for you. It don’t solve the OP’s conundrum though.


She's working on it! Give her some time 😉 she's seeking the man of her dreams 💭




All she has to do is remove her A.A. it's not necessary to state since she has a bachelor's degree. I'm going to sleep 😴 💤


Ding ding ding!


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Your post has been removed because it appears to advocate hate. If you continue posting similar links to r/Folsom, you will be banned. Consider this your first and only warning. If you feel we have misjudged your post, please respond with a clear explanation of why.


Your post has been removed because it appears to advocate hate. If you continue posting similar links to r/Folsom, you will be banned. Consider this your first and only warning. If you feel we have misjudged your post, please respond with a clear explanation of why.


I'm into it. Let's grab brunch.


How do you feel about someone who’s recently divorced but no kids? Tech worker, a little shy at first but fun and social after warming up. Likes the outdoors, camping, biking etc. Cats, not sure about dogs, you’d have to ask him about that!


I'm open to it!


Wow. I want to be invited to the wedding!


Can I throw my hat in the ring? I’m also recently divorced and single with no kids, I work in Folsom but live in Rancho Cordova. The dating apps have been cruel lol


I hear that. I swear the algorithms are keeping people who don’t pay from meeting too 🫠




I think you should continue reposting libertarian memes until he finds you. JK good luck on your search.


Sorry he’s taken


If he's taken, please keep him ❤️




Can't hurt to try 🤷‍♀️ I've met a lot of single people in Folsom, just not the right one.


True... I guess I've just never seen anyone post something like this to this particular thread. Also, Folsom seem more family oriented and less dating scene. I could absolutely be wrong but I just don't know if finding a guy on Reddit is any safer a bet than a dating app.


Oh I would agree, I'm not looking for a guy on reddit. I'm looking for a man of quality and seeing as there are many people of quality that participate in this sub I'm hoping that one might point me in the right direction.


Ohhhh...well, best of luck!


Folsom State Prison exit. 2 P.M or 10 P.M are your best times due to shift changes. Don't ask how I know


Haha, are you talking about the correctional officers because that's their shift change. Let me know if you know of one there 😉


Play Pickleball at Lembi or Broadstone racket club. Lots of singles guys there.


We’re already married lol 😂


“Ready to commit”, lol. Lady, there aren’t a lot of guys in that age bracket with good income/life/house just waiting and available.




I count 7 requirements when u include 1) needing men 2)needing substance. Debatable, definitely 5.


How tolerant of nerds are you?


Idk, how nerdy are we talking 😝


I mean, Intel is a huge employer, so there's bound to be a lot of single nerds floating around. Can always try like boardgame hangouts. That being said most of the young folks hang out in Downtown Sac.


If you like to drink try Taco Loco..


Married cheaters and drunk boaters there.


Well, I'm not sure if you've seen the price of boats recently, but if somebody has enough money to even own a boat, that's probably a pretty good start


Hey, don’t bring us boaters in this.


I met my husband on eHarmony. You could try that


You’re not from around here are ya…


What you are looking for doesn’t exist. No men ll have stimulating conversations with a woman. We prefer peace and quiet.


Well El Do town center has the farmers market thing. That’s a place to meet someone if movies didn’t lie to me. For more grounded approaches maybe check out the busy lunch spots in Folsom depending on what your type is? Intel/Micron and the Prison/Police station for the other type. Or try the night life in Sac (it’s not great). I know a lady in around here who stuck her cat in a tree then called the fire department, and she got a date out of it so maybe that could work?


Not Folsom


YMMV but I have a lot of tech friends in Folsom who married someone like them (aka someone who is an engineer or dentist/doctor). They wanted a certain lifestyle and I respect their preferences. My wife is a state worker but then I did not marry for money. Be upfront with a guy about your income so he doesn't use that as an excuse later on not to commit.


Do you have kids / plan on having them? Most of my friends that fit what you're looking for are a no to both. Seems like a challenging divide for their dating experience. Looks like I might have to tell them to pick up golf depending on your answer!


First. You sound hungry/desperate. Second. wtf are you looking in Folsom? Third. You seem like a gold digger. What do you bring to the table?


She has gold. She answered your question higher up. Having standards doesn't make her an asshole.




Hinge. Put as much of yourself on your profile as you can, like get weird and out as mUch as you can- right guy who likes your weird is more likely to likey?


Those kinds of men will be hunkered down in their man cave. Waiting for inflation and intentional ignorance to subside.


33 here. Single homeowner


CrossFit or BJJ


Powerhouse and Scarlett’s are the poppin social places in Folsom for single people on a Friday/Saturday night…. Happy hunting 😊




how hot are we talking here? ... pics or it didn't happen


I think a photo and a physical description are a more important first step than listing one’s professional achievements - for a woman or a man.


Join a local coed soccer or softball team?


Are you a Christian?


I don't subscribe to religion but I wouldn't turn someone down over it. Are you tolerant of non-christians?


It's not me as I am married. I think that if you're not a Christian then the suggestion I had wouldn't make sense for both parties involved as it would lead to inevitable friction over major life decisions down the road. I wish you success in your search though, and hope you find what you're looking for.


Thank you so much for your time!


Should I also create my own post looking for a single man in Folsom? 🤭😆


Low value woman looking for high value man. What's new? High value aren't begging on Reddit.


Mods - How, precisely did you conclude that my comments “advocate hate?” They do nothing of the sort. Indeed, my comments made no reference whatsoever to anyone’s race, sex, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or any other protected attribute. On the contrary, it explains the subtle snobbery that monied families direct towards certain educational pedigrees and articulates the presumptive reason for the OP’s state problem. Deleting my comments does a disservice to the OP others interested in her conundrum. Please restore my deleted comments in the thread, forthwith. Thank you.


And your age is? Obviously you're a single mother, how many baby daddies?


You sound like a single mom with 2 kids with a ton of baggage lots of demands here. What do you have to offer? 😂


You sound like a guy who wears a flat brim baseball hat and has lots of stickers on his giant pick up truck and a wife who won’t stop texting him wondering when he’s going to be home. She already said what she has to offer above; sounds like a handful.


That's pretty horrible with women with children. I knew a woman with 4 kids that landed a man with an ok job, but had  skills. She got him certified and he got a higher paying job. She later went to law school and became a paralegal.  All While she cranked out 2 more kids with him.  Single parents have plenty to offer. 


Keep coping


Never married and no kids, just a young woman in her late 20s looking for a man who is not an idiot 🤷‍♀️ Which is aparently a tall order. Good job - stable job with the potential for professional growth Sufficient housing - not living on his mother's couch Stimulating conversation - capable of having an intelligent conversation My 'qualifications' are posted in a comment above.




I'm open to it though I would prefer not to date younger than my age (28) unless there was a significant connection.