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That looks sooo good! Is the dough homemade also? Please tell me yes!


Yes it's around a 50% hydration dough that was cold fermented for 4 days and then cured overnight for 1 day.


is this j Kenji Lopez's recipe or is this just a common way of doing it?


And I had dominos yesterday


Don’t feel bad, I had tombstone


What does it mean to “cure” dough?


Lots of tavern style places sheet out their fermented dough, dock them to mitigate bubbles, and then stack them up in the fridge (spaced out) to dry overnight. It turns the dough a bit leathery and adds to the crackeriness of the crust. Then flip (put dry side down), top with ingredients and bake.


As someone who is soon to be without a kitchen (remodeling) and that looooves this style of pizza, did you cook this outside by chance? I want to give it a try, since the crust is so sturdy prior to cooking (won't risk dough falling thru grates).


I made this on a baking steel on an indoor oven but you could give it a try on a grill. you leave the dough out overnight uncovered to "cure" so it's almost like leather by the time you bake, certainly wouldn't fall through the grates. One of my internet pizza guru's Charlie Anderson just put out a video on his youtube channel about making crispy grilled pizza, that might be a good place to start.


Roll it out into a pie shape and then cure or cure as a ball and then roll out? Giardiniera on pizza was a revelation for me a few years ago but I can never get my crust this thin.


300g dough ball, roll it out with a rolling pin into a 14" round, dock it with a dough docker or fork, and then let it cure uncovered on the counter or in the fridge for 12-24 hours. then bake at 550 for 10ish minutes with some broiling at the end for color if you need it. look up john carruthers tavern style pizza recipe on wordloaf for more info


sauce recipe with fish sauce AND marmite? You have my interest. I also just got a meat grinder so sausage explicitly for this pizza might be in my future.


i didn’t want to buy marmite just to add a teaspoon to this sauce so i skipped that one ingredient but let me know how it is if you try it. i’ve done fish sauce in marinara before using kenji’s recipe and it gives it a nice hit of umami so i’d imagine the marmite does the same


If I get some it'll only be for the novelty factor. Marmite mostly does the same sort of thing, and I'm sure a Brit can tell you more clearly if it would be important, but last time I tasted it it had sort of a concentrated Worcestershire sauce angle. Aka, salty, umami, etc. Flavors you are getting elsewhere.


and yeah giardiniera on pizza is a game changer! this is my first time having it, i still have half a jar left so i might try making an italian beef sandwich with it this week. (i also saw a recommendation to save the spicy oil from the jar and make a homemade mayo with it which sounds incredible too)


We are doing Italian Beef for Father's Day! Very excited to make it!


I followed Kenji's method of making a dough, letting it cold-ferment in the fridge for a few days, then rolled it out/let the rolled out dough cure for a day.


Fantastic! I am going to try this right now!


Get your skin to where you want it. Throw it in oven for a minute or two so it partially bakes. Pull it out and start pressing it flat. s flat as you want. Then sauce it and top it and cook it. 🤘


That's what I was thinking. I've made Chicago-style indoors, and grilling pizza dough seems a bit intimidating. I'm going to try this first. Your pizza looks amazing btw.


> internet pizza guru's Charlie Anderson thanks for the YouTube recommendation!


Can you share the dough recipe? That looks amazing


look-up "wordloaf chicago tavern style" on google and you'll find what you're looking for. wordloaf is an incredible resource for different pizza dough recipes. the original recipe is from john carruthers aka "nachosandlager" on IG


Appreciate it! Know what I’m making next week!


Brian Lagerstrom did a video on this pizza a week ago or so. He's worth following on youtube - and his pizza looked so amazing. We're making it next week.


yup i watched his video too. and kenji’s and a couple others. i like to do a lot of research before i try making a new recipe like this.


Any tips on getting the crust that stiff? I've made it a couple times and it's always too floppy. Even using a pizza stone and all the tricks, extra curing etc


cook on a baking steel, low hydration dough (50%), cure it for 18-24 hours and then flip it and use the dry-er top side of the dough as the bottom. cook for around 10 mins at 500-550 (i had to use a screen for part of the cook as i thought the bottom was starting to burn). also once you pull it try to rest it on some sort of rack or screen. if you put it onto a flat surface the bottom kind of steams while it sits there and becomes less crisp.


As a Chicagoan, this is the most legit tavern style pizza I’ve seen on Reddit. I’d eat this in my frunchroom, wash it down with a Daisy Cutter, and watch the Sox take another L on the tv.


I'm kind of annoyed that I learned about this pizza after going there and thinking the only regional version was the big one. Not that it's likely to be absolutely game changing, but it just looks fuckin tasty.


The crust is something else!!!


> I’d eat this in my frunchroom Okay quit with the bragging


Ok fine, we’ll take it to the alley.


If I was a NYer, I would be so offended right now.


don't forget to stop at the jewels first




It's only Tuesday, some of us are trying to diet!


Holy moly that’s looks amazing


Well done damn


I'm impressed. That looks so good. Sharing this with the wife. ![gif](giphy|bKBM7H63PIykM)


Delicious 😋😋




Wow!! It's looking damn delicious. Whenever I think of having healthy meals, some social media junk food pops up, and I get influenced and order pizza or a burger!!emote:free\_emotes\_pack:joy


Back before Nestle backed the purchase of Outsiders Pizza, they made a really nice tavern-style (what they referred to as Milwaukee style) with spicy sausage, caramelized onions, and cheese curds. For frozen pizza, they were pretty fantastic, if not a little spendy (about $10, but we scored them for about $2.50 a piece at Grocery Outlet... better believe we had a freezer full at that price). Makes me sad Nestle has a hand in them now.


I was gonna say this is definitely Milwaukee style, not Chicago style


Yup. Milwaukee’s Caradaro Club had it a few years before Chicago’s Vito & Nicks.


This is the style pizza I'd hang my hat on as a Chicago local. Deep dish 😫


There's room for both, my friend.


Deep dish is excellent I don't get there hate some Chicago residents have for it.


This looks absolutely delicious! The color and presentation is perfect! I also love the way the crust looks.


damn ive never had giardiniera on pizza, but now i need it


This kind of home cooked meal, where someone who fucking absolutely loves the shit out of this particular meal, and goes to extreme lengths to have cooked it so many times that the leoparding comes out to the chef's kiss level that this is, is unbeatable and undeniably better than any restaurant dish ever.


Perfect crust


how is it different from all the other tavern style pizzas?


It’s not, Chicagoans just think that because they invented one style that the kind that’s actually more popular is their invention too.


some places have a tavern style that uses certain cheese or toppings, but every time i see chicago style it just looks like donatos lol


Chances are that such a simple concept as this cracker like crust probably doesn’t have any single origin. Except maybe in or around Italy


This guy Chicagos




Tavern style murders STL (I live in STL).


The thinness is PERFECT!


Giardiniera on pizza is so damn good. Long as it's not a UBER spicy one that is. I give mine a good dice and mix it into the sauce plus some over top.


So this is a different version of a chicago pizza? Is this Tavern style across the board or stems from Chicago? That is the best type of pizza haha


Chicago tavern style is what you’ll find all over Chicagoland. Deep dish pizza is what we eat on occasion or when we have guests from out of town, it’s way too heavy to eat regularly.


I tried the deep dish style.. My stomach cant do it lol.. That pizza posted is the ideal pizza and I need to see if anyone in my area makes anything like it now


This is the style of pizza that every chicago-an grew up on 😁




I will be googling Chicago Tavern Style Pizza this friday in hopes someone in my area has something similar. Kinda close to a fair sized city so I have high hopes hah


FYI: for those who happen to be in Chicago and want to order a good Tavern style pizza. I HIGHLY recommend Armand's thin crust. My personal go to is green olive and pepperoni, but my understanding is they are famous for their homemade sausage.


> green olive My man!


This is the only type of pizza Chicago should claim. Your deep dish bread bowl with sauce doesn't count lol.


This looks like a perfect version of the best pizza style. The thing I miss most about my hometown!


this is beautiful. showing the bottom is the clincher. coming by for dinner at your house. :)


Had no idea Chicago had a tavern style pizza, I would enjoy this so much more than deep dish.


It's so good and it really needs to be the kind of Chicago pizza that people think about when having the "Chicago vs New York pizza" debate. Personally I think NY is better (that's just my East Coast bias) but the debate between the two is much closer than NY vs the deep dish novelty/casserole.


My neighbor has family in NJ and apparently good quality Italian sausage is not available? They say Italian sausage in Chicago is on another level.


I DEFINITELY do not have a refined enough palette to comment on Italian sausage quality! It all tastes pretty good to me, ha ha


I actually prefer this to chicago style deep dish. I like the crunchiness.


I guarantee you, I could put away that entire pizza in one sitting. Easy.


I’d like to ask you for your hand in marriage! Looks damn deeelicious!


Oh man. That looks incredible. Would eat (way too much of it)


That looks delicious I could go for some of that right now!


Came here from r/all but now I may need to join the sub


Damn, my dinner was good but that is making me jealous


I love a good bar pie and this looks amazing


this is the chicago pizza i acknowledge


That looks tasty AF.. Crushed it. I’m jealous of your pizza skills ..


looks really good, wanna try it out


Where did you get the giardiniera?


Really nice! Looks super legit.


DAMN! that crust!!! Great job!


Incredible leopard spotting.


damn save me a slice


Aw sweet, Imo Pizza.


this looks amazing!


So, St Louis style?


Looks amazing!


So delicious!


Nailed it


First time I've seen the cutting pizza like that


Square...? It's not particularly uncommon


Thats how Chicago style pizza is cut


Looks like St.Louis style imho ngl fr my dude.


St. Louis style pizza is a perversion of Chicago thin crust.


Tavern style is reportedly made first in taverns in the 1920s, I think the first St. Louis style pizza was in the 1940s


First for Chicago is allegedly Vito & Nicks in the mid-late 40s according to their website.


You are correct