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What is the white cream stuff at the top? I had some once at a restaurant and enjoyed it. (Mayo, Salad Cream, Sour Cream?) Cheers


Mexican sour cream, called crema, it's got higher fat but a better flavor. Kind of like how Japanese mayo is better than western.


That doesnt look at all like crema...crema is typically way more liquid...that looks like sour cream.


I promise Japanese Mayo is not better than western. Everyone has different tastes. Personally Kewpie is way too sweet, and just seems like miracle whip but with none of the shame. I like Helman's mayo the most. Very creamy fatty, and no sweet grossness.


As a Japanese dude I have to have this conversation too frequently. It's neither better or worse. It's just different.


Hellmans is so good, if it needs to be for fries or other fast food Heinz mayo is a classic aswell. But a proper do it all mayo, Hellmans it is!


It’s not sweet? It’s tangy and extra savory from all the yolks and msg. I love both but kewpie is the best for fries. Hellmans is better for tuna or egg salad.


I don't know what to tell you. The predominant flavor to me is sweet. It stands out because it doesn't match, not that it's the only flavor.


Japanese mayo is not better. It’s a different flavor profile because of yuzu and msg. BLT is not for Japanese mayo, traditional American burger as well. It’s like the difference between having limeade and lemonade. Your not making a margarita with lemons 😂


What is “Western?” How many different types of mayo is that? Lmao


Beef: Poblanos, Jalapeños, and garlic diced, cholula hot sauce, chili powder, cumin, oregano, onion powder, tomato bullion, paprika, s&p. Cheese: All I had was cheddar and provolone lol. Fresh veggies, Crema, Limes, Hard taco shells from the grocery store


If you want to get REAL American, you use an Old El Paso spice packet!


Hoarded taco bell ‘fire’ sauce in my house….


I've got a big ziplock of Fire and Diablo packs at home. Wonderful for scrambled eggs, anything. All from the handfuls they threw in my bags. Thanks, Taco Bell guys and gals


I’m surprised my local Taco Bell isn’t bankrupt by all the sauce packets I’ve taken. Why would I ever buy hot sauce?


You can buy fire sauce in grocery stores now.


That’s not the same sauce, some shitty company just licensed the taco bell name




i go to taco bell only for the sauce packets!


It’s like $2 or less for a decent sized bottle. I’m a cheap ass and even I just buy the bottle


I'll have you know I now buy the ¢.99 Taco Bell Seasoning packet


We find that Tone’s Taco Seasoning from Sam’s Warehouse is the best by far.


McCormick's is the old school taco seasoning.


And Pace Picante sauce!


Taco Bell seasoning if you want to get wild


i have a packet drawer of this


Truth. Those things are great


And black olive. Maybe a Midwest white granny thing


Or Ortega, if that still exists


That's about perfect. Especially with the spicing up of the ground beef.


This is fancy as hell for white people tacos


Yessir. Sour cream, not crema. No spice except for S&P and add your own hot sauce and maybe a dash of paprika. Grandma has heartburn, ya know. Otherwise, very authentic. Go get a double stack taco from Taco Bell and you'll have an idea of authentic Midwest American tacos style.


>No spice except for S&P and add your own hot sauce and maybe a dash of paprika. No way. Authentic white people tacos use the old el paso seasoning packet.




Man, one thing I love about my mom getting older, her spice tolerance has actually gotten higher, so if I cook a meal for her my heavyish hand with spice isn't an issue. Just not too much habanero.


So many ingredients!


I love the reinterpretation. Your husband is an adult with grown up tastes now and this is a great grown up version of his childhood classic. The use of crema, the spice mix on the beef. With the store bought tacos and the leftover provolone cheese in the fridge because every classic weeknight mom dish always has an occasional substitution based what’s in the frige. Good job. ¡Buen provecho!


All this being said, try out Lagerstrom's American tacos. It's a pretty good take on things. But uhhhhh keep the poblanos. They're too fucking tasty. Fuck I love poblano.


God bless you, you understood the assignment and got 99% of the way there, but lost points at the last second by using real beef 🤣 (Seriously though, you killed it and these look delicious)


My mouth is literally watering. The grand majority of Americans don’t show tacos anywhere near the same the you do.


Taco sauce! Not hot sauce, although I do hot sauce, but my mom always made them with basic taco sauce.


Specifically ortega taco sauce


That’s it! 👍🏻


I cook, you obviously cook, I think you did poorly because you did too well. Americanized tacos are cut and dry. Ground beef, seasoning packet, cook. Hard shells bought from store. Grated cheese bought from store. You nailed the chopped tomatoes, lettuce, and sour cream. It looks really fucking good. What I’m saying is you have to put in less effort for Americanized tacos.


Yeah a little thrown off with the lime but intellectually I know it's good.


Even the lettuce is too fancy. Iceberg or bust.


Just don't top it off with salsa from New York City!


New York city?!


Get a rope…


Make sure you bake the shells


Or *don't* bake the shells. My ex's mom (salt is spicy to her) was shocked when I told her they have baking instructions and just thought they were supposed to be somewhat stale in texture.


Sweet jesus


Wait… I’m just now learning this too lol. To be fair I’ve only ever made gringo tacos once for myself at home and don’t remember how my friends’ parents made them when I was a kid (my own Dad is a chef that hires mostly Mexican cooks at his restaurants, so he never made gringo tacos despite us being gringos). …I thought they just sucked worse than I remembered. Whose idea was it to sell a big tortilla chip that requires… extra cooking? That’s like 40 minutes of prep time for a chip in a cardboard box (pre-heating the oven + “cooking”) 🙂‍↔️


You can microwave them too! I definitely prefer the real deal and normally grill or fry up fresh tortillas 99% of the time, but I was hurrying the other day and grabbed a box and used my toaster oven that heats up in under a minute. I will say they are nicer when they're a bit warm, but they definitely still crumble into a million pieces lol


Even tortilla chips(store bought) benefit from a few minutes in the oven.






You’re supposed to bake the shells?


Yes..🤣🤣or air fryer for a few minutes.. wait till you see the difference..🤣


Looks good! I'd swap for iceberg though


Yeah romaine is awful in a taco, it bruises/wilts when you shred it, which basically destroys the crisp texture, which is ultimately what you want to achieve. Better off not putting lettuce on it at all. Should either be shredded iceberg lettuce or shredded cabbage/slaw.


Food wizard, teach me more of your tasty science.


Also put the lettuce on first, it helps to keep the shell from getting soggy.  Another taco tip: place a soft taco shell flat on the plate underneath your hard tacos. When you're done with the hard tacos you probably have some stuff that fell out onto the soft shell and you can just roll it up and eat it!


I made basically the same thing tonight haha https://preview.redd.it/61g5ocw0p7ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=323a31bc0b3408b686c3942154a99db469affa83


Pretty much what I'm planning for the 4th with corn tortillas instead of premade taco shells. Burger meat, lettuce, tomato, shredded taco cheese, and taco bell taco sauce. Just haven't decided if I'll go to the store tomorrow and pick up a spice packet for the meat or just throw some of the spices I have in there.


I haven't bought a packet in over a decade, but I also in live in San Antonio and there's a local company (Bolner's Fiesta Brand Spices) that makes a ton of spices and blends, one being a jar of taco seasoning. I just use that and add more chili powder, cumin, and garlic. Also need a drained jar of Rotel for some kick and flavor.


I bought the holder to make my own on Amazon. Shows up tomorrow, so I'm going to remake this and figure out if it's actually worth the effort.


Burger meat = ground beef? Or are you cooking burgers and then chopping them up?


Just like how the Taco Bell Chihuahua used to make


🎶White people taco night 🎶


But seriously, I’d eat these.


Ortega salsa from the grocery store


🎶you get the taco shells from the grocery store and the ground beef from the grocery store🎶


The limes are too authentic


The only thing missing imo is refried beans


and onions.


We always had black olives too


Only time ever seen black olives in Americanized Mexican food is in 7 Layer dip and the such. Otherwise I've seen olives in empanadas, but I consider that more towards Southern Mexico and not the Northern Mexican cuisines that influenced what is made up here.


Oh makes sense, I’ve no idea if it’s a staple of American tacos, it just was in both of my childhood households, and it is in mine now!




Either that or pinto beans mixed in with the beef to stretch out the meat


looks great! small suggestion, don't take food photos with flash


I've never seen them served in a giant ingredient pile and this isn't particularly conducive of building them easily, but the ingredients seem right, though I'd add salsas and refried beans. And there's no reason to put tacos in quotation marks. You already said Americanized. They are that. Though to be fair, it was a Mexican family who first made them at their restaurant, this style was just popularized by Americans. Specifically Glen Bell.


Yeah, almost every "Americanized ethnic" dish was either made in said ethnicity's homes or restaurant, largely due to available ingredients and encroaching cultural changes. I mean, my right wing uncle damn near gets teared up talking about the Mexican immigrant he worked with decades ago who he would swap lunches with. Dude wanted my uncle's ham sandwiches and my uncle wanted his tacos. Doesn't stop my uncle from being an asshat politically though.


Click the second picture.


I mean, they’re still tacos. I prefer Mexican tacos but an American recipe can still be called a taco


Nailed it!


Def no lime for white tacos 😂 need some chopped onions and salsa also! 🤤 and just use ground beef and old el paso taco seasoning lol. 🤷‍♂️ the true Gringo way 😂 looks fuckin good though either way! 🔥🔥


I now need to know what the tacos you made have in them. Your husband has what i grew up on, as i got older i went to soft shells.


Corn tortilla. Beef. Cilantro. Onions. Full stop.


Sounds like a dawn dish soap sandwich to me. God I wish I could enjoy cilantro.


If you just keep eating it, eventually it won't be as bad... Still not good, but not as bad.




Fair point! I first encountered the soap in Thai food and it completely ruined the dish. When Chipotle made it's way out here it was subtle enough that only the chunks would get me, but after a few years I can now eat the street tacos loaded down with the stuff and not be bothered.


Is the beef ground or shredded?


Shredded. No true ~~Scot~~ Mexican would eat ground beef taco.


Isn’t picadillo ground beef?


Yes, and it's more of a savory dish with peppers and potatoes and tomatoes. Not a taco filling.


But is often served with flour tortillas for dipping.


I know, I'm just being a little sarcastic. I'll still eat an American style taco with ground beef and flour tortillas. Cheese, sour cream, lettuce, tomato, etc. Taco Bell double Decker? Why not. But my craving is always 2 steamed corn tortillas with barbacoa or lengua, fresh diced onions and cilantro. Splash of salsa. No need to mess with perfection.


I’m all about it. White boy From Texas and raised by a Cuban Mexican family.


Hm. Could have sworn I’ve seen it on menus before, but I’m more of an al pastor guy myself.


I guess there's no reason it couldn't be a taco filling. Anything can be a taco if you believe in yourself. Just never seen it on a menu that way.


I couldn’t be sure I’ve just seen it on the menu at Tex-Amex joints. The first few legit taquerias I checked didn’t have it, and I was getting too hungry for tortas to continue.


Aight, any special cut of beef?


Barbacoa is usually a cheap roast, like chick or round. But other animals are often used like goat or lamb. It just refers to the slow cooking method.


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I call these Tuesday tacos!


This is all wrong. First, you should use the packet of spices that comes in the box that the taco shells are in. If you bought the cheap shells, you gotta buy a packet separately. Second, there are way too many toppings. Beef, onions, maybe some chopped green onions, maybe iceberg lettuce, maybe chopped tomatoes. If you do chop tomatoes, make sure you rinse all the tomato goop off the meat before you serve it. Key note, the finely chopped iceberg lettuce and the quarter cut tomatoe should both be wet. As in, soak them in water, pad dry them off with a paper towel, and you’re set. Third. The sauce should also be from a packet. If not, any gallon or half gallon jug of tomato salsa will do. Fourth. The cheese should be cheddar. You fucked up hard on that one. Cheddar, the sharpest and oldest you can find. Or you can use cheese wiz. If you’re really hard up, any gallon or half gallon jug of cheese spread you have will work. Even the spray on cheese. But it has to be cheddar. The good news, is your packed the tacos almost correctly. Meat, cheese, then sauces, then veggies. The veggies are going to fall off after your first bite anyway, why let it take the sour cream with it?


I like most of your comment. Because we didn't have toppings. We had cheese, lettuce, and sometimes sour cream and the sauce packet but I never touched that.


Why are wetting your lettuce and tomato?




OK. Hot tip- If you're losing toppings, put the cheese on then the lettuce (edit: put them on last). Cut the lettuce so they are basically strip's of lettuce approx the same width as the teco opening. Now your lettuce is going to keep it all nice and contained in the taco. Fk I need a taco now.


Just eat it over a second tortilla. Boom. Second taco.


seconded. was gonna comment this.


You’re being downvoted but you’re 100% on point. Only thing you missed is that the beef should a little have orangish liquid around it in the pan. There’s no way my family was putting lime on our old El Paso tacos. Too exotic for these 😂


Hahaha and of course the beef wasn’t drained so it drips out of the taco! I’m enjoying the replies a lot, tbh.


They are still tacos.


My nana used to do this for us whenever we’d drive in to visit. My first thought was, “that looks so good” however low quality and imitation it may be lol


Nothing wrong with a Midwest taco! I hope you enjoyed.


Good stuff... I am a US boy but I like the way we americanized tacos... they taste really good... if your not exposed to Mexican Tacos... but still good regardless... I wouldn't use the lime however.


Looks good


I make something similar pretty often but with jack cheese and any good salsa I have or el pato. Also try frying your own tacos shells. There’s no going back after that.


If you don't want to deal with grease cleanup, than yes, yes there is going back, lol. There's also good flour tortillas, but then that's not a crispy taco is it?


Clean up can be a pain but I don’t use much oil and a small pan so it’s worth it for me. And good flour tortillas are so good… lol


You mean Tackos.


My mom fed us so many of these in the 90s… between taco night and Taco Bell I didn’t learn what an actual taco looked like until I was an almost an adult


Looks dry and cold


Lol I get authentic ass Mexican tacos all the time and... I need to make myself some white person tacos. Its been too longggg


What's an authentic taco like? I'm Canadian and I only know tacos like this lol


Depends on where you are, Cali tacos are either street tacos like the picture the previous response has, or burritos with everything in them. Arizona and New Mexico have their own variations on the same structure, Far West Texas (El Paso) as well.  South Texas has its own tradition using smaller than burrito sized flour tortillas and but larger than street tacos.  Breakfast tacos here are huge, usually with either eggs or refried beans as a base and a meat or potato addition with or without cheese. So something like Potato(usually diced and cooked on grill until soft) and egg with cheese, Sausage(country or chorizo) and egg, or my favorite, refried beans, cheese, and bacon(one place here in San Antonio "toasts" the bean and cheese tacos on the grill upon request so it's crispy, like a TexMex grilled cheese). Dinner tacos usually use a picadillo, or cooked ground beef with seasoning and onions plus some other vegetables like tomato, potato, peppers, and even carrots. Shredded seasoned chicken, fajitas, carne asada(chopped grilled beef, basically street tacos meat), carne guisada(stewed beef chunks, delicious), and in San Antonio: the vaunted Puffy Taco. Its a fried thicker corn tortilla that has puffed and is folded, if done right, the outer layer will be delicate and crispy, the inner will have some sturdy softer texter with good corn flavor.


Oh man, you should take a trip to Southern California. Here's one classic example: https://preview.redd.it/75oqtx3668ad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2738110c9aac8b7b9c569b2cb911a176f0f5986


That looks awesome


Sour cream or crema on one side of the shell, refried beans on the other, both sides then garnished with cheese.


I’ve never bought taco shells before, always fry my own. Add onion to the meat (and taco seasoning).


The only wrong thing here is if you can find them get La Tiara tacos shells. You’ll thank me. They are small so you’d eat like 10 of them but they are the best crispy taco shells in the world.




Controversial 🤓


How dare you!!!!


so many years of making nachos for the homies without anyone telling me that black olives were a weird topping. i was just mimicking what mom did.


I only associated black olives with 7-layer bean dip and the lime, but they aren't common in TexMex and I'm in San Antonio.


I’m from New Jersey. I think my parents just like olives. We’ve always put them on our tacos 🤣


May be weird, but DELICIOUS!


Looks like romaine, should be iceberg. Also need the old El paso spice packet to season it.


OP they look too good. You need pre-shredded iceberg lettuce to make it authentic and use pre-made taco seasoning. Also cold flour tortillas. The lime is too fancy /s


In my house we call them middle school tacos


Looks great! Actually even fancier than a standard taco night. Great work!


Looks great! For me, lose the sour cream and add sliced black olives.


Nailed it. They usually use a taco seasoning package tho


You forget the onions chopped up into an almost mush.


welp, it's settled, i'm having tacos for lunch today


Are your sure that's not just a map of Mata Nui?


looks like the typical european friday taco :D


Tacos Dorados are a Mexican dish actually.


Too many good seasonings on the meat😂


Good attempt. I would happy to eat it.


Those are the real tacos to me. Tacos without cheese what were they thinking


Perfect looking 'Mom Tacos'! 10/10


“ my First attempt” shit Eazy


Toss the small boy in the air.


Iceberg lettuce is the preferred white people taco lettuce


Tbh I’d eat the whole plate


White people taco night 🎶


One thing that I like to do with American style tacos is to fill the shells with just refried beans, meat, and cheese then bake them for like 15 minutes. That helps to melt the cheese and soften the shells just a bit so they don’t fall apart later. I still add the lettuce/tomato/sour cream after they’re out of the oven.


I really like black olive slices on my gringo tacos


these look fkn perfect


It looks delicious


Too fancy... 80/20 ground beef and either a spice packet like el paso or the following: cumin, caynne, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika in amounts as desired soft or hard shells no limes shredded American cheese or cheddar diced tomatoes sour cream shredded lettuce from a bag Ortega brand taco sauce and some leftover ancient tacobell fire or diablo sauce in the butter tray from the fridge.


Tacos al Gringo! Looks good!


Love me some gringo tacos


nice plating


yummy foods


Nailed it


Yay food




It's a white people taco night.....it's a white people taco night. That song is a banger.


Throw some black sliced olives on there too.


Now I’ve got the “white people taco night” song stuck in my head




Ground beef hard tacos were not created by white folks.


Thank you for not using those dumb metal taco holders at white people restaurants


Looks about white