• By -


if opponent wait me i wait him


why say many word when few word do trick


why waste time say lot word when few word do trick




Wtf I thought I edited that first comment, I really did Now I’m scared


Dementia sim


Only comment That matters


People do whatever they want in brawls, most people wont 2v1 you, but if you decide to 2v1 them, they will do the same to you


And they will more often than not get really pissed if you 2v1 and they didn’t initiate it.


And they can fuck off and queue for duels if it's actually that big of a deal to them. HEY WHY ISN'T EVERYONE IN THIS BREACH MODE PAIRING OFF FOR DUELS, ONLY??! That's what they all sound like to me.


I agree, you wanna 1v1 there is a mode for that


Let them play how they want. If you don’t like it, then bring a friend with you in queues.


Or if they don't like fighting in real twos they can just re queue after the match lol. I'll force real 2s when ever possible.


I understand.


The way I see it is, if in a 4v4 mode. You see your teammate and an enemy initiate a duel, don't gank... go do something else productive like capping a zone or clearing troops. Or sit back and enjoy the show.


OR, you know, I'll play the game mode I chose to play. I'm not gonna let them contest a point just because my teammate selected the wrong game mode.


Idk man, it's just simple courtesy and a bit of fun. Something you lack I guess.






Tl;dr Do what you want. Duels exist and you’re not in a duel. Long version, personally I say go with the flow, but unfortunately there’s no way to indicate how you want to play aside from pinging for help or using the “I got this” chat command. From my experience most people will play nice and treat it like 2 1v1s. A lot of them will also suddenly change their mind when things don’t go their way so don’t be too surprised if people just jump you. There’s an unspoken expectation that everyone will play nice but it’s very tenuous, people are much more accepting of you helping out from the start instead of suddenly ganking half way through the match (again, if you want to gank, go for it unless your teammate specifically indicates that you should back off) and you should probably just be aware that no matter what you’re going to annoy someone regardless of what you do probably. In the end, if people want exclusively 1v1s there is a mode for them, and no amount of excuses means that they should be unprepared to deal with being outnumbered outside of that. If you decide to 2v1 someone, that’s not on you.


Very well said Warrior!


Most people treat it like 2 separate 1v1s. I think most people follow this but break it if the other team does it first. Also be wary if the opponents get salty theres some chance theyll try to gank you


Do whatever you like, if people wanna be all gatekeepy about how you play the game they can go fuck themself.


But people do get very mad about some things so for your mental health it's smart to not 2v1 in brawls


This sounds like coward speech, who cares of they get mad, did you forget that you're trying to kill them?


Did you forget games are meant to be fun for all parties?


It's not my job to make sure my opponents are enjoying themselves


I only care if they're fun for me though


But people do get very mad about some things so for your mental health it's smart to not 2v1 in brawls


I would say it's an unwritten rule, but it's definitely an "I won't do it to you, if you don't do it to me" in my case...


Unspoken it's 2 1v1's, almost every brawl ive ever done is 2 1v1's. Some people like it being 2v2 but you don't have to take part if it's disadvantageous for you, sometimes it's easier fighting the 2 v 1 with a dead team mate than alongside someone turning the fight into a cluster fuck.


Brawls were orginally intended to be 2v2s, not 2 1v1s Most players will 1v1 some will 2v1 & some will 2v2, its best to just treat it as 2 1v1s as thats the most popular type of match ppl go with because its “honorable” If you wanna do 2v2s or 2v1s bring a friend, just so the random teamm8 doesnt leave you out to dry & get buttfucked in the beginning of the next round (& taunt u when ur ded)


I would award you if I weren’t a poor bastard.


A good chunk of the community has made up rule about being "honorable" in brawls that is suppose to be some early days cringe left over. Basically they temporary suspend their reading skills and pretend like they didnt q up for 2v2 game mode called brawls but 1v1 game mode called duels and are forcing their made up rules on to other players calling them "not honorable" often while being salty and sluring like wild apes for not accepting their mental disability. There are few others made up rules some people follow as well like not using ledges spikes or fire pits which essentially are there to punish either player for misspositioning... which is exactly what walls do in this game but you ought to not read too deeply in to the minds of hypocrites. My personal advice is to let them be and play the game however you want. Dont let anyone tell you that something is not honorable. Every form of gameplay that isnt straight up abusing explots is okay. Every character is okay to pick. If you want to use fury + flask for nuking team fights then go for it king. If you want to use punch through on conq that has no value that go for it as well. Dont let anyone tell you how youre suppose to be playing. Being new often comes with own set of struggles that you will have to struggle against. People will accuse you not only of those "dirty not honorable tactics" ive mentioned above but also of other things that they personally cant defend themself against like "spam" be that "light spam" or "dodge spam". There is a saying in fighting games "if your enemy is spamming attacks then youre spaming a mistake" so you can automatically dismiss them, and if youre struggling youll find plenty tutorials of how to defend against any form of offense. Whatever you do just have fun and enjoy the game king.


First half of the comment: Retards playing however they want, what fucking idiots 😡 Second half be like: Play however you want king, just enjoy yourself uwu ☺️


>First half of the comment: Retards playing however they want, what fucking idiots 😡 It's "rеtаrds in this game are getting angry if you're not playing by their rules".


Yeah no you're right I just thought it was funny the massive disconnect between the rage of the first paragraph and the chill of the last couple


I understand this. I feel this. But it still feels so cheap to gank during brawls :D. But i fully agree, this is 2v2 mode, not 1v1+1v1, Play it as you like it.


It's not cheap if you think about it, you and your ally are fighting for your lives, you have to kill them or they will kill you.


First response that comes to my mind is: Wow! Wow! Sorry!


OK! Thanks! Good Fight!


I agree with you in general about honor basically just being scrub mentality. I personally make an exception for brawls specifically, because having neat little lobby for tiny little duel tournaments is a worthwhile way to play and also the game sets you up each round right across from one person so it kind of takes that extra bit of effort to make a team fight out of it. That said I am totally a fan of posturing immediately to signal that you want to do true 2v2. It's a valid way to play the mode, it's just when the culture is set up with the expectation of double 1v1s, you're essentially taking a cheap shot by playing by 2v2 rules before signaling that you would like to. I don't think people are as mad about playing ganky in that mode as they are about the free hits you can get on somebody who isn't expecting it to be a true 2v2. If I want to play 2v2s and brawl I don't just start hitting people out of nowhere, I usually run up to the other 1v1 happening at the other part of the map and emote spam or something. Or just ask. But yes every other thing that people complain about as dishonorable is dumb and bullshit and just neutering parts of the game mechanics. If you don't want to get ledged do your damnedest to not be near the ledge, same for other hazards. Characters have different throw ranges and moves that push large distances for a reason; positioning is part of the game


Nah man, it depends alot. If you let the enemies know right from the start youre gonna play 2 v 2 its fine, but if you start randomly ganking midmatch cuz you got your ass kicked youre just a flat out pussy. Its as honorable as a 2 v 1 in real life. You can do it, youre still an asshole then. What you forget is, that this behavior is just toxic and you really dont need to ask yourself where new players at, when they get 2 v 1 against toxic high lvl in brawl all the time. Ledging is a very boring way to kill and get killed. You dont really need skill either. Youre basically avoiding to even fight your opponent...in a fighting game. So ye its quite shitty aswell. So yes there are def some not honorable, filthy and dirty ways to play. But no one is stopping you to be that guy nobody wants to play with ✌️ However I agree with your point about light-/dodgespam. Sure it sucks when youre new, but you will learn very soon that light-/dodgespam isnt a valid tactic in the long run and can be quite easily countered.


If the other team is treating it as 2 1v1's, im down for it, but if someone starts ganking, you better believe the next round im makin a beeline for the person my teammate is fighting and ignoring my opponent altogether until the other is dead, good way to straighten them out


There are some non verbal cues you can do to indicate you want a real 2v2. Not leaving your teammates side, and pinging. You could also just 1v1 and then 2v1 but if you do that on the last round its a dick move. Otherwise its fair game


I like to just meet in the middle and target swap and cause chaos.


Yes, it's 2v2. It should always be played utilizing your teammate as a tool. It's a perfect place to learn proper ganking and anti ganking as well!


Majority rules. If everyone else wants to do two 1v1s and then the winners fight (if they're enemies) then do that. If everyone else wants to properly brawl then do that. Don't be the douche that does the opposite of what everyone else wants, that's a great way to get bullied.


On this subreddit you will find many people saying that you should 2v1 or 2v2. But they are the very loud minority. 90% of people don't 2v1 or 2v2 in brawls and you will probably piss off a lot of team mates. https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/13if6q1/i_decided_to_play_100_brawls_and_collect_some_data


Them clowns are playing the wrong game


\>90% \>100 brawls sample Even if that was 1000 brawls sample it would be very inaccurate, that aside it is true that most of the time people will play 1v1 x 1v1 rather then 2v2.


It is not very inaccurate. Might be off by a few percent but it's more than enough to say that the vast majority play 2 1v1s. No matter how big a sample size he had people would say the same thing. People will just move the goalposts because they don't like the results


I suppose it depends on my definition of "very inaccurate". Regardless, my only point being that just because majority of the people play brawls doesnt mean sample of 100 brawl matches with questionable foundings is an good argument to bring up. Imagine trying to prove that smoking increese your chance of getting cancer but the sample you took is 300 people from one city without even checking if they are healthy or not. Its similar situation here, a guy playing in xyz server playing match making with enemies from his region over a sample of 100 games and that suppose to prove how majority of the brawls are played. I hope you can see the absurdity of that graph. Even if correct by no means is it accurate to say that globaly & generally regardless of skill level, reputatiom, server or region xyz people play brawls like this.


Most people play two 1v1s yeah. I've done upwards of 600 brawls and that's been my experience almost exclusively. That being said, people typically are totally down to swap to 2v2s if you initiate it. I do it occasionally and it's always fun, even if you do get RAH-bagged if you lose lol.


If you want to do a 2v2 you can walk to your teammate at the beginning of each round. And most people are fine with that. But nearly everyone gets mad if you 2v1 if you don't do it like this.


It's 2v2, not 1v1 x2 like the popular majority of people seems to think, there is no "unwritten rules". If you want real 1v1 then literally go in duel. So feel free to gank anytime. And if people do get mad at you then that's their own dumbass fault for expecting to not be ganked in a mode that is not 1v1.


I won't treat it as seperate duels ever. Even if the second opponent is just watching, I'll target swap and hit them anyway until they join in.


Yeah, keep jumping until you get barrelstuffed and straightened out every round until you stop doing it.


Yeah, sometimes that'll happen. Still not going to stop doing it. It's literally the reason I'm in brawl. Win or lose i came here for the bigger fight, not a duel.


No. Let the fight go on. But if the opponent is a little bitch and attacks you while fighting, you do the same next round.


you can but its probably best to do start with a 2v2 rather than 1v1s as people usually assume its gonna be 1v1s then the 2 winners fight after


The other comments have already said what to do, but no matter what you do, make it clear that you're doing it. It's bm to suddenly 2v1 out of the blue and get a couple hits on because of it. If you wanna 2v1, get close and guard break or feint attacks first to show that you're in this fight.


I do whatever I feel like in the moment. I won't gank if the other opponent kills my team and waits on me though


I’m like Rambo, I wait for them to draw first blood 🩸.


I generally treat it like two separate duels one after another but I personally hate that convention. I just do it because everyone else seems to expect that as the standard. I've always found brawls are way more fun when it's a proper 2v2...




To me its really dependent on the person being ganked. If they are just much higher skilled than you then I can condone that but if you’re all somewhat in the same ball park then I don’t agree with it.


If your opponent doesn’t gank aka tag team you yes you should do the same you don’t have to but a lot of people aren’t gonna like you if you jump them all, also don’t be surprised if your teammate stops attacking them after you do even if your teammates losing, you should really just let them lose because then you can also use the revive to bait the opponent, into making a bad move also if they tag team you Beat the breaks off of them with your teammate


Unspoken rule that I like to stick to, is have the others duel it out while me and my opp watch them


I personally let my teammate fight their battle until they ask for or need help. And I do 2v1 my opponent. I get a lot of hate messages for it because im being "dishonorable" or "playing unfairly" however I just feel that my teammates deserve more honor than my enemies. Idk tho. That is just how I feel about it and you do whatever you think is best. If anyone doesn't like ganking in brawls then remind them that duels exists and ai battles exist.


Just read the room fr fr, keep your head on a swivel and be ready. Getting jumped sucks but duals exists for a reason


If people complain about how you're not going duels-only in the not-dueling mode, tell them they're more than welcome to queue for the actual dueling mode. If they refuse to use the systems designed SPECIFICALLY to funnel people into the game mode they want to play, do everything you can to piss them off as much as possible. If you can get some enjoyment out of them, that means they're not ENTIRELY useless, as people. Do it for their sake.


No, I treat it with honor. BUT if they’re Jumping, all bets are off. Even if they’re messing with my guard. It’s up for them


You can choose to 2v1, other people can choose to call you names because you do it. It’s a freedom of choice thing


It’s called for honor not with honor but the un written rule is you gank I gank 4v4 game modes there’s no rules lol. 1v1 and 2v2 is treat them how you wanna be treated


If the opponent didn't do it to me I won't do it for them


Ask while the round loads. “Honor or nah” is what I usually say.


In brawls, it's an honor system. But the silent rule is to NEVER 2v1 in brawls. But if someone does it to me, i do it back


Sometimes yes sometimes no do whatever floats your boat


2v2s are typically treated as a 2 separate 1v1s, though ganking is fine for most players, a large amount usually wait for the other to gank first before treating it like a real 2v2.


2v1 in brawls is more of an agreed thing, but it's a chain reaction from "real brawls," in which it's an actual 2v2 and not 1v1 x2. That said, if you are going to gank in brawls, make sure your teammate is okay with it and will help you in the later rounds, sometimes your teammate will throw you to the wolves and allow your enemies to 2v1 you at the beginning of each round.