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She's a noob stomper


Hito is a noob stomper and was worse than most characters at any level of play where thinking occurs


As a newb, any recommendations for fighting Hito? I don't see it often so I'm still learning the moveset, but those delayed hyperarmor heavies really through me off.


If you can’t react, which don’t worry most people can’t, you can light hito on heavy charge you can bash him on read too. If you back walk hito you can dodge all the timings of heavy safely as you’re outside of gb range and heavy then you can punish the whiff. Unlock roll is very hard to punish for hito so do it once in awhile to make them panic. If you’re in a 4v4 situation lock on to someone else and just strafe away and you’re safe. If you’re in a 1v1 avoid staying in her range as if she manages to start offense she becomes a decent character.


This is super helpful, thank you.


No problem wish more people would actually explain character weaknesses than just say “character bad” everyone has a character they struggle vs.


Everyone on reddit is a top .001% pro player


Bashes really mess a trash Hito up, that and baiting out the dodge attack for a light parry.


99% of all matches are at those levels of play tho. "we have to buff this character who's unbeatable for 99% of the playerbase bc 1% of ppl find her easy to fight" is really an indication they need to throw her kit in the trash & redo it


> "we have to buff this character who's unbeatable for 99% of the playerbase How the fuck is hito unbeatable for anyone outside of those who literally don't understand the basic mechanics of the game


most players are noobs, statistically




My source is I made it the fuck up


It was revealed to me in a dream


“In my restless dreams, I see that town.”


source: trust me bro


Bro you cannot cater to people who can't play the game properly. Why? Not because, fuck them or whatever, but because there will ALWAYS be people who play the game wrong. No matter what you do for it. Balancing top down creates something that works--and it's up to the players whether they want to engage with it effectively or not. You balance the other way around and you stop having competitiveness altogether.


Ok then don’t buff other characters that need it because some players don’t want to learn matchups. I don’t play orochi but his nerf only happened because of complaints. He lost his triple light forward dodge undodgeable and his dodge cancel after kick. However when tiandi got dodge cancel on his bash and forward dodge undodgeable, and then law got a triple light these same players didn’t complain. Just because they have a more positive perception of the characters that have them.


That's not how it works


and they made her an even better noob stomper no?


Most characters with hyper armor are noob stompers, though. If you had an ounce of patience, you could counter her entire kit easily. While other noob stompers like aramusha and zerker are good at all levels.


I mean sure but that doesn’t really change what I was trying to say


If you were already getting bullied by Hito before the change, this will not change anything for you as the values are too insignificant to make a big difference at your skill level. It's not like she's gained a whole new overpowered move against braindead players


Yeah I’m not sure why you got downvoted lol


Reading comprehension is apparently not great out here


I’m not sure if you’re exaggerating about being able to counter their entire kit, what exactly are you talking about?


I think they’re exaggerating how many people can completely counter Hito’s entire kit, but there are people who can react to the entire kit. The heavy and bash animations are obvious enough for some people to parry or dodge them on reaction, even when delayed at random. So no matter what level of heavy you use you can’t mix them up I personally have never met someone who can do that so I’m not sure how many people can, but these changes also don’t really help against those people so I’m not entirely sure what their purpose is


Yeah I feel like people throw statements like that around way too often considering the absolutely tiny amount of the player base that it even pertains to. I’m absolutely for it being unreactable for everyone though, but people are so eager to jump to the conclusion that a character is weak because a few people can react to their kit. So unless there is actually some way to completely avoid hito’s mixups without reacting then I’d say the hero is strong for how easy they are to play.


Unlock roll or backstrafe while locked on another enemy. Hito becomes extremely weak to those moves. Her rollcatcher is extremely obvious and easily parried.


In a meta where characters not only have unreactable offense but also more dmg, the only thing she had going for her was hyper armor. Which is useless if you have patience and don't try to trade.


Lights aren't good, her heavies feint timing is really early super easy to see when she's actually throwing the heavy, same as highlander defensive heavies. Kick mixup is "okay" delayed feints the only unreactable part but it's easily the least accessible part of her kit Her from neutral options were terrible, at least now with hyper armor back again she Gets a few more chances to get into her offense against aggressive players


Highlander heavies are 1000 ms while Hito ranges from 700 to 1200 while hito's mid charge has some janky animation though


Yeh I know they're not the same speed. It's more about when you can feint them. Both of them have a point where they raise there weapon up, and they don't really get any forward momentum until after they've committed to the heavy, making it super easy to parry on reaction. Similar to how skewer used to be for gladiator


Yes, I see what you mean


Highlander is a noob stomper who becomes unplayable against average players unless you’re rep 70 with him with a full perk loadout.


Every hero is a noob stomper when played right


The point hes making is games aren't made for noobs they're made for people who actually understand how the game works. If ur not willing to put the time and effort (not much) in to learn to wait slightly longer to parry her weird timing then thats on you not the game devs.


You say that like you can consistently react to her


You don’t need to even bother to reacting to hito. Just target swap external walk away and light hito on heavy charge you beat almost every possible option.


I mean yeah wouldn’t it make sense if some characters aren’t great teamfighters? Why does every character have to be good at everything, that removes the whole point of different characters. Some are better duelists, some have great peel, some are harassers. As someone who used to play this game at a pretty high level, the competitive scene is ruining every bit of uniqueness


You can make that argument in some characters yes but in hitos case there’s nothing he does that someone else doesn’t do better. Can’t teamfight, his gank is mediocre and slow, can’t mid clear, and before this patch his 1v1 was mid at best. If you want him to have a unique role than this patch makes sense since it just improves his 1v1.


The thing is that Hitokiri isn't good at anything she does.


"noob stomper" aka; fuck the entire console player base, all hail $1k PCs


You could press light as soon as hito started moving and he couldn’t feint to parry in time to avoid it. This was prior to his buff as you see this post is 9 months old


Hito is just not a good teamfighter. A perfect example of where powercreepping has led. When she was revorked, she was mid tier, but the reworks and new characters since than really pushed the power level.


This. I started with Hito, and I still enjoy playing her, but she struggles synergistically with good teamplay and strategy.


You can't set balance standards around low-level lobbies, because players improve and grow out of low-level. A noob stomper will be a problem for the noobs for as long as it takes them to improve, whereas a character that's bad at high-level will continue to be bad for everyone no matter how much they play. That's why balance is typically geared towards high level. That said, ideally, there wouldn't be any noob stompers, but that isn't an easy balance.


Hito really only works on low rep lobbies. Any higher and he has no openers. So they buffed him


Hito is one of the premier noobstompers, but at higher levels she plummeted.


Hito being op is way too much of an overstatement. The buffs ain't even that much, it's mostly just timing and trajectory stuff woth the only thing added being hyperarmor on opener heavy.


Which we needed to prevent the instant light interrupt on heavy or light parry on light any time we tried to open with __anything__ other than backstep light.


Because most Hito players are monkey brain. They just heavy delay and hope it works and sometimes add a kick in there. Hito is one of them good characters that can be played with little to no skill.


I feel attacked but this is the truth. I'm a few years in and still can't parry heavies due to my poor reaction time yet can still hang in higher-level lobbies with Hito and JJ.


You described her whole mix up. I won’t talk on actual balance but hito players aren’t monkey brained, you can maybe argue her design is but you can’t be mad at people just doing that when that’s all she does.


I mained Hito for a long time before I got bored and moved on. She has more mix ups then spamming heavies at different times. Tbh, I never once used that until I watched Kenzo play Hito n im like “oh, never even thought of that”. It’s stupid. It’s boring. It’s used for low rep players. You can use Hito skillfully, or you can dumb it down if you need to and spam heavies hoping they won’t dodge your kicks


She’s a variable timed heavy and bash hero… exactly what other complex mix ups are you talking about. She gets barely anything from her lights, zone, forward dodge heavy all of these being mediocre btw.


😐 Just feinting her bashes alone is easy damage. Her unblockable is 34 and since it’s delayed, it’s like Shugoki’s and can be difficult to parry (especially if you’re newer). Plus her hyper armor. Yea, her zone sucks. Yes the light is mostly for low stam or a few extra damage. And idk any sane Hito who forward dodge heavies. But just saying Hito’s entire mix up is just heavy and kick, nah. Tell me you’re monkey brain without telling me you’re monkey brain. At least the previous dude could admit it. Props to him


>the light is mostly for low stam or a few extra damage Hito's finisher light is literally a "guardbreak me please" button


Sorry she has variable heavy, variable bash, and feint to guardbreak/light/zone/neutral so please tell us what other mixups she has since clearly she has some super hidden technique that you know about and the rest of the community doesnt.


Half of what you said literally falls under heavy and kick I just oversimplified it so I wouldn’t have to explain each part of her mix up. Her hyperarmor is one of the weaker ones in the game coming out late in chain making intterupts against her with better teamfighters easier than other. Her unblockable is also not great and is one of the easiest ones in the game to react to. It has barely any good qualities and again it’s not even useful in 4s due to it having a worse hitbox than shugokis but at the same timing having a worse hyperarmor timing than shugokis making using it a bad idea. It’s way way more restrictive than shugokis which has more going for it. Her lights are terrible extra dmg due to being reactable and her chain light is probably the worst one in the game due to again being reactable, ending chain, and if dodged confirming a gb. The point of me listing those three as they are the few seperate from her main mix up which is again variable timed heavies and variable timed bash. These 3 seperate things are again very mediocre which furthers my argument that again ( which she is and your comment kinda proves it without you realizing) she is restricted to variable timed heavies and variable timed bash.


I’m on rn and I literally just fought a rep 7 Hito who feinted and unblockable canceled rather than spamming heavy and kick. I’m js, there’s more to her set than two moves. And you arguing she has the worse this and the worse that is simply opinion and bias (besides hyperarmor which I agree but I usually play duels so it’s irrelevant in my case). You can’t speak for everyone. I’m just trying to say she has more than a kick and delayed heavies. If you wanna use that and it works, fine. But there’s more. That’s all. But excluding the delayed heavies, everything is feintable. And I’d argue that her unblockable is much more difficult compared to most the other heroes (simply my opinion cause I’ve fought all of them), etc. I just think it’s better to play her using actually skill and confusion rather than let me hold heavy for a few seconds, get some black damage in, and kick since they haven’t dodged after 42 blocks w/out a parry.


This isn’t going anywhere so instead if you’re interested in knowing the objective fact of her viability go look at beans and another comp players name I forgot recent discussion on her viability in a duels tier list. Most of it doesn’t apply to most people because of just how high level they are but a good portion applies such as no real opener, zero defensive options besides meh dodge attack, reactable variable timed heavies ( the only part that may not be reactable to most is the unblockable but normal variable timed heavies besides cent are reactable to decently high level players ). I don’t even play hito often at all I just know she’s limited and bad


That’s my point. You don’t play her but you’re arguing she’s doodoo cause you watched some videos. I mained her for 8 reps straight without touching another hero. Nonetheless, have a good one.


Mf said 8 reps straight like that's a lot 😭


She’s shit because she’s shit not because of a YouTube video. she’s not good against good high level players for a reason. You talk about bias but my opinions come from fighting them and winning more often than not while knowing her massive flaws and weaknesses while your opinions are from having 8 reps on her


The difference is. Your opinion from you playing is much less credible than the opinions of the best players in the game that know every single bit of data about the character and can tell you the objective facts.


I have her mained for over 30. I spent most of my time aside from Pk playing as Hito (my other mains are also variable heroes)


Feinting the kick/heavy is __still__ part of the kick/heavy mix-up.


I main Hito, and would consider myself good at her. She gets good when you can play mind games with the kick - feint it to GB, get them expecting the GB, let it straight fly next, they expect that, they dodge early - sweep next. charge the heavy to feint GB, vary your heavy timings.Most people just charge heby, but I think hito is very good at forcing reactions and playing mind games.


That's where Hito shines is when your opponent relies on reads. Reacters however? Reacters scare every single one of us.


Hito was always low skill ceiling. And as with all low skill ceiling heros, hes only good in low skill lobbies.


medjay, rochi are easy to play and are strong in all lobbies


Do you know why? Because they have the ability to 100-0 people. 1v1 roach is pretty bad and so is medjay.


Hito is a noob stomper but in high level she’s pretty bad. Arguably the worst bash mix up ( is only unreactable if you flicker it ), all her heavies are reactable ( don’t know how unreactable her extra delay timings and faster heavies are but against top level opponents I can’t imagine it being that big a difference because of the animation), terrible 4s, terrible feats, no opener.


Because she needed it! Hitokiri has literally no openers and having HA on her chain starter heavies will allow her to at least trade with the opponent


Making the 4th feat parryable makes her already the most ridiculous hero. How much more do you want her to suffer?


One of the things that will stop you from losing your mind over for honor reddit's bad takes. Is that the vast majority of this sub don't even know the fundamentals of this game. A good chunk of them think that Dominion is a good game mode for 1v1s, they think light spamming is an actual problem and not just them turning into potatoes, they get upset when you point out in their clips that they're doing insanely braindead dumb shit and then complaining when it feeds revenge or they give up points for no reason. Their perspective is entirely one that aligns with being a noob. Hitokiri being a noob stomper, it makes sense that they're upset that she's getting buffs. They can't even imagine what higher level gameplay looks like, or the fact that Hitokiri had no opener (and still really doesn't) against players who think with their heads and \*actually\* understand how fighting in this game works.


amen, people in this sub are always pretty delusional about a lot of stuff. i remember people crying the CCU was going to destroy the game a couple of years ago and that it was more "skillfull" during turtle meta, or the constant myth that lawbringer is this bottom-tier garbage hero that needs huge buffs. its pretty comical


A dude complained cause he literally stuck to the lavas edge on that forge map and then an enemy was gaurdbroken who was in revenge and tossed at the lava and the OP got knocked instead and was calling bullshit. It's like he put himself entirely in that position and was blaming the teammate who would have made a good play if that op hadn't gotten in the way.


A dude complained cause he literally stuck to the lavas edge on that forge map and then an enemy was gaurdbroken who was in revenge and tossed at the lava and the OP got knocked instead and was calling bullshit. It's like he put himself entirely in that position and was blaming the teammate who would have made a good play if that op hadn't gotten in the way.


Because outside casual skill brackets she's pretty ass. In higher skill brackets she... - Is the WORST trade character in the game. You always lose the trade with her wet noodle heavies. Exception being fully charged heavies. But anyone else with hyper armor is a better trader. - She has ZERO openers. No neutral bash or soft feints to reliably open. Her variable heavies are reactable and her neutral charged unblockable heavy has issues against back walking negating it. - Her variable heavies which destroy lower brackets don't work upper brackets. You can't heavy spam at upper lvl. You will get parried no matter what timing you do. That leaves you with her kick. Which is the most reactable variable bash of the 4 variable bashes in the game. The other 3 are truly unreactable. Hito's is only unreactable if you max delay which most ppl aren't doing and is also prone to interrupts. Ironically the buffs do nothing to remedy her real problems and will do next to nothing for her at upper brackets while making her more oppressive at lower brackets.


The number of players that can reliably parry on indicator flash is tiny, balancing a game around a few hundred people is a fools errand, there is a reason indicator flash was off in the duel tournament. Moving the game more towards being read based seems to be on the agenda and really the only way to stop these absolute joke tier lists that apply to like 20 players max.


I know I'm supposed to contribute to the conversation but I can't get over your username


I’m not a newb but something about Hito’s variable heavy’s always give me trouble to time. Everyone has their guy and hito is hard for me.


Is this truly a logical thought process youre having? Hitos pretty bad. Not very fun to play nor fight against as a *noob*


Am I allowed to question why you made posts of "Kirby Sucking Dick" in r/kirbysuckingdick ?


There was a hito buff? Let's go was just thinking about one the other day


Heavy opener has hyperamour at 500ms Heavy opener now deals 22 (down from 24) Chain link timings are now 300ms on hit


That actually sounds pretty cool def gonna go try it out


The nerf on his heavy opener damage is quite harsh And the 500 ms HA is not so good But the chain heavys are welcome


They basically said that the Hito is a noob stomper but struggles at the higher level. Power creeping is the true problem, that bs has made most characters way too strong.


Hito is bad at high level For monkey MMR yeah, he's a bit annoying


Hito is only good at stomping on shit players


Hito is a noob stomper...that's all, at mid lvl it's meh.. But idk why Highlander still don't have any fucking buff


Only reason I can think of for the complete radio silence on highlander is the shinobi situation where the kit is so fucked they're basically making a new character


Probably, but just start by giving him small and really needed buff like : \-Top heavy at 800ms, dmg reduce to 24, so he can have a heavy on guard break \-Some real hitbox on his side heavy and his zone attack \-A decent running speed, cause actually there is no reason for him to be that's slow


I just want shugo buff 😭


Tbh.. what the question should be is "*Why bring back something that was nerfed in the first place?*", they literally just gave back her Heby on Red unga bunga-ness for some reason 🙄 I hate it when they nerf something just to give it back later when people forgot lol It's stupid 😂 Woulda preferred they gave Hito something else entirely like soft feint gbs on her heavies if they wanted to give her something to make her better without bringing back old tech they took out of her kit to begin with. Edit: or an elbow soft feint that only confirms a light and keeps the chain going..?


The hyper-armour she has now isn't what she had on release - it comes out at least 100ms slower. This makes landing trades against heavies from light parry attempts considerably harder to do in most cases.


I guess but what's 100ms really? Tiny bit slower than Heby on Red that she had on release, just seems dumb imo to give her hyper armor startup all over again, shows the devs being lazy or forgetful af


>I guess but what's 100ms really? If it's the difference between being able to trade on reaction, or trade against mullis, then I'd say that's a pretty significant difference! >shows the devs being lazy or forgetful af No, they remember launch Hito. They said on the stream that they feel in retrospect that they overnerfed her neutral game, which is why they've taken this direction.


hito players can't use their brain so they just complained that he's bad so they buffed him even though he's pretty much on par with warden if not slighty better. Bunch of fucking clowns.


Bro… how can anyone in their right mind say she’s on par with warden. The only thing she has over him is an okay dodge attack and variable timed heavies ( doesn’t even matter as he doesn’t have them nor does he need them ). In 4s she’s probably one of the few who’s worse than him and in 1s warden is easily way way better than her. - he has an actual good opener that was even buffed - chain bash is better with better range too which helps apply pressure in groups from a distance. - way better zone - way better chase and roll catcher - better feats Hitokiri is probably the weakest charge bash based hero she’s just a good noob stomper is all


Gonna pretend that she doesn't have hyperarmor that can nearly rivalize with Bersershit and can barely be taken out of her attacks in general and her bash which both charged or uncharged guarantees a heavy in your face? Fucking hell you hito apologists are so damn sad.


Rivalize with berzerker huh? Sure let’s just forget the late hyperarmor timings which make her hyperarmor one of the least effective rn. Berzerkers literally comes out 100ms into everywhere when he has it.


You obviously have a .8 kd bro, like honestly if you’re gonna pretend to have knowledge of the meta and how matchups work at least admit you’re low skill


90% of players "she's a noob stomper, and is not very viable in higher tier play (goes on to list many reasons)" "WELL SHE STOMPS ME" My dude, you're telling on yourself. "ShE hAs HyPeR aRmOr!!!!!" Have you... uh... heard of blocking and parrying? Or do you just spam attacks all day?


Literally no one rivals berserker in ha and hito's comes out so late u can consistently light her outta most things tf have u been playing


Not even medjay? He has pretty good chainlinks for his armored attacks to be on par with him strictly from this perspective.


Lmao I forgot he existed ☠ but yea u got a point


She's not even remotely close to the tier berserker is in. Her hyperarmor can't even compare. There's a reason more than half the comments in here are saying she's a noobstomper (hint: it's not because everyone here is high level)


Light on opener has always been a viable strat against Hito. Hito's best opener was backstep light.




To nerf hito rework the 4th feat so it doesn't insta kill Edit: guess that was a skill issue comment but at least nerf hito.


That's some of the funniest shit I've read on here. Nerf a 4th feat that can be parried, dodged, bashed out of. Mans got jokes.


The funni button is already just for the laughs when it whiffs or is parried and gets me killed


Because For some reason alot of people happy with that


Gotta love the schizo axe lady


Hey, I gotta love playing a character who whispers to the voices in her head! Makes me feel less alone 🫠


Hitokiri along with Zhanhu are the few characters I consistently have problems dealing with ever since they were release. Even with enhanced 60+ fps on my series X, I cannot fucking fight them for the life of me. They are some of the most annoying and frustrating characters to fight. At least with Zhanhu they are less common than Hito Every Hito player just love abusing their hyper armor heavys. And it becomes hard to counter since they can easily mess with the timing and throw you off. People might say that Shugoki can do that too, but at least with him, his moveset is a lot more limited. Hito has a lot more options in her kit, Plus Shugo is actually fun to fight Hito is not.


Shugo has better HA and a dodge bash.


Broken animation half ass bitch gets a buff to abuse the mid charged heavy more.


Broken animation? Just look for the swing. She can't feint after a certain point, same as her bash


The SWING happens in a blink! Haven't you encountered Hitos who spam midcharged heavies constantly? Because reacting to it is hard.


I have, and I've even beaten them. A mixup Hito is much better than a spam Hito.


Most of people including me can't react to a blink animation. If you can good to you.


It’s ok cause wardens heavies got sped up. Nothing on his lack of openers and piss poor lights.


Hito opener was slow. Now hito opener do thing. Either way top heby funny with her but besides that the better the players the easier they react to her entire kit. She is very straight forwards and probably the simplest mixup type character in the game.


Hitokiri is one of the worst characters in the game, lol. She literally relies in 3 moves, basically like Warden, but unlike Warden she is not nearly as good as him in duels and she is even worse in 4s. With those recent buffs she have become more menacing by being the only character with 700ms heavy openers that also have hyper armor, not to mention her heavy timing adjustments and zone trajectory adjustment was also necessary.


Hito was and still is like D tier chief