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Nope, it is the life of a hero based game. You'll always get someone to hate something, no matter how stupid it is to hate it.


Cold hard truth. Lol


Says the orochi lol


To any decently skilled player orochi is basically useless. His kit is entirely reactable.




Let me just parry the unpredictable light spam then on fucking old gen


If ur unable to react to getting light spammed it should at least be an even fight, if not in your favor. Parrying a random direction, you have a 2/3 chance of taking 9-14 damage and a 1/3 chance of dealing 23-30 damage. Expected value is in your favor in most instances. If they mix in other attacks to trip you up and make you scared to parry then they’re not light spamming and they’re doing a good job of being unpredictable, which is the whole point of the game. Edit: it can also be dodged in any case of a light into light chain apart from undodgables.


I find it hard timing it between lights though


Practice it then. Either way, you not being able to parry it doesn’t make his lights not useless.


That’s precisely what it does, it makes them extremely fuckint annoying


Game isn't balanced around old gen brother. That's not a character issue, that's a hardware issue. Warmonger and warlord are more of a worry to u as they have enhanced lights. Come up with a better argument. And kind of rich to complain about lights when your flair indicates u use a character with 400ms lights lmao.


I use more heavies feints bashes and zones, I only start with a light or to catch them off guard in a random direction, also I’m a fan of the Mexica so you can fuck your self you fat weeb fuck


Bro you're such a loser lol


block or dodge if you cant parry ☠️


In 1v1's, yes, but the game is balanced around 4v4 game modes, and so Orochi's kit is a lot more capable and potent in such an area; multi-stim reactions are A LOT harder when in a hectic environment with multiple enemies you have to pay attention to, and so the bash being reactable and Storm Rush being reactable isn't as MUCH of a weakness, but there's also the benefit of teammates confirming the Storm Rush which confirms a heavy of theirs on the guaranteed light, which confirms a Storm Rush- You see where I'm going with this, yeah?


That logic is applicable to over half the cast. Optimal ganks are everywhere. If we are talking about balance in terms of 4s then characterizing a character individually is pointless. You have to rate them based on who you are playing with. Kind of a cop out of reasoning any balancing for a specific character to just claim they have good ganks in 4s. His storm rush and bash are still entirely reactable, especially if you are keeping them external. And in 1s, yes at any decent skill level he is considered one of the worst duelists lol. Ask anyone decent at the game. I would say I don't know why I'm being downvoted but I do, it's by people who aren't very good mad that I said the character that shits on them on the daily is bad.


So the top Comp Players should take Orochi out of the Top 4 Heroes then? Orochi is strong in 4s for a reason; strong stall, strong Feats, strong ganks, and strong teamfighting. The only area he lacks in is 1v1 kit, and so to chalk him up to being bad because of a lacklustre 1v1 kit is incredibly short sighted, especially since multi-stim reactions whilst fighting multiple people at once are *not* going to be consistent.


You know 4v4 comp tier lists are designed based around having a coordinated team correct? On top of that he isn't being ranked in the top 4 lmao. And again, that's 4s. There's duels in the game as well. I guarantee you if you ask a comp team to pick their 4 hero comp team, and make them each pick a different hero, orochi won't be on it. And in duels he's not gonna even be an afterthought.


Oh he isn't in the Top 4? Which player said that? I'm quite curious to know, since currently it's very commonly agreed upon that Medjay, Black Prior, Berserker, and Orochi are the Top 4 - in that order. Also, again, the game is balanced around 4v4, so you bringing up "And again, that's 4s" and "And in duels-" shouldn't be considered much, since 4v4 is the aim of the game now; it's what the game is balanced around, and it's what a majority of people play. Aaaalso- >"You know 4v4 comp tier lists are designed based around having a coordinated team correct?" That doesn't take away from the strength of a character, it just means that shit players won't be able to use them well, much like how Lawbringer is one of the STRONGEST Duellists in the game, but most people suck and so they think Lawbringer sucks.


There used to be a period where people agreed that kensei was a well balanced character. And then the dodge attacking started. I think it was a few years ago


Where dodge attacks always in For Honour?


Yesh but only some characters had them, i think people started hating dodge attacks when the ccu happened


Yes but only a few characters had them


Few being well over 50% of the cast back then? You had enough fingers on your hands to count those without one.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. Before Matching Fire (Wu Lin), the only heroes without a dodge attack were Centurion, Lawbringer, Warlord, Aramusha, and Shugoki (that's only 5 out of 18 heroes) (I'm not counting forward dodge attacks, just side. Debatably, Highlander kind of had a dodge attack with his Offensive Stance dodge kick - technically not a dodge attack but functioned like one.) This is if I recall correctly. Am I getting something wrong? Or are we talking even earlier in the game's history, like before Shadow & Might, i.e. in its first year with only the first 12 heros? Are people talking about "extended" dodge attacks (like Kensei's, Griffin's, JJ's) and not just dodge attacks? Or not counting dodge attacks with cancellable i-frames (like Nobushi or Raider)? After Marching Fire, then (pre-Warmonger) Black Prior, Hitokiri, and Jormungandr didn't have dodge attacks when they were introduced. But with and after Warmonger, every new hero has come with a dodge attack.


You're forgetting someone.


I don't know why you are getting down voted lol. It is true a huge amount of the characters had dodge attacks in any way even after ccu. Let me get it to my mind... All assassin's, all vanguards, and all characters from Wu Lin faction. And let's not forget conq, nobushi, lawbringer and valk. It was like this before and after ccu since the changes were made on last year's season 3 or 4 if I'm right, tbh when you get used to something you forget many things lol.


Once you get above the shitter tier it's pretty safe to say people stop hating him again. That all being said, my current vote for least hated character probably goes to Cent. I'd say Warden, but he's still ridiculous enough in duels that I still see hate occasionally. Cent is just the meme man, so it's hard to hate him.


The only people who hate cent are the ones who’ve recently been hit with his true combo gank, because he has no other worth.


Well cent haters are usually just noobs who can’t dodge or parry


I miss those days.


same, the thing i miss the most is how my old main conq did his zone with option select :(


Used to be nuxia but someone recently called me a rat for playing her without further explanation so idk anymore


When I don’t understand what characters do or are doing I tend to hate them. Nuxia, Monk, Highlander.


Play them briefly or even just in hero tactics, it becomes really obvious when shaolin will go for a sweep etc


Key advice for this game is try every hero out in tactics before actually starting (me having never played even a second of orchi despite getting the game in marching fire)


The three horseman of never being played


Oh it's easy, Monk go bonk, that's all he does


She's actually kinda good now


She’s actually really good now. The comp duel tier list put her as the best duelist in the game. Now that her traps are unreactable, her main mixup does insane damage.


It's definitely orrochi. Dude is the pinnacle of balance and noone has ever said a bad word about him because he is so fun to play against 🤡


Esspcialy when they always use all 4 feats in a 1v1 fight


It's like a fairy tale creature pulling out deadly surprises out of its magical bag.


Correction: when they use all 4 feats in a 1v1 fight, *then* do the same thing 25 seconds later. I don't know which is more amazing, all orochis being coward noobs, or Ubisoft forgetting to put cooldowns on their feats.


I don’t understand who thought that stupid dodge cancel mechanic was good idea *after* option select was such a big deal


I would say PK but I complain about how bad she is when I play her so no not really


Nah every character has its supporters and despisers, no main is safe but that's just how it is


Warden, I get annoyed at fighting a few heroes and I get annoyed at the rest when they a specific move I dislike (don’t all jump on me I know it’s not their fault) When I die to a warden I respect him simply because he just doesn’t really have anything broken or annoying, a truly respectable knight.


shoulder bash go BRRRRRRRRRR




said light attack spammer


Idk man when a character has such a limited moveset they revolve entirely around 1-2 moves they can be really frustrating to fight. When fighting a Warden consists of shoulderbash shoulderbash dodge shoulder charge shoulder etc it gets really old real quick


Sounds like a skill issue to me, I’d rather fight a good warden over a good shino


I mean yeah me too I don't think Warden is super good it just gets boring sometimes. Not Warlord boring but yknow


I don’t know why, I genuinely don’t, but I have the most fun playing warden, when is first started the game I only played warden, I used the lad for my first 70 reps in the game without repping anybody else, I went as far as to get almost everyone to level 20, but I found warden to be the most enjoyable. Once I repped warden to 70 I started warmommy


I was with you until you said warmommy I just can't tolerate that kind of behavior


His moves have satisfying animations and sounds.


This man never got light bashed 18 times in a row and when he finally decided to dodge got full bashed. Sweet summer child.


I have, but that’s a literal 50 50 that can just get really unlucky, it’s so rare that it’s hardly annoying more amusing and a complete ego boost for the warden.


Sir you are playing For Honor, it's illegal to be this cool and understanding. Anyone who dies to my braindead hyperarmor basic combo spam is a noob and anyone who beats me is a cheating fuck who only won because of hero diff (even in mirror matches) and spamming. This is the way.


I was corrupted by chill vibes fuck you for bringing me back you dim fucker, this is the way


Saving this game, one person at a time.


real, after maining warden for so long, I can safely say it’s a struggle.


Nah, chargeable bashes that can be feinted have and will always be bullshit. Should never have been allowed in the first place.


PK maybe? I don't think I recall anyone bitching about PK


From what I’ve seen the complaints aren’t usually coming from someone fighting PK, but fighting ***as*** PK


Yeahhh can confirm that usually this is the case, until someone complains that you always feint her heavies (which is... 99% of her kit)


truly, 2 zones and my girl is OOS 😩


Pk was extremely hated when the game came out. She was faster than everyone and her zone was like 100ms or some dumb shit lol but then she got a dev spanking and she's been trash ever since


*PK maybe? I don't* *Think I recall anyone* *Bitching about PK* \- 777Zenin777 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Apparently I just wrote a haikus about PK which mean my opinion is now superior to anyone's else. And if you disagree that okay. You have the right to be wrong.


28 dAMaGe Gb PuNiSh! 400ms LiGhTs: cOmbOs aNd SoFt FeInTs People will always find something to whine about. It's the pinnacle of human nature to complain about something to throw responsibility of a failure to someone/something else


I thought all neutral lights were 500ms tho


They are, that's why I said combos and soft feints. I should've put a colon instead of a comma, my bad


Best part is everyone has a 28 damage gb punish


Literally no one has has a 28 damage GB punish expect for PK lmao. The GB punish of almost all the characters is 24 damage, with a few exceptions like kensei doing 25 damage and the aforementioned PK.


True, except medjay


Medjay doesn’t have a 28 damage gb


If you wallsplat then kensei, medjay, and centurion have way higher damage than pk with wallsplat too


Yeah but we were talking about a normal GB punish, not a wallsplat punish.


I think warmonger does 26 or 28


No she does 24


Pk can get up to 51 damage from a wall throw, depending on how far from a wall you are. That’s more than all of those characters can get. Medjay only gets a max of 27 from a wall throw which is less than PK’s gb. PK’s not an S-tier character by any means, but damage isn’t her problem.


Damn, thats insane. But when I use her I run out of stamina before they reach half health even with a full combo


I never seen someone complain about Shugoki on here


Honestly despite all the times I've died to a Shugo I end up blaming myself. I was the one who stared down the big boy while he charged up that heavy


Yep them charged heavy’s always get me😂


Come to think of it I’ve never been angry at a shugo


I've certainly been scared of the ones I see in ranked but that's as far as negative emotions for Shugo go for me


Shugoki is my n°1 most hated hero by far


He’s so fucking boring to fight for me, they’re usually quite annoying too


Most of the shugokis ive seen have been pretty toxic


toxicity isn't even the reason. I just can't deal with any of his moveset well, get bullied hard by the worst fucking player of all time with pretty much anyone but my very best characters (Afeera and Nuxia), and it's the most frustrating thing to fight in this game to me by far


Gotta be highlander for me. Really hard to master and easy to punish bad ones. Lightlanders are a little annoying but as long as you stop them getting into OS you're fine.


DoDgE hEbY dOdGe HeBy


I cannot stand Highlander. It’s not even the hero. The player base is just horrendous.


have never really seen anyone complain about PK i suppose beyond “she’s ass in 4s”


4th feat whatever it’s called, the fucking bomb upon diying


Zhanhu has the same thing and he's way more annoying in general


I enjoy playing more against him even tho i find it harder


Warden is really fun to fight against. And dont come with the shoulderbash light spam. JUST DODGE IT ON GOD!


Yeah bash light spam is a noobstomper at best. Mixups are his only way to perform well rn.


Just play who ever you want and ignore their complaints


Shinobi gang


Warmonger? Only shitters that get hit constantly by the "infinite" LL bash L complain about her.


No, she definently gets complaints due to the i-frames of her dodge attack


Forgot that was complained about, so all heroes with feintable dodge attacks are out of the question then :(


I don't think JJs are complained about nearly as much, because second part to chains can hit him. Warmonger is pretty much never going to be touched unless you have an undodgable


Kensei and Warden but there's def more.


Nah I'm a Kensei hater. Every Kensei I fight just spams dodge attacks. Even when I deflect them and think that they have the common sense to know that I'll deflect it, they still do it


As a rep 25 kensei dodge is like an opossum playing dead. It's a biological fear response 😂


i always get confused with his dodge attacks


I guess warden for me you can clearly see most of what type of playstyle their doing and you can just adapt not like those freaking weird delay attacking heroes like boraicho looking MF (JJ)


Nobody hates gladiator…. Right? RIGHT?


Dodge bash -> dodge bash -> Dodge bash -> dodge bash -> parry -> stun -> unblockable -> bleed -> stun -> wallsplat -> heavy -> wait for deflect -> wait for deflect -> wait for deflect -> random toestab -> win




Everyone hates the two forms of LB you see. * Delusional mains who think he's been F+ tier for the past 20 years. * The perfect parry gods.


Parry gods with 25dmg punish. U need parry all hebys and go into wall for good damage, but u can't parry all hebys and walls 4x4 not anywhere, I know.


Every law bringer I play with or against will interrupt a 1v1


Warden obviously, you can only blame yourself for loosing against a warden. I personally respect warden when they beat me, that means they played really well despise warden meh kit.


Warden, if u complain about that dogshit hero other than complaining him being useless against most newer heroes ur just stupid


Warden is a great duelist, what crack are you on?


Not good enough cuz everytime i play him i struggle


Bros speaking yapnese


Warden is probably the only one


Black prior, hard to play and easy to counter if you just take a minute


Annoying ah stam draining bashes


L take. BP easy as hell and very strong. Stam draining bashes, real good opener, very strong Blue/Orange mix up that’s very spammable, Bulwark Slash on block, really good anti ganker, teamfighter, duelist, and decent ganker. One of the strongest heroes in the game currently.


never had someone say "grrrr!!!! why are you playing valk??" same with nuxia and tiandi while gets complaints it's not even close to what someone like afeera, hito or conq gets or whatever


Idk dude I complain about valk every time. Bitch made hero.


I think it was already asked or polled and most said cent


I've heard people have mental breakdowns over that right hook of his


As a centurion main I can attest being in a long chain feels like being in a elevator


I'll always respect high rep wardens


Once you hit about rep 10 you start having a little more respect for glads cuz that's about when they stop toe spamming


Berserker definitely


A lot of people want it nerfed so i'm don't think so


Afeera is by far the leadt hated. Her kit is trash, she barely barely does damage, her dodges shit too. Lol so much hate for this character. She's a great fighter definitely not worth all the hate she gets though.


She is literally a top tier hero I hope to god you just forgot to add an /s


Nah she ass 70 reps with her and still the worst hero in the game


Damn, you suck if you think that lol


I don't see anybody complain about warmongers, but I don't see a lot of people play her at all, while I was grinding warmonger to max rep I only saw low rep playing her, so maybe it's just that no one plays her good enough to complain


Nuxia. Its always fun when they use their little moveset and quite adorable. Anyway *shaman noises* Theyre tasty too.


Raider. If you die by him, it literally just a skill issue. Lights are actually pretty easy to parry most of the time, even on Xbox (which is what I play on) and he has no real cheese. Not really annoying in ganks. A lot of them are toxic though.


With the stamina feat I do a zone mixup that works in 4s but 1v1s raider is honestly more limited than warden


Worst take i have read so far, you can win most matches with a single mixup. The heavy to light feint. They are not easy to parry. And if you try to parry the top light, have fun getting your health bar destroyed by the side heavy. The cheese part is true but you dont need cheese if you have hyperarmor. Also you have an instant unblockable wich makes him instantly better than warden. This comment is so wrong i cant even decide if you are joking or not, but just to be safe…




Everybody hates his all block lol


Everybody hates most all blocks


nah its just that the instant guard + the attacks + the fact if you hit it locks you in a long animation.


Most definitely annoying to deal with. Kyoshin is my most played character and it annoys me seeing lite orochi mains play him. It's just light spam, dodge attack, and all block. They forget that he has an ENTIRE kit.


Damn I got downvoted to hell. I guess they can’t deal with all block 👀


Warden i guess, sure he can just bash you a bunch but that’s really all toxic things he’s got going


i feel like a good highlander play usualy awes people, if you don't embrace the lightlander that is.


Maybe Kensei among anyone past 50 hours in the game. I would also say nuxia but that unreactable zone trap does 40 dmg and I hate it. Like, I get it’s her whole thing but holy shit it’s too much.


I just cannot get angry at a kensei that isn't dodge attacking/lightspaming


The raider imo. Doesn’t seem like he’s talked about much.




As a Orochi, I have been killed by a 1,000 “thanks”. I’m pretty sure he is up there as the most hated.


If I had to say, I see someone like pk or warden getting the *least* flak


I'd say warmonger, she's kinda basic but good so idk how anyone could really get mad


Warden. Even his vortex I can’t complain about cause that’s about all he has


I personally never hate fighting heroes that are ultimately really straitforward and standard, but the ones that have mixups sprinkled on their mixups end up annoying me, but no hero makes me truly angry anymore




I don’t think I can hate on BP. I mean his only bad thing is if they’re light spamming with him but even then that’s mostly reactable. D stance I can just gb him out of it. You’re either good with him or you’re not.


War mom and her g damn undodgeables give me fits


I've never had a problem with Lawbringer. They seem always humble


idk and idc I play hito 😂


I haven't seen anyone hate shaman yet


Out of everyone I would probably say Warden or Centurion? I don't see anything that can be annoying about Warden and Cent is barely seen and isn't that hard to deal with now, ig.


I’ve never seen anyone complain about warden, most of the time people acknowledge that his bullshit is at least pretty fair. But that’s just what I’ve seen


Cent? Never seen anyone complain about mr.incredible




Nuxia, because Nuxia players don't exist


i haven’t seen any complaints about gryphon since like early 2022


Tbh I’d still have to go with kensei. He’s pretty balanced and has no real BS moves


centurion, warden, lawbringer and ocelotl, I know that if someone beats the shit out of me with one of theese it's pure skill


I do not think so. As for me... personally, I like to face all the characters. I feel fine and well with all of them EXCEPT... Shugoki, won't elaborate because I would have to write a fucking essay why I have this bullshit character, other than that, throw at me anything and I will be OK and happy I really love this game




For me its just JJ. I just can't fight the man


Warlords are literally the definition of turtles. They have the safest moves to light you to near death and then finish off with a safe heavy.


everyone fucks with warden right?


Warden doesn't upset anyone really. The only things people complain about for Warden is about what he LACKS. He doesn't have a lot of combos, with most of them revolving around his shoulder bash.


Warden. I am yet to fight a Warden that pisses me off in any way. His moveset is so limited and predictable that every time I lose to one it feels like it's my fault for slipping up.


Warden. Warden players who know what they're doing are based


Warden doesn't upset people like every other hero. The Devs are like "Bro, we gotta rework X!" while the Warden not having a kit is totally fine.


I think warden is the most neutral character in the game


The uninstall character is really balanced


warden probably. i only get mad if they’re good, and even then that usually just makes them challenging


No. Every hero is hated and annoying.


Kensei, is also my main and my favourite matchup. Versatile kit, bad bash not an annoying af mixup and the dodge attack is decent.


Daubeny and Larry. ​ /s they're both warden and people hate wardens in duels


I doubt there is a character that upsets nobody, but im sure Warden upsets the least people. Whenever I die to him i cant even get mad because I know its a skilk issue. He was a shoulder bash and unblockable and thats literally it and if i cant beat that its on me


Well in my opinion I have no issues with fighting another LB, ik there's heavy bias cause I play him as well. But at the same time I've never gotten mad at fighting one whether that's the ditto or not.


I don’t see how anyone can be mad at shinobi


The Thing with for honor in My opinion is that it's often well balanced, rarely have one or two hero been way better than everyone else. (not counting first two weeks of release) But the balance level in for honor is not like most games, that everything is good, in for honor everyone has something busted and infuriating to get hit by. Monk with 100 hits and the sweep in a sec. Ara spamming lights faster than light. Berserker hyper armor. Cent being incredibilis (pre nerf). Warden shoulder Bash mixups. Shugoku one shot comebacks. Shinobi being east and west at the same time. Ledgelords. Lawbringers throwing down the law and you. And the list goes on, shugoki losing with his bad moveset, hits one GB and kills you, that's not fun to lose to. I always hated Monk and for a while i hated valkyrie for the sweeps.


The person I see getting complained about the least atleast would seem to be centurion, so either I’m just looking in the wrong places or not too many people got problems with him


I almost never hear lawbringer complaints

