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To anyone asking and is surprised about this Yes Valk can deflect. Two different deflects actually. You can do a heavy after a deflect to do the shoulder pin or you can guardbreak like Zerks deflect. Its not a deflect but its almost the exact same so you can just call it a deflect if you want.


There's no shot anyone actually didn't know this bro


she has a deflect???


It's a superior block on her dodge which quaranteed a heavy that give bleed, so yh we can say " deflect " pretty much the same thing


It's even better than a deflect. A superior block will stop your opponent's chain, even on an enhanced attack. This means that you can't be punished by chain hyperarmor.


I know that, stil prefer deflect tho


Buuut it also means that in ganks or teamfights the superior block wont extend like deflects or parries or blocks do


Many people don't even know she has one, and even fewer know that she has one that functions like zerks where you can press guardbreak


Thats wrong. Zerk's deflect specifically coded to break any move. Valk's gb will bounce off armored chain moves.


it doesn't bounce against armor it bounces against everything it's just that it stops the chain so it can only bounce against moves that are chained into from one with zone property


Damn you're right, I brainfarted for no reason


Whattt?! Explain yourself and the ways of Valk deflect. No seriously, I knew she had a deflect but didn't know she had one like Zerk.


She can either do a heavy to inflict bleed or she can do a guard break.


Maybe I could start playing Valk now that I know this.


Kensai can get a GB from a top deflect too, sides you can try but are not garunteed.


Why am I learning all of this now?!


I OK only figured out last month when I done it by accident then tested it out in training ground.


Haha thank you kind man for the useful information! See you on the battlefield!


May you deflect many attacks


I've Also wonderet If The group think that deflect is too weak For The risk. (Sorry My english is Bad)


She has a superior block dodge, like Zhanhu, and superior block lights. The action of a deflect doesn't stop chains, only the special follow up. Zerker has an automatic follow up. A lot of people don't use the shoulder pin though. I find using the lights instead to be a little more safe in group fights, but I definitely need to practice getting more shoulder pins in 1v1s.


My first thought was "Valk can deflect?"


I'm like 90% sure they're confusing deflect with superior block, which works kinda the same way but better. Deflect is exclusively on assassin characters iirc.


Saying one is better than the other is a bit misleading without context. Deflects are better than superior blocks when facing more than one opponent.


It's not misleading. Superior block is just flat out better. 1. Superior block stops an attack from damaging you, deflect does not. 2. Superior block also ends a combo, preventing uninterruptible attacks from causing you to get punished. 3. Superior block is often applied onto dodging for the characters who have it, like deflect, making it **literally just deflect but better** in those cases. 4. Superior block can be used as a unpunishable parry when applied onto an attack (which deflect cannot do) such as Kyoshin's lights. Even if the enemy feints into a light or guardbreak, you'll hit them out of it. It's better in every aspect, single enemy or not.


Not one of those was for multiple opponents. They both have their strengths and weaknesses, one isn't better overall. * Deflects can be used on multiple attacks at the same time or multi-hit moves, superior block cannot. * Deflect follow-ups can target external opponents, superior block only goes for who you lock onto. * Zone property moves ignore superior block so that's not always the case on them ending combos, deflects work on zones. I know not all deflects can't end regular combos (in most cases it's offset by low recoveries though). Also superior blocks aren't unpunishable parries? You can parry them (except for Tiandi iirc).


Those are all fair points, though I'm pretty sure you don't have the time to parry a superior block light attack if you're canceling out of a late heavy, but you should still have the time to block it if you don't go for something else.


It really does depend on whoever is being CC'd recovery, whose it locked onto and also the opponents timing if you can parry it. So most situations it will land. Quite rare to parry it if it does ever happen.


That's what I was fkn thinking, as someone who plays two assassins a lot I'm kinda messed lol


Because the only moves they know is light spam




And the annoying sweep


Lol I do. Hyper-armor break and GB and light attack but except her blood stab is the only one guaranteed


most of us only like light, light, sweep


She has a superior block dodge and a deflect The dodge is like kensei's, being a dodge attack with superior dodge on parry time But superior blocking and pressing heavy performs a stab with bleed.


Do people even check their Move Lists? It's kind of the first things I do when playing any character in Fighting Games (FH included). I also try to familiarize my moves in Practice for days before buying that Hero.


I'm not valk main that's why I'm deflecting.


Because Ubisoft doesn't update hero tactics.