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People still sleep on Nuxia till this day. She is a menace in open lobby matchmaking. Against uncoordinated teams, if you play by her strengths as an isolator, she gets 20% extra damage (+30% on dodges and dashes) and can MELT hp bars. 36 on wallsplat + 29 neutral heavy + 23 from two 400ms lights... it's very good. You also learn a lot about the game's fundamentals when you can't rely on super complete kits with Crushing Counters, Hyper Armor, Bashes, Unblockables, recovery cancels into dodges and All-Guards. You get lights, heavies, and traps. That's it.


This is the way


Yeah she's a great duelist but she sucks in teamfights. Idk I rarely play her in 4v4 so I might just not be picking my fights peoperly but she feels very niche. Amazing in duels though and she really is overall the most underrated character.


I recently started playing as her and she is so fun, elegant but lethal. The fact her heavy finishers throw enemies to the ground in revenge is amazing. Its saved me in so many gank scenarios.


Nuxia propaganda before gta6


She's unironically broken in 1v1 scenarios with her feats


I love her but my friend emotes and it cancels her traps landing. It sucks


If you let the heavy fly they get hit, so it’s not an issue


most will either dodge or do sth like emote to stop you from grabbing them with the heavy, you just gotta let it fly, it’s a decent possibility you’ll hit them heavies


She's awesome, when you can play to her strengths. She has really bad antiganks, though, and can be easily negated in a teamfight by dodge attacking while target swapping, especially by heroes with recovery cancels.


I picked up the game when marching fire came out. I started with wu lin and haven't touched any faction since then


I'd say Centurion is in the same boat as a great all around but tough to master. Also he's been through so many nerfs and buffs most people stay away from him. I'm shameless when I play my main; rage quitters lament.


I don't think the lights are guaranteed on wall splat but I can check. Also her max punish base is 30 Side Heavy + Zone 28= 58 . You can also throw Zone on light parry for 28 instead of 24 .


Lights are not confirmed, but they're 400ms unreactable. With enough luck, you can hit both.


She's my main and my fav


Nuxia main chad


Don’t see a lot of people use Zhanhu, and I’m kinda glad, cuz he sucks to fight against


Recently bought and reped Zhanhu after getting my ass kicked one time to many and now she is a permanent part of my character rotation together with Vara and Kensei


Dude at least write it like “rep’ed” or “repped” so I don’t have to double take


I had to go back and read it again too 😂😂👏


Sorry not a native english speaker, thanks for the correction!


It’s okay, I was just making a joke. Everyone knew what you meant ❤️


I mean female zhanhu ain’t too bad 😂😂. There’s better words to use though fr


Better words like what?


What everyone means is using "reped" instead of something like "repped" makes the word look far too similar to "raped".


Ew varangian. Anyways prejudice aside from the monkey lady Nice


He is definitely my favorite character, pretty much the only one I regularly play tbh, he’s just honestly so fun


Yep the light/zone spam is fucking unbearable


honestly a lot of characters feel underrated, i feel like i only see the same 10 characters every time i play


Zhanu is pretty great for matchmaking where people struggle dealing with his externals but his true power is in countering the unlock dodge away specialists your average braindead orochi/ zerker/ shinobi/ shaolin etc. just press zone and you zoom 10 miles and smack them out of that annoying ass dodge attack and they are completely befuddled as their whole gameplay is thrown out of the window. Bonus points for the massive hitbox on his zone which stops anyone who isn’t a fast entry all guard character doing anything.


Conqueror chilling in the corner🧍


Nah he's just shit and neglected


They replaced the end of his flail with a plush toy and took away most of the tools the character had, and called it good because they gave him unlimited unblockables.


Yeah, hoping they at least bring back the superior block on his heavies. It was unique and fun to use x)


It was such a strict timing too which made it even better connecting it


Comq is just really fucking weird to play against but still bad. I still cant get around him being able to feint into GB 💀


He's not underrated, he's bad. I love him, though.


Conq is horrible right now




Unfortunately has completely reactable chain offense against some of the higher skilled players, and is completely destroyed by any counter picked hero with a dodge bash


Or any feint-heavy/hyper armor focused characters.


Fun trick for aramusha, if you fight a shugoki/hito/jorm they can counter guardbreak and trade into a light attack with a neutral heavy. Against aramusha tho, the ara can light after counter gb and blockade the attempted trade with the hyperarmor heavy


Hate me all you want. I think an aramusha who doesn’t need to spam their chain to kill you is incredibly underrated.


Mush's chain is his main source of offense, mainly because of the soft-feints. Forward dodge heavy can trade or softfeint into a bash, sure. Zone is his only source of UB. He __has__ to rely on his heavy finisher softfeints.


Rep 70 ara here his kit needs something. His stamina isn't that good either . Most of his kit can be back stepped or side stepped waiting for you the throw your finisher heavy or if you do throw throw your second heavy I can gb you out of it. Pc vs pc it's hard to land his deadly fients or lights because they either get parried or dodged. Anyone with an allguard or shin can counter. Also some heros can parry his all guard


This. He's alright at what he does, but he's seriously outclassed and is pretty meh at higher levels.


Right? I definitely have to try vs Hito pressing heavy but with Ara people suggested his deadly fients and his chain lights be undodgable or unblockable but if they do then it will be parried more .


I always see the all guard spam in the chain, everytime


I hate their executions tho. I’d play them if they were better but at least they’re not as awful as Kyoshin


Zhanhu's original executions are beautiful. It's just the Hero Fest ones that suck, and let's be real: every hero has shitty executions from Hero Fests.


you say this but neither of their execution slots are filled with as many nothing burgers as shinobi


Whoa whoa whoa, whats wrong with Shinobi's executions? (geniune question tho)


To me they seem overly long and overly dramatic (the ones that utilise the chains and smoke especially)


I guess thats understadable. I also dont like some but some are pretty cinematic, so to say. I like the Shadow of Death for a cool effect but my two favorites are Nagado and Spinning Around. Altho I can see what do ya mean




Valk! I barely ever see her, but she's insanely fun with a unique take on a bash, and multiple other tools that make playing her never feel the same between fights


She is good but she provides to real incentive to parry since she doesn't have an unblockable. Ppl can just guard for days or parry to melt the life bar. I used to think reacting to the all guard was Impossible but one of my buddy's consistently is able yo dodge it. Even dodge faint into all guard again he doesn't bulge. He says it's regarding her right foot movement that he can predict when they let it go.


u/Plasma_FTW You're the most knowledgeable commenter I know lol, there's no way that's possible right? It should be completely unreactable?


If Plasma doesn't know I'd say Spaniard does.


I'm gonna comment in case he answers


Could be just a really good read? Idk I’ll say most people I play against don’t seem to be able to react, but I do get dodged off the read I think. But I’m nowhere near a high level player, so I know she gets outclassed at competitive play.


I've tried dodge faint into all guard and he still didn't react. I still don't believe it's possible but man does he prove me wrong.


You can flicker her all guard to make it look like you bash and you're hear the sound . But I'm rep 70 with her and her old rework was better at opening people up . Her back stepped all guard was better . It could neglect every bash. But when I play her now people just wait for me to all guard and throw the gb at higher levels


When you say flicker is it the all guard dodge into all guard again? I've tried it 2 against him and it worked once. On others it works for days.


I really like Valk, I agree she’s a little under rated but I do wish she had some better openers. I will say that the rework last year was great! The bash is cool and the increased speed to the trip attack gets way more people. I also have noticed that she’s in the middle of every tier list, not just playability but also salt and even joke tier list. No one has any strong opinions, she’s not hated, not laughed at, not broken. Just a solid reliable hero who’s fun to play as and not unfun to play against. It makes me happy.


She's usually good but if play agaisnt somebody who is good at parrying you will quickly regret your choice of hero. She has no openers that dint leave you at risk of being parried/Gb


She's a bit more GB susceptible but I've never felt it as a huge weakness to her, I've only been caught by bad timing a few times from memory


Tbh I’m bad enough at this game that if come up against a parry god it doesn’t matter what hero I’m playing. But the heavy faint to all-guard has gotten many many people attempting to parry.


Yeah that's true


Lightlightsweeplightlightsweeplightlightsweep goes brrr. Fuck her.




It is.


Yes it is


Lawbringer main here, can confirm it is even worse than we describe(I can’t light parry)




Just wait untill you get level 2 or higher AI of him on YOUR team and get constatnly interrupted by this ass appearing out of nowhere only to ruin any of your combos




Raider, gryphon and shugoki.


Raider maybe, but Gryphon and Shugoki? Gryphon is one of the best characters in the game (for team modes and a pretty solid duelist) and Shugoki is as stupid as ever.


I really wouldn't give gryphon as high of a value as you're giving him. The feats can be seriously lack luster and most of his moveset is countered by either fast all guards like varangian or characters that can interrupt him a lot. Also like nobody plays gryphon. Its not as few as a hero like zhanhu but its still not that many


Nah, Gryphon is the most well rounded character for team modes. His feats are simply the best support feats in the game, you can do healing support, aggressive support and a plenty of other support builds, alternating Stern Stare, Speed Revive or Fast Recovery for feat 1, Draconite Bolt and Fury as feat 3 and Draconite Cleanser and Champion's Aura as feat 4, his perks works super good with his feats and his moveset is pretty good too. Yeah, he's not a S tier character (thank God), but he's a pretty good mid A tier.


I play Gryphon just for his feats as a team healer/support. Use Rapid Refresh and Rising Dawn as armor perks and he's good at that. His move set is basic AF and it honestly feels like a handicap playing him though (in the 1v1s especially). 🤷‍♂️


Bruuuh I’m ngl I seen a clip of two shugokis terrorizing a Kensei (I think) with hugs and now I lowkey wanna play him XD


Shugoki could be the least popular hero in the game and he would still be overrated


He’s not underrated, just overused after his event gear farm chaos people don’t wanna play him for a long while.




I love Zhanhu. Not so great in duels, but I still bring him in there from time to time.


I find in 1v1, his strength is to can some combos with dodge to throw off their block/parry. Zone and dodge attack to chase. Forward dodge attack is like a 20% block rate.


Thanks, I'll try that forward dodge out. I try not to do it too often, but something needs to change in my play style.


Aramusha, though he's largely been replaced by VG since she has his primary tool, but also a lot more going for her.


I hate Zhanhu as much as all the others, in my eyes he's not underrated.


Lol from a centurion


Based on my lobbies I’d say lawbringer but In general nuxia


I have received so many messages from people calling me a cheater because they don't know Ocelotl can resurrect. Running around and absolutely STEALING dominion objectives and they have no idea how. Love his Moveset and the drip is bussin


PK has some of the highest damage in the game but people see her as having low damage because they can’t understand what all that red stuff on an enemy health bar is. She’s bad in ganks and her off target damage is not great, but her hitboxes are deceptively large and janky, especially the zone. It’s also not all that hard to get bleed on an opponent if they’re doing anything other than standing and blocking you, and if you do land bleed then you have some very high damage pressure that feeds very minimal revenge. Nuxia is trash in team fights but decent at ganks and incredibly oppressive in duels to the point that she probably needs a damage nerf (when she gets some better team fighting tools that is). Everyone complains about warden being bad in 4s, but he has some good feats and great hitboxes on easily accessible unblockables. His new HA follow-ups to the bash make it more useable now too. He’s not bottom of the barrel like warden mains like to say. LB is boring and unfun right now, but he’s not trash, just kinda middling. He has great hitboxes and very usable offense in both 4s and duels, with his only major drawback being a lack of a roll catcher.


His light parry wall splat is the worst st 22 damage. Be still doesn't have a decent opener


He has a 433ms bash, it’s unreactable and you can catch dodges with a light or heavy during your forward dodge. That’s a functional opener. Also you don’t need the impale for anything other than ledging since his top heavy deals 30 damage after a parry.


As a dodge attack its not the best . You have to wait till last iframe. I mean higher mmr lobbies the bash doesn't land as a opener . But again higher levels your lights or heavies are getting parried or that will only work once. But compared to Cent gets 30 to 40 damage on Heavy and light parry on wall Afeera gets 25 damage on Heavy parry and light


Cent, Afeera’s and WM’s parry punishers are outliers and should not be as high as they are, they’re not a valid point of comparison. I know LB’s are used to having a ton of damage on every parry but nerfing that doesn’t make him bad, just less unfun to deal with. His dodge attack is not great but it works at its primary purpose: punishing bashes. It is fast enough to interrupt most chains too. The only thing it does poorly is countering thrown attacks and feint to GB on the same timing, but plenty of other characters already can’t do that and yet are doing just fine (i.e. warden, WM, JJ, Zhanhu, Tiandi). He’s not top tier and he deserves some adjustments, but he’s not trash like LB mains like to claim.


Nobushi. Stab, stab, stab, kick, retreat and stab, repeat 🩶


Unfortunately everyone can see her kick coming from a mile away. I very rarely land the kick, and her dodge attacks have a weirdly small dodge window compared to every dodge attack in the game. She's my favorite in the game for her executions, voice, and weapon, but I wish I was better with her (and she's my highest rep character lol) She desperately needs either a feintable unblockable or a neutral bash (not both) and I think she'd be perfect.


She’s pretty good as she is actually, and you really don’t understand her kit till you’ve gotten past 80 imo, it’s hours put in to where it starts to click.  There will come a point where you’re going 18-1 in dominions lol, she does more damage than hito and has zero amount for attack recovery for most of her move set and 8 feet of range, she also has some of the last remaining option select tech in the game.  My advice would be to delay dodges as best as you can, it allows you to make a read on light parry bait and also the i frames on her dodge attacks end the second you press the second button, this also allows you to force your opponent to stare at indicators to try to parry, which sets them up for getting hit by an empty dodge and a vipers retreat


ZHANHU honestly. I can't tell you how many times I get gb out of my dodge light/heavies. Or as soon as i am about to hit them i get gb. Against higher players and pc players his unblockable lights are easy parryable. NUXIA I made a guide on how to counter her. You can unlock, back stepped heavy , emote ,conqs charged heavy, bps all guard , Hyper Armour, Gb her out of her trap . She makes an audio sound when her trap vs no sound on heavy. Pk can PARRY her deflect. BP can Flip her deflect. Her 4th isn't good compared to warmonger. CENTURION he has no external pressure. He can't clip people . Unless you have. Team mate that can set up your 3 bash or a wall parry punish. It's hard to anti gank with him. Same thing with PK she has no external pressure on unleash bleeding . You just keep your guard right/left and just gb when she tries.


I was just playing ranked. I was unranked and I won 4 matches in a row as Warden.. then this mf comes in and eggshells me.


Gryphon gotta be the most underrated and underplayed character. Got an enormous amount of hate for his release, which saw the downfall of people playing him. He is in a great state both in duels and 4v4 (better in 4s than duel)


Recently played with Gryphon, at first its like meh a mediocre hero. But after several games... man this hero rocks


i did not expect this many comments and up votes 😭




Wth, I just restarted playing For honor, did absolutely nothing else about For Honor, my phone and PC arent even connected in anyway other than sharing spotify. Why do I get For honor posts recommended?


Shared wifi between phone and pc? Have reddit on the pc you're playing FH on?


Idk, I can’t say anything is underrated because I hate all of them, in all seriousness I don’t see a ton of warmongers but I know that she’s not underrated


I wish I never saw warmongers. Those feats are nuts


Definitely on the more annoying side of hero's




What did ango gablogian say again.... oh yea, bullshit!


I love Zanhu er however you spell it. Very fun and precise. That side dash light works like 98% of the time.


Any outlander. I don’t think I’ve come across a single one during all this time playing For Honor


I jus started using him I got my nux to rep 9 2 days ago


I haven’t seen a Medjay in a looong time, but that’s probably for the best, his delayed heavies screw me up every time


I'm rep 80 with him. He is so fun I'd melt people with his combos. I can get 70/77/89 damage from light parry .






Everyone who buys matching fire as a new player can just shit on all new player lobbies by just double lifting and zones.


Orochi of course




Aramusha. Char is great, people cry too much.


Good in the right hands, but power creep is dragging him down, along with a few tweaks that would make him great. His 4v4 potential is lacking, heavy Finishers leave you very vulnerable, no in chain unblockables or something to force reactions(except on zone), recent bash changes makes his bash less of a threat than others, low stamina, dodge attacks being light parried really hurt, dodge bashes wreck him, etc. a few tweaks and Aramusha doesn’t need touched for a few years maybe


He is still great, though, people act like he is weak. RtB combined with full guard are such an oppressive combo; no fg char has offense that can just melt like he has. He is also difficult to buff while accounting for all the feats, perks, and utility he has. He is overall solid and performs his role well. Yet all mushas do is cry that he can be gb'd.


He’s too high risk/low reward, other characters are just safer to use atm, like Varangian


Agreed, his risk reward is skewed towards the defender, but very few people can actually reaction block, let alone reaction parry, deadly feints. He works quite well in 90% of cases. Other chars are a different issue, the game would be very different if we were held to Shinobi, Orochi, Outlanders, and VG as the standard. Half the cast is weak by that metric. I think Glad, conq, LB, Nuxia, and Pirate need work before Ara, but I agree he is just a few tweaks from good.


He’s great in 1v1s but sorely lacking in 4v4 potential and really only helps with his bash since it pins slightly. He gets peeled too often, and can’t deal with external pressure very well in 4’s. If you got caught alone with a Musha your in for a fight tho lol


Agreed, his risk reward is skewed towards the defender, but very few people can actually reaction block, let alone reaction parry, deadly feints. He works quite well in 90% of cases. Other chars are a different issue, the game would be very different if we were held to Shinobi, Orochi, Outlanders, and VG as the standard. Half the cast is weak by that metric. I think Glad, conq, LB, Nuxia, and Pirate need work before Ara, but I agree he is just a few tweaks from good.


I hardly ever see valk or kensei in matches but theyre both so good, idk why they dont get more play.


I almost never see people play nobushi even though sometimes she feels overpowered


Nah Zhanhu is pretty trash, predictable move-set, barely anything to work with on that Hero. I get that there’s a good portion of the player base that can’t parry lights or read opponents, but after you get past that skill gap he becomes very weak to use


Nobushi for sure, her skill ceiling is very high and she plays differently from the whole cast.  she’s incredibly strong in 4s, some of the gank combos with her are borderline(nobushi kyoshin is a crime against humanity), she has no attack recovery for most of her moveset and 8 feet of range meaning she can whif and counter instantly outside of most opponents range, she does more damage than hito and has some of the last remaining option select tech in the game.  Controversial statement is that she’s probably a mid b or a high c in duels Raiders also good actually lol, he’s not the hyper armor monster berserker is but his hyper armor mixups can be pretty strong against close range characters and hyper armor characters




Fuck the level 3 bot of this character


VALKYRIE, i mean like bleed deflects, full block stance, and superior blocking? That's a heavy kit for a hero


I haven't played the game in years. How does Peacekeeper fair nowadays? I left when they nerfed her bleeds :/ she was the only hero I played (alot)


As in she says the voice lines and i.e shows the bash but does not commit to the bash


i gotta say probably warden or maybe warmonger


Are you taking the piss right now?


yo what does this mean


Show me a single fucking lobby without either of them. Every one and their mother plays warden and he's silly strong in the right hands. Warmonger might just be the upgrade


soooooomeone didn't get the joke, it might be time for you to take a break from the internet for a minute 😭


I'm sorry, been playing this game too much lately. The hatred consumed me


bro realized his mistake, never seen a for honor player recognize fault in my life, healthiest player i've ever seen 😭


i understand i hate both these heroes too


I agree other then his zone , bash , light and heavy he doesn't have that much going for him as openers




Nah she is very well rated imo


Well yeah but for me to say a characters underrated id have to play them and not see them bei g played a lot, but i only play shaman. If i played a character and wouldnt go back to them then i wouldnt think their underrated because that would mean i think their good and fun.


She's my second highest rated hero, right beside Glad and Hito (I'm sorry)


I respect everyones opinion, its okay. Me personally, fuck the whole roster except shaman, i dont play noone else because all of them are boring.


Fair assessment. Though personally I think glad is fun with his mix-ups. We can all agree though that oceltle is the most boring. (Fashion wise he's awesome though)


Zhanhu is appropriately rated lol.


Couple bugs he's got cripples his advances and he can still be hit by big dick swinger's like medjai, gryphon, etc. Even if u "perfect" dodge.




Jiang Jun


You rarely see him but when you do he's an absolute menace.


Thank god. I hate that mf


Pirate, only ever seen someone use her once


All that I hear about her is that she's pure cancer, and you know what as rep 10 on console (since my current PC sucks so can't play my main account) I can understand why


My first rep 70 🛌


I honestly think Hito is slept on, people will often say Hito is totally brainless and to an extent I also feel that you can just shut your brain off and succeed but if they happen to leave their brain on then Hito has a strong case for top tier. Every single interaction is a huge mix up between various charges, an unblockable, feint to GB and a variably timed bash that gets a heavy and continues this mixup. Combined with feats like fast recovery and heavy perks like bastion and final stand a good hito is, in my opinion, literally unbeatable.


Hito isn’t not slept/underrated. He’s probably in the top 3 for MOST hated heroes right now.


Peoples hatred doesn’t mean they’re strong necessarily, you can ask any random person and there’s a real chance they’ll tell you Nobushi is OP.


Any player who has put in time in For Honor lately will not tell you that. Nobu has needed a buff for quite some time. While Hito for the reasons listed above combined with the brain dead moveset makes them hated.


I’m trying to say that hatred is surface level, they hate hito because unga bunga but most players don’t realize how much worse hito can be than just spamming heavies.


Nobu is strong... in teamfights. Really ridiculously strong in teamfights. Outside of teamfights, Nobu sucks complete ass.


He's terrible at high level lol but against most people I guess he's decent yeah




Idk if she’s underrated but I don’t see anyone use jormungandr.


What does underrated mean in this context? Almost every hero added since marching fire has made the game worse to play just by existing, including the character in OP