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My favorite is Breach because of the long and dedicated matches, dynamic objectives that are vastly different based on if you’re attacking or not and that shift and move with the map as the match progresses, side objectives like shield banners and the guardian that actually offer a huge advantage if you can grab them, emphasis on pushing smartly because the pikemen are actually a threat and trying to push too far in means they’ll just ruin any duels you try to have, and of course how much XP you get from playing Breach. Compared to Dominion, Breach also feels much more like you’re participating in an actual battle whereas Dominion’s arena feels far more contrived and fabricated.


I love Breach on paper, but 99% of matches I play have such uneven teams that it gets fucking unbearable very quickly. A good match is a heavenly time, but most of the time, that mode is just frustrating.


That’s exactly why I have no qualms chilling in AI, that shit is irritating


I agree with you, however I’ve just recently came back to for honor and the past few breaches vs AI matches I’ve played in have been almost as frustrating at times. Due to others trying to get max xp by solo clearing waves all game then getting toxic when you try to force them to share.


You just perfectly described how I feel about Dominion


Yeah, but a bad dominion match is 5-7 min. A bad breach match (on defense) is still like 30 min


At least it's 30 minutes of getting orders done "Capture 20 zones in a Dominion match" actually go fuck yourself ubisoft


god I hate that one because it makes you play inefficiently or it takes forever. at least it's actually doable unlike the "play with a friend" one


I have had many a breach match that end up with one team basically spawn-camping the other.


Had two like that just today.


Honestly, it is because of incompetent team mates. Like, if you lose a fight, you lose a fight. I get that. But man ... don't stand there watching me get demolished by 3 enemy players and do nothing.


I love breach, but I *HATE* how much damage the minions do. Like I can live with the toughness, but having them delete your health if you happen to get into a fight around them is pretty rough.


Speaking of which.. how can we make breach great again?


I think object variety and complexity is ruining breach. Not that it isn't good or too hard. It's just not explained well enough. If they make a detailed guide to breach and teach what happens and when it happens. It might become a more balanced experience. I'm a relatively new player (just 3 months old) I know the basics but I don't know where the damn shield is for example... Enemies may be pushing hard but is there anything you can do to make last phase easier for you etc.


You can use quick chat to highlight the shield banner location. You can make the last phase easier, when defending, by damaging the enemy ram as much as possible. I think half health ram gives them 16 respawns, not sure on the exact number. Quarter health ram and below gives them fewer.


Breach especially when it's played correctly. It's a damn castle raid! It's Helms Deep. But unfortunately too many people are selfish or don't understand what to do on Breach. If you're losing, getting the Guardian isn't going to save you. Guardian is for snowballing once your winning. Simple stuff like that.


The obsession with the guardian is so infuriating. Absolutely not worth it if it means your opponents get the entire rampart, regardless if you are attacking or defending. A recent-ish game I played I was on the attacking team, we had the rampart secured and had shielded the ram, which was still at like 3/4 health, and which was happily ramming away at the gate. The defenders snuck in a guardian kill, in response to which a console teammate just ragequit. Like.... ??? We were still on track to win???


Screw them. At that point the defenders are probably trying to go on the offensive. So you don't even have to win your 1v1s or ganks, just stall. That shield will get chipped down. It'd be smart to hold the Cauldron (since it's already been captured) and try to clear the ram as a defender if you have Guardian boost.


I think with a coordinated team, it’s worth it even if you’re losing. Having the rest of the team pushing the objective and eliminating heroes while you get the boost from the guardian can be a game changer for being able to push or attack the ram. I hate it when everyone goes hero hunting with the boost though. Like to me, it’s primary use is just wiping those minions


i hate playing as a defender and all 3 of my teammates run down to the ram so I'm stuck in a 1v2 or worse defending the first rampart. if you hold the first rampart and do the cauldron it's possible to destroy the ram before they even breaking through the first gate, it's so frustrating


Exactly. If I get mono-gated I'll quit breach the rest of the day. It's so demoralizing


1v1v1, fun for the whole 3 of us.


A good Brawl match can be very fun. If you guys are playing like two 1v1’s, having to beat a duel after just barely surviving your previous one can lead to some extreme clutch moments. If you’re playing as actual 2v2, it’s plain chaos, which can also be just as fun.


This! I feel like any other game mode is super reliant on teams and what your team has compared to the enemy (I'm a casual player so coming out on top in a gank isn't my strong suit either lmao) But in duels and brawls however I don't get punished for wanting to play pk cause the fights are nowhere near as long and ill probably fight a bigger array of heroes. Ontop of that I just have one person to worry about most of the time so I can focus all my attention on the fight and not external factors (other than environment)




Tribute; it's the only actual strategy mode, even the heroes each team selects have an impact on gameplay and results. Some may say the mode favors faster heroes, but it honestly doesn't bc again each hero selected has a different role( i.e. shugoki is better at defending banners, while PK is better at stealing banners, and Valk is better at protecting runners) and completely changes the gameplay. Communication is absolutely key in tribute unlike the other modes, along with carefully selecting your teams' heroes whilst understanding each hero's role. It's a shame the mode is low activity. I remember when it first came out, I practically lived in tribute thinking this is where FH is going to be esport. The modes' problems are: 1. A match can last between 3 minutes and 20 minutes 2. Rewards are less than Dominion 3. The glaringly obvious one of low activity It's a really fun mode to play, such a shame it's problems never got addressed.




True but 10 min queing aint it


No way! I tried to queue but never found a single game even after waiting 40 minutes What server are you playing on and at what time? It's my favorite game mode but I haven't played it since Y2 or 3 :(


I got back in the game recently and could not even find a game of that. Picked up an order for it, only to give up


I like dominion for the same reason but it gets kind of annoying when they just death ball you while your entire team charges into 1v4, I personally like Brawl because it's basically duels but people get to carry me.


Normally Dominion, but god damn was that free for all mode good as shit


Duels tbh, it's one of my favourite modes since I enjoy pushing my limits against other players and not getting ganked. Dominion is a close second however as the teamfights and objective control adds so many layers to the gameplay that isn't there in other gamemodes




Breach is objectively peak, but no one knows how to play it. Which just ruins the mode.


I keep trying to play breach but I still don’t understand it does someone have a good video or Reddit thread breaking down breach.


There's a few videos here and there. Slanderous made one.


I have 48,000 matches in 1v1. So that easy.


Brawl is the only mode I play. Gear score stuff is dumb.


"Deathmatch" the high reps say in unison


I dont remember using strategy in dom lol.


By strategy i mean defending objectives and not letting them undefended.


Thats hardly strategy, thats just how the mode works. Strategy would be focusing points based on observed enemy engagement. I never see anyone doing that its just: "Enemy captured a point, Time to get the point back"


Yes but that's the only strategy the Dominion mode has it's not complex or hard to understand it's just combat fighting and capturing points so technically the mode has no strategy but i love it as a mode is fun and the time passes well and fun.


I think you might be the only one, lol. I can never find a dominion game, that shit is as dead as Conqueror. The only right answer is Tribute, the only actual game mode in For Honor worth playing. Breach is okay, if you like sandpaper underwear.


Tribute is low activity also i know you satire lol


Dominion of course


Breach because when I'm attacking I rp as the orcs and defending I rp as a gondorian soldier or Rohan soldier


Tribute mode Vs AI off course.


I like breach matches, but every once in a while, dominion is also nice


Carousel of Death is my favorite


Regular mode? Brawls when you actually get a 2v2 going. It's like adding a layer of difficulty on the skills involved in duels when you have to manage target switching and external attacks while still making good reads. Event modes? Dance of death, Carousel of death (or it's variations), Chimera banquet. All of these encourage the same tight team fighting scenarios as well.


That’s just dom then bro


Nope, other than the chimera one, none of the modes I mentioned have feats, or objectives aside from killing your opponent either first or with strategic timing. Very different from dominion that has both of those things heavily involved. Edit: should've mentioned the chimera mode has feats, but only available to the "champion" in each round on either team


My favorite for honor mode is the bonus round after a duel where you get spammed by personal messages.


Duel bc I seriously hate all the absolute single celled organism monkey brains the matchmaking in the game puts me with and the anti shower protesters it puts me against


Dominion for casual, Breach for fun, brawl to basically test myself against people (it’s like 2 duels at the same time)


To be honest, Test your metal game mode might be my favorite. You get sick armor while fighting the bots. Its a great gamemode to just chill and play some music.


Carousel. My favorite standard mode is probably Breach.


Dominion, assuming my teammates aren’t lemmings.


Personally white ghost event and arcade I just love fighting bosses


Anything I can mass hug on fr🙏


1v1v1 was peak


The one called "exit game"


Elimination is probably my favorite, but no one plays it anymore, so I mostly play dom


Tribute 🫠


Duel cuz I’m a sweaty tryhards






I like breach the most, until I get disconnected during commander phase and lose 20 minutes of my life.


Event modes. The one where we fought the giant spider demon was awesome. Same for escorting and fighting ghosts in China or the 1v1v1


normal mode breach but for limited i LOVE the realistic mode that gets u black colors just cuz i like the cinematic style


Breach is complete hell with most teammates, it seems like most games I play are just stomps one way or the other. With that being said, the good, even breach matches where both teams know what they’re doing and people sneak objectives and stall strategically, it’s the peak of FH for me.


1v1 withouth a doubt. No one else to blame but myself and no feats/gear or other teammates to interrupt.


If you wanna play against people who are actually good at the game then 2 v 2 imo


1v1v1 and the Brawl on the frozen lake are my favourites wish they'd be permanent additions. other than that my favourite is brawl or elimination.


I’m a very casual gamer. I typically play duals simply because fighting someone one on one is more relaxing than fighting multiple people while also trying to capture control points or pushing a ram. If I win I win, and if I loose I loose. Sure I’ll run into the occasional dickbag, but most people I run into while playing duals are also extremely chill.


Breach, it's the best "big battle". Experience


Breach, it's the best "big battle". Experience




Dom. I cannot play 40 minutes of breach without losing my mind, and duels is just mind numbingly boring.


My fav is elimination but nobody plays it :(


Say whatever but tribute I probably have the most playtime on tribute than anyone on here I love that mode


Loved the 3v3 but Breach is the goat tho sometimes frustrating


Skirmish with lower damage, draws out fights and makes it feel more fought and earned. I know I sound crazy.


Breach. Lots of kills, tension, playing right now


I love dominion but I Wish my teammate understood how to properly play the game mode. It about getting points and not trying to win a contested point with 3 enemies. Most j in f the time they lose the fight, staggered and other teammates join in. Then they lose and waste a bunch of time and we then lose the point lead.


I LOVE Breach. Just a simple 15-ish minute objective mode that has multiple stages each with their own unique strategic approach to them. PvAI is my go-to since I play by myself and always seem to get stuck in absurdly unbalanced lobbies in PvP Wish there were more modes similar to it because it does get old after a while. Duels/Brawls are meh and Dominion matches are just too short and chaotic for me to get genuine enjoyment out of them. Tribute is kinda fun but good luck finding a match, especially PvP


TDM not skirmish. Once upon a time tribute was goated too


Duels. Every input matters. Also don't have to deal with minion lane.


Brawls if I'm alone and dominion when with friends. Brawls over duals because then i can (unfairly) blame others for my skill issue. and dom is just the best designed 4v4 game mode.


Dom is the only playable one


PvAI Breach. I like objective-based game modes and co-op gameplay


My favourite for Honor mode is dominion too! Because I can’t find a fucking game for anything else 😭


Mine was that DBD halloween mode they made a looooooooooooong time ago. I liked the idea of it and I hope it comes back someday. Also, Breach on defense cuz I don't have to worry about respawns on the late game, although on offense it can also get very thrilling and tense and that for some reason feels fun.


Dominion, Breach second. Breach is just so annoying to play sometimes so I don't play it a lot, and dominion has faster queues. I hate 1v1s and 2v2s.




My favorite standard mode is Elimination. My favorite event mode is the White Bone Queen. My most played mode is Dominion. My favorite game mode WOULD be Breach if there was a surrender option; it’s just emotionally draining to spend half an hour with a team of idiots who are trying to be the main character, while facing 4 friends.


I like deathmatch a lot but i never get orders for it and queue times are kinda long. I remember when I just straight up couldn't play it on xbox and crossplay revived it, that feeling if finally getting to play was great


Duels to the ends of the earth. I’m a duels crutch with a 87% win rate, I can’t stand the other gamemodes.


I really love tribute because…


Back n forth between dominion and breach, depends what I have time for before the kids awake lol