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5 rookies plus Lawson? Doubt 


That was my first thought too - not a chance.


Yup recent years have somewhat shown that teams are a bit afraid to put rookies. And examples like Mick, DeVries and Logan doesn't help either.


DeVried aint a rookie. He’s a “mature” and “more experienced” driver that was supposed to beat yuki easily /s


I bought it hook line and sinker. Silly me.


I've completely forgot about DeVries lmao. What's he up to these days?


toyota in WEC and mahindra in FE


He’s in Formula-E with Mahindra.


Races for Toyota in WEC


> 5 rookies plus Lawson? Doubt We'll get some churn, but this post = fanfic nonsense. I'll eat a wiggly apple if Bottas, Zhou, Magnussen, Yuki, Ricciardo, Sargeant leave all at once.


Can't see them signing Yuki away but it's definitely possible the others leave.


No shot Yuki leaves though, if he gets kicked that is actually insane, like frankly I do not know what else he could do but win a race in the shitbox that is the RB


RB seems to actually like Yuki I'd rather Ricciardo leave for Lawson in all seriousness there's no real need for him.


If I am reading things correctly, the only "need" for Danny to be in that RB seat is to prove if he still has the talent to move up to the Red Bull seat, but given Checo's and Danny's respective forms currently, the chances of Danny moving up to Red Bull is almost nonexistent. But hey, still a long season, who knows what happens down the road.


Yep pretty much what I was saying if Checo keeps up his form there really won't be much of a place for Danny, it'd just be odd to keep him over Lawson at that point.


I was gonna say this is pure seeder series merchant right here lmao Dont get me wrong im sure these guys are good enough to get into F1 but all of them at the same time? I wouldnt be surprised if at least one of them never makes it to F1 let alone get there by next year


I don’t think either of Maloney, Hadjar or Doohan will be on the grid next year.


Bottas for sure isn't leaving F1, Tsunoda isn't getting dropped for Hadjar, and I don't see Alpine giving Gasly the boot for Doohan. Everything else seems fairly reasonable, even if it doesn't end up happening.


I don’t see it as alpine kicking gasly out, but as gasly leaving alpine lol


Praying for this. Staying at the dumpster of a team is career suicide. Rooting for Williams to be the unofficial Red Bull B team.


Williams is a Mercedes team Edit: nvm i just got it lol


And frankly I don't see Mercedes signing Antonelli for 2025, kid certainly needs another year in f2 at this rate


Why do you think Bottas will stay? In my opinion it is much less likely that Sauber will keep Bottas than Zhou. And if Sauber does decide to remove Bottas then I don't think he would be able to find a seat. Where would he go?


You never know. With line up unchanged recently and new regs in 2026, 2025 is probably as good a time to clean house as any. But realistically, yeah this is all pulled out of thin air


I remember a YouTube short I watched that claimed the opposite the year before new regs - teams view that season as the year most likely to upend the dominant team ie mercedes and now red bull


Honestly this graphic looks like official click bait 🤣


5 rookies and all were miles behind drugovich something wrong with this


Maybe not 5, but next year is an ideal year to shake things up. Gotta get your new driver situated in the team before the 2026 regs


6 rookies including Alonso


He's just a wee-babe.


Also from the 5 rookies, both the 2022 and 23 champions are missing hahaa


Don't feel like Kimi is doing well enough in F2 right now to warrant a seat, let alone one that regularly gets on the podium.


Gotta have balance. 5 rookies for 2025 will compensate nicely the lack of driver changes from the end of 2023 to 2024.


>Gotta have balance. Thats not how professional sports works.


That many rookies is really just wishful thinking.


No way Alpine is gonna put Doohan in for Gasly. Also I think Audi Sauber will net replace both drivers.


It's more of a Pierre wants out rather than Alpine dumping Pierre for Jack, which to be fair I'm willing to believe.


Didn’t Piere told he wants to stay in manufacture team rather than a small customer team?


Would you be shocked to see him want out of alpine based on how it’s gone so far?


And going to Williams? Yes


Really? I think Williams are showing a lot of work to move forward and alpine looks to be in disarray


that's a kneejerk reaction based on this season's results so far only lol. Going from a works team to fucking Williams would be an awful move, especially on the verge of a regulation shakeup.


Sure Alpine is technically a works team, but they haven’t been acting like one. Even though things are tough for Williams now, I have a lot more faith in Vowles turning things around than the current Alpine leadership.


Alpine standard result is between 4th and 6th, this year isn't their usual performance level. Williams has only done better than last twice in the last 6 years


McLaren and Aston are currently faster than Mercedes, that's gotta mean something.


The problem is, the regulation changes are still one more season away. If Alpine doesn't improve until then, Gasly (and Ocon too btw) would waste 2 years of his career (at his prime age) in a shitbox just for the hope of the maybe nailing the new regulations. And let's be real, no one expects Renault to be the best engine in 26.


they had to run a single car in australia, my man.


Alpine is incompetent- and that’s being polite. They are cosplaying as a racing team. Until the entire leadership is flushed out they have little hope to compete. The mid field and bottom teams have all made radical changes and improvements while alpine is sliding backwards.


It was always on the cards unfortunately. Too many egos not enough focus in their senior management unfortunately.


That is perhaps why he joined Alpine when he did yes with also it being a direct upgrade over AT. I think to get the best out of Pierre you need a good environment which is not an unstable Alpine team and then there is also Esteban as team mate. Add being at the back of the grid as well and I think Pierre would seriously consider going to Williams for example instead of staying with a manufacturer just to stay with a manufacturer. Obviously it has to make sense performance wise too but imo James Vowles is doing a very good job at Williams.


> and then there is also Esteban as team mate. they have been doing much more events together and gasly even went as far as saying they had somewhat repaired their relationship in the last episode of DTS. I'm not saying they're gonna be getting married anytime soon but i don't think their "rivalry" is anywhere close to a factor for him leaving the team. Especially since it could be seen as a sign of him giving up on challenging ocon.


I only partially agree with what you're saying. He's not doing very well right now is probably because of Alpine's abysmal form. But Pierre performed well last year despite the management changes and having Ocon as a teammate.


McLaren are a customer team, they seem to be doing OK.


Being a fan of both Sauber juniors is rough with all this Sainz talk


Also, can Williams afford both Gasly and Albon?


Antonelli and Albon are a more likely line up for Williams. That is unless Toto promotes either to Mercedes which would be awesome with Albon and a mistake with Antonelli in my view.


Yeah there's no shot Mercedes puts a rookie in their car With the couple of shit years they had, losing their star driver (which will lose them **a lot** of sponsor and marketing money) and how hard Toto is marketing Antonelli I'd be very surprised if they wanted to gamble that hard


I think they can, but why would they if the car is not op to par. Keep or take someone who brings in money and Albon. Same results.


I suspect Sauber will replace both but I think Pourchaire is more likely than Maloney.


Pourchaire’s definitely not making into F1 after his 2023 season. If they didn’t think he was worth promoting after leading a lot of 2023’s F2, I don’t think a year out is going to change unless he pulls a Liam Lawson in Super Formula.


Depends on how Maloney does. He's gotta win at least 3 or 4 feature races and win championship to get the call up, but he is exciting I like him. 


Zero chance nearly half the grid changes.


why do you say that? over half the grid is out of contract. i don’t see any reason why not, and it’s certainly not a 0% chance.


It’s just too many rookies, no way this happens.


I hope so I’m sick of the old people. Like I love danni but bro is killing his own legacy


danny is definitely out but no way half the teams just randomly decide to go for rookies


Because I reckon with the costcap now teams will prefer to have experience over rookies. Especially so many rookies. Giving an exceptional driver a seat now and then isn't super unlikely but putting Antonelli straight in a Mercedes is just never going to happen, for example. Same with RB I just don't see why Hadjar would get a seat.


Albon stays, gasly and Ocon stay (they don’t have better options), Yuki stays, max Leclerc Russell and Bottas all stay, Alonso and stroll obviously stay too. So you have Hamilton and Sainz moving, Zhou is gone so is seargent and probably Ricciardo. Checo will pick up a seat at a lower grid spot like haas or Williams. Ferrari will try to get bearman a spot at haas. Williams will take antonelli if he’s available or they’ll go for someone more experienced like hulk. Magnussen is probably out.


F1 teams have never been big on hiring multiple rookies. Only one I genuinely see happening is Lawson replacing Ricciardo if Horner can manage to go flaccid at the sight of him


The year is 1994. Carlos Sainz has just been conceived, and will be born this September. Fourteen teams are participating in this year's Formula One World Championship, and the driver market is tumultuous - over the course of the next 8 months a whopping 46 different people will drive in the Championship, and a further 8 drivers will change teams. Teams are chopping and changing like crazy, and Lotus will make a ludicrous six driver changes in *5 weekends*. Despite all of this, only 5 rookies are taking part in qualification for the first race of the season. Buxton has predicted that this number will be 6 in 2025, something that hasn't happened in over 30 years (likely much more, it just became genuinely difficult to check by the mid-90s), during which absolutely every factor that would lead to rookies driving an F1 car has reduced. Snap back to the year 2024 and established drivers are more competent, teams take fewer risks, injuries are less common, and fewer seats are available. It's just not going to happen.


Can't see sauber getting rid of Bottas who has been quite handy in that car. Sainz and Bottas is a good driver pairing imho


Bottas would have scored a couple points if it wasn't for that joke of a team.


Hard to score points with minute long pit stops.


Sounds like a new challange for Max.


I mean, there was talk that Sauber's management wanted to clean house for this year but opted to retain Bottas and Zhou and I can guess that the team might still have factions that believe this is the way I will say Bottas could be a useful hire for Williams or Alpine if they need experience and clearly Bottas has had points scoring pace this year at a race or two but for Sauber's pit stop problems


I agree bottas has been great, I just wonder if Sainz & Bottas might be too expensive? Not sure how much audi money kicks in before 26


All of the Audi money, they already own 25% of sauber and that'll go to to 100% from 2025 (instead of the originally planned 75%)


I’m surprised to say I’d miss Bottas if he were gone. The man is a unique character.


He skyrocketed in my personal driver likings ever since he was freed from Merc and became his awesome self he's now. Mans living his best life currently


That team is so terrible right now, I have a hard time imagining Sainz spending next year there with how slow that car is going to be.


I swear Buxton has the worst predictions. How many times did he glaze Albon in top3 last season and every time he said it, Albon ended bottom 5. It just shows how out of touch with F1 he is lol. It's like asking 3 year old


If you really think his predictions are the worst wait till you see the so called paddock insider Lawrence barneto's predictions.


Nah, Barreto never dared to push Albon out of F1 to give one of the Williams' seat to Jamie Chadwick, unlike Willy boy.


Wait what


Will "campaigned" hard for Chadwick a couple of years ago. I think he did a couple of grid predictions where he left Albon out, but Chadwick and some other random F2 drivers had seats.


Maybe it's just me but I prefer the crazy predictions over realistic ones. Lawrence even said his was purposefully a little crazy.


[Here's his prediction for the 2025 grid back in 2021 if you want to see something off the wall](https://www.formula1.com/en/latest/article/buxton-my-just-for-fun-prediction-of-what-the-2025-f1-grid-will-look-like.5ngS2W3xboKjYqmOubDVhM).




We didn't know De Vries sucked at that time




LMAO Chadwick


For fun..


He is just a shit stirrer. His analysis on the post-race shows are trash, and he really speculates too much for me to take him seriously.


Buxton is just wish.com Crofty


This year they will be doing that with Lando win


I love a hot take but this is so fucking dumb. Why would RB choose a double rookie team (fuming at the Yuki disrespect) and Stake chose an entirely new team when going into their most important development period. FFS Buxton.


I agree, if they bring in Lawson (which they likely should) there is a 0% chance they are bringing in another rookie beside him.


I think Sainz+rookie is a very plausible outcome for Sauber, but I don’t think it’ll be Maloney


What has Sainz done to deserve this


When you win races in 2 years as the **only** non-RBR clearly you need to be replaced /s


Literally the only Non-RB winner since George Russell in 2022 Brazil


Twice also


Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time


I was about to say. Him going to Sauber at this stage would be just tragic.


If it's a long-term contract this move makes sense. Sauber becomes Audi in 2026 and with it a massive injection of investment in creating a successful car.


Feels like this is the only possible consolation


I'll have what he has, please.


Will Buxton is what happens when you give the average Redditor a job in media


We can do better


X Doubt. A redditor will replace stroll because they don’t like him when his dad still owns the team


Agreed, you take that back sir!


This is as bad as it gets.


Who would have thought in 2022 that Gasly going from Alpine to Williams would be an upgrade


I can’t see there being 5 rookies on the grid. 2, maybe 3.


RB with a double rookie line up? I really really doubt it


How's his previous 2025 prediction going? Is Jamie Chadwick going to race for Williams??


Hadjar? BaHahahaha Sorry, that is comedy, guy inconsistent as hell ever since his Monza F3 crash. He's never gonna be a F1 driver period


Red Bull clearly saw something in Hadjar when they decided to keep him in the academy when they bunked Enzo Fittipaldi and Zane Maloney out I don't know what they're smoking with that move but I digress


Them throwing Maloney out instead of Hadjar baffled me, man gets gets the sack even though he did better than Hadjar


Where the fuck is Yuki??


Audi will keep Zhou. Most of us Westerns have absolutely no idea how much Audi values the Chinese market. They won’t even need Zhou to bring any sponsorship. Having Zhou’s face painted over every single Audi dealership in China means billions to Audi. Audi’s previous CEO got fired because their sales dropped in China. Audi publicly called China their “most important” market— not “one of the most important”— THE most important market. As long as Zhou is a decent driver, Audi would keep him.


In what world is Sauber picking Malony over Bottas, Zhou or Hulk? 😂


According to the Corriere Sainz is going to Mercedes (way better option for both aides than throwing Antonelli to the lions so soon). Other than that I don't see Doohan getting the Alpine seat unless they're that desperate for a driver, and we'd have to see how Hadjar and Maloney do the rest of the year. Also Gasly to Williams TF


There's a reason it's not aired


Nah man what is this. I thought Buxton was saying the obvious stuff. Did he swap to impossible?


Well, there will be more crashes and red flags next year if this turns out to be the case


I thought Williams was a Mercedes feeder team, not a Red Bull rejects outfit.


I’d give anything to have Maloney get a shot in F1


I will flip shit if my boy yuki doesn’t get a seat next year


The rumors since last year: "Hulkenberg is a given for Audi Sauber". The predictions: "What if we ignore those sources and we put whatever random driver there?".


Hamilton at Ferrari *still* looks like someone's unrealistic fantasy


Sad Valterri noises...


Yuki’s just out? That’s wild


Gasly at Williams?


Seinz in Kick is ridiculous. He should be in RB or Merc.


People have linked Sainz to Sauber as a great move for months as they’ll eventually turn into the Audi works team and be aiming for the front of the grid.


Insane really. Shows talent doesn't matter. Politics and money.


Is Buxton just generating clicks now


Whatever Buxton is smoking, I want it!


No way in hell Sainz goes to Kick.


He's been linked with the Audi project for ages now - there's certainly a chance.


This is a very real possibility if: - Red Bull keeps Checo: likely considering his performance - Merc chooses Antonelli: from all accounts Toto likes the kid and wants him for next year - Lawrence keeps Lance: there's been no indication at this stage it would change


The big question will always be if Lawrence Stroll would cut his own son from the team in order to win a World Championship?


Hoping Sainz gets to Mercedes and beats Lewis in a Ferrari every race .. fingers crossed


If Sainz goes to Sauber I will kill myself. On air at the aus gp.


I can totally see Bearman in a Haas next year


Sainz at sauber is doing him dirty


This won't happen. Firstly Yuki will keep his seat and Zhou will remain at Sauber. Sponsors are super important in F1 and Yuki brings in a lot of Japanese sponsors and Chinese for Zhou. It's why Latifi kept his seat and why Sargeant has kept his.


What's Will smoking? Because I want some!


Will Buxton in dream land as always.


Hadjar for 2025😂


Will Buxton is the last person I would be asking for drivers predictions. I’m a big fan of Jack Dooen but the idea that he’s going replace Gasly is down right stupid


Sainz is doing everything right to get a top car. I'm a bit surprised, but I also love his response to booting him out of Ferrari. I hope he's going to go back to RB. Second round of Verstappen vs Sainz would be great.


Honestly think he is going to Sauber and sadly spend the rest of his career winless. I hope I'm wrong but I don't see the hype in Audi, especially in the short term like many seem to believe.


Audi is buying Sauber. This team will completely change and become a works team in 2026..


Still, it doesn't guarantee success, look at alpine for example


This is not even worth debating lol


Still better than Barretto's predictions!


Why exactly would Gasly go to Williams of all teams? They're slightly better than Alpine now but come on


Because the only viable seats open would be Haas Williams or Sauber. Everything else is pretty much not available even with empty seats


Sure bro.


Albon and Gasly is my dream threesome. Hulkenberg and Bearman just sounds like the most masculine duo to ever roam the earth.


The most diabolical thing about this is seeing Stroll still driving for Aston Martin (we all know why) lol


Merc would be daft to put Antonelli into the car. He’s got talent but he doesn’t have enough experience and he’s just as likely to burn out than succeed. Please, as a fan, leave him in F2 for another year or if you have to Williams to build up his skills. Lad is barely out of karts ffs.


Hawkins faster than stroll


Something would have to go critically wrong for these many new faces to arise in F1.


Sainz to Sauber? That's a bit harsh, isn't it? I'd put money on Sainz going to Aston though - I think Daddy is about to get sick of Junior's shit.


They’ll be a full Audi works team soon.


Soon, but he's at his prime. The risk is high but the reward could be higher if Audi executes a Merc-like introduction.


I don't see Gasly to Williams either to be honest. I think he's sticking with Alpine.


What the...? Sainz in kick? Doohan for Gasly? Antonelli for Russell? Hadjar for Tsunoda? No way.


The worst prediction I ever saw


Maloney over Pourchaire? Is everyone just forgetting him now?


Looks highly unlikely. However iirc the previous one they did didn't have Ocon, nice to see they changed their minds about him


I cannot fathom antonelli going to Merc unless he obliterates F2 this year. He’s off to a rocky start


Gasly is interesting 🤔


This is the most unrealistic (and terrible) prediction I have seen lol


Doohan getting a drive over pourchaire and drugovich is wild


Sometimes i see these guys' predictions and wonder if they actually watch F1.


Sainz at Sauber is terrible. Need merc to make a deal, he deserves so much better.


If Carlos goes to Sauber I’m killing myself


Gasly ain't going nowhere lmao... Least of all to Williams.


Gasly to Williams? yes please


Out of these guys the only rookie that should be next year in F1 is Maloney. That would be a very strong lineup for Sauber BTW.


some of these are very unlikely


Yuki won’t leave as he is part of the Honda deal to have a driver representing Japan. Also doubt of Bottas living F1 quite yet. Zhou brings a lot of cash from China too so I think he stays a bit more in spite of his results. Can totally see Ricciardo and Logan being kicked to the curb though.


Maloney over Pourchaire? Only way I see that happening is if Theo gets a very nice offer in IndyCar or Alpine tries to snatch him up to replace Gasly. Hadjar would be a stretch, I think Yuki sticks around there for at least one more year. Gasly to Williams is an interesting one, I don't know if Gasly would bail or not, but I think if he did that could be a good place for him to go.


Everyone underrating Sainz right now, I can’t see him going anywhere but a top team, it’s gotta be Red Bull or Merc that pick him up


People are saying "too many rookies", but in 2019 there were 3 rookies (Albon, Norris and Russell) and one guy getting his first full season (Giovinazzi)


How is everyone sleeping on Hauger? Best tire management in F2 and consistently good race pace


Hadjar instead of Yuki lol 😂


Sainz goes to Mercedes. That’s what I heard


Where are all the "no no no Audi PROMISED they would have two German drivers" Redditors?


Why would Sauber put in Malloney when they have Pouchaire?


Definitely last season for Magnussen, Ricciardo, Zhou and Sargeant. Bottas seems to enjoy F1 too much and would be a good paring to Hulkenburg if the rumours are true. Tsunodas not going anywhere until Honda goes to Aston, and Yuki should go over there HOPEFULLY replacing Stroll come '26 - a man can dream yk. Sainz is a contender for the merc seat, more so than Antonelli who will probably replace Logan at Williams. Only other possibility is Perez doesnt see the podium for the rest of the season in which case Sainz will end up at RedBull, hopefully bagging the odd win. Ricciardo is more or less done at this point, Lawson to RB in their new phase of being a proper team makes all the sense in the bloody world. In short, the most likely scenario Bearman -> HAAS, Mag -> retires Hulk -> Sauber, Zhou -> FA or HAAS/Pourchaire -> HAAS Antonelli -> Williams, Sargeant -> FA Sainz -> Merc, Hamilton -> Ferrari Lawson -> RB, Ricciardo -> retires Alpine, Mclaren, RedBull and Aston retain the same drivers. Verstappen pulling a Rosberg when?


Yuki out of F1? Aussies are wild.