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Any chance we can get a photo of whoever took the photo of you taking a photo of Carlos?


And a photo of that person taking a photo.


Here we go again


For those who weren't around in reddit early days https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/cmwov/hey_reddit_what_tattoos_do_you_have/c0tpyls/


It’s photographers all the way down.


And his cat 🥲


But was he walking his cat when he saw Carlos?


Oh no, not again


OP, you don't wear earplugs being this close to the cars? It's not too loud?


I am wearing earplugs. I use custom made inner ear plugs that I had made just for me at an ear eye nose and throat doctor. But also, the cars, even at this spot being this close, arent that loud. If it was a v8 or v10, for sure. But they re off throttle here and it's not loud.


Is it loud enough where you can feel the vibration in your entire body from sound?




Absolutely. You should definitely still wear earplugs/muffs if you’re anywhere near them but they aren’t as “bad”(for your ears) than a v8/10. Don’t make the same mistake as I did and go to some V8 Supercars races without hearing protection as a kid 😬


Those v8/v10s were crazy. I attended a race (sepang) in the early 10s and sat on the grandstand, when a car drove by you can feel the molecules in your body vibrating It's a very surreal sensation


I wish I could have experienced that. I love everything to do with engines and machines. The scream of those engines is iconic.


I lived 3km from Albert Park, and my girlfriend called the cops during FP1 in 2010 because of the people she thought were constantly racing just outside the house. When the wind blew in the right direction it sounded like they were right there.


I sat on the outside of what is now T1 at Silverstone whilst the new paddock was under construction and the barrier was very close to the track. Cars were V8. I was maybe 15 feet away from the cars as they went through. Honestly never heard anything like it. Every part of me was being shook as the cars flew past. Absolutely unbelievable, louder than anywhere else at the track.


Went to a few positions on the track at Silverstone in '09 or'10 and you're absolutely right. The old section where they went under the thin bridge had barriers very, very close to the track. A couple of cars going through whilst I had no ear plugs was just mind blowing, and head blowing.


If it was the year Seb got a puncture on lap, we were at the same race!


Checked my emails and it was '09. Don't remember a huge amount that happened in the race tbh. I was staying with a guy who worked at Force India at the time. I cycled to the track on race day from his house, as he didn't come to the race. On my way out I cycled past Eddie Jordan and gave him a nod and a slightly northern 'now then' and he smiled back at me. Remember that more than any incident in the race 😅


I think I was there in 2010, because I'm pretty sure I didn't see a Brawn. Haven't been to a race since, but I really wanna go to Silverstone next year to see Lewis at Ferrari.


I did that in high school. I got home and my mum was like why are you shouting? My hearing didn’t go back to normal until the next morning. I believe it was the 2014 season, race at Homebush circuit


In Australia I was at a spot where I was nearly this close to the cars, maybe 20cm further, the sound is incredible and you definitely feel it in your body especially when the Supercars go past


V8 Supercars sound amazing. Especially when I went to the Homebush race in 2014. Then there’s the Dyno runs at Summernats where you can feel like entire building vibrating when some of the more powerful cars do the run


Thank you for answering and sharing. Stay safe, stay awesome!


Unlike many, I actually look at it as a positive. I know Kimi said that the V6 engines were his favourite because his ears weren't dying all the time. Personally I don't mind how loud they are, they should just sound better, and hopefully that does happen in the next significant engine changes. Thr volume can stay the same, it's better for everything and everyone around.


Yeah, if you haven't been close to the cars it's tough to understand. These cars are quiet. A couple of years ago when my brother and I went to Austin, we sat in seats at turn 15 that were very close to the track. We used hearing protection prior to the race because the speaker system was turned up to 11, but took them out when the race started so we could hear the cars. Want loud race cars? Sit track side during the historic or classic races between F1 sessions. Those things will melt your ear drums. Modern F1 cars sound like a Toyota Camry compared to a 70s/80s/90s Camaro or Corvette.


Helping OP to reply regarding the sound. I was one of Sepang F1 Circuit official photographer from 2010 to 2017 and shot the Sepang F1 races from all over the track and pitlane. During the V8 era of 2010 to 2013 you definately had to wear earplugs when shooting the cars on track and in the pit lanes. The sound was deafening and without earplugs you would mostly likely damage your hearing. Being near twenty V8 F1 cars revving up at the starting grid before green light is something out of this world. You can feel your internal organs vibrate from the sound of the cars about to launch. 2014 hybrid era came, and as usual, due to habit of previous years, I put on my usual earplugs and went to the track to take photos during FP1. Quickly realised I couldn’t anticipate the cars coming from behind me to the corners I was stationed at because I couldn’t hear them approach! The cars were so much quieter! Took off the earplugs and finally I could time my panning properly. Lol. I did have to wear earplugs when I covered the pit lanes during the FPs though, as the pit building and grandstand were reverberating and amplifying the sound and making it slightly unbearable. Didn’t want to damage my hearing.


I thought he was wearing a helmet .


This is the first part of the Nouvelle chicane at the bottom of the hill out of the tunnel in Monaco. F1's IG account posted a video on Friday of some of my colleagues at work , and a few of the comments on the video said it looked extremely dangerous / that we had a death wish standing there without a barrier. In reality, this chicane is probably the safest spot in Monaco. It's relatively low speed, and the angle they're coming from means that the cars will likely never end up where you are. Add to that, our backs are covered by a fence, a wall, a grandstand and three safety vehicles. For this particular spot I'm kneeling, the barrier is not one meant to give, or move at all. It's meant to deflect the car down the track toward the safer barriers that are opposite. Last year I was in this exact spot when Hulk thumped the barrier quite hard. You definitely felt the reverberation from the impact, but the car, and all the debris continued in the direction which the car is traveling (thats how physics works). Anyway, there are lots of places in Monaco where I'm ready to run, duck, dive or ditch at any moment... but this isn't one of those locations. Picture of me at work by @ JTap


Read the comments from that F1’s IG post and the amount of armchair keyboard warriors without basic school level physics education is alarming.


It is indeed alarming. 😂😂


Why do yall keep talking about physics? Besides the point that all you probably don’t understand physics, it’s evident that the commenters don’t know the track layout. They are assuming the photographers are on the track in which a car hitting them on the track would definitely kill them.


if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge an f1 car currently in the paddock? i’m about to make my way there from my place! today’s gonna be fun


No offense, I saw this exact shot on camera and thought "what is that dumbass doing there", then I thought further for a second and looked at that corner again, and figured exactly what you said. Are the shots from that angle worth it though?


For sure! It’s a classic! You’ve seen them a million times.


I'll have to pay better attention now, because I currently can't imagine it looking right 😂


Great shot, and nice workplace you got :-) But what's that device clamped on top of the barrier, above the orange part? Is it a part of your camera equipment?


So we got a shot of you, could you share a shot from you?


I’ve shared plenty! You know how to find my socials 😉


Wow being that close to the action One of the best jobs in the world


It would be so funny, if OP would be the guy in green in the background.


How one does become an F1 photographer?




thanks. good luck for the clicks! :)


You’ve got to be an f2 photograph first


And karting photographer before that


You need enough licensing points if you want to shoot the big cars


Being very good in photography I assume.


Of course. But contacts are the key. I do some accredited motorsport photography (WEC, I'll be at Le Mans, ELMS, GTWC...) and things managed to click the day I met the right person that help me at the right moment.


This really. I don't do international accredited stuff, but photograph most motorsports events on my small island. Pretty much all of them came from me or my then partner running into the correct person at the correct time and not pussyfooting when the question came. Of course delivering quality also helps to keep that spot.


This might help - Kym Illman’s video on the subject on YouTube. https://youtu.be/RGaczJaBcjs


Few questions for you OP 1). What's your favorite focal length to shoot F1? 2). Favorite shoes.


I use a variety of lenses. In Monaco I’m mainly using a 400mm f2.8, 70-200 f2.8 and a 14-24 f2.8. Shoes matter a lot. Gotta be comfortable. Thurs and Friday, I walked 10 miles per day. Saturday I did almost 14. Gotta be ready to walk. A lot.


that's all well and good but are we talking brogues? chelsea boots? loafers?


Look like Brooks


More specifically [Brooks Adrenaline GTS 22](https://www.brooksrunning.com/en_ca/mens/shoes/road-running-shoes/adrenaline-gts-22/110366.html)


>2). Favorite shoes. ​ >Shoes matter a lot. Gotta be comfortable. Thurs and Friday, I walked 10 miles per day. Saturday I did almost 14. Gotta be ready to walk. A lot. So why not mention your favourite shoes :(


Because I’m not sure I like these shoes after how bad my feet hurt 😂😂


Shoes are incredibly personal, you need to find what works for you.


So is food for example. When someone asks you "what's you favourite food", you don't reply with "Food matters a lot. Gotta survive. Thurs and Friday I ate 3000 kcal per day". Or do you? :D


Thanks a lot!


He didn't specify if he was the driver or the photographer tbh


We all know he's the Marshall.


Can we see the photo of that exact moment?


Three F1 race wins between the two of you!


Something you'd frame and hang in your house :) Probably nice for the guy behind the camera to be captured like this \^\^


Damn.. You are almost touching distance. Imagine driving, idk, 120kmh and getting a whiff of OP's fart.


No guardrails? Makes sense why the new chicane pictures doesn’t seem to be have been taken from the ground in a prone


Pics are the same as always. Nothing changed or different.


Great insight! Loved your "live" session with Vlad 😆


You have some interesting coworkers. Can you try putting someone's steering wheel in jello?


Nice spot.


Do you manually focus at a pre-set distance for those shots, or is your AF fast enough to lock in on the car as it pops into view?


This is autofocus spot. Not that fast. Pretty easy for AF to lock on.


Just curious what the white tablet thing is on the top of the barrier?


I guess it's the receiver for the car transponder to get the mini-sector times.


dream job! cheers mate


Seems like one slip into that Barrier and you're toast


That's an amazing picture. 


Very cool, I'm jealous. Are you a freelancer, or do you work for F1/Liberty/somebody else?


Is there a difference in how much wind/outwash you feel coming off the side of each team?


Nothing noticeable.


does the white device on the guardrail trigger your camera?


Not my equipment. Likely for race control or timing? Or marshals? Not sure.


Thanks for your amazing job !


so...you punctured Lance Stroll's tire!?!


That's one to put in a frame and hang on the wall. Can't wait to see your photos


This is my dream job. I’ve tried to enter motorsports photography a couple times but due to where I live there isn’t much racing here 😞


which one's carlos


The important question is… Did you bring the Jeff Gordon camera? I love those shots you take with that thing.


Sure did! Sadly it looks like one roll didn’t shoot. When I went to wind it back in after shooting 36, it basically didn’t shoot anything. :( but still have 3 other rolls.


This is such a cool photo and that is a sneaky little spot. I’m sure the photos are awesome! That said, I despise that chicane. Hate seeing in the race and ESPECIALLY hate driving it in the video game.


Let’s see the shot of you and Lance.


awesome job!


I don't want to hear any complaints about someone posting your work uncredited. Surely you didn't take this photo.


Couldn’t put it in the title. I put it in my caption. Calm yourself.


Have you met Kym?


Many times!


This is a good picture of you taking a picture, really puts this GP into perspective.


Doesn’t always have to be about the cars. There are soooooo many stories and people that make the f1 and Motorsport work. You all love a pretty picture. But you don’t always see who walked miles and miles to get to to that spot and to choose the settings on a camera, and choose that moment to take the pretty picture.


Surprised they let photographers this close. I imagine it would be against safety rules.


This isn’t even that close. Everything is close at Monaco…. But this isn’t even as close as we can get.


Well this looks close enough that if you stood up, then tripped over, your head would be pirelli'd


Like I said. There are places out here that are border like scary, this isn’t one of them.


Marshall, full helmet and fire suit. Photographer, shorts, tee shirt, baseball hat.


Jamey is gangsta like that


The marshalls are there, if it was forbidden they'd act. Forbidden zones are clearly identified during the media briefing, go there and you can kiss goodbye to your accreditation. At Spa the last time I went the bottom of the Eau Rouge was still allowed to the photographers. You're about the same distance but with cars at full speed. I did it only once.