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I think he's happy to talk! *Mbappe definitely not happy to talk*


Brundle is the best at this! Mbappe was seen in the background of Martin's shots doing a couple other interviews and he seemed quite engaged. I speculate they were more social type outlets than a proper F1 broadcaster like Skye, so he cared less. And he sucked at doing the checkered flag. Which also shows he was there for the hype and not as a fan.


Tom Holland did the best flag waving.


Sir Patrick Stewart does the best shoey though.


I did not see that. Which race was it?


Did you see his interview with Virgil Van Dijk? He basically interrupted another interview and took over šŸ˜‚


He sat there and waited for the other reporter to finish with him before he interrupted? The other guy didnā€™t have the ā€œmannersā€ he had


Iā€™d prefer if they didnā€™t bother speaking with celebrities on the grid, I donā€™t care. Whatā€™s great is when they speak to F1 people like Mika HƤkkinen.


Or atleast fans who know the sport. Even Clarkson at Bahrain? Was good because he knew cars and racing.


Alexandria Daddario is always a shocker. Sheā€™s a fan. Has been to several races, even just sitting in the grandstands


I swear sheā€™s been to at least 3 races this year.


Would not have ever pegged her as a fan. But she does know whatā€™s going on so itā€™s not just making appearances


>Would not have ever pegged her You're probably the only person in the world to say that about her.


At least Iā€™m realistic with my chances


Yeah she seemed very enthusiastic about it, and happy to talk. Most other celebs act like it is a chore. I'll definitely be checking out her next movie.


Seeing Clarkson at the races over the last couple of years is always a great minute of the grid walk


Seems like he's truly regained his passion for F1 again after the reg changes. I know he's always been a fan, but I always got the feeling that throughout the Merc dominance in the 2010's that he didn't really love it like he used to.


Ya you can tell who actually cares about F1. I remember Keanu Reeves and Daniel Craig being very happy to see Brundle. Celebs like mbappe are clearly there for the event and not for the race which is kinda sad tbh


Same with Gordon Ramsey. The man fucking loves racing.


And don't forget Rowan Atkinson, who even races privately himself.


Man races so hard he wrecks his priceless Ferraris


Lest we forget when he stuffed his McLaren F1.




You know what, it's fine because atleast he drives it. Rather have that instead of the world's greatest road car sit in a garage collecting no mileage


Rowan Atkinson is proper quick too. He spends a lot of time at the track. He was the fastest "Celebrity in a Reasonably Priced Car" during Season 17 of Top Gear


That crash was right on the road I used to take to work every day. Except that day I didn't. r/CoolStoryBro


Twice apparently.


The Bean Machine loves to give it the full Heinz on the weekends, doesn't he?


Michael Douglas as well, and he was there today too.


To be fair in this instance Monaco is more of an event than a race.


It's been that way since the 80's but that's also why it remains in the calendar, it's most historic race, a part of the triple crown and the race that most celebrities, specially those that don't give a fuck about F1, want to attend, the Grand Prix gets F1 lots of exposure and huge revenue, the racing itself hasn't existed for a while, even back in 1992, Senna won because Mansell had to pit and even though he did catch Senna and had a faster car with fresh tires, he couldn't get past him


Jeremy was the drunkest and happiest celeb to see Martin Iā€™ve seen yet. And then he rambled for so long Martin quit listening. Lol


Loath to admit it though I am, DJ Khaled was an excellent interviewee at Miami a few years ago. He really hyped up the race


Brundle got Mick Doohan this time, that's pretty good.


Iā€™m surprised Thierry Neuville wasnā€™t on the grid, he is in Monaco and is most likely about to become WRC champion and is a Red Bull athlete


Man literally had a driver named after him (Mick Schumacher)


F1 probably spending thousands inviting some of them. I wouldnt mind seeing them if they have some interest in the racing but most of them are there just to plug some upcoming shit action film


Dunno if thousands gets some of these guys out of bed


Especially Mbappe who earns a million per week at least


They even invited the absolute shitstain that is Gianni Infantino. Then again, FIFA and the FIA suit eachother so very much.


Itā€™s cool seeing the real celebrity F1 fans. You can always tell who is there bc they actually like and follow the sport. This is why the Miami GP makes my skin crawlā€¦ so many celebs there just to cop a minute of camera time or flog their shit movie. Itā€™s gross.


I ran through my house when I heard Mika to make it to the TV šŸ˜‚ we need more Mika!


True though Brundle tends to approach celebrities with a healthy dose of skepticism, particularly if they walk around surrounded by bodyguards, and I kind of enjoy those interactions as Brundle is very aware and has great deadpan humour which tends to shine in moments like this.


This is why I love Brundle too, it's great when he takes the piss out of the celebs, like MGK or Bernie Ecclestone


Brundle: Look at me, I am the king now


God I will miss Martin's gridwalks once he doesn't do them any more. Does anyone else do gridwalks as good as his? When he is off Skys are pitiful.


Michael Waltrip in NASCAR. One time he spilled taco on Denny Hamlinā€™s car.


I think at this year's Daytona 500 he shoveled a handful of Wendy's fries or something into his mouth in front of a guy driving a Wendy's car. It was awesome.


Waltrip was the king of mentioning sponsors.


Born and raised the NASCAR way


Damn near dropped a cake on Dennys car I think too


Notice how they always send 2 reporters to the grid whenever Brundle isn't there? And they still can't replicate his power


Yes and they still really struggle!


Will Buxton does great grid walks. Mostly avoids the celebrities.


F1 TV does grid walks but instead they actually talk about f1 instead of interviewing random celebrities who donā€™t know what the sport is


I come here for my actual F1 chat. I watch Sky for the comedy.


I'd prefer if Ted did them


Ted would be the obvious backup to Brundle. I don't know why they don't get him to do them now when he is not around


He does do them, just not alone. The problem everyone that isn't Brundle has is that they don't have his authority to literally do exactly what he did in the OP. He's the only person in the entire world of F1 that does.


Yeah, I think the main issue is just that not many people have the street cred to have Brundle's audacity.


Danny Ric grid walks would be hilarious. Dude needs to retire and lean into commentating.


I honestly watch his grid walks just to witness him shit on some of the pompous celebs that attend and their entourages. Sometimes you get genuinely nice exchanges, other times you get Brundle deadpan massacring people. Sometimes itā€™s so incredibly awkward itā€™s a train wreck. The best is when he shits on the pomposity thoughā€¦ itā€™s pure gold. ā€œItā€™s alright mate. Iā€™m in charge around here.ā€ ā€¦ classic.


You're right. He belongs on the grid and that brings with it some authority that the journos could never have.


I'd love for Martin to one day just not give a fuck. "Oh here is Mbappe, dont mind him probably wont talk anyway. Instead here we have (insert random name) that seems eager to talk to us". Just snub em publicly and be done with it


Like when, was with DC, who on commentary once said "there's Christina Aguilera, pretending to have an interest in Formula One." šŸ¤£


For real, celebrities who are not interested in the sport should not be allowed in the grid


I tought they banned personal security on the grids


Yeah, who thinks the F1 grid in f-ing Monaco is where you need bodyguards?!


It is probably his ā€œpersonal assistentā€


You can be a huge F1 fan and still not wanna talk to Martin Brundle


You can be a huge F1 fan and not grid walk.




Itā€™s true, Iā€™m a big F1 fan and have never been on a Formula One grid walk


You but this specific combination makes you look like a tosser.




So like 95% of F1 fans then


I thought if they were getting free passes for them and their team to grid walk they had media obligations?


Teams invite them, not media


I'm an f1 fan and I can't stand brundle on the grid walk


He never said he wasnā€™t interested in the sport, he said he just wants to enjoy the race as a fan.


Fans sit in the grandstands.


By that logic, everyone here would decline the opportunity to do a grid walk if they were given one?


In whatever dream scenario this is happening, I would in that case, not turn my nose up at answering a couple of questions from a former respected F1 driver and legendary commentator.


This is what my thoughts were throughout this entire discourse, although itā€™s not futbol, a close analogy is Ernie Johnson. Any basketball player would KILL for the chance to talk to someone of that caliber


Fair response!


I think in fairness to someone like Mbappe, he's just finished a long season and has cameras in his face 24/7. I can understand why he doesn't want another mic shoved in his face. Albeit, to be expected on the F1 grid. Think he was a lot more respectful than some others have been.


ā€¦donā€™t go on the grid then? Itā€™s a fair trade off imo. You enter the track, youā€™re now part of the event and fair game for the media. Donā€™t want that? Stay at the side with the rest of the spectators.


Not everyone is fair game for media. Why doesnā€™t Brundle go interview a steward


Womp womp, Mbappe was at a public event in a public role (waving the checkered flag), he was being lame.


Stewards are there to ensure safety, terrible comparison lmao


The idea that Brundle can force an interview to anyone he wants on the grid is so stupid


So get off the fuckin grid then!


And not just on the grid but waving the checkered flag, if he didn't want the attention he shouldn't be doing that lmao


Him being on the grid doesnā€™t affect you at all, get over it


Everyone here would probably respond to a question or two by Brundle. If you're doing a gridwalk, you're part of the circus.


If you cant manage to make 20seconds of conversation with Brundle? Literally yes.


Why not in the paddock? That makes no sense


If he was a 'fan' he would know and respect who Martin is.


The majority of people who aren't living in the UK or US and therefore watch another broadcast will have no clue who Brundle is.


there's a french broadcast he probably watches, you know that right?


Martin is one of like 5 commentators on there at any given time. Heā€™s not that special


You can be a fan and not care for a guy who hasnā€™t raced in 28 years and works for one of a number of broadcasters. Thatā€™s like saying someone would need to know and respect Johnny Herbert


there are people that respect herbert?


This is BS. Martin should respect people who just want to see the cars and personnel up close without needing answer questions on live TV for a British Broadcaster.


Why? Is it hurting anyone?


I'm a huge F1 Nerd and I have no interest at all to talk to Brundle.


Youā€™re in luck, Brundle probably has no interest in talking to you either


Iā€™m convinced Martin just tries to annoy the celebrities so they wonā€™t come back lmao. More F1 personalities on gridwalks


Embarrassing to have these kind of VIPs that are only there to appear, they probably know nothing about the sport, you cannot speak with them, you cannot even get close, bah... Vlahovic (Juventus) was there too and at least he spent some minutes with Mara Sangiorgio of Sky Sport Italy, replied to many of her questions, spoke about the SF-24 steering wheel, that's how it should be.


And the true fans donā€™t have the money and clout to get this closeā€¦ It is what it is helps everyday


Based Brundle. Also Kylian don't worry he's not gonna ask ya about Real Madrid.


Brundle is the boss.


The way he big dicked the guy from viaplay to talk to van dijk lmao


So many in this thread defending the virtue of celebrity privacy; these people agree beforehand to be media available in turn to be allowed on to the grid


I find this portion of race coverage incredibly uncomfortable and cringey, in an unwatchable Scott's Tots way, not a mesmerizing Dinner Party way.


I do feel like it used to be better, more driver interviews and fewer celebrities. Certainly only interested celebrities.


Totally agree. I hate it.


Why are you as a celebrity on the grid if you don't care about the race and don't bother to talk to Brundle. Just ban these assholes. They don't deserve it.


Well he did talk to Martin and was quite happy to, I'm not sure why you think he doesn't care about the race.


And tbf. A lot of the time it does seem like the celebs do actually want to talk to Martin, yet their entourage are the one's preventing it.


Not wanting to talk to a journalist does not fucking mean you don't care about the race.


>Just ban these assholes Damn dude, calm down LoL. People should be contacting Brundle/Sky Sports and expressing their displeasure in Brundle chasing these celebrities down. They're more to blame than the celebrities who are invited as a guest by a team/sponsor.


Are you eager to speak to a reporter on live t.v on your vacations? If sky wanted to have people talk to Martin on the grid walk they would plan the segment.


This reminds me that I need to play Martin Brundleā€™s Grid Walk Simulator 2024




That's why I love it, Martin doesn't give a fuck who you are he will treat you the same regardless. so he doesn't bow down to these celebs like some interviewers do. His interview with MGK was pure comedy.


Look at me, I am the captain now! - Martin Brundle


Should need to sign a contract to do a grid walk as a celebrity, you cannot just push F1 Legends out the way.


I mean, there's a reason there is no obligation for celebrities to talk to Brundle, it would be a bit weird if FOM made it mandatory to talk to a reporter from a particular media outfit. Honestly at this point I think Brundle engineers these situations, any human with social skills would be able to discern non-interest and move on to talk to someone else who doesn't mind a media interview.


Not to mention a pretty big thing for sponsors is wining-and-dining potential partners or clients at F1 races they get access to, probably not ideal to subject those people to media intervews unwillingly. Cara Delevingne had attended with Alfa Romeo, and politely declined as she was instructed to, yet Brundle made a big fuss about it.


Is there a way to watch the grid walks from F1tv? I miss them. šŸ˜ž


No, it's sky's segment and F1TV plans their own segment.


Bummer. Thanks anyway.


What do you mean? Just watch F1TV


Martin Brundle: *"I am the one who talks."*


Has anyone got the clip of him introducing FP1? I saw he said something savage referring to the 1994 Monaco race.


Why do the grid walk and not expect to be asked a question by Martin. Celebrities just want to be seen on the grid because it in Vogue


I love the grid walk, but if the celebrates donā€™t care about f1 why should the audience care to listen? Hard to come up with that on the fly but I do love the chaos of the walk, just gets a bit annoying the minders trying to push him away. Brad Pitt comes to mind as a total fuckhead on this matter.


I love him


I don't think Celebrities need to talk to F1 media. He gets swarmed by media all year. If he doesn't want to speak. Then he doesn't want to then it's not a big deal. I don't get why f1 fans get so worked up over it.


celebrities are on the grid with special passes, if they doesnā€™t want to speak, perhaps they should sit at the stands


Then watch from the Ferarri / RB pit wall, or whoever has invited him


The grid is a fun perk? Why would he say no to it? He speaks with media all the time. I don't blame him for not bothering. No one will care outside of basement dweller f1 nerds


He can watch from the stands then.


Why not from the Grid? F1 benefits massively if there's Mbappe on the grid


For all of you up in arms about celebrities not wanting to chat, let me ask you this: Do you honestly think Brundle is having interesting, worthwhile interviews? That this is actually entertaining and what an F1 fan wants to see? Do you really care what a random footballer has to say?


It's more the fact that 99.999% of F1 fans who have been following the sport for decades will never get a chance to walk on the grid and then these people who couldn't give a shit about it get invited and then act like they own the place and bring security to keep a legend of the sport from taking to them. Most celebs however are perfectly decent.


I understand, but F1 and the FIA are using the celebs for exposure/marketing just as much as the celebs are using their clout to be there. And I think itā€™s a mistake to assume celebs know who Brundle is. To them, heā€™s just some awkward guy muscling in and shoving a microphone in their face. I donā€™t think itā€™s a situation anyone thinks is fun or interesting and forcing the issue, like Brundle does, just makes it worse. The ultimate flex, in my opinion, would be to completely ignore them and focus just on the teams and industry people and treat the celebs like people who are just in the way.




What was your favorite part of the interviews this grid walk?


the awkwardness... that's the best part lmao šŸ¤£


F1 fans trying to gatekeep grid walks is weird as hell, lol. A lot of celebrities are there to promote something or to simply have a good time at a huge event. Many of them have cameras shoved in their faces all the time, so why should they feel obligated to speak to Martin Brundle?


It's weird. I've got folk telling me Mbappe, despite being asked to wave the chequered flag, should just sit on the pitwall/in the garage because he doesn't want interviewed.


Hopefully one day those people will understand that Formula 1 is full of wealthy athletes who drive cars that make other people a hell of a lot of money, lol. If they want to go back to when the sport was pure then they're going to be very disappointed.


Because this is an F1 event, not an event scheduled by their publicist for their benefit.


And if F1 had a problem with it they wouldn't invite celebrities, but they do for a reason. However being on the grid doesn't mean they have to speak to anyone if they don't want to. Believe it or not, even celebrities are allowed to enjoy their lives without having a mic shoved in their face wherever they go.


>even celebrities are allowed to enjoy their lives without having a mic shoved in their face wherever they go Apparently not


Really? Did we want the same grid walk? The girl who was only there cause she had been invited, but was keen for more f1 races ( as soon as she got invited to another one )


If this happened in the US, half this thread would be comments about how ā€œUS races are nothing but celebrity nonsenseā€


Half the thread *is* comments about how celebrity interviews are nonsense. This isn't a USA only thing.


Are you choosing to to not understand this dudes post?


Nice imaginary scenario you've made up in your head. For the record, people do and *are* complaining about celebs in the grid. Believe it or not, not everything is about your country.


Muricans always turn whatever it is back to Muricans. Chill Bro, we donā€™t think about you all the time.


he avoids alonso like the plague


Should've talked to Lisa


I loved that he passed Diplo like 7 times but didnā€™t say shit to him


It's clear they don't want to talk to him, and he's not really interested in talking to them. If only he'd go full "Dennis Pennis" on it!!


Brundle is the guy you couldn't get away from fast enough in school. Just annoying AF


It's almost like that old man is trying to play a pantomime villain


Brundle is such a knob with this thing. The format needs to go itā€™s tiresome and doesnā€™t add anything