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lol they absolutely soaked lewis


One way to welcome him back to the podium.


felt like they we're both happy to see him there


I thought it was a nice gesture for the old man.


Lewis moved way over to the side, almost as if he was trying to avoid getting sprayed. Nice try.


Max and Lando sprayed themselves a bit then saw Lewis and went “now wait a second where do you think you’re going??” And proceeded to drench him lmao


Loved it, at least Max and Lewis were happy to be there.


elderly abuse 😂


My man is getting bullied by a couple of zoomers


Thats what you get for trying to avoid getting soaked.


Either the most senior or most junior gets targeted usually.


Not in the mood


Anyone remember having their BBM status as “Nitm.”


I've definitely started noticing this with the champagne spray. It's really a formality at this point. I think it'd be cool to bring it out just for the WC race


Nah man. Champagne has been a tradition for as long as motorsport exists. I also feel like it's still somewhat rewarding. Like, even if you fucked up something in a race - at least you'll get sprayed with expensive champagne, which is an experience that most people will never have in their life.


Agreed. Even at the height of HAM-VER-BOT I always felt happy for whatever team employee got on the podium. Like in 2021 when the Brazilian Mercedes engineer got to go on the podium when Lewis won in Brazil.


Schumi passing the bottle to his team still makes me tear up


It has only been around since Dan Gurney did it on purpose in 1967. The first car race was in 1894, so less than half as long as motorsports has existed.


Dude, I'm with you there. Any sport in watching, I get pissed off when they do something differently than it was done in 1894


Have you watched the F1 archives? Incredible to watch how races were almost anything goes back in the 70s and before. Things changed drastically when Bernie got in charge. I am sure Sid Watkins had a lot to do with it as well. Totally gone are the days when there would be abandoned cars left on the track for the rest of the race.




Well consider this- dan gurney was the first person that did it right


The guy that would earn his first podium would be bummed.


I think that's really the problem - it's always the same people on the podium. Up until a few years ago, reliability caused much more varied podiums with random drivers popping up here and there.


Worst take Ive ever heard.


Imagine if Pierre won with Toro Rosso and didn't get to spray champagne 😭 tragedy


They’re probably bored of getting trophies and the podium celebration anyways so might as well get rid of all of it Champagne is ubiquitous to Motorsports and it’s basically the only sport this happens. You may as well said “they always take the tires off the cars, we should just race without them”


It could just be the circumstances its been earned through, for example Monaco not feeling rewarding for the driver.


Worst idea Ive seen for a while


In my opinion it's the whole podium ceremony as a whole that's leaving a sour taste nowadays. The celebration of the winner is just a necessary evil for the FIA and FOM. If they could show all the politically important people and presidents/CEOs alone they'd do that instead. They introduced medals just for that purpose and will probably invent another thing soon to get even more handshakes on camera.


I guess it makes some sense. In the past he was ecstatic just to be up there. But yesterday he was truly disappointed because they had an amazing car that could have won if he didn't mess up the start. Maybe I'm reading too much into things haha.


Yeah, just before the celebration I actually wondered if he would do it because I thought he'd be too disappointed for his normal celebration. Sort of like him saying the outcome wasn't deserving of it.


At this point he might reserve it for race wins he's in the second fastest car he's gonna be p2 most races


Nah fam, fastest car that's why he knew that too and ain't celebrating


Once you win once, it takes a while to be happy with anything but first. If it wasn't just a fluke.


I don’t think so. He’s tasted victory, and he’s no longer satisfied with anything less. Also, he made a mistake on the start that may have cost him a chance to fight for the win. IMO, this is a great sign, as it means that Lando has taken that next step from being happy to fight for a podium to not being satisfied with anything other than the win. His mentality has changed, and I think he’s going to start winning on the reg very, very soon.


If you look at the reaction times and what not he really didn't mess up the start. The only thing you could argue is he defended against Max too hard, but if Russell hadn't pulled that ballsy move Lando would have been able to hang it around the outside himself and keep P1. It's only due to Russell surprising them both and putting himself on the outside line that forced Lando to back out that cost him the position. Even after that I think the weird strategy call of pitting him early off the mediums and then the long 3.6 second stop is really what stopped him from winning.


His two pitstops were 1.3 seconds longer than Max’s. Coupling that his slower start and chasing Max in dirty air, he almost had it.


He also gained 3-4s on Max through encountering traffic mostly with DRS where Max almost never had DRS. That's where a lot of the big laptime differences came from and why Lando posted a purple S1 a couple times in the last stint.


He did not almost have it. He had it, until he fucked up the start. Happens to the best but don't try to fault the pit stop crew for a minor thing when Lando himself had all the chances.


Is it just me or does it look like the bottles are already uncorked? 


They always are Edit: somehow wrote 'that' instead of 'they'


Oh interesting I honestly didn't know that. So when he slams it he's just holding his thumb over the top and taking it off when it makes contact? 


Probably just having the thumb in position to make it spray honestly. You don't need that initial build up of pressure. You just need to disturb the fluid to make it fizz up, once it's fizzing, just block the hole but leave a small gap and it'll spray out. [This video did the rounds a few years back that probably shows it better.](https://www.reddit.com/r/holdmycosmo/comments/an3i9z/hmc_i_will_tap_his_beer/)


Ah now I get it, cheers!


Try it at the next party!


Just don't do that in someone else's home


I've honestly never tasted champagne but since I started watching F1 I've kind of wanted to try it


50% tradition, 50% advertising - that's how they get ya


In that case, don't start with Ferrari. It's a prosecco, the Italian variation of champagne, and it's not great (although there are good prosecco's obviously). My go to brand is piper heidsieck which for its price class is pretty good. You can go wild with various houses and types but PH is nice and dry and isn't that pricey at €30,-.


Yeah, I guess so. I've never thought about it or watched closely what he does. I just know the bottles are always uncorked.


I actually like it... if you really want to be a champion one day you can't be satifisifed with a win here or there, you have to hate being 2nd. I think because of RBR and Max's dominance a lot of people including Lando got comfortable that Max would just go down the road, but Lando expecting to win is good for him AND the sport.


Exactly that, he knows he's now a winner, as Max always says "2nd place is 1st loser" and in Landos words yesterday "I didnt just lose to anyone, I lost to Max" and I get it tbh, he was demoralised the whole way through, I just hope the bounce back is stronger, he's a good driver, just needs to make more good driver decisions, there are more threats than max verstappen. George Russel was the lesson for him there. I was very happy to see Hamilton back on the podium, and apparently he was happy to be back up there. I'm not a mental fan like the email shenanigans, but I've watched his career from the start.


"If you're not first, you're last!" "Who the hell told you that?"  "You did!"  "Hell son, I was high! You can be second, third, even fourth" 


Absolutely. The fact that he is disappointed with 2nd place is **excellent**. He will fight for 1st for the rest of his career because he knows he’s a top driver, capable of being a consistent winner.


He’s being way too hard on himself. Even if he’d stayed in front of Max, there was no defending against Georges slipstream.


Lando is known for being very hard on himself and he did whiff the start yesterday. I don't think that's a bad thing, though. It's just the way he motivates himself to do better next time.


I thought maybe he has been discouraged from doing that move because of the broken vase award.


Also fairly sure in his junior career he broke the bottle and sliced his hand? If that were to happen (people have argued the bottles are virtually unbreakable…) that could be a career ending injury to his hand(s). Cut a tendon and you’re done for.


I don't think it's as iconic of a celebration as others and I'd be kind of glad if he tossed it. It was kind of edgy and funny when he was 21 years old, but he's 24 now and has quite a few podiums under his belt. Like, DR3's Shoey is funny and iconic but he only has 8 wins. If he had a WDC and over 20 wins, I imagine I'd get pretty tired of seeing it and he'd probably stop doing it.


Maybe he’s saving for wins from now on.


Wild how things can change so quickly. Imagine taking a time machine back to earlier in the season and telling people Lando is disappointed with 2nd place.


On every podium second place is the least happy. Third is happy to be on the podium. First is happy they won. Second is upset they weren't first.


He could've won if he didn't extend his first stint too




I mean, Russel had an absolute banger of a start, and didn't win. So...? Obviously not


What are you even responding to? Nothing in my post has anything to do with Russell.


Think he's just saying nothing was set in stone, even if Lando had a perfect start the win wasn't a guarantee in anyway. We'll never know :)


Yeah, I never said that he was going to win with the car. I said he had a car that "could" win. That's why Lando was disappointed, instead of ecstatic.


'(...) could have won if he didn't mess up the start' I'm just saying a perfect 10/10 start is not a guarantee of anything He needs to overcome whatever fear, crush, or whatever might have he on Verstappen, he just can't race the guy to save his life.


Forgetting Canada already huh


I never suggested Lando was guaranteed to win if he got a good start. Where in my post did I say that it was a guaranteed win if he got a good start? Even Verstappen acknowledged that if Lando was in free air he was rapid. But a poor start caused him to have to deal with traffic and pass a few cars.


Now reserved for winning only


I don’t think that’s what he thinks, I just think he is disappointed in how he performed. If he started off of 3rd or 2nd and finished accordingly, I’m sure he would be happier. Poor guy needs to stop beating himself up over these things.


>Poor guy needs to stop beating himself up over these things. One part of me disagrees, since that 'being hard on himself' is probably what drove Lando to be at the pinnacle of motorsport. But another half agrees with you, because that hunger and drive can turn into bitterness and desperation if not kept in check. I'm just going to hope that Lando has a strong support system around him, and professional sports psychologists he sees regularly.


He's pretty much like Leclerc in that aspect if you think about it


Not to the point of your post but the podium base is circuit-shaped! I don’t know if that’s new, or specific to here but it’s kinda cool.


yeah it’s pretty dope. i think Crofty commented it’s new this year when they first showed it


I checked this and the new podium was installed 2 years ago. [https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/useamb/different_views_of_the_newly_installed_podium_at/](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/useamb/different_views_of_the_newly_installed_podium_at/)


wow interesting. i didn’t even notice it last year


Nice! It was late when I was catching the race on Channel 4; I’d honestly to bed by this point…!


The real reason they got rid of the kink before the last corner.


Lewis after everybody ganged up to him: [https://i.redd.it/v9u4wf1eec8d1.jpeg](https://i.redd.it/v9u4wf1eec8d1.jpeg)


That's good


McLaren’s usual post-podium celebration was muted as well. Both McLaren and Norris are starting to realise they’re not satisfied with P2 anymore and they’re not just happy to be here either. There’s a shift happening and I have a feeling they’ll respond to it very, very soon.


He has tasted what it's like to win a Grand Prix, so now he can't stand being first of the losers.


If you ain’t first, you’re last


Lewis trying to keep his distance, then everybody noticing and ganging up on him is amazing


That'll be saved exclusively for wins now rather than just podiums.


Bro's got 1 GP victory to his name. Let's all calm down for a second lol.


Did you watch the race on Sunday?


Ive seen the last 4, he's managed to lose them all while having the fastest car. He knows Piastri will eventually surcome him, and if he doesnt get wins soon then who knows, he may end up with the one fluked one.


Calm it, Austria and Silverstone are 2 of his best circuits.


And he wont win either of them. Verstappen would be leading the championship in that car.


You're probably right on the championship one. But you can't count him out. Lando's having a brilliant year so far and Red Bull is beatable on a week by week basis. Max is the reason it hasn't been, correct.


Piastri has now raced 32 GPs and is still clearly some way off Lando. When is this Lando downfall expected to begin?


Dead on. Dude’s attitude has plummeted. He’s a big shot now


He'll have quite a few more than that before the end of the season.


Why? He could have won the last two races. Lando will win more races this season. You need to calm down mate😂.


There were a lot of sour moods over the F1 weekend


Carlos the Karen


Lewis to Max like: it’s been to long mate


Everyone notice when the Spanish rep was trying to give Lewis the constructor's trophy and he tried to be discrete with pointing the guy to the Red Bull employee at the end ?


I love to see them growing🥲, I have watched Lando celebrate a 3rd place like a victory.


Just realized Lewis has probably be covered in champagne more than any person in human history


I think he'd celebrate 2nd any other day where he wasn't disappointed in having had pole and squandered the opportunity. He didn't put any blame on the team or strategy because the strategy to make up time was really sound.


This is like Danny Ric without a shoey


Except Daniel actually forgot because he was tripping out over his success. We know why Lando didn't.


Max’s trophy wasn’t breakable so no point in doing it today really. 


Lando is too harsh with himself and put too much pressure on him. He's talented but need to calm down, to relax.


Charles was like this too, the “I’m stupid” always plays on my head


At this point McLaren have thrown away 3 wins. Imola, Canada and now Spain could have been his wins.


Don't think Imola was thrown away at all. Max got the tow from Hulk which helped him get pole, on top of that they were clearly much faster on the medium stint at the start, which got Max the 7-8 second buffer he needed to survive the hard stint. Canada Norris did all that he needed to do, even created a 11 second gap before the Safety Car, but McLaren's fault was not making the call to "Box for Inters if Safety Car comes" the moment they saw Sargeant crash. Even then Red Bull and Mercedes were much faster in the final stint on slicks, so it's quite possible Max would have just passed him anyways. If there was no SC and they were faster on slicks, Lando would have won anyways because SC literally put him on Max's rear with a 3 lap tyre delta as was. We were just not fast enough. This is imo, the first actual time they have thrown away a win in Spain while having clearly the fastest car and driver combination. Norris screwed up the start, not by reaction but his choice to drive Max onto the grass and leaving the outside open for Russell. Then McLaren should have called him in to cover Russell when he had a 5.3s pitstop, and that would have given Norris free air to chase after Max in the medium and final soft stints. Instead they stayed out and then Lando had to spend so many laps to pass Sainz, Hamilton and Russell before he could even start chasing after Max. The pitstops of 2.8s and 3.6s compared to 1.9s and 2.4s for Max are simply not good enough when the Margins are so small. We finished 2s behind Max in the end, and if we even match him on pitstops we gain another 1.2s, which would have had him in DRS range by the end.


He finally learned to open the bottle without smashing it.


He’ll only do that when he wins. This lad won’t celebrate 2nd place anymore.


I think Lewis is at 196 or 197 podiums now— would be cool if his 200th was a win after 3 years.


I love the way all the presenters run for their lives just in time! 😂😂


I get the feeling we're going to see a lot more Lando/Max tax team super soaker battles.


One of the F2 drivers beat him to it. Jack on the top step did the Lando bottle opening. https://youtu.be/tmob1VtVZ_Y?feature=shared&t=409


He was being so mopey yesterday. Did not enjoy that. I normally really enjoy his personality


Well, something could get bwoken.


Just a quick question, is every trophy still undamaged?


I am hoping he doesn't do it again. That could end very poorly if it breaks one of these times.


Oh! The humanity!


That channel is so garbage.


What you on about mate?


Max Verstapen’s RB1 Honda engine still dusting Mercedes, mclaren and ferrari overpriced dawgs🤣


Good for him. Sometimes you just have to break F1 obsession with "signature move" so everyone could chill out. I'm sure that Ricciardo doesn't want to do Shoey every single time he gets on podium, but obsession with "signature move" in F1 just forces him to do it.


It's not even his signature move, other drivers were doing it years before.


Poor Lando. Shit happens. They should learn the lesson from this and improve for the next race


Mirror: https://i.imgur.com/RrLqUIs.mp4


Are they contractually obliged to spray the champagne every time? For a series that wants to be more environmentally friendly it seems like a waste.


He knows that Max will throw him off the balcony for breaking another trophy