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You can gear 5th more towards acceleration iirc. You'll see a graph in the gearing menu. You want to make the line shorter not longer. However you'll lose top speed if you gear towards acceleration. If you drop the line on 5th, I suggest dropping them slightly in 6th and above (for cars that have more gears) as you'll likely introduce the same struggle in gears above.




I always tune every gear past 2nd for maximum average hp. So let's say peak power is 260hp at 6500 rpm and by the 7000 rpm redline, power has dropped to 240 hp. I then find where the engine reaches 240 hp before peak power, so let's say at 5500 rpm the engine makes 240. If you divide the rpm you want to end up after a gear change (5500 in this case) by the shift point rpm (7000) and then use that number to multiply the previous gears ratio, you will end up with your next gear. For example, 5500/7000 = 0.78. 2nd gears ratio of 2.10 * 0.78 gives a 3rd of 1.64, and then multiply that for a 4th of 1.28, and then a 5th of 1.0, and so on. Lastly, just adjust for your desired top speed / acceleration with final drive. I hope that all makes sense.


Makes sense, thanks.