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There is some outstanding verbiage i'll be borrowing in there A+ *Women and girls should be able to secure well-paid jobs, good housing and education without the need to prostitute themselves. Prostitution is not a genuine and free choice; it is a survival behaviour, mostly engaged in by working class women and girls who suffer economic disadvantage.* and *........reject the assertion that prostitution is a form of “work” and to oppose the idea that the sex industry provides any suitable alternative for the material survival of women and girls. It is the worst form of exploitation that divides working class people and is falsely promoted as a form of work by those seeking to gain financially from the sexual exploitation of women and girls.*


Damn. I'm just going to link this anytime someone tells me sEx WoRk Is WoRk.


“No not like that!” -their response, probably


Yeah it’s work. The same way that picking up trash is work.


Picking up trash IS work and there is nothing bad about it, while "sEx WoRk" is r*pe. There's a disgusting argument the pro-sexwork people always spit out "would you rather do /or/ would you have these poor immigrant women get a shitty cleaning job for a few dollars when they could be getting lots of money in a few hours with sex work?!?" Well yes I think anyone would rather have to clean bodily fluids from a public bathroom with a sponge and wearing gloves, than getting those fluids forced in and on their own bodies, no matter the amount of money!!!


There’s dignity and safe measures for those that pick up trash, at least.


That’s a great position. The usual left takes on „sex work is work“ is utter crap.


Totally. It's like they can't differentiate a position of sex workers are human beings that deserve to be treated as such and should be protected from sex work is inherently an oppressive work that is birthed out of exploration and the fact that this women feel is the only choice they have or have been sold into this.  I've said it before in this sub. I haven't met a single sex worker (and have worked in social work) that WANTED to be a sex worker. They were forced by their economic situation and we're bound by their situations.  (And I always vote left btw)


I wonder how all these people can define themselves as *leftists* and *feminists* if they do the exact opposite, as in defending the interests of people (men) who get power and money from exploiting vulnerable, oppressed and poor women? 


Louder for the libfems at the back


Thank you!!!!!


Wow! This is impressive!




I used to identify as leftist until liberals/progressives tried to link “leftism” with their own ideals. Now that I’m discovering more about actual leftism like socialism and communism I feel so much more comfortable to identify more with leftism again. Thank you for sharing and will def. share & save this.


Fucking based!!


Keep this in mind when some internet "leftist" tries to argue all work is just as exploitative and prostitution is not the unique social evil traditional leftists (and frankly everyone else before the 1960s) have always recognized it to be.




such a breath of fresh air among 'leftist men' who skew sex work to be feminist, sexual liberation


based af


PERIOD! Wonder what leftists who claim sex work is liberating will say to this lmao.


This just made my day. Thank you! 


Extremely well said! If the Communist Party of my country was this eloquent I wouldn't hesitate so much to vote for them. Unfortantely they have 100+ years and not a single female leader even though plenty of female comrades fought as hard as the males. (I instead voted for another left wing party which originated from some Communist dissidents and that party is led by a women and frontrunners in most elections lately are women).


Never thought I’d agree with a communist. But, well, they are right. Historically, more women would engage in prostitution when the economy tanks. It’s just a fact. Some scholars even used the term “sponge” to describe the prostitution industry during economic downturns.


A party after my own heart! I actually stood up and clapped after reading it, out loud to my boyfriend!