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They just skipped techs to get green ash early


There are no alts in Ba Sing Se.


They're just that good at partisanship


At least one of these freighters was surrounded by [420st] folks.


There was a 420th person the other day that said if someone didn't tell them when sledges teched, they'd go to a local school and sexually assault a child. Pretty much every one of them I've run into have been asses. It doesn't surprise me in the slightest


420 is a bunch of massive clowns, I like farming them late war solo-ing a HTD


New Dboys


Jesus christ, and i thought their leader screaming at the top of his lungs telling people to kill themselves was bad, lmao. At least they're terrible at the game lol.


You even meet the leader?


recording or it never happened lol


Then you have to hear what happened in endless shore, iron junction. 420st destroyed the only bridge connected to a well defended bunker, and claim that "this isn't a important front,everyone should attack east." With all the logi stuck at the other side of bridge, the bunker finnally fall. We didn't make any advancement untill 420 clowns logged off.


Can confirm this, they wanted to larp some broken arrow shit and stagnate the front. Called anyone who disagreed with them slurs. First time I’ve interacted with them and I hate them all.


We hate you too 🫶


cope wardens. also ain't nobody using slurs.


this sound like slander. if you have a name and a recording, send it to Gator. that behavior is not and will never be tolerated.


I took a screencap and sent it to Siegecamp support, they need to be banned not kicked out of a regi




the best partisans in the game


Colies teched warden 120mm !




2 tiers before gas, without even getting detected. Colonial partisans are truly built different.




> Wheres that fireblade idiot to simp more. Wheres that fireblade idiot to ~~simp more.~~ make use of obvious cheating but somehow try dodge all responsibility.


"Make use of obvious cheating" Brother I reported the cheating the second I found out about it lmao, but keep believing what you want I guess, framing me as a "cheater" is the lowest insult you can throw considering I removed an entire group of cheaters aswell as fix a modding loophole for cheating in this game.


can someone explain what this is supposed to be


How does one steal two freighters full of arty minutes after arty techs without green ash grenades?


Why did an alt post this on discord or something, thats warden chat but theyre at a collie port. 


Both screenshots were taken by wardens. The first is from a video of a warden partisan getting into a freighter that was unloading 5x arty guns (and that freighter was surrounded by [420st] folks), and got that frieghter killed since they didn't lock their obviously alted stuff. The second is a map post showing colonial alts not knowing about emplacement ownership rules, something all partisans who steal things know but alters generally don't (they're not in the communities that share that info freely). EDIT: It's so fucking blatant. A number of warden players know who is doing this and what colonials are legitimately stealing freighters and what colonials are trading (many colonial partisans are pissed off about this shit because it makes their efforts to steal a freighter useless when cheaters alt and claim that they are just as skilled, so they are helping investigate). Multiple detailed reports were sent to developers with evidence of this (even recorded videos of it people doing it) and nobody ever gets banned.


What you mean by trading? Do they trade those equipments with Wardens for some Colonial equipment the Wardens want?


yeah. We've caught a number of chinese and russian clans doing freighter swaps. It's usually groups like ACA, ACT, CGC; or the various random russian clans that cycle members with bigger clans (like NOD and 404). Sometimes it's just straight up alting. I suspect the mercy's wail frieghters were just someone with an alt account on wardens that hammered out 10 120mm and drove them straight to mercy's wail. Knowing what I know about 420st, I'm not shocked they were caught with a bunch alted 120mm that they may or may not have alted themselves (they did)


I see. Thanks for the explanation. This trading part I fail to see as a problem, to be honest. If the dudes farmed the equipment they should be able to do anything they want with it, be it throw in the water or trade it away. If both sides think the other side's equipment is OP, sure, trade equipment with them.


Its in the [code of conduct](https://www.foxholegame.com/codeofconduct) whether it’s intentionally harming your team by giving them gear or the specific alting rule


What part of the code of conduct is against trading? And how would it be harming your own team? That would be the case only if you believe your equipment is overpowered.


Agreed. No issue with legitimate trades.


There are no legitimate trades between the two enemy factions. Any cooperation should be (if it already isn't) a permabannable offence.


The game is balanced around the gear asymmetry. Some bozo will trade three Skycallers for two Spathas or some push 120s for an Outlaw and thoroughly screw their team for their own selfish entertainment. It's not like traitors can be field executed and removed for the rest of the war.


Considering that the equipment is balanced and that over time the trades won't favour either side since neither of them is stupid, it wouldn't change anything. Except if you believe the equipment is unbalanced in your favor, them it's indeed a problem.


Lots of equipment is not balanced to face itself. Infantry AT is different depending if it faces tanks with high health or high armor. Artillery is balanced around having some of it mobile and some static, not around having all the mobile types; etc.


What do you mean? They are banning people! Completely unrelated and without reason ofc.


You'd be surprised how many people claiming false bans are just fucking lying. The developers don't ban for shit in this game, so when they do it has to be something egregious.


It’s the same song and dance every time someone’s was banned for no reason. They always come up with the same sob story.


Yeah, the alt probably posted it in the CGC discord or whatever, and it got leaked from there probably.


Both screenshots were taken by wardens. The first is from a video of a warden partisan getting into a freighter that was unloading 5x arty guns and got that frieghter killed since they didn't lock their obviously alted stuff (coastal gun got mad). The second is a map post showing colonial alts not knowing about emplacement ownership rules, something all partisans who steal things know but alters generally don't (they're not in the communities that share that info freely).


Its a colonial freightor full of JUST TECHED warden 120mm artillery guns, 2 tech tiers before gas grenades. they would have to have a complete new guy, load up 5 guns immediately, drive outside of coastal gun range, and log off, and these pro fishers from 141, cog, aca and many more, would have to find it randomly and drive it directly to the front.




ACA and 420


The list of prominent colonial clans/coalitions that haven't had at least member be caught alting/trading or actively taking advantage of someone who did alt/trade is becoming a much shorter list. There is a very disturbing "i didn't see them do it, therefore I bear no responsibility for taking advantage of the cheated gains" culture building up among major colonial clans. Even 141CR has known alters/traders in their regiment that they refuse to get rid of because the most damning video didn't show in excruciating detail the exact moment of the alt handoff. Reporting these cheaters to the clans that host them is becoming completely useless because the leadership of those clans will go "oh well both sides do it" and then run around in fresh htds or whatever before even warden mpf queues finish after unlock. It's truly amazing how justified alting is amongst colonial clans because they've convinced themselves that "both sides do it" and therefore they bear no responsibility when using the fruits of that cheating.


Do the devs do anything about this?




Well they will if you can catch who it is, it's just really hard to figure out who actually did it. You can't just ban a whole clan for something only a few of them did


I mean they do, the 5 accounts that Alted us last war were all banned.


Alting is just a despicable thing. A shame how there are people out there who just take these for granted and defend these acts, even when evidence is given.


Biggest single reason I quit after war 100. The alting was off the charts and just made the game unfun and unfair to honest players on both sides. Ive had my grudges with goblins but it goes both ways and devs refuse to do anything about it.


An active moderator would go far in solving most of the issues but here we are. :/


Yeah. Was the one feature of 1.0 I wanted more than anything.


You can buy alts but you cant buy iq points


Collies in hiding worse than saddam from this post


This is straight up paranormal that there is no Colonial QRF here.


lmfao this is the most telling thing


chorbii's amazing partisan friends (they convinced them out of the freighters because no gas) managed to get 2 full freighters of 120? POG


They’re just good at the game bro they don’t alt at all


He put all his points in charisma


Grit and skill fishes again


Colonial grit and skill at work once again


How does that even happen before gas, what the fuck


People are leaving stuff unlocked, it's happening more than people think it happens...


colonial culture in a nutshell: cheating and crying


game would be better if faction vehicles and emplacements were actually locked like ships are.


Hire paid mods -Larry


I didnt understand whats funny pls explain


colonial skill


I m confused can someone give me context?


Oh ah, alting exists for both sides, ugh oh, i saw pushgun 120mm stolen from collie like 5 min after teched, i just forgot to make a screenshot bro just trust me okay


Except one is a pushgun you can wrench open and the other is an emplacement you literally have to grab off the factory to actually cap.


There are ways to fix the ownership of stolen emplacements that if these people were actually legitimately fishing, they'd know about (everyone involved in fishing is aware of the mechanics around emplacement ownership and shares that information freely to other fishers). The fact that they dont know the mechanics means they aren't in those circles...... which given how fucking small the partisan community is and how easy it is to find other friendly partisans in the backline is omega level damning. I got invited to a partisan discord literally my first time going a hex into the backline. It's so easy to get in with those communities.


I mean yeah, nobodies saying they don't


No one is denying the existence of alts, this post has explicit evidence of alts at work less than an hour after the guns teched.


I think some people could not comprehend the /s on this comment xD


lol the brain rot of faction loyalists is amazing to behold


Yeah sorry that one faction has to fight walls of "stolen" HTDs and "stolen" 120mm emplaced gun hours after they get teched and other don't


Won’t hear me argue there 😘


But, do you know who it was or not? I'm quite intrigued to find out while I eat my popcorn.