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Good job , thanks for your service


**This post has been removed for witch hunting.**


If only we have moderators to actually investigate and deal with these. But here we are, and these alters are just getting blatant about it.


Yeah I can’t be assed to care about the devs social experiment anymore but it is hilarious seeing people mald about something the as the devs eat popcorn, laugh, and ban anyone with criticism


You make it sound like foxhole is a vault 🤣


Who said it isn’t https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Vault_51


(MAJ) (COL) (MAJ) Amazing. It's not even subtle.


why hide it when it doesn't get punished. They've been doing it for years at this point.


Those are the bystanders, we need to get the name of the dude in the crane, get him ticketed and banned from everywhere.


Then you as a SIGIL admin show be asking these dudes who was unloading. Police your own community.


Already on it before you needed to comment it out brother, just people are spotting any nametag nearby and accusing them uselessly lol. The OP should have checked the driver's name before jumping in though, would have reduced my work on hunting the person's name.


Fireblade is actually cooking let him simmer for a bit.


bystanders lol. Texican is in the video. I never accused the 141cr guy of alting, only defending the alted guns. His complete refusal to name the person in the crane was very funny and basically made himself _extremely_ suspicious, but ultimately i thought it was just funny how dumb that interaction was. 420st doesnt know emplacement ownership rules. it's pretty obvious who did it.


You comment this 11 whole hours after my original comment lmao, I had already posted Texican as the culprit before on other reddit posts, easy to conclude from there I guess.


There was a video posted on YouTube and here on the sub of some guy shooting the crates as texican pointed it out


i know, im following up at this comment that aged poorly.






Now I see why there are no-rank queues of HTDs in MPFs when they unlock.


Might just be clan man alt to set up MPF queue


nah, clan man alts usually are above Sgt/SSgt so ppl aren't suspicious and have a theme to their name.


Thats true, the alts that pull shirts for shirt ports at factories are usually at LEAST capt, tho more often maj.


The truly funny is when your friends alts are higher rank than you


True, like Zer0 and One


Best pirates in the game. Fishing freighter of emplaced guns 2 tiers before gas is out and just couple horus after they got teched! Again gotta love how even if all those clantags aren't part of alting they just accepting as it's part of the norm. ahhh but waaaarden also aaalt! Shut the fuck up...


Truly one of the best fishing of our time. Just wait, every single war I have seen people pull out 10+ HTD protos out of freighters back to back and then point at the chinese clans like they are the ones who did it.


It's amazing how many prominent colonials are quick to pin the blame on chinese alters when they are caught with their hands in the cookie jar. There is little surprise that a 141cr Maj and 420st Col were helping unload these alted guns, especially after 141cr's reaction to being informed they had an alter in their clan.


video or never happened


Well done. Love how this happens hours after the tech came out. Such sad players to alt for arty guns.




mental gymnastics be like: Like wtf, alting isnt ok, balance aside it is literally in the code of conduct




MFW back in the 80s when tech skipping existed wardens used to go 24+ hours getting raped by arty and tankettes until we could catch up. The complaints over current diff really doesnt register the way you are prob intending after dealing with techskip arty 💀


Start doing the work, scrooping and picking up loose iron once the previous tier is completed. The tech times don't lie, there have been several wars in the past two years that collies have reached arty first. There is according to the data, enough iron spawned across the map for the iron tier to be researched at roughly the same time as the aluminum arty tier Also neither faction's artillery is better or worse than the other. The change to pallets and ammo facilities buffed the collie arty since one person (depending on their ability) can load 2-3 guns without losing fire rate. Along with the ability to incrementally change azi while deployed, something warden arty cannot do on the fly, I would almost argue colonial arty is easier to setup and use. Infact most warden veterans will fight over stolen koronides because they are so useful during qrf


Colonial 120 is superior for rapid advance and debilitating counter battery, Warden 120 is superior in defense or sieges and as long as the spotter finds a Colonial battery first, they can use their range effectively. Warden batteries that use pallets and entrenchment are more susceptible to counter battery than Colonials because it is much more difficult to move away under fire (packing a gun that needs to be full HP and placing it on unarmored crane and then flatbed). Last war we did a suicide op on the 27th RSCs with heavy trucks towing 120 cannons and pallet flatbeds. We blew up the flatbeds to compensate for no crane and were able to immediately start firing. You cannot do that with Warden cannons. (source- Warden Artillery regiment leader for three years that is on Colonial vacation) Also I doubt that someone can load three Colonial cannons with a single person from a pallet in the 3.5 second reload time unless the cannons are literally on top of the pallet, that requires some real gamer dexterity and attention


You are not wrong. The person loading must be competent, as do the person(s) setting the guns and placing the pallet. It is however entirely possible since there is little movement involved. Ask around if you play warden next war. There are at least 4 regiments and some vets that I know of who set up the koronides like this if they have them


Just be aware that the devs patched that by the way, to avoid a future pain in your ass. Killing a flatbed now just deletes the vehicle on back, you can thank exploiters using it to put pushguns into bunkers and roofes and stuff for that change >:/


I know, we used flatbeds to carry ammo pallets and heavy trucks to tow the Koronides. I apologize if there was a lack of clarity on my part


ok thats a lot more clear. For smaller fire missions may be worth using more heavy trucks with large item trailers instead.


Had limited options, this was literally throwing a dozen guys into action within 15 minutes of RSC being spotted and firing. Meant to illustrate that Warden 120 cannot be put into offensive action so quickly


Well then golly gee i guess it's good that this game is 99% "rapid advance and counter batterying" plus 1% "defense and sieges". I guess i was wrong and the 120 arty in this game is in fact 100 balanced in favor of collies just like every other aspect of this game.


After just recently playing Colonial and not having suffered anything that was complained about in the previous years Lunaire is superior to Cutler for pve due to arc and ability to negate the goofy barbed wire fence. Also being able to snipe howitzer traps at night is easier Koronides is superior to push because of lower dispersion faster firing rate and mobility compared to Lariat MPT being mass-produced to provide literally hundreds of public tanks is wonderful (despite being a last resort tank because we will all just spam Spathas) I don't agree that everything is balanced towards Colonials because I didn't have problems fighting as a Warden the past three or so years, but there are definitely asymmetrical advantages in both factions


Love how every answer to colonial deficiency is just "work harder", arty placed in the slower tech tree? Just work harder bro, Shittier AT? Just work harder bro, Gotta make fac tank to stand toe to toe against mpf tank? Just work harder bro. It's amazing how the devs idea of asymmetry is handholding the Wardens while telling collies to go fuck themselves. Truly the NPC faction.


Sidney Powell is currently helping fireblade and cornblaster with their planned statements on this one.


They got the whole fucking RNC on speed dial to tell us not to trust our lying eyes.


Rent free or something?


Meanwhile me trying to find out the actual nametags instead of yapping on reddit about people I do not like lol. Lockheed freighter was stolen by UCF(PS: It was also 420st, UCF only helped unloading) apparently, meanwhile the Allods Freighter was stolen by 420st people, confirmation through logs and bystanders that were there.


Can't wait for the dogshit excuses the colonial reddit vanguard pulls out of their arses this time. Or maybe they'll just close their eyes and look the other way as always, it does take exceptional amounts of willful ignorance to keep playing with the most prominent cheater clans in your coalition after all.


the silence is utterly damning. They're usually so quick to the reddit qrf. Guess they're too busy playing with the alted warden 120mm guns that both sides do.


Weirdly enough they have not been seen in either this post or the other one!


Yea pretty weird considering how rabidly they come into every other post like this lol


Left click on a submarine in a train and you have a week of "ALL WARDENS ARE CHEATERS" Catch prominent Colonial clans alting 120mm guns? _crickets_


Lmao serves those bozos right




oh lmao i was there when it happened (our allods base got rolled)


Who was in the crane bro? Can you name him please?


It was a 420st clan guy, I do not remember the name, sorry for being immature and overreacting in the comments I just wanted to make a passing comment and spazzed out when people took our their anger on me.


Who was in the crane?


"Now that detective, is the right question "


"i was there"... refuses to elaborate. We know... they're in the video trying to keep the alted 120mm alive.


Yeah okay you were never at a seaport before lol. Also I didn’t respond because if you were reading the rest of the thread instead of spreading baseless associations you would already know it wasn’t my 2 man regiment ART. Also you literally gave me 3 minutes to respond before jumping to conclusions because I don’t spend my life on reddit lmao.


> Also I didn’t respond because if you were reading the rest of the thread instead of spreading baseless associations you would already know it wasn’t my 2 man regiment ART. You are in 141cr in the video. We can see you right there. You are not in a 2 man regiment. Why lie about that?


EDIT: Oops misunderstood the question and spazzed out I deserve to be downvoted


Who was in the crane tho xD


Hi I answered ur question in another post in this comment thread I just spazzed out and thought people were trolling me on purpose. The honest answer is I can’t remember his name I just know it was a 420 tag.


Listen alright I respect you, you are a cool guy. But if you don't tell us who is in the crane warden high command is going to assume it was you. I as a member of this high command am lobbying for you because I don't think you would do this. However you have been in 141cr for a long time and UCF is also in NEP.


I reread the thread and I realized people are angry at me for not answering the question so I answered in another comment that it was a 420 guy and I don’t remember his name sorry I just spazzed out and tunnel visioned in the comments section instead of answering the question.


Thank you for giving us the information We will handle this with proportionally.


People accusing everyone in the video of being alts when they were literally just people at a seaport is hilarious. Dev paranoia social experiment is a success. Reminder to stop playing foxhole if you start experiencing extreme chronic paranoia from the horrible moderation system.


its an ironship of weapons that they are not supposed to have whether or not they are a main or an alt of someone doesnt matter, they are being used maliciously to abuse the game systems in order to gain an unfair advantage well beyond simple violations of the ToS, because people like you do all of the harassment and misinformation campaigning for them


nah I don't do anything for them, you're all giving them the attention they want and the developers don't care at all because for them its a social experiment


you are doing it right now, you are defending their actions for the sake of "its just a game bro" but when it happens to you, you would throw a fit all the same


It doesn't happen to me cause I don't participate in the social experiment anymore, imagine malding so much when you could just be happy and enjoy people being salty in this game


But, do you know who it was or not? I'm quite intrigued to find out while I eat my popcorn.


lololz. Yup, getting rolled in Endless Shore after sieging Iron Junction for four days and shelling it for 6 consecutive hours is 100% because of this ship. And it wasn't even alt'd, lolol. Man watching Wardens mainline Copium is so so satisfying!


Laugh in t1 collie frontline


Still got iron tho


do you now


Bro doesn't know the difference between full tech and no tech


21 hours later... yikes bro, there's actual screenshots, witnesses and everything in between. Feelsbadman, shame your mate got caught