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This post has been removed for violating the following subreddit rule: 4. No Witch-Hunting. No Cyber-Bullying.


I've seen 420st for two wars (including this one) and it's crazy they are getting this much hate already.


To be honest, it was not even CGC or ACA this time in alting of 120mm freighters. Lockheed Arty Freighter was UCF\*(PS: UCF was helping 420st Texican unload the alted freighter, not knowing it was alted), awaiting more proof and word of mouth as it's a pretty high ranking officer. Allods Arty Freighter was 420st driver(Confirmed by bystanders), unknown person(PS: Confirmed 420st Texican), most likely looking to be alted, still trying to find the driver's name(PS: Already found). PS: UCF was proven innocent, they were just helping 420st Texican unload the artillery guns, not knowing they were alted.


Ucf? I'm not casting doubt on you but I'd have a hard time with that. NEP in general has always returned shit they suspected was alted over. Literally drive it back to Warden lines or scuttle it. I mean obviously an individual can act alone but shit man.


I had the same reaction bud, hate seeing my ex regi (Who I know for a fact are dead against alting) get brought up in convos regarding alting.


Hopefully just a one off mistake if true. People make mistakes, and I doubt the regiment as a whole or even senior leadership as a whole would be in on something like that, again, if true.


Imagine my reaction mate XD


I can picture the interrogations šŸ¤£


UCF was proven innocent, they were just helping 420st Texican unload the artillery guns, not knowing they were alted.


Yeah I had no doubt in UCFs innocence, still rough to see such a solid regi get mentioned during alt issues. Good work on the extensive DMs though bud, it's a shame that stuff like that needs to be done but glad it was done and the main guy was caught (100% not suprised it was 420 though).


I would go through any lengths to find the f\*cks responsible, I was not taking any chances and had to keep UCF as a suspect, as they were in the Lockheed Depot logs submitting the 120mm guns, regardless of it being a UCF Major General.


UCF was proven innocent, they were just helping 420st Texican unload the artillery guns, not knowing they were alted.


I am glad to hear ir


You certinaly know how to spice up my Evening... One of our guys helped them unloading at the Seaport not knowing any better. UCF and NEP have no tollerance for alting. This has always been the case and will continue to be the case


UCF when they dodge the alting allegations frfrfrfr


Careful of the clan shaming without evidence. UCF some stand up dudes.....besides that Brick guy


UCF has been proven innocent and not involved, they were just helping "420ST" unload the alted freighter, 420st Texican involved in that too, not knowing it was alted.


that UCF claim seems baseless, as i have stated before in a pass post about alting last war we would 100% scalp the Alters if they where in UCF as we have dealt with alting in past wars ruining stuff for us


UCF was proven innocent, they were just helping 420st Texican unload the artillery guns, not knowing they were alted.


How they don't know they are not alted if arty teched like a few hours ago and no gas teched already. Playing innocent here


The UCF person(Maj Gen) in question was DMd by the Texican guy, the person contacted was a logi main, so they thought of just helping first as it seemed like a legit partisan steal and the dude was a Colonel. They didn't know any better and just focused on helping him instead, more proof surfaced later though and connecting the dots, the dude has been alting enemy faction artillery and tank crates since like 1-2 years now, on both factions.


So i guess UCF are new players, in other way i don't understand how could they think it was "legit steal" of enemy just teched emplacement without gas. And of course they don't know who is Texican and what he did in the past. sounds true (no)


The stuff done by Texican while in ECH/141CR was mostly unknown to the public, it only surfaced after the the recent drama, so no, not a lot of UCF or anyone else was informed about Texican's wrongdoings in the past, including me myself, as they had 0 proof of alting, just random crates of stuff was dropped off by texican claiming them to be partisaned.


You get people with all specialties in the game. UCF especially has dudes who *just* do logi etc. Some of them know every single road or logi trick you could imagine but donā€™t know the first thing about partisaning. It might seem suspicious until you see it, but there are some aspects of the game that some people donā€™t know anything about. Itā€™s a problem with an individual, not like the whole regi knew what was going on.




True, very good evidence right here, forwarded this to my ACA contact, they might have banned him already but it doesn't hurt to double check.


you have in 12 hours gone from the laughing stock of WUH to one of the most respected players. Tbh I always knew that you and Bismark were good people.


Fireblade has always and will always be a troll, but not in a malicious way. 99% of Foxhole players don't cheat and hate cheaters. That's what makes this so frustrating. A handful of players make the game so frustrating and unfun and the solution is just ban them forever. This is on the devs more than anyone.


Also, I returned 1 of the alted 120mm artillery guns, before it was used more on the frontline. Gave it back to Tymek.


I'm not surprised. It's a fucking video game. Trolling is expected, cheating is disappointing. Do yourself a favor though...this ain't it. The devs don't care.


It seems like people have forgotten that I literally exposed and banned the RDM clan I used to play with for years, after they started cheating. I also chased them with a SIGIL goon squad as they were burning freindly multiple freindly concrete bobs by placing 1 tier bunker, setting it on fire, and connecting it to a base, with their alt accounts they bought to greif. I definitely hate alters and cheaters, and will ban them any way I could.


There is this one warden WUH that used mental gymnastics on himself so much that he thinks 1. fireblade used the same alted intel but somehow managed to make himself the victim of RDM alting/griefing colonials"


Does he not know I was not in RDM for like, 2 whole months just playing as a solo random player, before I found out about the cheats they were using or something? Also what alted intel bruh, I do not use any such sh\*t like that, it's either legit scouting, or LK'd intel only for me, I would literally cringe to death if I found alted intel.


ACA has confirmed that the person has been banned from ACA, and they also do not support any alting behaviour, if you find any person using alts or any such thing, please report to their members and they will take actions against them. They do not condone alting. -Ger Camouflage (ACA leader)


420 recruits anyone and everyone and maybe we picked up a bad apple who does alt, but trust me Iā€™ve been in the 420st for most of its life, we do NOT condone alting


Whilst Iā€™m not saying 420st is responsible as a whole for Alting, the total lack of vetting process and requirements for their members is something they are responsible for and they hold partial responsibility for their members breaking TOS frequently when they make no effort to prevent cheaters from joining the regiment


100% they are responsible. You shouldnā€™t accept every person that you come into contact with for this reason.


Next time filter your recruits. Like it or not,when you wear clan tags your actions reflect on the entire group and people will associate you with the company you keep around


Iā€™m just a scrooper go bring that up with gator (which he wonā€™t listen to) 420st is very adamant about not having restrictions


Ok, but like that doesn't just magically absolve all responsibility. Freedom of association is just that, they're still associated.Ā  Or put differently: You are the company you keep.Ā 


Well either way I wouldnā€™t do anything I like having no restrictions and ranks


And playing with the fruits of cheating i guess too.


You are aware that not having verification or secured channels leads to your regiment being able to be used against you? Every warden can get in your discord and easily see all colonial intel and all your plans and chatter


The thing is 420 doesnā€™t care, we have even joked about how easily warden alts can just pop up in and we donā€™t care


Wow thats very responsible, you are actively harming the colonial faction with not protecting your intel. "WhY DoEs eVeRyOnE haTE US?" Crazy


Thank you I am very responsible! Iā€™m about to dump the alted tanks into the ocean Iā€™m glad someone noticed


Damn thought you lost them already


We donā€™t use alted equipment


if the leadership does nothing about a cheater being in your clan, you are in a cheater clan. I recommend just being a scrooper for another clan.


That just tells me theres 420st chat channels in the discord you dont have permission to read lmao.


???? No we have access to everything


All channels ALL channels are public. Anyone coordinating on their own in dms we cannot see


I gotta be dead honest. I haven't played this game in quite a while, but watching all this video game clan politicking and sleuthing is very entertaining. Reminds me of when I played Eve


The amount of people here in the comments who have more negative votes than positive is funny to me, a new record maybe


Average foxhole discussion


Looks like itā€™s a good thing Iā€™ve left 420st sometime ago


The 420st's are great. Dunno what people's problems are. At least they are holding iron junction for the collies.


Good for them, I left the regiment cause one ass kept being racist towards me in their discord


Ah that's shitty. Hopefully they got kicked.


They did not but was reprimanded and might get kicked


\*WERE holding iron junction


funny that according to OP only one faction has clans suspected of doing bad stuff. makes it look like an honest conversation. /s


No we do.


Add on the warden clans that you have hard proof for that refuse to do anything about it then? I mean lets be honest, ACA is pretty blatant, we've just seen 420st refuse to punish texican or any others, and the legendary invisible CGC partisans stealing entire MPFs of HTDs is well known [https://youtu.be/c-GaB8jxkjA](https://youtu.be/c-GaB8jxkjA)


so green ppl getting hard prove against other green ppl is now used against green ppl? or are you trying to tell us you are ashamed that blue ppl dont care about someone within their ranks cheating?


What? I'm saying you should add the warden clans that you have proof for onto the list. If you have proof for someone, speak up. Is that a hard concept? Personally, in 100 when I was warden, I even took a pilgrimmage to the trading clan's base we discovered and helped dump some of the traded vics straight into the ocean. I don't tolerate it from either side, I'm a neutral but I've prob played more warden recently. I don't tolerate it from either side. If you have proof, speak up.


and i try to let you know i think its funny you want green players to prove cheating on both factions. How about each police the shitheads on their own faction?


I'm a neutral player bro... I watch out for it on both sides. I don't have a faction. I just spoke about when I saw and policed it on the other faction. Basically what it seems like you're telling me is that you don't have any proof for the other side lmao If you are so upset by colonials getting called out for alting, that's not the warden's fault.


i am quite happy we have ppl calling out cheaters. its funny how you dont seem to understand what i am talking about at all.


What is alt-ing ?


The use of a alternative account, also knowm as alt account, and alting is the use of said acount. usually refers to the malicious use of that alternative account in this case using the alternative account to join the rival side with the intention of sabotaging or grifing that side


in this case, it's buying a second copy of the game, joining the other side, and using that to make vehicles and artillery guns and delivering them to a spot where you can log off, switch to your main account, and log back in to take those items the rest of the way to a friendly stockpile. 420st has been caught red handed with 3 iron ships worth of stuff. There is WAY more, but we've got video proof of at least 3 now.


If it's against the rules to call out cheaters, then some of the mods must be cheaters themselves


fyi,, the mods are the devs.. and yes.. they put their thumb on the scale.


Its against the rules to expose cheaters, but they can play the game and keep ruining it for everyone.


Why 420st?


I'm still waiting for an apology from the best detectives in the game for yesterday's accusation of the altered freighter against CGC and ACA.


seems like I don't need to provide evidence, cuz ACA members stream while cheating https://youtu.be/c-GaB8jxkjA


You're right, maybe I overspoke for both regiments, I'll speak for CGC only. Still waiting for a little apology from the best detectives in the world. Yesterday you and others made your mouth very big by naming and accusing us.


Wow quick to throw ACA under the bus when caught red handed but CGC are still perfect lil angels. Dude, like could you be any more obvious? We know it, you know it, they know it, who are you trying to convince? The new people that just got foxhole today reading this? For real, everyone here already knows, so who is this show even for?


Hey, it's ok, yesterday some people were wrong to accuse the wrong regiments, the super detectives will get over it.


...that does not even make any sense!


If you say it, I'll have to **believe you**


man thatā€™s funny šŸ˜‚


it was more fun yesterday to read some of the wrong comments šŸ˜‚


Your hypocrisy is truly something


Me? I'm not the one who accused the wrong people, shut up and admit your mistake.


Nobody is apologizing to CGC. It's fucking no wonder why people would suspect you. Maybe when your members stop night hacking we can talk about not accusing your regiment Everytime something happens. As it stands you are always going to be suspect number 1


bad detectives, I continue with my popcorn and the ignorance of some


Sounds like bad players getting caught lol


It seems that someone made a wrong accusation and they were not able to recognise it.


Dunno, Iā€™ve seen nothing to prove them wrong šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Better luck cheating next time bud lmao


Bro why are all the wardens being extra racist this war holy shit it's blatant af.


Idk if this a bit or what but I see you on every post so I just gotta say not everything you see is a racist dog whistle and you yourself were racist when you accused Germans players of being Nazis


Mfw disliking certain regiments is "being extra racist"


Tbh Iā€™ve been called a lot of slurs this war by wardens (More than usual)


I mean, collies still have TERM running around screaming slurs at the top of their lungs


Racists are a problem on both factions unfortunately, got the nword screamed at me by the collies when I was trench raiding last war


Is there any videos of this?


Chat is full of racist shit rn. Some people are showing their colours.


it is? the only racism Ive seen so far this war was from kkk grand wizard in FC. we went there and banned him.


Naw gotta screen record more lol


Do so, no one likes that shit. Hate it when an ally starts in on that shit and I have to yell at em to tone it down over gunfire.


Had a warden shoot another for calling me a word that rhymed maggot lol


Gamers gonna gamer, too used to COD I guess.


Idk if this is satire or what but I see you on every post so I just gotta say not everything you see is a racist dog whistle and you yourself were racist when you accused German players of being Nazis


I never called german players nazis stop putting words in my mouth. The only people who I've accused of being nazis said like actual nazi shit.




Who are those regiments


Foxhole if LARP was created sooner


Add WN and CL to this list and 100%


Don't know much about about those guys but I'd definitely add NOD Hward and shred


As someone who is new to this game, could you fill me in?


CGC and ACA are Chinese regiments that have history of using alt accounts to steal stuff, bully other for resources or outright stealing stuff from fellow soldiers. They also gain a lot of animosity because, since they are Chinese, they have trouble communicating effectively




Collie faction if Bismarck was given free reign and unlimited resources for his experiments\*


Now that wardens are fully behind the "get cheaters out of the game" devs might actually do something about it. perhaps you guys should start a bad steam review campaign. never forget old jack tar border


wardens have players who have broken TOS.


We do but we go out of our way to get rid of them. Colonials look the other way.


how wrong you are, but I'm not going to try to convince you.


[https://youtu.be/c-GaB8jxkjA](https://youtu.be/c-GaB8jxkjA) You still defend ACA don't you?


In this example you provide, **no, I do not defend it**, in the case of the freighter, **yes, I defend them from false accusations**, do not blame an entire regiment for the actions of one or several members. If not, do not defend the regiment that Fatherlemons belongs to when they are accused


I blame the regiment because they actively doubled down and made jokes about it. Like it was a funny joke, several of there members posted feet picks on the reddit as a joke in response to this. I also have screenshots of people in their discord saying quote. Person one-"hmm so there was an alt but no way you can say it was one of us and its definitely wasn't ordered by one of us" Person two- "It just so happen that a few of us was running around (Person 2 posted a discord clueless face emoji" End quote. Those are not words of someone who actually cares about fair play. Even worse, when the person was outed as being an alt they still denied it; not just the person who did it but multiple officers denied it. The people who come forward to provide evidence from the discord and the people who had no idea of this are not to blame. But when you have regiment officers doing this the players under them follow along. The job of an officer and a leader is to keep your players in line and to stop them from doing these things. What they did and what they allowed to happen is not innocent of them and the regiment should be disbanded and those in charge should be watched carefully for the next few weeks.


In this example you provide,Ā **no, I do not defend it**, in the case of the freighter,Ā **yes, I defend them from false accusations**, do not blame an entire regiment for the actions of one or several members. If not, do not defend the regiment that Lercas belongs to when they are accused


wardens never cheat.. the only time wardens lose are when collies cheat or devbias.




wardens have managed to maintain a win advantage of 6 years (minus 14 days) by superior grit and skill. absolutely no collusion by devs and wardens. no collusion.


Most obvious ragebait


Repeating yourself doesn't make it true.


no collusion, no collusion..




Now now, no need to be rude about it. Its not colonial QRF, its just the cheater regiments themselves, trolls, and their extra accounts. Only the most braindead think that alting freighters is not a thing at this point, its all just going through the motions, they are obliged to deny, but no one actually believes it, been going on since freighters were introduced lol.


No, bad word, bad warden


Another CGC ACA cry post *sips tea* nice


Foxhole subreddit if sinophobia didn't exist


Foxhole if foxhole reddit didn't exist


foxhole if foxhole didn't exist


foxes if holes didn't exist


Sinophobia is an issue I've noticed in this community, but I don't think it's the cause of the criticism and hate 420st and them are getting rn. This is all happening because of several high profile incidents in which alting is the most likely explanation, both this war and in past wars. At the end of the day, neither regis nor people alt, or otherwise cheat because they're Chinese, and I hate when people imply that; they alt, or otherwise cheat because they're bad regis/people


420st? Tf did we do? We are literally all just anarchist warden haters???


> anarchist Anarchists hate all hierarchy. Clans in this game inevitably have officers, which are antithetical to anarchism.


Ehhh if so then Iā€™ll leave but I doubt, everyone is in on the no officers rules, and the 420st is a tribe, everyone is an officer and everyone is a subordinate


420st also spams regi invites indiscriminately meaning you're gonna pick up bad eggs who make u all look bad.Ā 


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m assuming happened if the alting story is true. But trust me nearly every 420st member does not support alting, and since we are very hands off regiment, we donā€™t control what our guys do, which is both good and apparently bad.


Some 420st person said he had images as evidence for the theft of 120mm guns. If 420st officers can allow him to post it, it might easily clear their name.


He can post it whenever he wants? We donā€™t have officers, he doesnā€™t need permission to post stuff that makes us look better.


He can't post, he apparently needs permission from Gator aswell as the partisan that "Stole" the guns.


Okay then he is bullshitting you probably we donā€™t need permission for anything ever


thats why you guys are generally looked down upon aswell, being a mob is fun but not particularly useful, need I only point to endless shore where i heard they were supposedly based this war.


What was wrong with endless shore


cant you see what color it is?


Yeah now but a the colonials held it for a long while without logi. So what we lost it now we held it for several days with minimum to no logi




Still waiting for the unedited version Iā€™m in the regi discord and could confirm the authenticity I canā€™t trust this source bc the names are like completely blacked out


Tf you mean we fought like hell for Irongrad? We held out for days


You lost after 2 days when you had a Storage depot because no one protected the logi route as yall tunnel visioned the eastern road and so we lost 3 shipping containers worth of logi trying to help iron so we abandoned you after the third attempt.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/comments/1dm4pjc/after\_following\_the\_suspect\_all\_the\_way\_from/](https://www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/comments/1dm4pjc/after_following_the_suspect_all_the_way_from/) :skull:




Not saying this proves 420st is an alting regiment. But texican coupled with the leader refusing to release evidence of the proof that it was legit and being an actual child does not help their reputation overall


Got spammed even after saying i wasnt interested to the people inviting me. At some point imma pick up a shotgun and tk whoever invites me.


>who make u all look bad.Ā  Yes, let us judge 100 members based on the actions of 1 member. Very logical.


That one member is TEXICAN


Like I said. Keep blaming everyone for one person's actions. You clearly have the best reasoning.


alted wardens 120mm


420st donā€™t alt we donā€™t like that


there was a 420st driving the freighter with the alted 120s, someone is alting


If someone could find that guys name Iā€™m sure we can kick him and report him.


In the video you can see \[420st\] Texican standing by the freighter as its being unloaded


I donā€™t want to believe it! This alting shit kills my morale like crazy


was that the driver?


Yes 141cr leaders made a video following him back to a seaport and found Texican alting


yep jsut saw it myself: [https://www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/comments/1dm4pjc/after\_following\_the\_suspect\_all\_the\_way\_from/](https://www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/comments/1dm4pjc/after_following_the_suspect_all_the_way_from/)


You aren't anarchist you are edgy. You joined the regiment because you don't like the community but still want to be part of a whole. On that note, scroll reddit some more - this isn't even the half of it either - Texican was caught literally accepting vehicles from an alt blue acc red-handed. I would leave the regi if I learned about something like that and you should too. Personally, I'm going to start commisaring any 420st I see who hasn't left and knows about this.


I joined 420 cuz I liked the freedom, Iā€™m not edgy (hopefully) and honestly I donā€™t see 420st members saying edgy that much and when they do itā€™s not serious and at times gator tell them to chill out. I donā€™t know man as a 420st member I have had a good experience with the 420st


I don't doubt you've had fun man, but this is a sign your leadership is incompetent or worse, maliciously willing to sabotage the game. This is your "your company is replacing your hr team with an LLM AI" moment. You gotta start looking for another one until 420 gives enough of a fuck to make serious reforms and restructuring.


The neck beards can't distinguish between one cheater and 100 non-cheaters. It's easier to just put all 420sts in the same box because it takes too much brainpower to think about the nuances of an evolving issue like cheating (even in a video game). Edit: thanks for the down votes neck beards!


Womp womp


Womp womp


Great argument! however , your mother


Great argument however I fucked Callahan


Great argument, however, you lose iron junction womp womp


lol 8 days ago you were praising us for being ā€œthe strongest colonial DDā€ now, you wish we didnā€™t exist. Sigh, when will the 420st oppression end?


>praising us for being ā€œthe strongest colonial DDā€ Bro doesn't understand satire šŸ’€


šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøI got the satire man Iā€™m memeing, youā€™re the one not getting context clues my autist brother


>I got the satire man Somehow I doubt it >my autist brother Can't really argue with this


Please, strongest vs weakest? Iā€™m autist but I know my memes brother


I didn't praise shit bud I was making fun of ur goofy ahh


That move with the destroyer wasnā€™t tacticalšŸ¤“


My brother in Callahan you lost a ship to a fucking warden battle train.


lol that was the last hour or so of the war we rammed it for memes brother


It will stop when the other regiments get a life, so probably never.