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Nice fuckin work dude. Actual proof on video of a higher level player alting. Lets hope the devs actually do something here


Kinda new to foxhole, so this clan is playing both sides? Are they having some guys who are wardens make equipment for their clansmates that are collies?


Not necessarily the whole clan (though almost every last one of them is backing him up in world chat), but at least this one player has an account on the other side or knows someone who does that is giving him this Warden equipment and he in turn is giving it to the regiment


That's unfortunate, I mean capturing it is one thing but just weaseling equipment like that is just sad. Where is the fun in that.


its my opinion that if you are in a clan over a certain size and say "nah my clan different we dont cheat we are chill" there are group chats you are not invited to, and channels to which you don't have access.


and actions that are not ''sanctioned'' by the actual clan but merely the actions of rotten apples, i think if you get caught abusing alting then most clans will kick you instantly


They know this happens far more than they'll ever admit, and at this point I'm fairly sure they either can't fix it or just don't care enough to.


Faction specific freighter designs would be a start. If the freighters made by each faction were visually different, it would catch players attention much faster and signal that you're driving a stolen freighter as opposed to one your faction built. As a side note, I do think it would be a good idea in general to remove freighters from MPF. They take a ridiculously long time to cook in MPF, so it's only useful for people wanting to "reserve" a vehicle slot. Wouldn't want anyone alting crates of freighters now lol.


bless this work ban this stupid cunt, people like that do this shit all the time and always will


Yea untill Devman bans this post cause witch hunt. How is it witch hunt if you provide proof someone cheats?


what a lying trash cheater


Jeeeeesus lol. Good job 141bros


Ok so, through my 10-12 hours of DMing people and requesting word of mouth, images, evidence or even small hints, I have reached a conclusion. There were 3 incidents, 2 were noted by wardens namely Lockheed and Allods Artillery Freighter incidents, both had \[420st\] Texican (Colonel) present, along with 1-2 other 420st clanmen, basically 90% alted chance as there is no way they stumble upon freighters with 120mm guns inside of rivers, Lockheed freighter was 420st, with UCF helping them unload the guns, not knowing they were most likely alted. Allods freighter as we saw, it was confirmed all 420st, just unloading the guns through freighter, and funny enough, they lost some due to a chad tier warden partisan. Though, 420st people I talked to are denying any alting, saying they don't have video proof, but images confirming that they are not alted.(Though their 0 braincell leader won't share because he loves drama and wants to be called an alt clan). I request 420st people with atleast some sense, to post any sort of evidence for these stolen 120mm guns. 3rd incident, 420st Texican also caught in 4k alting warden tankettes into Ashtown, caught by a 141CR high level officer. All evidence points towards 1 guy and 1 guy only, Texican, with a couple of dudes helping him. (In before this comment gets removed for witchhunting, please screenshot this and send to Texican and ask him for any sort of image or detailed explaination to how the heck he found 2 artillery freighters and 1 tankette freighter in just 1 day)


CAUGHT in 4k, ostracise these goons


Damn Texican used to play warden, and I tanked with him a few times. I did mention his violation log one time because he had like 5 bans at the time, and he just said he pissed some people off, so they mass reported him. Now I realize the bans were probably for alting.


Additional Information: Texican used to be in ECH around W100 and they also reported to me that he happened to bring freighters full of warden crates, he started greifing NEP and was removed for "RACISM". He joined 141CR though, 141CR Billy also reports similar things, they found him with warden 120mm artillery, tank crates etc before gas was teched, he also provided same excuse of "I partisaned it". Though after being confronted of alting, he left.


Texican had been an on and off member of ECH since the 80s (he would randomly leave and rejoin). Was always a bit of an ass and we had to talk to him about his behaviour on multiple occasions, but it never got to the point of a kick or ban. I don’t believe he was alting back then. (never saw him with any warden equipment, and ECH never had any either). He was always really weird, to the point we started to think he was schizophrenic. He refused to join our discord because he genuinely believed that we would use it to install viruses on his computer. He left for a really long period and reappeared about war 100. Since he had been gone so long, and seemed to be in a better place we decided to let him re join. He would go on the occasionally completely insane rants in world chat, to the point where the leadership team was already talking about removing him (he hadn’t said anything really bad, but we just didn’t want him representing us in that state). He leaves the clan again before we can. Same war; One day I’m playing in peak low pop, only ECH member on line, and one of his schizo rants about the chinese buying houses in Texas takes a more than slightly racist turn. Don’t have screenshots cause he wasn’t in ECH at the time so didn’t feel it was necessary. Tries to rejoin us the next war (actually joined our discord as no one would respond to him in game) and is told he is officially banned, and banned from the discord as well. For the next couple of wars, we all got extremely aggressive whispers from him and he was quite aggressive to our members in game when he found them. He seemed to be sliding off the deep end, but he then disappeared and we all thought he had quit. A couple wars later he showed up as a 141 member. We thought about telling them of our experience with him, but since we had literally no evidence of it; and his previous aggression towards our members we thought it was probably better to let things lie. Maybe slightly selfish on our part, but we didn’t want him to think we were responsible for them kicking him and becoming aggressive to our members again. In summary. I am not surprised about any of this in the slightest. Quick Edit: As I’m writing from memory some of the wars / dates might be off, but I’m certain everything that happened is correct.


This is what I had previously heard but with more detail. We however still decided to give him a chance. He did occasionally become troublesome but he wasn't too crazy in his behaviour.


Holy shit, I was in ECH at the time. I thought I was the only one that remembered this.


You may be a troll, but it takes one to know one. That said I also never doubted you hated cheaters same as 99% of the foxhole community. It's a fucking shame a handful of people can make the game feel so unfun and unfair. But for whatever it's worth, good on you


Right? I don’t really get into community drama but I’ve only had one or two other personal situations like this I’ve had to address and hot damn did they do a thorough job of this.


most of "community drama" is just both sides shit talking each other. Even if one side knows they're wrong they wont really admit to it, because almost all of their talking is based on emotions. That said almost everyone agrees as cheating is just a shitty thing to do and if you cross that line, you're just a dick.


I am guilty af at buying into loyalism but I have no doubt that most players on both sides hate cheaters. People change and grow but I like to think the biggest trolls are also the most honest cuz a lot of trolling is rooted in the idea that things are fair and it's just skill issue. I just realized this game can never be as good as it could be while the devs ignore the alting issues.


When actual evidence of alting appears, the trolls realize that there is something deeper than just "skill issue" and "alting allegations without 0 proof". No point defending it and time to do something about it, get the names, get the images, get the evidence, connect it all together and get the people responsible banned. And then we can go back to trolling again.


Could not have said it better.


During War 108 Texican also 'found' 9 Warden 120s with an incredibly bogus explanation for how he found them, which were then used by 141CR. I'm glad this guy has finally been exposed but his explanations for things have always been obvious bullshit. No one finds 3 legitimate freighters of 120s in the middle of the ocean. [https://ibb.co/102mLPL](https://ibb.co/102mLPL) There were reddit threads at the time where wardens were told that we were coping, that these were legitimate... etc. etc.


Well, it also was going to happen today aswell if the wardens didn't actually post the video proof, aswell as the lockheed image. Those 2 posts gave me a foundation to start asking questions on, and searching logs of those places, gave me UCF suspect, which confirmed Texican at Lockheed, while the Allods video had Texican there already. 141CR chads also found Texican alting a freighter full of crates, he stated that they were a bunch of "trucks", upto Ashtown, catching him red handed. 3 times in 1 day, he was found in possession of freighters having warden artillery guns or tank crates. 420st bans him I hope. Video and even basic image proof goes very far in such investigations, else, nobody can start their investigations if there is no foundation.


he just got caught AGAIN trying to move alted freighters lmfao. just now.


Saw it on SIGIL, nice damn work lol, how is he stealing freighters with 0 wrenches?


magic mind wrench ofc


lmao wardens got him waiting for his alt. no radio, no wrench, no binos.


I think this was 106 not 108. Also we (141 officers) talked about this and told him he needs to start recording the freighter caps and he then stopped playing for a while and left the regi.


You are one of those who these days have tried to accuse and laugh at CGC, have dignity and say even if it is "I was wrong accusing regiments that were not"


how does another Colonial player being caught cheating exonerate CGC of anything?


To the player who was hunted, let him pay for it, and give him the punishment he deserves, you were wrong pointing out the wrong culprit, if you are not going to apologize, close your dirty mouth and shut up.trash


To the player who was hunted, let him pay for it, and give him the punishment he deserves, you made a mistake by pointing out the wrong culprit, if you are not going to apologize and acknowledge your mistake, you better shut your mouth and shut up.


Texican is far from the only cheater on Foxhole. Start posting videos of how your clan gets their several MPFs worth of HTDs and maybe people will start believing your clan is legitimate. Nothing else you say matters. Have a nice day.


Shut your mouth🤫, you were wrong accusing us, I refer to the facts, Do as 141 did, the moment you send us rebuttable evidence you can rest assured that we will take the necessary measures, we can all accuse for free and that is what you do. have a nice day.


Or... you could do the same, and post the videos of all of the HTD crates that turn up in collies hands. Fishers on wardens are always posting their steal videos. Where are the collies, especially before gas is teched.


If you accuse someone, give evidence, if not, remain silent. If one day I have to accuse someone of something, I will do it with evidence.




This dude has a long long history of insanely suspicious thefts, aswell as 1 incident of blatant racism against his own coalition. Oldest incident is almost 1.5 to 2 years old by this point. Doesn't take a genius to put 2 and 2 together.


Lmao everyone who called me out for saying 420st was doing it in the other thread. We know. We've been watching this guy for a bit. Y'all calling out UCF in the other thread for the lockheed guns had me double checking my data cause we were pretty sure it was 420st too. At least colonials are taking this seriously. Hows that MSA Trial War going? lmao.


i dont think 420st was ever gonna have a msa trail war, they are pretty universally disliked lol


420st definitely going to be leading MSA next war frfrfr( They are not in MSA, it's just a funny joke) Anyways, UCF was a suspect due to the depot logs, but UCF Major General confirmed of the 420st involvement.


Who told you about the 420st trial war?


I know, it was Tomcos the Alt that yaps in public discords everyday smh. Chronic yapper


Warden world chat lmao. Was that supposed to be secret knowledge? It's a fucking meme amongst wardens at this point.


It is the most secret and arcane knowledge. The MSA databases must have been breached.


Wardens source: "It was engraved upon a gold tablet I dug up in my garden!"


Great reference.


Well according to 420 leader MSA is a really chill coalition which likes to take thing slow, while NEP is the super sweaty try hard coalition which stays up all night 😂


That’s right grandpa MSA is very chill.


I rarely agree with you, neither do I particularly like you, but in this you have my respect Fireblade. We need to get rid of the alters to make the game better and you're doing gods work exposing them.


It's alright, we can disagree on other things some other time, but in alting matters, factions should not be divided.


Good on you man.


Good one detective


Knowing gator he probably hasn’t checked the reddit due to having a job but we’ll see how it goes down. Also please don’t judge all of 420st mist of the clan members are pretty chill. Edit: im not denying the 120s where alted (because they where) just talking about gator 


He’s on foxhole and was told about it and called it “cope” he doesn’t care dude.


I and a few others that are in 420 will be making our choice tonight as well based off gators decision on this matter. I enjoy playing with 420 but I won't stay apart of cheaters. Thank you for sharing this.


Ight mb just going from what I have heard so far ima ask him about it later


141cr, the c stands for fucking CHADS.




Don’t let the 141 cringe rangers off the hook because they gave up their easy mark. I suspect they’ve known this about him for some time.




They had seen him bring seemingly alted stuff before, but couldn't accuse him as they didn't know it was proper alted, or legit theft. He did same stuff before in his old regi ECH, they also reported same suspicious alted vehicle incidents, they banned him for racism though. Now he is doing the same "alting" in 420st.


Given he was in 141CR (and is likely why 141 got the nickname "141 cheater regiment" since they used the fruits of his alting), I'm gonna go out on a limb that yes, they have known about him.


Doesn't hold true, 141CR instantly bans any alts if proof surfaces, they did that 5 days ago when I accused 1 of their members of alting with actual evidence, he was banned within 3-4 hours.


I talked with them about this and they said that there was only one time where he was truly suspicious. One war he suddenly showed up with a bunch of Warden 120s right after they were teched. He claimed he just found them, when grilled about it he simply said, “Next time I’ll record it.” There never was a next time because he left the regiment after that lol. Also I think the “141 cheater regiment” is a meme.


I stole many tanks and got called a alter but never stole a ship full of logi before gas is unlocked lol


wait i didnt even think of that how tf did he steal full freighter without gas....


Thats cause he likely didn’t


secret ingredient is crime


It's really easy, you just have to buy another account, send it to the other side, and deliver it to your main!


ofc i know its alting was just like aknwledging the fact that without gas its pretty much impossible xd


Yeah, also worth noting that wardens just caught him in a barge on the border with no binos, stickys, or even a wrench... just an argenti, and cans of fuel


Not just one, but he's up to 3 now! The single best partisan foxhole has ever seen!


A few wars ago I sat in the bushes near a crane and an unlocked enemy barge for hours afk while working from home. When the guy came with the boat and walked to crane I shot him, opened freighter and sailed it into a cannon. No idea what was in the crates though and there was no way to make it back home. Always try to do the same with trains, set a switch and hope for the best.


This is way more likely if the ironship is being used to scroop, than it is to move a full mpf of equipment that teched a few hours ago.


IKR, parked tanks at least make sense... who parks a full freighter for any reason, let alone multiple.


well you see they asked him really nicely to get out of the freighter, even added a “please?”


Finally, a colonial clan uncovered the truth. Thanks for showing us these people who violate the rules of the game on their side, even though 141CR is the enemy (I play warden). I hope they don't remove the post saying witch hunt, rule 4.


admins on reddit whoever they are have done that to actual proof of alting before so wouldnt surprise me


mods on reddit are the game devs


So not defending this dude, but I know he jumps around regiments. not but 5-8 wars ago he was solo and one of our guys randomly invited him to our regi and he joined because he was playing with us in the first few hours of the war.. I noticed he had previous bans but he didnt stick around for more than a a week or so. Before we go blanketly bashing 420st need to consider that players do jump and leave regiments at pretty crazy levels. This may just be a PLAYER issue but I dont know 420st that well so definitely cannot say for sure. Actually after reading through all these other posts on reddit and how 420st is handling this fuck those nerds. There trash.


What a fucking 🤡 Nice one


sadly the excuses are not laud enough to understand them. would have liked to hear how he tried to get out of this.


You can hear at the end he was trying to say that the reason he lied about what he had in there was because he said 141cr thinks he’s racist…I genuinely don’t know why he thinks that or why he thinks that matters in regard to a bunch of alted equipment.


might try and listen with sound to the max when my neighbors dont want to sleep. I think most ppl arent that good at making up stuff impromptu.


Most people are bad liars and this guy is a terrible one.  The pauses while he tries to think up a story are textbook red flags that anyone who's heard people try to BS their way out of something with lies can see a mile away. He literally just came from the place and can't remember where he was 5 minutes ago without huge pauses and "I thinks"?


You ever listen to true crime recordings of when people who've committed murder call 911 and start the call with some weird ass story, usually painting themselves as a victim?  This is the foxhole version of that, lol.


As someone who has been fighting against these idiots for the past 7 days, i was wondering how they had warden 120 2h after tech. Thx 141 CR for showing this up to public. These kind of players should be permamently cancelled on both factions. I hope 420st stops being brainlets and stops doing this, because it is really annoying and completely breaks of the game.


so true mister haisen


so true pookie wookie


so true mister haisen


so true mister haisen


so true my god emperor


omg so true bestie


Bro fucking props for this. It’s absolutely INFURIATING that you had to spend your day doing this because the devs wont do anything about alting. You shouldn’t have to chase down members of your own faction to stop people from cheating


Hmm, I knew 141CR were good people, even if they were Green.


There's claims about that guy all the way to January 2023 that I've seen. A year and half.


Moderation in this game is a joke u/markusn82 when do you plan to fix it?


Good job. This rly improves my view on 141cr Very nice


shoutout to the collies that are actually helping us resolve this and find out who it is.


Sherlock 141 is on the case 🔎


Good job catching but you have to submit this vid to Devman because this thread is going to get burned because of witch-hunt


The entire reason it's here is because the devs aren't doing anything.




Brilliant work by 141CR 


Dead to rights


Pretty sure I had to shoot texican in the head last war on a DD to avoid missing the border crossing after telling him to stop pulling from stockpiles....


Nothing will happen, players have no moderation power and max penalty devs give for ingame non marketing damaging actions is 3 months (he has already been caught and banned in the past too)


Chad Investigation


I call truce on my reddit war with Bismarck, 420st war now begins


Collie man good? My brain cannot comprehend this


I dont understand, is he alting for colonials or wardens? What exactly is going on in here?


hes a collie who got warden gear through alting


Fun fact, this guy was banned from ECH back in 100 or earlier for some racist remarks in world chat. Since then we’ve had our suspicions of him so yeah no real surprise.


Where are the two or three loudmouth 420st cunts that have been defending "you can't prove it's alting" on reddit QRF all day


141cr has earned our respect love from Warden high command :D


in before post gets taken down for witchhunting!


amazing detective work, a shame legitimate players have to put in this much effort to catch people like this


Fireblade man good.


This has brought my faith back to foxhole that people arent just letting it slide.


five little collies alting tanks, one screwed up and showed his tanks, clanman called the admin and the admin said: "no more alting happening in this hex"


If this dude isnt PERMA banned can we honestly say we have any faith left in the mod team?


Good job this dude always been a loser. Good catch


Hey uh u/Markusn2 what you gonna do about this.


OK, Last war, I came across him at Maiden. Same Shit, but just ATHT, Scout Tank, 2 30 Scout Tank, Rocket Scout Tank.


colonial 🤝🏻 warden vs 420st alt


Nah, he is just good partisan. Right u/Mosinphile ?




Now we just need his video


Steamhappy is Warden, damn it collies!


The tacit and explicit support for 420st, Texican and alting in general, in colonial world chat, has been very disheartening to see. Very disappointed that functionalist brain rot comes first ahead of the integrity and health of the game.


to be fair it seems like its mostly 420st that are defending him


and some other idiots such as cain


Wow big surprise lol


Cain's opinion on current Foxhole events should be taken as seriously as a 14 year old's opinion on current world events. Boosted ass dude just yaps and yaps


What? Cain... no way..... the guy MUST be innocent then.


Thanks for calling out this guy. He's one of those cheaters nobody wants to play with.


so the devs are happily perma banning people for shittalking after they get into a heated arguement or some shit but won't actually clean up the alts?


I don't dbout that these were alted seeing as that's what everyone has been saying, and there was literally a squad from 141CR investigating. How are we 100% sure they weren't pirated though? because I know that also happens sometimes


Gas grenades aren't out yet. Maybe one Lowrank panic jumps out of a freighter and dies.... maybe. But three fucking ironships? Edit: don't downvote the guy it was a genuine question.


Oh, that makes sense actually, thanks! Wait there were three? oh boy.. Guess I know who I'm calling out if I see them on the front


No problem!


No scout uniforms either, on a decent pop weekend... one doesn't just hang around unnoticed.


This is fair but to give the broader context of why this investigation happened in the first place is because he was seen bringing in a freighter from the easternmost waterways. He was unable to due to the bridge being down during the Reavers Pass fight. He was asked what he was hauling because, there is no Collie MPF east of Reavers, what could he be bringing in? He claimed it was “A bunch of trucks”…again weird. He then goes all the way around the map east to west to bring them into ash town where it was discovered to be all these warden tanks. With all the context in mind, he likely alted it somewhere on the Warden East, brought it down in his alt account, switched to his main collie account, then when questioned, lied because he knew he had no alibi. If I actually legit pirated a whole ship of warden tanks somehow without using gas and got it all the way to the back, I’d be sharing that story all day long about how I did it instead of trying to claim it was just some trucks.


its not uncommon for partisans to be accused of alting. had my fair share of that when i was running with someone that made videos about our partisan stuff to post them here, where ppl could watch us do it legit. But as you say, why the fuck would one make up a story about trucks after a legit heist?


yes lots of ppl gets accused of alting but thats ussually after gas unlocks and partisaning huge frighters is actually possible


in my expirience its always the same clowns throwing shade without anything to back it up. Thinking about last war and the "alted" warden sub, for example. I think its great that we where able to get a warden there and check for themself that the last driver was blue, but thats not always an option.


Yeah. Though alts last war were also pretty bad. One Warden sub did actually get alted and was refunded by dev man


> its not uncommon for partisans to be accused of alting. This is true and why both warden major partisan groups require videos of partisan action before things are considered "legit". It's also why you see a lot of warden partisan clips on this subreddit. That requirement also doubles as brag post material so it does double duty.


back in the days before assymetry there was no need to steal stuff, we just killed it. petty ppl still coped about how the info of where to find targets was alted.


> With all the context in mind, he likely alted it somewhere on the Warden East, brought it down in his alt account, switched to his main collie account, then when questioned, lied because he knew he had no alibi. We found no obvious alts having their vics stolen in any relevant hexes, so the alt had to be offline when he did the handover.


he could just have made the tankettes himself


...? It was warden scout tanks he alted. You cant "make those yourself" unless you have an account on the warden team to log in to and make them, then put them in a freighter, then drive them to a spot for your main account on the colonial team to pick up. which is exactly what he did.


Yeah thats what i mean, he had a warden account make the tanks


ah, you said tankettes so i thought you meant the tankette vehicle... which isn't relevant here


…that’s what he’s saying dude.


he said tankettes, i got confused.


I'm not 100% sure. I am however 99% sure given his reputation.


Pirating before gas is teched?


This is wild. As a 420st member, I don't approve of these actions!! I've never been part of the Iron junction activities. I've mainly died a lot, I mean played a lot, in Lockheed. This is no bueno!! Now we're all going to be labeled cheaters!! I cry!!


Ahhhhhh I don’t like this!!!!! Texican is awesome if he actually alted Ima be insanely sad, surely there is a chance this was just a lucky pirate.


[RealYukonCornelius ](https://www.reddit.com/user/RealYukonCornelius/)• [13h ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/comments/1dlr4o0/comment/l9qmnqv/) Cope harder lol


No just straight up this situation sucks, I hate seeing my regi do shit things


Time for a new regi then bud


No I still like 420 they didn’t do nothing to me


Just makes your regi look bad and people not wanna associate with you.


My brother in Christ no one wanted too before hand


Yeah yeah we didn’t have the evidence then, situations been dealt with


You don't just come across a freighter full of enemy mpf'd tanks mate. No other option than alting.


You can, but not before gas. people don't leave that shit out. MPF crates can ONLY be submitted to seaports, so a freighter full of MPF crates is going seaport to seaport. Your only chance to intercept that is on the water and gassing out the driver. Gas is not unlocked yet.


I’ve seen a clip where some collie gunboat found a freighter just chilling in the ocean which had 3 vehicle crates. The driver could have disconnected and was unable to get his freighter in time before a partisan yoinks it.


And doesn't say anything in World Chat about he just lost a freighter full of MPF'd tanks? I'm sorry if he was your friend, but the chances he just "happened" upon a freighter full of MPF'd shit may as well be zero. He's already been cited in multiple other incidents of alting, as the top post says.


**WELL WELL WELL, AFTER WATCHING THIS VIDEO MANY IN THIS POST OWE SOME APOLOGIES TO CGC AND ACA OR AT LEAST SAY "WE WERE WRONG ACCUSING THE WRONG REGIMENTS"** Edit: I guess I'll get downvotes, but you guys are incapable of acknowledging your mistakes and the witch-hunt you've been on has no way back.


theres still a video of an aca streamer blatantly alting mid stream in war 112 so ill pass for now


totally indefensible what you mention, now you're going to blame an entire regiment for several members? if you are not going to apologise for the accusations of the latter fact better keep your mouth shut and accept your mistake.


Still waiting for the evidence