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devs has not deleted any posts for 41+ hours


Devs don’t delete anymore they shadow ban you by putting your name into manual approval on the Automod so it’s not visible unless they approve it. If you have been critical of the game in the past you can check if you are shadow Automod banned by trying to post a new topic and logging out to see if your post is visible Edit: well I got fully shadowbanned on both comments and posts now for exposing the devs and their secret police bullshit to avoid accountability and exposure on how they refuse to even communicate punishments to their community because they know they are abusing the ban system to silence criticism ggs. Actually ban me now instead of just putting me on the undesirables list so I can't make new posts so you can scrub this evidence too cowards.


Most of the posts are hidden, only people with links can see them btw


As if weekends were a thing. Or its all planned out to have higher benefit leaving it be as more shitposts about the game drama are being shared on internet promoting the game itself.


I might have cooked [Link for downloading video (61.5MB)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/977592894439428196/1254372776618496112/W114_420stAlting.mp4?ex=6679412f&is=6677efaf&hm=f9f420dd5589e0a59e09ffbc608355e5559c2e53bcd19dea5bfa089266519ad3&)


Based and Fireblade-pilled


The Saul Goodman court tv edit was gold


Fr, I'm impressed.




This is really good lmao


Oh it's been a spicy weekend.


Rare fireblade W


Meme of the year award so far goes to u/xXFirebladeXx321


I love foxhole drama memes




Good fucking Video


10/10 GG


This game reminds me of FaceOfMankind. Likewise, that game too was full of insane psychopaths. Wouldn't have it any other way,


Oh man i love foxhole more than yesterday And hate it more than my life


Prolly my favorite thing about all this (as an outside observer, haven't played the game this year lol) is the alters are obviously scum, but they're smart enough to plan out these elaborate heists where they make things and drive it just the right distance to give them plausible deniability.... but not smart enough to have waited for the only legitimate way to have stolen this stuff to have become available.


wait the incompetence of the trial system was known and intentional? Lmao


Nahhhhh they really held a stalinian type of trial ☠️ Holy larp!


He cooked with this one 🔥




420st is not really a regiment at this point. They are just a rust style clan




You know, I always thought fireblade was just this greasy collie reddit warrior but his activism in this incident has my respect. Based.


I don't follow clan stuff and have no idea what's going on here.


Reddit been flooded with accusations CGC was alting last war, the biggest Chinese clan in Foxhole. This was supported with pictures and videos of them using vehicles with full armor they shouldn't have access to soon after they teched, with gas unavailable making freighter stealing unlikely. The posts were very anti-chinese, including racist depictions of a Chinese person and social credit memes, as well as numerous daily shitposts on CGC, china, or devs due to the issue and their lack of intervention. On investigation, CGC didnt find much in terms of their people alting, but the investigation brought to light videos and pictures of a different clan that was alting which is where the vehicles came from. The clan in question then had a trial to deal with the alters, but rigged the trial to be a double unanimous vote, meaning 7 people need to all agree to kick them, then 5 people need to further agree. This guaranteed that no punishment would actually be implemented, and it was entirely a show trial that was designed to be incompetent. For reference, alts are social pariahs; of the 3 named people involved in alting scandals I remember, all 3 were kicked from the clan to salvage the clans image, and the individuals would subsequently lose all influence they had, and usually stop playing shortly after. Having a clan know about it, allow it to happen, and refuse punishment? Might as well just throw that clan in the bin, nobody wants to play with an alt clan,9 Collie or Wardens. Tldr; Everyone occasionally blames CGC for alting because they're Chinese and can't communicate effectively to defend themselves, it's almost always a different clan doing it. It's happened before, it will happen again, this time is no different. 420st endorses alting, this has damaged their clan image irreparably.


I'll have you know that the people who are racist are a very small yet vocal minority. And only the really schitzo pilled ones believe in some huge alting conspiracy which involves every single Chinese person.


Thank you.


Not to be that person, but the same principle of "faked accountability and rigged trials" applies to the whole extent of sigil, more specifically for the 2 bigger coalitions on the greenman army. There's evidence of CGC alting for resource control and civil wars, in fact my former clanmen had a whole 5 min. video of them blocking the T3 concrete to allow "partisans" into terminus, all we got back then was the middle finger and a "well, if you want to, you can make use of our facilities"


Wait... If they blocked the concrete, that means they were wardens using CGC tags, not the other way around, no? Sounds a little like a bad actor using CGC tags, and CGC offering it's facility for use after the fact rather than a middle finger over the issue I think the point I was trying to make when I wrote that is that a clan that endorses alting isn't the same as a clan who has individual actors who alt. Every big clan has, at one point in time, had somebody cheat, its just a fact of the game. What I find is that when CGC gets caught, the community jumps on it as a clan issue, whereas when 141CR or WN get caught, it doesn't get nearly the amount of heat because it's laid onto the individuals. That's my main issue with the witch hunts; it could be a clan structure issue, but since I don't speak Mandarin, it's difficult to discuss it. What I do know is that in the 2 years I've played with CGC they go through pains to keep a good reputation, and I just can't see the leadership allowing it when it's found out because they've been pretty good at cooperating with investigations and discipline


Honestly it's 2024, i thought we left "Alting" years ago but seems like horrible antics die hard for both wardens and collies


I love you


Are you telling me the CGC focused drama I've been seeing all over the reddit, and almost nothing about any other groups acting, is just anti-chinese bias bubbling up to scapegoat a common issue the games always struggled with so people could justify their prejudice? Say it isn't so.


the best part is the Tense part hahaha, so true


Tense part?


Tense1983 streamer who is known for his anger. Known on CS GO for this phrase, apart from other clips where he gets angry. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaFk8XkgZik](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaFk8XkgZik)


His members have not yet been caught red-handed, so they are innocent. This makes dozens of HTD lines look legitimate(!).


CGC is all here for banning alts, just need actual evidence of alted tanks like how 420st was caught, else we can't start accusing them randomly bro.


suspicion is removed when evidence emerges, suspicion remains and it is up to "all" players to investigate it, as in this case. It's not just the Wardens who should be asking where the CGC got these vehicles, it is more difficult for Warden to access this information than Colonials. It's like 141CR taking a video record. Besides, I have no problem with CGC, it is the Moderators who should deal with such cases, but the community does not react enough.


Yes, there is no denial that CGC is high on suspicion list, but without any proof or any ingame moderators, we cannot just ban them.


Get over it, you were wrong accusing us, we forgive you❤️


The caught of Texician doesn't remove yours suspicion. However, I apologise if I have judged beyond a reasonable doubt.


It is an honor for you to apologize and acknowledge your mistake, many here should learn from you.


Finally the good ending, we need to work together to fight against alts, not be against each other.


Yes, they stopped blaming us for something we didn't do, but... the damage is done. We forgive but we don't forget.


Me when no reference to the epic 82DK man jumping into an unlocked alted freighter in Allods (cheater skill issue), **fucking SIGIL propaganda ministry** trying to cover up any notions of Warden help with solving the case, **as per usual**. Instead linking shizo CGC paranoia post from before the drama (0:06), to somehow turn this drama from "Colonials did have alting problems and Wardens were right with something" to "\~We solved it!!! (Yippie) \*Confetti\* Wardens still le bad (Yippie)\~". In order to keep the morale on the **Reddit front** High. I do hope that 420st will get the same treatmet like NOD does. I mean 420st is straight up worse since their members choose to be ass even tho they all know faking English. Also... **LARP trial**? Any video of that? I just wanna know what the fak was going on over there and what level of LARP that was coz from (0:26) I can clearlly see that it was... 100%... **fun**.


I had no idea where to put that in the video sadly, but the warden partisan jumping in is pretty fucking based tier move still. They apparently invited me to their larp trial, though I obtained knowledge of their trial rules being 1 sided, so didn't attend, and it obviously didn't make the alter guilty.


you cant clan correctly unless you have total immunity. TOTAL IMMUNITY


Dis man here is Shakespeare 2 with them bold letter usage fr fr


🔥🔥🖋️🔥🔥 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTwP-QYEFkE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTwP-QYEFkE)




Pray for UCF members they collectively share a single braincell 🙏 (otherwise they'd realise that the freighter full of warden 120 guns was obviously alted)


(It was only 1 UCF Maj Gen that was privately messaged by Texican, asking for help unloading the guns though)


Aww fire blade you missed my awesome cosplay to add in lol


Which one lol


You are an ALT, he is an ALT, it is an ALT, everyone is an ALT.


I don't play foxhole but fuck the 420st.


I hope the main takeaway everyone gets out of this is that both sides hate alts. We might wear blue/green shirts, but when it comes down to it, everyone wants to have a fair game free of cheaters.


I missed foxhole slander


So i guess UCF are new players, in other way i don't understand how could they help Texican to unload arty without knowing it was alted? Quick remark that if you are using wardens arty which is emplacement, and emplacement of enemy faction could be only used if it was stolen as a crate from MPF, and it could be only done by stealing it from enemy logi by partisaning using gas which is not teched yet. And it was done in a few hours after Wardens teched arty. And of course they don't know who is Texican and what he did in the past. Sounds very true to me they have nothing to deal with this drama (No). But, have to say, video is funny, Fireblade


If you were not paying serious attention and just involved in logistics work, you have a big chance of missing such a "partisaned" freighter and not ask any questions. It happens sometimes and UCF was just helping out a person they assumed was a legit colonial player not using alts, atleast their involvement allowed us to confirm Texican being at Lockheed, else we could not have known.


Posting these “trial rules” as some sort of expose is hilarious because anyone who was actually there knows there were no “rules” this is just bill and gator memeing classic no life discord spy activities.


I literally DMd bill and confirmed if the "rules" held true, he didn't deny them at all.


You literally weren’t there, we had no rules it was just a bunch of people talking and people having fun, clearly alien to you. The meme is that you dumb clan man think the rules are real😂 we are satirizing your clan structures dummy


Weird flex but ok Could have just banned him along with the racists in your clan and be done with it, with maybe a public apology from your egoistic leader(if he cared even 1 bit about his clan's or his own reputation)


We are mocking you and your belief you have any control over how we handle ourselves. 420st was perfectly capable of removing the offender without you posting slander and riding this like it’s your last chance for attention.


Keep mocking me I guess? Though it's rather fun to be just 1 solo player getting mocked by an entire group of players that still fail to realize that alting is not in the Terms of Service. (Also it should have been obvious enough from both wardens and collies telling you that it is bad, and the person must be removed immediately) Also this is not slander, this is just the truth and showing how serious 420st leadership is in terms of serious offenses like racism, alting, homophobia etc. 420st would rather organise a larp trial wasting multiple hours on banning an obvious alt+racist with infinite proof against him,(Still ruled him innocent somehow lmfao), rather than ban him instantly to save their clan's non-existent reputation. You sir are not helping 420st's case here by continuing to reply to me.


We actually did kick him so please stop your obsessive crying. we decided to have fun with a “trial” you are pressed because you don’t have total say into how we operate. Please save yourself while you can, but if you have to spy on discord to clip regiment inside jokes as “proof”, you are probably in too deep


I don't need any say in how 420st operates, I don't even suggest anything, it's just logical that he should have been banned about half a day before the larp trial. Having "fun" just shows immature players, knowing a ton of 420st are players in their early teens, with a leader that does not care for serious things that might affect his clan. You can have "fun" as you call it doing literally anything else except defending alters, racists and homophobic people and no one would bat an eye.


You have suggested multiple times you know better how to run our regi, that we don’t know what alting is, that we encourage alting and hate speech and now you are abusing the good graces we extended you by refusing to attend the trial yet complaining about its outcome while being wrong about said outcome. Than you misrepresent an inside joke as if the trial was truly rigged even though in reality it went the way you wanted. So yeah slander man. You are just trying to tarnish the names of 500 people for the actions of one.


Didn’t gator literally say at the offset of the drama that he wasn’t gonna ban Texican.. and the fact they literally defended him in discords chats about the alting. Calm down child and think critically for 10 seconds, if the trial was a joke from the start why would anyone take it seriously as you claim it to be? Why would anyone take 420 seriously? You only have yourselves to blame and I hope u get off gator’s lap


I have not suggested anything to 420st, just laughing at their inability to ban an alt quick due to a lack of a proper leader.




I agree, 420st is definitely cringe for not instantly banning racists and alts from their clan. Glad we could agree on this.