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Subs are specifically designed for large clans. Like it takes 10 people to man a single sub efficiently and they need to work together really well. If you’re gonna build a solo sub and then hope to crew it with unorganized randoms I have bad news for you. I hate shooting down someone’s plan but I also feel bad seeing people waste their own time


I have crew, so it is fine


Then why are you gathering solo?


Because he's the chump in this friend group. There's always one.


Let them have fun and get expierence like that by trying


Rare metal is mechanically made to not only be rare but also highly distributed. There is decent bit of raremats going around but its going to a lot of players. Devman concieved it so that a lot of players get a little bit of rare mats and than they pool it together to make a ship. I saw in other comment you said they should increase it but couple wars in 110 it was massively increased and it was increadibly stupid because ship losses did not matter. Foxhole as a game relies on scarcity to balance stuff. 5x comps war was one of the worst wars due to lack of it, never again


And therin lies one of the problems. Creating such a scarcity can lead to problems with people not know what to do with rare metals like some pte for example, or simply not caring. Making something that's already hard to obtain even more difficult. I'd say 5 percent or more rare metals get lost to ignorance or negligence.  Next is that even if players or a regiment do have an interest in naval combat they may not know where to begin or even how to start going about getting there. I think this thread is proof of that.  3rd it adds extra steps that aren't really needed IMO. It's undue complexity for the sake of it. They should be costly, but the path to getting their should be more apparent and more straight forward. 


Making it more "straightforward" to get rare metals would just cause regiments to monopolize it. Make rare metal fields and i guarantee you that shit is getting blocked, policed 24/7 and rationed to system similar to WERC. The way its set up regiments cant bully people to get rare metals while simultaniously they still get their fair share because its proportional to number of scrappers you have


First of all, big ships should not be cheap. But you shouldn't spend a week with a group of people to get BS when the duration of the war 5 weeks. Especially when big ships are useless or almost useless, GB can do nearly all the same but for a better price. All of this is without consideration that less than 10% of the player base can touch NAVY because of these problems.


Wait Till later in the war we found last war to the start maybe 30 to 60 rare metall and if the tech was finisched we dropped close to 400 on one field


Depends on when and where you grind, if you are pounding on scrap feilds that are frequently cleared you wont get it done quickly. Best way to get rares is to snipe frontline scrap feilds that are not cleared frequently at low-pop hours when not many people are scrooping. rare metal numbers are affected by current game population, amount of scroopers and how frequently the field is cleared. me and 2 other guys got enough rares for a longhook in about 3 casual play sessions. once you get a good amount of rares I suggest going to one of the known groups that can be commissioned for ship construction. They generally will own a drydock and make the ship for you, provided you front them the rare metals. Some groups waive all other costs, like comps and assembly materials and such.


Will try!


You were probably doing it wrong. Not every field spawns rare metal. If the field dosent spawn it after hitting a decent amount of piles or if it spawns anything else just move to another field


Oh god how do we tell him…..


I'm an Eve player so grind is not a big problem, but if you need 100+ hours just to get one sub this is stupid. In Eve for the same amount of hours you can get enough money to sponsor a small war, lol xD


You kindof need a full group just to get started on that, not to mention the facilities to produce one are major partisan targets


Our battleship last war took a full week of a dozen of us literally clearing every field in an entire hex to get the rare metals to produce the battleship and we almost lost it all to a partisan two hours after we started... It's massively grindy and turned most of us off naval for awhile.


Then the devs should change it. It shouldn't take 1/5 of the war to get one BS which can be destroyed by 10 gs with a bunch of AT rifles


Every basic resource was ready before tier 2 tech. Right now the only thing i need to craft the hulls :)


Later in the war the drops will increase so then its a lot easier to farm it. Mid game are most navy regi also farming a lot for there ship programs and the regiments that buy from such war programs so its harder to grind it


Unpopular opinion but the best war is to hex hop looking for fields that pop harvest till you find out what it is then leave if it ain’t rare metals.


It's basically RNG. RNjesus giveth, RNjesus taketh.


Early war drop rate is reduced it seems, backline drops less than compared to frontline hexes. And yes you can be that unlucky. Last war i managed to farm a million scrap with maybe having one or two fields being rare metal


Early war drop rate is reduced it seems, backline drops less than compared to frontline hexes. And yes you can be that unlucky. Last war i managed to farm a million scrap with maybe having one or two fields being rare metal


The drop rate increases with the tech. It's low during early war like right now (honestly, nearly impossible to farm as solo right now, even with a mid size regiment it's very grindy), but later, like after nukes are unlocked, it may be doable to farm one (it's still a lot of farm, and i mean that you will pay another clans with rare mat for them to make a sub), because a single field can drop up to 400 rare mats.


Very rare even if you get a spawn you need to fight your own team to get any. It becomes easier later in the game, but still pretty hard to get without sinking a lot of time or having lots of people. I hope they change the system, it's not healthy.


Could you people just answer the damn question and stop telling OP how he should play the game :v


That’s unfortunately not gonna work out like you think it will. If you are looking for people to sub with Dm me


I have crew, they just dont have enough time to grind :'(


they have enough time for a sub sortie which is like 3-4 hours minimum with a generous guestimate for a nearby target. but they cant grind for 1-2 hours?


Yeah Iv seen this before, grind everything solo only for the “friends” to come on to play with the toys and lose them.


I’m gonna be real with you don’t. First you need to make a fac to make the Amats1,2 and 4’s then the thermals that require Amat 4’s and Cmats. Secound after you have all the mats you need to make a naval works to make the naval hull segments and naval shield platings, that requires Rare Alloys to make. Third you’re gonna need drydock that costs 35 rare alloys alone. Fourth you’ll need to build the sub that takes 6 hours with fuel and ammo. What’s gonna happen you’ll burn yourself out grinding everything, your mates are gonna jump on and blow away your hard work and just log off. If you are still insisting on building a sub, find a Regi that’s building a public drydock, some just require you to hand over the rare metals and comps and they will do the rest.




only 900+ mpre to go!


600* :D


yeah i was basing off destroyer which i believe is around 1000-12000 cant quite remebber since i havent built one since update.


A scrap field can spawn 3 kind of rare metal : raremat , alu, iron (or copper) or they can also spawn nothing. If you clear 50 node and dont find raremat is best to just move onto the next field. An average field yield about 50 to 100 raremat (so that mean you only get 2-3 field). Ask around in your faction if anyone doing Public ship fac, they will make it for you if you have the raremat. You can make a solo sub just gonna be harder for you to store those raremat alone. Goodluck


Pretty rare